Cicada Moving

Chapter 193: technology

Chapter 193 Technology

 At night, Zuo Chong returned to his residence in Chaotian Palace. Looking at the dust on the ground, he sighed, feeling that the rent he was given to these houses was really unfair.

 There is no one to live in for several months a year, and so much money has been wasted. If he had known, it would be better to live in the Secret Service dormitory, and he has no nightlife anyway.

 After cleaning up quickly, Zuo Zhong carried several large suitcases in the car inside. In addition to his own, there were also Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo's luggage.

The two people got off the train at Hangzhou Railway Station and went to the police academy for special training. They were not allowed to take away the messy things in the school and had to leave them to Zuo Zhong to deal with.

Throwing the luggage aside casually, he checked the security signs in the room. There was no special skill. He just compared it with the photos in the photo album of his mobile phone.

 After confirming that everything was normal, when it was time to contact the underground party, Zuo Zhong took out his mobile phone and sent a text message, patiently waiting for the other party's reply.

His contact with the underground party has not been interrupted these days, but there is no substantive exchange of information, and they simply report that each other is safe.

 Five minutes later, the phone screen lights up.


Zuo Zhong thought thoughtfully after reading the telegram. It seems that the war in the southwest has not affected the underground party organization in Jinling. This is good news.

Early the next morning, Zuo Zhong walked into the Secret Service with a red face. Secret agents of all sizes greeted him warmly along the way, and he responded with a smile.

 Walking into the office, he rubbed his sore facial muscles and threw his clothes on the hangers. At this moment, the phone on the desk rang.

“Hello, who are you?” Zuo Zhong picked up the phone and asked, packing documents in his hand.

"Chief Zuo, I, Lao Yu, Yu Xingle, I will make a long story short. Is the forensic training class we talked about last time ready? I have recruited three students who have studied medicine here."

Zuo Zhong held the microphone on his head, picked up the kettle and poured a glass of water: "I haven't had time to report this to the director, so let's just wait for my news in the past two days and be ready to send people over for training at any time."

"Thank you very much. Tell Dr. Ling for me and tell him to train our East China students well. If you need to be beaten, you can be beaten and scolded. You're welcome."

Zuo Zhong sat on the chair and said happily: "Doctor Ling is a humble gentleman and will not hit anyone. Lao Yu, don't worry, I will take care of the students when they get here."

 “Thank you, I’ll come to Shanghai next time”

There was suddenly no sound from Yu Xingle's side, and Zuo Zhong hung up the phone without any surprise. The long-distance call time in the Republic of China depends on the face, and it is very easy to disconnect. Obviously, Yu Xingle's face is darker.

However, the matter of the forensic training class cannot be delayed any longer. Ling Sanping said that students must undergo at least three months of off-the-job study before they are initially qualified.

 Hurry up and train forensic medicine trainees just in time for the graduation of the special training class in Hangzhou. These two batches of professional talents can be enriched at local and regional stations.

Now that the Japanese are so rampant and prone to killing people at every turn, it is urgent to deploy forensic doctors. It is better to forget about the forensic doctors in the police station.

Zuo Zhong casually picked up a document and walked to the top floor. He happened to meet Dai Chunfeng's secretary Li Wei. As soon as he saw him, Li Wei trotted down quickly.

“Chief Zuo, I’m about to go find you. Virgo has something urgent to call you.”

Zuo Zhong patted his arm: "Just hang up the phone next time. It's an internal line. It's in vain if you don't use it."

Li Wei smiled implicitly: "It's better to come and feel more at ease. Besides, it would be rude to talk on the phone."

Zuo Zhong laughed loudly: "You, it is said that you are a top student, how can you believe the old antique's words?"

He knew that many elderly people felt that it was informal and impolite to inform others on the phone. As the secretary to the director of the department, it was rare for Li Wei to be so humble.

The two walked to the door of Dai Chunfeng's office chatting and laughing. Li Wei stood beside the door and stepped aside. When the two passed by, Li Wei said in a very low voice: "Wei Daming is here."

Zuo Zhong heard what he said and didn't make any reaction. He knocked on the door and walked in.

 I saw Dai Chunfeng, a cheap teacher, chatting and laughing with a handsome young man. There were some complex electronic devices on the table in front of them.

The young man must be Wei Daming. This man's dress is really strange. He is wearing an old-fashioned robe and a pair of cloth shoes.

This was not in line with his status as a technical expert and a prodigal son of a Shanghai dance club, but more like the shopkeeper of some commercial firm. Zuo Zhong immediately realized that Wei Daming was not the manager of Lishan Company.

Dai Chunfeng saw Zuo Zhong coming, and the smile on his face became brighter. He stood up directly and prepared to introduce him. Wei Daming also quickly stood up to show respect.

He held Zuo Zhong with his left hand and Wei Daming with his right hand: "Da Ming, Shen Zhong, you two should get to know each other. This is Zuo Zhong, the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service, and this is Wei Daming, the telecommunications expert."

Zuo Zhong was the first to extend his hand and said cheerfully: "I have heard of your fame, Brother Wei, for a long time. It's a pity that we have never had the chance to meet you, but we are destined to meet you today."

With a smile in his eyes, Wei Daming was very polite: "I have never heard of Section Chief Zuo's name. This shows that our level of confidentiality is much more professional than that of the first department."

"Hahaha." The three of them laughed heartily. After Zuo Zhong laughed, he felt that Wei Daming was a very capable person. He was not like ordinary technical talents with high IQ and low EQ. He was quite experienced in dealing with people. He only used one sentence to get closer to him. The relationship between several people.

Dai Chunfeng waved his hand: "Sit down, we are all here, so you are welcome. Shen Zhi, I asked Li Wei to find you because I want to show you something good. Take a look at what is on the table and see if you can recognize it."

Zuo Zhong had long noticed the electronic equipment on the table. After looking at it for a long time, he was a little unsure: "Teacher, this is a radio station? It's so exquisite. How many watts does it have?"

  Among the telecommunications equipment used by the secret service, the smallest one is the 5-watt radio that was captured by the Japanese spy, which can be easily packed into an ordinary suitcase. There are also 15-watt radios that are even larger.

 But even a 5-watt radio is not as small as this radio on the table. It looks like the size of a small jewelry box, and the power should not be too high. But is such a small radio really of practical value?

As expected, Dai Chunfeng smiled: "The 2.5-watt new spy radio was made by Ming Dynasty himself."

 The power of a radio station is directly related to important data such as communication distance, reception and reception quality, and how far 2.5 watts can connect. However, Zuo Zhong did not jump to conclusions. New science and technology can create miracles.

He tried to ask: "Brother Wei, does this radio station use the latest technology?"

Dai Chunfeng laughed when he heard this, and said to Wei Daming: "What do you think? I'll tell Shen Zhong that he won't despise your new invention. Please explain it to him."

Wei Daming has been much talked about these days. Dai Chunfeng invited him from the Hangzhou spy class and gave him money and people. As a result, he took out such a small toy, and naturally there was a lot of gossip.

After Zuo Zhong saw it, he did not ridicule or belittle him. Instead, he asked about the rationale. This made Wei Daming feel a real affection for Zuo Zhong.

 Next, he introduced a lot of improved parts. Zuo Zhong and Dai Chunfeng listened and nodded. In fact, Zuo Zhong didn’t understand, and probably Lao Dai did too.

Finally, Wei Daming disassembled the parts, took out an electronic tube and said: "The voltage of this vacuum tube has doubled. Even in complex terrain and foggy Lushan Mountain, communication with Jinling can be achieved."

 Hah, Zuo Zhong was really surprised that such a gadget had such strong communication capabilities, but it was not without its problems. No matter how powerful it was, it only had 2.5 watts.

 The radio signal is very weak. If it is distributed on a large scale, the main station in Jinling must be extremely powerful, otherwise it will be impossible to maintain normal communication with other places.

He expressed his worries, and Dai Chunfeng said proudly: "Don't worry, Daming plans to add seven to eight 15-watt radio stations here. Together with the previous equipment, the communication distance can reach two thousand kilometers."

Hearing this, Zuo gave a thumbs up to Wei Daming: "Brother Wei is really far-sighted. From now on, Zuo will no longer have to watch Japanese radio stations with fear."

Wei Daming knew what he meant. Intelligence work focused on communications. He had seen the Japanese shortwave radio stations and they were indeed much more advanced than the radio stations of the Republic of China.

 It is small and easy to hide, and the communication quality is also good. However, with the self-made pocket agent radio, it is now time for the Japanese intelligence agencies to worry.

The three of them chatted about the radio station again, and Zuo Zhong remembered the reason for his visit: "Teacher, there is a shortage of forensic talents in various regional stations. District Chief Yu Xingle requested the office to open a training class with Ling Sanping as the host. How do you think we should deal with it? "

 Dai Chunfeng has always been willing to cultivate talents and immediately agreed to Zuo Zhong’s application.

 In the end, Wei Daming also said one thing: “The report to the office is that the current Hangzhou special training class is making slow progress in cultivating telecommunications personnel and it is difficult to keep up with the teaching progress.

Those police academy students are flexible and adaptable, which are advantages in intelligence operations, but they are not suitable for telecommunications. They are too active.

  Radio communication is, after all, a language. Students are older and are slower to accept new knowledge, slower to learn, and even slower to practice.

 To learn radio well, you need a certain amount of memory and finger flexibility. It is best to find students who have just come out of school and have strong receptive abilities. "

 Dai Chunfeng has a big head. Radio communication work is very important, especially for operators, otherwise things like Xu Enzeng will easily happen.

 The telecommunications students in the special training class were slow to learn, but they were clean and trustworthy. This made Dai Chunfeng a little embarrassed, so he looked at Zuo Zhong to hear his opinion.

Zuo Zhong quickly thought of a way: "Da Ming simply opened a radio school and selected young people who were relatively young and had a certain radio foundation to receive professional training.

Once the professional skills are learned, the best students will be selected from these people to enter the Hangzhou special training class to receive professional spy training. This will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort. Teacher, do you think? "

 Dai Chunfeng and Wei Daming applauded. This is a good way to get the best of both worlds. Maybe Lishan Company can also earn some activity funds from this training class.

Radio operation is a popular craft in this era. The salary after completing the course is very high. There is no need to worry about no one coming to sign up, and the student source is easy to solve.

In the end, Dai Chunfeng did not forget to warn: "Shen Zhong, you must conduct a detailed investigation of the students to understand each person's family background, ideological tendencies, daily words and deeds, and social relationships. The Secret Service cannot produce a person like Secretary Xu Enzeng."

Zuo Zhong said respectfully: "Teacher, don't worry, such a thing will never happen with me here."

Dai Chunfeng smiled with satisfaction, so he was relieved that this student was doing well.

   Will be updated tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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