Cicada Moving

Chapter 216: Black Net (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

Chapter 216 Black Network (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

After discussing the business matters, the atmosphere between the four of them became much more harmonious. They changed their clothes while talking and laughing, and walked along the corridor to a room at the end. There were several guards standing here. When they saw Liang Yuandong, they immediately bowed and said Opened the door.


 “I and several guests want to discuss things, no one is allowed in, except everyone.”

  “Yes, Dean.”

After giving instructions to the guards, Liang Yuandong turned around and explained, "Master Shen, please. What you want to see is inside. My people will guard the outside. Don't worry about irrelevant people disturbing us."

Zuo Zhong nodded knowingly. No matter whether his boss was an old Japanese or not, anyone would put people in a place where there was plenty of money. Liang Yuandong, who had different intentions, naturally had to guard against him.

Perhaps this guy had other ideas for a long time, and he and others just gave him a push. The emperor has so many resources in his hands, and it is inevitable that he has the ambition to start a new business.

As everyone walked into the room, Liang Yuandong closed the door and pointed to the reception area: "You three, please wait a moment. Liang went to get the account book. There is wine there, please feel free to enjoy it."

Zuo Zhong took a look at the interior of the room. The standard American decoration looked very luxurious. This person was also a man who enjoyed himself. He smiled and replied: "You're welcome, Boss Liang, please help yourself."

After that, he took Director Li and Director Liu to the reception area and sat down. As for the wine, forget about the wine. He would not touch a drop of water on the drug dealer's territory, not to mention that the drug dealer was a Japanese intelligence officer. , you can never be too careful.

At this time, Liang Yuandong walked to the desk and squatted down, but he kept observing the scene here with a pair of thief eyes. Seeing that Secretary Shen did not touch the wine, he felt a little disappointed, so he lowered his head, opened the drawer, and took out an account book from it. .

From this account book, we can clearly understand the operating conditions of the East Asia Club, involving the privacy of many military and political officials of the National Government, the flow and use of funds, which is the foundation of his establishment.

Liang Yuandong touched the cover of the account book and sighed, holding it in the palm of his hand. He walked firmly in front of Zuo Zhong, bent down and stretched out his hands: "Please take a look at Mr. Shen. This is the account book of East Asia Club, and it is also my sincerity." ”

Zuo Zhong stood up solemnly and said solemnly: "Boss Liang, please rest assured that as long as it is confirmed that the club is in good operating condition, the content we just agreed on will be advanced as quickly as possible and we will never break our promise."

Liang Yuandong nodded, bent down again and added: "Mr. Shen, you can only read the account books here. You can't take them out, let alone record them. There is no pen and paper in this room. Please forgive me."

 Zuo Zhong stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "Very good, I appreciate Boss Liang's caution. Of course, such important things must be kept confidential. If you say so, I will feel more at ease in cooperating with you."

Liang Yuandong was relieved. Mr. Shen had a weird temper and he was really afraid of getting slapped again. Now it seems that the other party is a qualified businessman and will become extremely rational when it comes to money.

 This is a good thing. After all, the previous boss Osako Tsusada was a lunatic. He really didn’t want the new partners to be equally ignorant. He could finally let go and do something big.

After listening to Zuo Zhong's words, Liang Yuandong turned around and invited Director Li and Director Liu: "Two officers, I will take you out for a walk. I have a lot of trendy gadgets from Europe and the United States here, which are very interesting."

Gucci understood that it was impossible for them to have cameras hidden on their bodies when they came out of the bathroom. In the absence of photography and paper and pen records, keeping these data in mind was the most feasible way to record them.

It was obviously impossible for one person to memorize such a thick account book, but as for the three of them, Liang Yuandong was afraid that the three of them would memorize the information together, so he had to find an excuse to distract the other two.

Although he didn’t know how the section chief would write down the information in the account book, Gu Qi believed that he must have a way, so he nodded and stood up. Director Li naturally had no objection and followed him outside.

Liang Yuandong smiled when he saw this and said: "Master Shen, please feel free to check it out here. Liang will be back in two hours. Isn't this time enough?"

Zuo Zhong had already focused on the account books. He didn't look up when he heard his inquiry. He just waved his hand, looking like he was concentrating on it.

Liang Yuandong bowed slightly, walked out of the room, closed the door, and said to the guard outside the door: "Pay attention to Mr. Shen's safety and don't be careless. If Jin Jiang wants to go in, let him come to me."


Liang Yuandong took Director Li and Director Liu to visit An Xin. He was convinced that neither Mr. Shen nor Jin Jiang, the loser in Dafu, could play any tricks under the eyes of the guards.

These guards are his carefully selected elite. They have already been conquered by countless money and means. They will only obey his command. Even Osako Tosada cannot order them.

Listening to the commotion outside, Zuo Zhong did not act rashly. He first browsed through the account book information, and the contents recorded on it were shocking.

This is the core of the East Asia Club, which contains the information of all members. It is the wealth that Liang Yuandong has slowly accumulated over several years.

 The first category is basic information about members, such as members’ positions, family residences, social networks, political affiliations and other information.

 The first category is member behavior information, which records the other party’s consumption records, preferences, lifestyle, personality performance and other information in the club.

This information can be completely regarded as personnel intelligence, and it is even more detailed than the one produced by the Secret Service. Judging from the traces on it, it must have been revised many times.

Zuo Zhong discovered that the officials above him were basically the reorganizers of Dean Wang. They were the losers in the political struggle and had little chance of getting ahead in their lives. There is no hope for their official career, so they enjoy themselves here, enjoying wine, food and beauty. The Japanese provide a comfortable place for these people to vent their desires.

With the above information, you can easily instigate rebellion. When someone knows you better than yourself, how can you resist the temptation?

He can satisfy you with everything you like to eat, drink, want to pursue, and hope for. This is not called rebellion, this is recruitment.

Zuo Chong looked back and his face became increasingly uglier. In addition to the people from the reorganization faction, the army was also infiltrated by the other party, from the Military Commission to the combat troops.

A regiment commander of the troops near Jinling simply regarded the East Asia Club as his home, hanging out here for nine and a half days out of ten days off.

 The son-in-law of a big shot in the Central Military Commission, who is currently a lieutenant colonel and senior staff officer of the Central Military Commission, comes here every morning before going to work.

What is the East Asia Club, a branch of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, or an enlarged meeting of the Central Party Committee of the Kuomintang? It is really ridiculous.

Liang Yuandong didn't need to go out if he wanted to obtain military and political information. He could just sit comfortably on the sofa outside and listen to the reports from these people.

 In addition, East Asia Club’s daily income, expenses, advances, profits, accounting time, etc. are recorded in detail and are very professional.

Zuo Zhong made a rough calculation and found that the turnover here was hundreds of thousands a day, hundreds of thousands. How much it would cost the National Government to set up an elite infantry division of 10,000 people, a mere three million and a hundred yuan.

 Two million for personnel salaries, living expenses, office and barracks office expenses, one million for training ammunition, equipment maintenance, food and drink for military horses, and standing medical supplies.

  In other words, it takes less than a month to form an infantry division with the flow of money from the East Asia Club. The National Government can count how many such infantry divisions it has now on one hand.

Where do these **** get the money to spend here? There is no other explanation other than the people's wealth and their wealth. These people not only leak information, but are more like a group of leeches adsorbing on the country and the nation.

Zuo Zhong's heart was filled with anger. Every penny earned by the Japanese would become bullets fired at Chinese soldiers and civilians in the future. What's even more ridiculous is that the money belonged to the Chinese.

At the same time, he understood that once the East Asia Club case broke out, it would be a major case that shocked the entire Republic of China. Not even Dai Chunfeng, the head of the intelligence section, could stop the huge waves it would cause.

But the bigger the case, the more quietly the final result is, and the major issue is reduced to a trivial matter. This is how the Party always handles such matters.

Zuo Zhong sighed silently and continued to flip through it. A consumption record labeled Haoxiong came into view. What he was most worried about happened.

Leave aside the economic benefits of this drug, it plays a greater role in intelligence warfare. As long as you control the drug, you can control a person.

 Judging from this record, most members have this consumption record, and the amount and frequency of use are getting higher and higher, indicating that these people have become addicted.

 What will happen after drug addiction? No matter how stubborn the will is, no one can resist. For a pill, you can sell everything, including national interests.

 The temptation of alcohol and sex, the control of drugs, and the support in politics and career, these are the means by which the East Asia Club develops its intelligence network. After a few years, they have controlled and won over a large number of officials of the Republic of China, all over the party, government, and military agencies.

The matter was more serious than Zuo Zhong thought. A huge black net of terror shrouded the Republic of China. He put down his account book and glanced at the door. He stood up and sat on the sofa on the opposite side. With his back to the door, he took out the The mobile phone began to take pictures calmly.

Just when Liang Yuandong was showing people around and Zuo Zhong was checking the account books, a waiter sneaked into a room and whispered to Jin Jiang inside. Jin Jiang's expression changed again and again.

"You said that the dean invited them to the office? He also left the one named Shen there alone?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, but unfortunately the dean's people were on guard nearby and I couldn't get close."

As Osako Tongzada’s spy, Jinjiang naturally has independent intelligence power. Otherwise, how could he supervise Liang Yuandong? After hearing the narrative of his eyes and ears, he immediately guessed that Liang Yuandong was afraid of rebelling!

As Liang Yuandong's first assistant, Jin Jiang is very aware of the dean's abilities and ambitions. From the time Mr. Shen appeared, Liang Yuandong's reaction was also very strange. He would not hit back, scold, or even allow himself to take action. He had already I thought there was something fishy here, and now it’s finally confirmed.

"Gather our people." Jin Jiang said with a sullen face: "Bring weapons and control Shen Dongxin immediately. He must not be allowed to see the club's information."


   If there is no space, how about Zuo Zhong putting the miniature camera in a potted plant at the door of the bathroom?



 (End of this chapter)

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