Cicada Moving

Chapter 219: Gunfire

Chapter 219 Gunfire

The bullets disappeared into the walls and furniture with a golden stream of light, or into someone's body. The person who was shot did not make a sound, regardless of whether he was alive or dead. Now whoever makes a sound is a living target.

These guards are either elite soldiers of the Kwantung Army or strictly trained professional spies with varying intelligence abilities. This is why Gu Qi is confused about the abilities of those stalkers.

 Speaking of the fighting, both sides have their own merits. The Kwantung Army is good at cooperating, and the spies are used to this kind of close-range fighting. Now Liang Yuandong's side is mostly spies, so it stands to reason that they should have the advantage.

However, although the number of people on the Jinjiang side is small, they are all brainwashed Kwantung Army. They are not afraid of death and are very ferocious. Even if they die, they will pull someone on their back before dying and fight very actively.

The Japanese secret agent was beaten by the Japanese soldiers and fled. This scene is really rare. Zuo Zhong could hear it even if he didn't see it. The military people pay attention to firepower and suppression, while the intelligence agents pay attention to precision and efficiency. The rhythm and speed of shooting of both sides are completely different. The difference was that the military had the upper hand at first.

But after all, the number of people was too small, and they used short guns with small ammunition capacity. After outputting a period of firepower with all their strength, they lost the suddenness and firepower to continuously suppress the dogs. The military's counterattack became weaker and weaker, and could only be heard outside. With the sound of gunfire, Liang Yuandong, who was lying on the ground, smiled with satisfaction.

He whispered to Zuo Zhong: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, Jinjiang's comrades are almost dead, and we will be able to get out safely soon. These Kwantung Army Red Deers are so stubborn that they don't even want money."

Zuo Chongzhuang expressed confusion and fear: "It's such a pity. They are all warriors. After this is over, I will personally provide a pension, so that at least these warriors can get the dignity they deserve."

God testifies, he just wanted to provoke it at first. Who knew that the Japanese would be so ruthless when they started internal strife. They would draw their guns and shoot at the slightest disagreement. It was a pity that so many military exploits were wasted in one fell swoop.

Liang Yuandong understood what he meant, which was to buy horse bones with thousands of gold, and sighed: "Then listen to Mr. Shen's wishes and give some money to their relatives in the country. After all, we are the host and guest. Alas."

While Zuo Zhong and Liang Yuandong were crying, the dying Jin Jiang leaned against the wall and kept twitching. At the same time, the life in his eyes slowly disappeared, and his body without oxygen had no strength at all, but the resentment in his heart drove him to pull the button. trigger.


A bullet was fired from his gun, hit the hard steel sculpture and rebounded, hitting the head of one of Liang Yuandong's henchmen. The man fell to the ground with a plop, and there was no more sound.


Killing every one he could, Jin Jiang smiled sadly, used all his strength to slightly raise the muzzle of the gun and fired again. This shot didn't hit anyone. He was a little disappointed and wanted to continue to pull the trigger.


Kanajiang's hand dropped weakly, and a **** hole appeared on his forehead. The shooter was the sharpshooter Koichi Muranaka. He ended the life of his old boss Jinjiang, but he did not regret it at all.

Being patriotic and respecting the locusts is what children from normal families should do, because the locusts have given them food and a bright future. It is no longer easy for a pariah like him to live.

Loyalty to the emperor and patriotism were too extravagant for him. The visible benefits and hopes were worth the risk and action. At this time, the gunfire of the exchange finally stopped, and a thick layer of blood accumulated on the narrow walkway.

Hiroshi Muranaka was half squatting and quickly changed a new magazine in his hand. He pressed against the wall and listened vigilantly. In this low-visibility combat environment, ears were more effective than eyes. Soon he heard something. A man's groan of pain.

He didn't lift his feet, but used the lubrication of blood to slowly slide over them like skating. When he arrived, he found a familiar colleague. He seemed to be standing on the Jinjiang side just now. He put his hand on the other person's neck with an expressionless face. A twist.

 “Click.” There is another dead person.

It was slowly cleared up like this. Koichi Muraka and the seven or eight injured guards gathered together. Only a few of the forty or fifty people who were present just now were left. The battle was too fierce, and the survivors no longer had the joy of victory. The fight was like this So what if you win.

The comrades who lived and died together before turned into enemies and corpses, which made people feel happy. For a moment, they felt a little bit regretful. Why did they do such a thing? What if the higher ups were to investigate, could they get Do you want it?

The gunshots outside stopped for a long time. Liang Yuandong took out his pistol and pointed it towards the door: "The battle should be over. Mr. Shen, please don't say anything to prevent accidents."

Zuo Zhong covered his mouth and nodded repeatedly. He was really afraid that he would laugh out loud and consider whether to kill Liang Yuandong directly. As he thought about it, he moved his eyes to the other person's neck.

With his operational skills, it was easy to kill Liang Yuandong by surprise, but he didn't know how many defeated soldiers were left outside. Zuo Zhong hesitated and finally gave up this tempting idea.

Liang Yuandong suddenly felt a chill on his neck and quickly looked back. Nothing was abnormal. Mr. Shen was still trembling with his **** raised. This noble man had never seen such a scene before. Such a reaction was normal, so he turned his head back.

Outside, Murakami Koichi, who had taken a short break, took up his duties and became the temporary leader: "Immediately replenish the guns and **** Dean Liang and Mr. Shen away. Jin Jiang still has strength in the hospital. He will definitely come to support when he gets the news. We need to recruit manpower." ”

 The others frowned when they heard the order. There were no previous positions in the village, so they could ignore the order. However, Jin Jiang was controlled and killed by Koichi Muranaka. After this incident, rewards based on merit must have improved. It is appropriate for him to be in charge of the scene now, and he said it makes sense, and he must prevent the other party from counterattacking.

A few people looked at each other and bowed: "Hai, we are willing to accept the command of Mr. Murakami."

 Muranaka Hiroshi smiled. The Chinese saying that wealth can be obtained through danger is indeed true. He suddenly jumped from a low-level guard to a leader. Didn't he rely on his decisive stance and hard work?

He followed Mr. Shen’s example and confided in others: “I think we are all from the poor, and we must support each other in the future. Only in this way can we maintain our due interests.”

The survivors nodded and quietly walked towards the corpses on the ground with their guns, not bothering to care whether they were their own. When they encountered any signs of life, they directly reloaded their guns and counted the number of people. They were very decisive.

After confirming the safety outside, Muranaka Koichi walked to the office door, knocked on the door, and said respectfully: "Dean Liang, Mr. Shen, the traitors in Jinjiang have been wiped out, and you are safe."

Liang Yuandong pricked up his ears. This voice did not come from any of his confidants. Could it be a scam? He opened the safety slightly nervously and pointed the muzzle of his gun straight at the door, ready to shoot at any time.

Zuo Zhong next to him heard it. The one who spoke was the stupid young man from the slums. He didn't expect to survive. He and Jin Jiang were at the center when the firefight just started. It seemed that he was very skilled.

Zuo Zhong pulled Liang Yuandong's sleeve and whispered: "Boss Liang, it seems that Muraka Koichi from Shimoya Wannian Town was the first person to point a gun at Jinjiang. Did you hear that right?"

"Dean Liang, please open the door. We have to **** you two away immediately. People from Jinjiang may be coming from other places to support you." Muranaka Koichi from outside added another sentence, his tone was very anxious.

Liang Yuandong now confirmed that it was indeed one of his own people outside. If it was someone from Jinjiang, the door wouldn't be able to block it for long. He wiped the sweat from his head and got up, helping Mr. Shen up by the way.

Zuo Zhong stood up and thought about it. The other place that Muranaka Koichi mentioned should be Renxin Hospital, where the other party stores and sells medicines, but he doesn't know how many armed forces there will be.

Liang Yuandong opened the door and looked at the respectful Muranaka Koichi with an expression of appreciation: "You did a good job before. Mr. Shen and I will not forget your contribution. Now you will command all the personnel."

Muranaka Hiroshi was overjoyed and bent even lower: "Thank you, Dean and Mr. Shen, we need to leave the club immediately. There are too few manpower available now, and it is not safe to stay here."

Liang Yuandong nodded and looked at Zuo Zhong: "Master Shen, let's leave first. The remaining forces in Jinjiang are not too small. I need to mobilize personnel to deal with the counterattack."

 “I feel sick.”

As soon as Zuo Zhong walked out of the room, he smelled the suffocating smell of blood. He immediately bent down and supported the wall, with his back to Liang Yuandong, he pressed his fingers on his throat, and spit it out.

Liang Yuandong couldn't laugh or cry. How could he have forgotten that this spy was not used to seeing death? It was not easy for ordinary people not to be frightened when they saw such a terrifying scene like a Shura field.

He stepped forward, patted Zuo Zhong on the back and said with a smile: "I'm so sorry that I forgot that Mr. Shen is not a rough guy like me. Time is running out now. In the village, please come and support Mr. Shen. Let's go Retreat in the direction of Jinling Police Department.”

 “Hai.” Muranaka Koichi couldn’t ask for that. Only by having a good relationship with a big shot like Mr. Shen can his position in the club be stable.

Zuo Zhong took out his handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth, waved his hand to stop Muranaka Haoichi from approaching, and said slowly: "Don't worry, Boss Liang. Don't forget that there are still my people nearby. We can work together to eradicate the remaining forces of Jinjiang in one fell swoop. No, It’s not difficult to give them a chance to survive.”

Liang Yuandong clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Why did I forget this? With the help of Mr. Shen's elite men, we don't need to retreat."

There are at most a few dozen loyalists in Jinjiang. Facing more than a hundred fresh troops, they have no chance. At the same time, they can observe the quality of Mr. Shen's men. Killing two birds with one stone, it's perfect.

Zuo Zhong also smiled: "Go and find Director Li and Director Liu. The people leading the team know them. Director Li happened to be a fierce general in the army. Let's make tea and talk about heroes on the roof. What do you think? ?”

Liang Yuandong laughed heartily: "Well, in ancient times, Cao Mengde cooked wine and talked about heroes. Today, you and I make tea and talk about heroes. It is a good talk. Go to the village and invite Director Li and Director Liu immediately."


 (End of this chapter)

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