Cicada Moving

Chapter 204: Periphery

Chapter 204 Periphery

Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi drove away from Renxin Hospital. After going out, the two of them were extremely careful and kept using covert means to make sure they were clean behind them.

Perhaps because he was afraid of acting too hastily, Liang Yuandong did not send anyone to follow the two of them, but Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi did not dare to take it lightly or take a gamble.

Zuo Zhong decided to act the whole show. It cannot be ruled out that the other party has spies in the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They must completely believe in him.

He ran through a red light directly. The second-generation ancestors in Jinling City all drove like this, which showed that he was superior to others and was in line with his current status.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the rearview mirror again and said, "Director Liu, Shen will take you back to the Ministry of Interior first. Let's find another chance to meet in the evening."

The "goodbye at night" in the words implies that Gu Qi will find an opportunity to leave after entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He has been cooperating with the old man for so long, so no further explanation is needed.

Gu Qi didn't say anything. He naturally knew what Zuo Zhong meant. There were many people in the Yamen, and the guards only looked at their IDs and not the people. Their IDs were genuine, and there was no problem entering or leaving the Ministry of Interior.

He was a little confused as to why the section chief suddenly took action and why he was so cautious now, but he couldn't ask. This was the special nature of intelligence work.

Zuo Zhong glanced at Gu Qi and saw the confusion on his face. He could probably guess what he was thinking at this time, but Zuo Zhong couldn't explain it. Could it be that he was told that the respected Dean Wang would vote for Japan in the future?

No one would believe that such a top man who could compete with a bald man would betray the nation and the country. Before this happened, no one would believe it.

Through the intelligence obtained today, Zuo Zhong believes that Wang's surrender to the enemy was not the so-called necessity, but that he had colluded with the Japanese for a long time.

From a patriot who turned a sword into a quick one, and then to a traitor who saved the country in a roundabout way, even if there is a reason for the failure of the political struggle, this change is too big, and there must be other secrets behind it.

The car was speeding on the road, and the two of them were silent in the car. When passing a hotel, Zuozhong parked the car and went in. It took a while to come out.

He didn’t explain anything after getting in the car, but simply said: “Lao Zhang has made arrangements for him, so we can rest assured.”

The car arrived in front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Gu Qi got out of the car and waved his ID at will. The guard at the door didn't even raise his eyelids, so he got in smoothly.

Zuo Zhong watched Gu Qi disappear into the building, put on gear and left quickly. Neither of them knew that the curtains in an office of the Ministry of Interior were closed.

 Then the phone on the table was picked up, and one person started talking to the other person on the phone. There was a bit of flattery and flattery in his tone, and he soon started chatting with the other end of the phone.

“Boss Liang, it’s me. I saw this. This situation is normal. There are so many departments and staff in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I can’t possibly know them all.”

“Well, see you then. Thank you very much, Boss Liang. I will take a look at the personnel files. This matter is very sensitive and cannot be rushed.”

Zuo Zhong went directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs compound after seeing Gu Qi off. He didn't even show his ID. He just stuck his head out of the Buick and cursed, and the guard at the door obediently let him go.

The idea of ​​only respecting a Luo shirt but not others is universally accepted, let alone a car that is more representative of one's status than a Luo shirt. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' vigilance is so lax, no wonder Gao Jiayi is at home here.

  He stopped the car and pressed the horn, which shocked the people around him to look sideways. But when they saw the luxury car, these people immediately pretended to be blind.

Zuo Zhong then walked into the office building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a calm demeanor and carried his briefcase, and walked around inside to get familiar with the layout of the building.

It’s a pity that there was no public notice in this era. Otherwise, I could get a general idea of ​​the ministers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Now I have to wait until I go back to read the relevant information.

When he walked to a remote office, Zuo Zhong looked at the Labor Committee on the door plate with a thoughtful look. Such an unpopular department was considered a bonus given to him by the National Government.

Back then, in order to suppress the labor movement and underground parties, they slaughtered people in Shanghai in a **** manner. Now they have set up a committee that deceives themselves and others. It is quite like putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha on the spot.

After thinking about it, he turned around and left, driving around several times before returning to the Intelligence Section. Wu Chunyang had been waiting for a long time and reported immediately after seeing him.

“Section Chief, according to your previous request on the phone, we conducted emergency monitoring of all lines of Renxin Hospital and found something.”

Zuo Zhong took off his suit, put on his Chinese tunic suit in front of the mirror, and asked, "Tell me, is someone spying on me and Deputy Chief Gu? Have you figured out the identity of the other party?"

Wu Chunyang nodded: "Yes, Section Chief, it is the office number of Zhou Longyang, Director of the Accounting Department of the Ministry of Interior. This person is 38 years old. He once studied in Japan and is the former secretary of President Wang of the Executive Yuan."

Zuo Zhong paused while arranging his collar. It was Dean Wang again. What on earth was he going to do? Not only was he unclear about the Japanese, but even his secretary had tipped off the other party.

However, there is no one from Liang Yuandong in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is beyond Zuo Zhong's expectation. President Wang is not only the Executive Dean, but also the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Logically speaking, it should be easy to recruit people, right?

But then I thought again, the person named Wang is just an empty minister with no real power. The Executive Yuan can still maintain a certain power by relying on its own prestige, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments are beyond their reach. It's a good thing that this is the case, otherwise his identity with Gu Qi would be easily exposed. Who would have thought that a businessman who runs a hospital would have such a deep relationship.

Wu Chunyang continued to add: "The other party graduated from Kyushu Imperial University in Japan. Together with Gao Chongwu and Shao Qilin, they are all top students at Kyushu Imperial University in Japan. They are known as the Nine Great Three Eagles and are very famous."

After putting on his clothes, Zuo Zhong turned around and walked out: "Let's go and listen to the recording. Have you found any information about Liang Yuandong? What is his background?"

Wu Chunyang followed him with an awkward expression: "Liang Yuandong, whose identity is unknown and whose background is ominous. He has contacts with many big bosses and military and political officials. He has a wide network of contacts and is said to be very powerful."

Zuo Zhong stopped and looked back at him: "This is the result of your work. To use the words "said" to describe the suspicious target, I think you have gone further and further back. Go back and check again."

After he finished speaking, he raised his feet and continued to walk to the listening room. Wu Chunyang's face turned red when he was told that time was too tight and he could only use past intelligence to make a series and parallel connection. There must be inaccuracies.

The two arrived at the door of the listening room. Several armed agents saluted quickly when they saw the section chief. Zuo Zhong took out his ID from his pocket and handed it to them for inspection.

After checking, the agent handed back the ID and knocked on the iron door of the listening room. A small window was quickly opened on the iron door, and the identity of the visitor was confirmed again, and then the iron door was opened from the inside.

Zuo Zhong didn’t find it too troublesome. This was his custom-made discipline. The equipment in the listening room was expensive and the information involved was also very sensitive, so care must be taken.

Arriving in a small room in the monitoring room, Wu Chunyang turned on the wire recorder, and a short piece of indistinct dialogue came out from the speaker.

The sound was a little distorted, but Zuo Zhong still recognized that one of them was Liang Yuandong, and the smell of scum was clear even through the recording.

Liang Yuandong was very cautious on the phone and did not say anything sensitive. He just said that he had met two business partners and asked the person on the phone to pay attention and monitor his whereabouts.

Zuo Zhong listened to the recording over and over again several times, finally turned off the recorder and fell into thinking. With how happy Zhou Longyang agreed, this must not be the first time he helped Liang Yuandong.

This time it was to monitor them. What was the mission before? At the end of the phone call, Liang Yuandong said "see you later" and there will be something good for him. After hearing this, Zhou Longyang immediately became extremely enthusiastic.

 See you later, where to meet, what is the good thing, the director of the Ministry of the Interior has never seen any good things, and he seems so excited. Zuo Zhong is even more sure that the other party's network of connections is unusual.

While talking, Fu Ling and Song Minghao came to see them. They were improving basic information. There were so many small pharmacies in Jinling City that they didn't even have time to eat in the past few days.

Zuo Zhong took a few people back to the conference room and introduced the details, mainly the discovery of the abnormality in Renxin Hospital by accident, and the conversation between him, Gu Qi and Liang Yuandong.

“So the previous speculation was wrong. The pharmacy is just a code name. The real place where the medicines are sold is Renxin Hospital in District 6. This can be basically confirmed. You can stop there first.

All manpower and technical forces immediately started working around Renxin Hospital, focusing on the director Liang Yuandong and a guard named Jin Jiang. I want all their information and call recordings. "

Zuo Zhong decided to withdraw his fist and use the entire force of the department to focus on a few targets. This treatment was not common. The spies who had enjoyed this treatment in the past were now in grave danger.

Fu Ling and Song Minghao nodded. No one thought that the drugstore was a code name. After all, the testimonies of Ding Shaolan and Lu Wenbao were consistent. Since the direction of the investigation was biased, adjustments needed to be made.

Sure enough, Zuo Zhong began to assign tasks to everyone: "Chunyang is responsible for tracking and investigating, Fu Ling is responsible for technical monitoring, and Lao Song is responsible for personnel information.

 Lao Gu and I want to get into each other's relationship network, so we cannot give timely instructions. Gui Youguang has to lie in the hospital, and the department work is temporarily handed over to "

 Speaking of this, he looked at the people in front of him, and finally set his sights on Song Minghao: "Leave it to Song Minghao. Old Song, you are old and qualified, so you should support their work more."

Song Minghao was thinking about how to check personnel information, and the heavy burden fell on him, which made him a little panicked. He really wanted to be promoted, but not to the head of the intelligence section. This position was too heavy.

He looked embarrassed: "Section Chief, why don't we leave it to Chunyang? You know, I'm afraid my ability is not enough."

Zuo Zhong raised his hand to stop him: "That's it. You have one advantage, that is, you have self-awareness. This is not a bad thing. Having self-awareness and knowing people well is a good leader.

Your task now is to make up a brand new identity for me, Lao Gu and Gui Youguang, including basic information, employment history and various interpersonal networks. There should be no flaws in it.

Whether it's stealing, cheating or threatening, this work must be completed before dawn tomorrow. If you need me to come forward, just say that I will work with you at the office tonight. Everyone go and prepare. "

 (End of this chapter)

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