Cicada Moving

Chapter 221: magpie nest

Chapter 221 Magpie’s Nest

Wu Chunyang's mind turned around and he immediately understood that this was a show. He nodded and said: "Okay, I will send someone upstairs immediately. The staff is ready. What should I call this gentleman? My surname is Gui."

When he said this, he looked at the stranger. He felt that this person should be a soldier, and a professional soldier. Unsurprisingly, he was one of Liang Yuandong's men. What was the so-called intruder?

Muranaka Koichi bowed and said: "Murazaka Koichi, please give me some advice. Someone within us has launched a shameful rebellion. Although the first wave of enemies has been repelled, the other party may have support. Mr. Shen's help is urgently needed. Mr. Gui, please ”

Wu Chunyang understood immediately. It was estimated that this group of people had been tricked by the section chief again. This was not the first time this happened, but this time the game was a little bigger, and the Japanese actually killed each other.

With a firm look on his face, he immediately stated: "There is no problem. We have about a hundred combatants here, with weapons including pistols and submachine guns, and they have undergone strict military training."

 “Yoshi, very good.”

 Murakako Koichi was completely relieved. This kind of strength was enough to wipe out the remaining forces in Jinjiang, not to mention his own side. At the same time, he was wondering if he could take the initiative to attack.

The remaining forces of Jinjiang are concentrated in the hospital. Even if someone is sent to the East Asia Club, the hospital will definitely leave some people behind. If we can take the opportunity to control the hospital, it will be a big achievement.

He thought about it and said insinuatingly: "Mr. Gui, can you spare some of your manpower? There are enemies in other places besides here."

Wu Chunyang was instructing his men in a low voice. He was stunned when he heard what he said. The village must not want the intelligence department to help him control the hospital, because according to the intelligence obtained, apart from the East Asia Hotel, the other party only has a stronghold at Renxin Hospital.

 But will there be such a good thing as pie in the sky? Is the other party testing him? Wu Chunyang looked embarrassed and wanted to see what the village would say. If the situation went wrong, he would kill this guy directly and force the section chief to be rescued.

 Murazaka Koichi took two steps closer: "Mr. Gui, do you know the identity of Boss Liang?"

Wu Chunyang glanced at him: "Of course I know, Boss Liang is the director of Renxin Hospital."

Muranaka Koichi was very satisfied with this answer. Gui Sang was indeed Secretary Shen's confidant. Since he knew Renxin Hospital, it would be easy to handle. He could rest assured that the other party would take over the hospital. There should be no secrets between partners, at least for now. .

He whispered: "Great, can you ask Mr. Gui to send personnel to Renxin Hospital? I will notify our people and ask them to cooperate with your attack. We must kill all the traitor comrades in the hospital. No one can stay.”

Wu Chunyang was a little overwhelmed listening to the murderous words of the other party. It was really pie in the sky. There were many patients and innocent citizens in the hospital, and they couldn't tell who was Japanese.

If we attack by force, there will definitely be greater casualties. Now with the help of the Japanese, we can accurately identify the enemy, easily occupy the hospital, and find the storage place for medicines.

Things went so smoothly that Wu Chunyang could not believe it: "Mr. Cunzhong, are you sure you are awake now? Those people are all yours. Do you want to kill them all...?"

 Muraka Koichi made a downward gesture and said nonchalantly: "They are not our own, they are shameful traitors. Only by killing them can we warn others to obey the management of these two gentlemen."

Wu Chunyang looked suddenly enlightened and said happily: "Since the gentleman in the village wants to do this, then Gui will definitely do it, but I don't know how many guards there are upstairs to protect the two gentlemen?"

“Eight, one of them has a leg injury and cannot move.” Muranaka Koichi blushed a little.

Wu Chunyang thought for a while and said his distribution plan: "I will send ten of my men with the best marksmanship upstairs. The hospital can send about forty people, leaving fifty people here."

 Murazaka Koichi was overjoyed when he heard this: "Gui Sang's plan is very good. Fifty people are enough to deal with the rebel attack. Let's take action."

As long as he survives this attack, he can become a real guard leader, gain huge wealth, and can also use money to buy things that were unimaginable before. I really look forward to it.

Looking at Gui Sang commanding his men, Muranaka Koichi couldn't help it anymore, with a bright smile on his face. Gucci was secretly on guard, wondering why the Japanese was laughing. Could it be a scam?

Here, Wu Chunyang pulled the little agent aside and whispered: "Take forty brothers and wait at the entrance of the hospital. No action is allowed without a response. Pay attention to the other party's tricks. Chief Zhang will direct them.

Other personnel dispersed and gathered on the first floor of the East Asia Hotel. The weapons and equipment were well concealed and everyone was asked to take action immediately. We must protect Secretary Shen. Do you understand me? "

 The little agent nodded: "Understood, we must protect Secretary Shen. I will inform you now."


Wu Chunyang watched the little agent run away quickly and walked towards Muranaka Koichi: "Mr. Muranaka, please immediately notify the people at the hospital to prepare for the response. Our people will be waiting for them at the door, and other personnel will join us here soon." ”

Muranaka Koichi was overjoyed: "I'm going to inform you now. You are with me. We have people at the nearby police station. Someone will deal with the gunfire just now. There will be no hidden dangers. Don't worry." Hearing this, Gucci and Wu Chunyang looked at each other secretly and realized that the section chief had guessed that the Japanese had deployed personnel at the Qian police station. They were right to choose to conduct a secret investigation from the beginning.

 Otherwise, if the clues are found on the front foot and the back foot is revealed to the Japanese, the case will not go so smoothly.

Several people strode to the East Asia Hotel and headed for the phone. Along the way, Muranaka Koichi introduced Jin Jiang and his supporters. Hearing that the opponent was basically from the Kwantung Army, Wu Chunyang felt a little wary. These people were not good. beat.

 In total, the Intelligence Section has fought against the opponent twice, once at the Liuguo Hotel and once at the underground drug factory in Jiaxing. Especially that time in Jiaxing, Wu Chunyang's arm was injured.

"The composition of the opponent's personnel is like this. It is not convenient for me to disclose the specific situation, but please be careful of the enemy's desperate charge." Hiroshi Muranaka pointed out the origin of the opponent, but did not say much else.

“Okay, I have heard about the name of your country’s Kwantung Army before, and I want to learn a lesson this time.”

Listening to Wu Chunyang's answer, Muranaka Hao opened his mouth but did not speak. Gui Sang and his men looked like elites, a little arrogant and normal.

While talking, several people walked into the lobby. The service staff on the first floor of the East Asia Hotel were Chinese. They didn't know that there was an East Asia Club on the roof. They only knew that the guests who took the special elevator up were either rich or expensive, and the people inside were all the boss's cronies.

When they recognized Muranaka Koichi as a staff member on the top floor, someone hurriedly came up to say hello. Muranaka Koichi had no time to talk nonsense with these people. He drove away the flatterers arbitrarily, picked up the phone on the counter and called, and waited until the answer was answered. He kept talking.

 “Moxi Moxi, the Kingdom of Passwords.”

“Nani, some of the guards left the hospital with weapons. How long has it been and how many people are there?”

"Jinjiang is trying to rebel. The director has sent reinforcements to the hospital to support him. You must obey the other party's order and clear out all the people in Jinjiang."

Wu Chunyang moved closer and heard the other party giving orders in Japanese. There seemed to be no problem in the words, so he relaxed a little.

Muranaka Koichi hung up the phone and turned around to report the situation: "Half an hour ago, the other party sent 20 armed personnel, equipped with Browning pistols and two Arisaka rifles. There are less than ten people left in the hospital. Guisang, you What do you think?”

Wu Chunyang had nothing to say, and quickly took a look around the layout of the lobby. There were all kinds of light and dark fire bunkers such as the bar counter and the drinking room. The Japanese always have this kind of virtue. If the section chief hadn't confused them, they would have suffered a lot of casualties if they captured this place. .

The next second, he pointed to a blind spot with surprise on his face: "Mr. Muraka, this is very suitable for building a bunker, and there, I think a small group of people are fighting and retreating from the gate, relying on these bunkers to block the opponent's attack. , most of them were lying in ambush near the hotel looking for opportunities to attack from both front and back."

When Wu Chunyang said this, he clasped his hands together, as if he had killed the people in Jinjiang. Hao Yi in the village nodded after hearing this. This arrangement is very safe. The people in Jinjiang are just dying, there is no need to increase the number of dead people. unnecessary casualties.

“According to your plan, Guisang, I will fight with you. Please give me your advice.” Muranaka Koichi did not want to give up any opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

“Okay, look, our people are here.” Wu Chunyang looked towards the hotel door.

Fu Ling finally arrived with her men. She was dressed in a black suit and looked very heroic. The agents behind her were serious and vigilant. People in the hotel ran away when they saw them, for fear of offending this group of people.

Muranaka Haoichi squinted his eyes, feeling that he should pay more attention to Mr. Shen. These people have firm eyes, strong bodies, and are very particular about where they stay and stand. They can advance, attack, retreat, or defend. They are a group of elite gunmen with military backgrounds. .

No matter where he goes, such a person can easily find a high-level guard position, and there are dozens of them in front of him. Having these people cannot be achieved by having power or money. Mr. Shen's power far exceeds his own. You can imagine.

“Take ten people to the top floor to protect Secretary Shen and Mr. Liang. There are eight friendly troops above. Don’t cause misunderstanding.”

Wu Chunyang spoke to Fu Ling in a moderate voice, and then said to the villager: "Mr. Villager, please send my people upstairs to protect Secretary Shen first."


"no problem."

Fu Ling waved her hand, and ten tough agents stepped forward, following her and Muranaka Koichi to the elevator. Muranaka Koichi was focused on the front and did not notice Wu Chunyang's strange expression.

 (End of this chapter)

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