Cicada Moving

Chapter 189: Finished at home

Chapter 189 Family matters are over

“Zuo Zhong, remember to bring some shrimp paste. I heard that the chairman must eat it every meal. You can bring some and send it over. It’s not weird if you give it to so many people. I’ll put it in a box for you.”

Mei Huizhen was helping Zuo Zhong pack his luggage, when a housewife said such ridiculous words, making Zuo Zhong and Zuo Shanwen dumbfounded.

What kind of person is the Chairman? You can see it when you see him. If he says he wants to eat shrimp paste, people will line up from Jinling City to Ningbo.

However, neither father nor son dared to say this, and Mei Huizhen cried as she spoke. Zuo Zhong also felt bad. He had been busy with official duties since he came back, and rarely had time to talk to his mother. And now it’s time to go back to Jinling.

Zuo Shanwen waved to him and asked him to go out first. It seemed that he was going to take action on his own. The depressed Zuo Zhong nodded slightly and stepped out of the house.

Walking to the eaves, Zuo Zhong saw Gui Youguang standing outside. His eyes lit up when he saw him coming out. It seemed that he had arrived a long time ago. He didn't know what was going on, so he motioned for him to come over.

Gui Youguang walked to Zuo Zhong and whispered: "Liu Juan has been killed. They were chased by the people of Mount Putuo. They had no guns in their hands and had to run to the mountain. In the end, they could not escape and were chased by the villagers. They were tied up. After Master Shenku was rescued, someone let them go. Our people took the opportunity to tie up Liu Juan and dealt with it very cleanly. "

After speaking, Zuo Zhong took out a photo from his pocket and took a quick look. He saw that the round hole in Liu Juan's forehead was quite regular. She must have been shot to death. She was completely dead.

Betrayed the peasant association and lurked in the progressive organization, he deserved to die. Zuo Zhong took the photo and put it in his pocket. This is evidence of claiming credit.

After putting it away, he continued to ask: "Where is Director Zhou Wenshan? Didn't you do anything to him?"

You Guangle is back: "No, the others were all knocked out, stripped naked, and thrown into the mountains. They were naked all over Mount Putuo that day and stole clothes. Don't worry."

Zuo Chong laughed and scolded: "You are the only one who can do such a thing. Okay, you go and call Wu Chunyang over. I have something to ask him."

 “Okay.” Gui Youguang turned around and walked away. This time, his contribution was not small.

Zuo Zhong stood on the steps and reviewed the mission. Overall, it went smoothly. General Sekter arrived on the road safely. He successfully found a scapegoat for the murder of Kim In-jiu. He robbed the Korean intelligence network and cracked the underground pharmaceutical industry. The factory, instigated the rebellion of a chamber of commerce president, a Japanese viscount, and of course, Ben.

On the day of Benzhi's death, all the people in Putuo Mountain rushed to see him off. None of the eminent monks from Ningbo and Zhoushan were left behind. Only Master Hongwu seemed to have noticed something, but this was the best result. The spy was killed and Benzhi ascended to heaven. .

Only the completed windmill still stands on the top of Foding Mountain, turning slowly, facing the sea, and the flowers are blooming in spring.

However, the affairs between the Caogang and various Japanese chambers of commerce have not yet come to an end. One is closely related, and the other is related to diplomacy. We can only deal with it slowly and cannot act rashly. However, these people have already entered the surveillance scope of the regional station teams of the Secret Service.

Once a rat is locked in a cage, it can no longer make much waves. What is left is long-term surveillance and reconnaissance and the improvement of basic intelligence data. It is appropriate to leave these to local spies.

Zuo Zhong had no interest in following a bunch of half-baked spies to eat ashes. He had better go back to his place to recuperate for a while. His subordinates had not been sleeping rough and sleeping in the past few months, but they still needed to rest.

 “Section Chief, are you looking for me?” Wu Chunyang rushed over immediately after receiving the news from Gui Youguang.

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong pointed to the stone bench in the yard: "Let's go and sit there together."

The two sat down, and Zuo Zhong asked: "Takikawa Bunta and Hayashi Fuichiro are quite honest. Do they have the same caliber?"

Wu Chunyang nodded: "These two people are very honest, and they have remembered everything they should memorize. During this period, Takikawa Bunta returned to the Chamber of Commerce. Our people followed and monitored him, and we did not find that he had any abnormal contact with the outside world. Temporarily controllable.

As for Hayashi Fuichiro, this boy did have some relapses at the beginning. Fortunately, Takikawa Bunta helped us by saying a few words and let him accompany us in our work. However, I can’t guarantee whether this will happen again. I suggest adding more Great control. "

Wu Chunyang also had a headache. The Japanese Viscount could not be beaten or scolded, so he could only use threats and interests. It was not a long-term solution for him to cooperate temporarily.

Zuo Zhong's expression changed after hearing this, and he patted the stone table: "MD, if you give me something shameless, come here and I'll tell you what to do."

He whispered something to Wu Chunyang. Wu Chunyang's expression changed again and again, and finally he looked at Zuo Zhong, meaning to ask if he really wanted to do this?

Zuo Zhong nodded fiercely: "You must always beat the mole who is not willing. In the future, when you develop your own intelligence network, you must remember this. I don't want to give you money."

Wu Chunyang immediately stood at attention: "Yes, section chief, Chunyang has remembered it and will arrange a photographer immediately."

Zuo Zhong was satisfied and smiled: "That's right. You can't be soft-hearted when dealing with enemies, and you can't be soft-hearted when dealing with repeated offline attacks. You are saving him by being cruel to him now, do you understand?"

Wu Chunyang took the order and left. Now Gu Qi and Song Minghao are resting in the backyard. Gui Youguang is staring at the investigation room of the party headquarters. He Yijun is teaching Zuo Jun and Zuo Duo self-defense. Ling Sanping is tinkering with the forensic textbook for the new year. There seems to be another Personally?

Zuo Zhong thought for a long time and slapped his thigh: "Oops, Gui Youguang, go to Guanyin Temple and pick up the copper lock. We forgot about that kid."

That night, Zuo Zhong saw the little bald Tongsuo, with a fragrant scar on his head. It seemed that this guy was doing well in the temple, and he had the Qingxin Ring scar. Gold shines everywhere. Tongsuo was completely speechless. He was still waiting for news in the Guanyin Temple. He even took advantage of the death of Ben Zhi to search various temples frantically, even the nunnery. Who knew that the case would have been solved long ago!

Zuo Zhong is rarely seen with a smiling face. This is their work mistake. The main reason is that this kid is a lone ranger. It would have been okay if Shen Dongxin was here before, but as soon as Shen Dongxin came home, everyone forgot about it.

He patted Tongsuo on the shoulder: "Don't be angry, young man. You can take the initiative to carry out intelligence reconnaissance operations when there is no superior. It shows that you are basically a qualified intelligence officer.

Let me tell you about your future plans. You and Shen Dongxin will go to the training class in Hangzhou first. You will be given three tasks. One is to learn culture, the second is to learn foreign languages, and the third is to learn from Shen Dongxin. "

Tongsuo was a smart man and knew that Zuo Zhong's arrangement was for his own good, so he followed the example of the spies and stood at attention and saluted: "Yes, section chief."

Zuo Zhong touched his head. After having said good things, it was time to say ugly things. He said seriously: "Since you have joined the secret service, you must abide by military discipline and never do anything that is disgraceful to the country and the nation."

 “Yes! Observe the discipline!” A voice erupted from Tongsuo’s small body, startling Zuo Zhong.

He rubbed his ears and said angrily: "Just tell me, why are you so loud? And I want to ask you, do you want to do intelligence or operations in the future? I have to find a master for you kid."

Tongsuo actually doesn't quite understand the difference between intelligence and action, but he thinks it's good to learn skills from Wu Chunyang. That big bald head is too fierce.

 So he hesitated and said, "I want to learn something from Brother Wu. He is a good man."

Zuo Zhong was drinking tea when Tongsuo said this. He almost choked when he heard this. He decided to teach him another truth.

“Remember, in this business you can be a good boss, a good subordinate, or a good son, but you cannot be a good person, because good people don’t live long.”

Tongsuo left thoughtfully after hearing this. Zuo Zhong, a good son, went to accompany his grandfather, parents, and younger siblings to the last reunion dinner of the year.

 Everyone at the dinner table was in a low mood, Mei Huizhen the worst. But the old man was still at the table, so she couldn't say anything, so she had to pile Zuo Zhong's rice bowl full for fear that he wouldn't be full.

Zuo Zhong was actually very full, but in order to prevent Mei Huizhen from being sad, his belly almost burst. In the end, Zuo Jun saved his life.

Putting a piece of venison to him with serving chopsticks, Zuo Zhong told him seriously: "After I go to Jinling, you must listen to your grandfather and father, protect your sister and mother, and not act recklessly."

Zuo Jun's eyes were red and he gave a nondescript military salute: "Yes, I promise to complete the mission."

Zuo Dian nodded and turned to look at his sister Zuo Duo: "And you, you should use your brain more when doing things in the future, clearly distinguish who is a true friend and who is a fake friend, don't be afraid when something happens, tell your family, grandfather and Father will help you solve it."

Zuo Duo had tears in his eyes, but they didn't shed in the end: "I know, brother, my second brother and I will take good care of my mother. Don't worry."

 After these things, the little child finally grew up, Zuo Zhong nodded happily.

Next, Zuo Zhong did what a son should do, chatting with his parents until late at night. It wasn't until Mei Huizhen fell into a deep sleep that the father and son quietly left and went to Zuo Xuechen's room.

The three of them, grandfather and grandson, sat around in the study, discussing in low voices the future future and destiny of the Zuo family.

Zuo Zhong revealed a piece of news: "Grandfather, father, I already know your plan. Close the net when the fish are almost there. Don't be greedy. I will send someone to help you when the time comes."

At that time, you can go directly to New Zealand from Shanghai or Hong Kong. When you get there, you must purchase a large amount of land and light weapons. White people are very cunning, and only with weapons can you protect yourself. "

Zuo Xuechen knew that his grandson was well-informed, but he was not a man of hard work. He took a sip of tea and said slowly: "Don't worry, I sent someone to New Zealand years ago and received a telegram saying that the area is very suitable for agriculture and I have already purchased it." We have more than 10,000 acres of land, and our farm laborers will take away whatever they are willing to do. We cannot leave these folks to the Japanese.”

Zuo Shanwen sighed at the side: "How many people can we take away? We can only save one at a time. Zuo Zhong, you have to do your best. Alas."

Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, now that his family was settled, he looked at the bright moon outside the window and said in his heart, Jinling, I am coming back.

 (End of this chapter)

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