Cicada Moving

Chapter 223: rooftop

Chapter 223 Rooftop

“Boss Liang, the two of us can go to the rooftop. The manpower from Jinjiang should be here soon, and the drama is about to begin.” Zuo Zhong was making a pun.

Liang Yuandong didn't realize the deep meaning of his words, and looked at Hao Cunzhong: "Be prepared when the time comes. I want to see all these traitors die with my own eyes."


Hiroshi Muranaka lowered his head and turned around to leave. Seeing that his immediate boss had made a fool of himself, he quickly led his men to clean up the passage to the roof of the building and moved tables and chairs.

Not only that, I don’t know where he found the perfume, and even sprinkled it to suppress the smell of blood in the corridor. Therefore, opportunities are prepared for those who are thoughtful, and success or failure lies in the details.

Zuo Zhong walked out of the room with a satisfied smile. The smelly corpse was gone. He smiled and said to Liang Yuandong: "Old Liang, this guy from the slums is very smart and deserves to be cultivated."

Liang Yuandong felt bright in his face, and temporarily forgot about the embarrassing incident, and agreed: "Secretary Shen, as long as you are satisfied, I plan to let him be responsible for the security work in the future. After all, he is a reliable person."

During the previous fight with Jin Jiang, Muranaka Koichi's rebellion was crucial. If he hadn't decisively stood in line and fired, there might have been more people on Jin Jiang's side, and it would have been difficult to determine the outcome.

Zuo Zhong walked with a smile on his face, with the alert Fu Ling standing beside him, and the intelligence department agent caringly supporting the injured Japanese. It looked like a family that loved each other, and the scene was harmonious.

Liang Yuandong noticed this scene, and his last worries were thrown out of the sky. His men now were all old and weak soldiers. If the other party wanted to take advantage of them, he had no chance to resist.

Secretary Shen has a bad temper, but he is a trustworthy person and a good person. Liang Yuandong thinks that what the other party just said can be considered. If he produces the medicine himself, the profit will definitely be higher.

The group of people walked along the corridor and walked up an upward staircase. Hao Cunzhong had been waiting there early. When he saw Zuo Zhong and Liang Yuandong arriving, he immediately bent down and turned around to push open the iron door behind him.


There was a lot of wind outside, and there was no shelter on the roof. As soon as Zuo Zhong arrived at the door, he was chilled by the wind. He tightened his clothes, lowered his body and walked out. The rooftop was extremely quiet.

 A set of tables and chairs were placed alone aside. He did not sit down in a hurry, but walked around on the rooftop and looked at the intelligence agents ambushed downstairs. He felt a little emotional.

There was an agent lying under the fruit stall, and the ground was covered with dirty fruit washing water. You can imagine what it would feel like to be soaked in the early spring. There were also several agents hiding in the garbage dump. It was probably even more difficult, all because These Japanese.

If there were no Japanese spies, these people might be students or workers. In short, they would not have to accompany the Japanese in the late spring weather. The wind on the rooftop is getting stronger and stronger.

Zuo Zhong was moved after reading this and said with emotion: "The strong wind is blowing and the clouds are flying. Weijia is returning to his hometown in the sea, and the warriors are guarding the four directions. Boss Liang, what do you think of these few words I said?"

Liang Yuandong behind him didn't know what was wrong with him, why he said such words. This is the great wind song of Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Does it have anything to do with you, the second generation ancestor who is only interested in profit?

Liang Yuandong thought for a while and praised insincerely: "Secretary Shen is knowledgeable about the past and the present. This sentence is very appropriate to put here. Without your warriors, we would not be so relaxed now."

Zuo Zhong laughed loudly: "Don't pretend to understand if you don't understand. You know shit."

Liang Yuandong's eyes widened. What was Shen going crazy about? Did he make a mistake in flattering him? Just as he was thinking about this, he saw Zuo Zhong walking slowly in front of him with a bright smile on his face.

At this stage of the case, Zuo Zhong was no longer interested in acting with Liang Yuandong anymore. He nodded to Fu Ling behind Liang Yuandong. Fu Ling glared hard and kicked the target's popliteus hard.

Liang Yuandong was caught off guard and fell to his knees on the ground. Before he could react, Fu Ling strangled his neck with his arms. The lack of oxygen for a moment made him roll his eyes and his vision slowly blurred.

At the same time, the agents who were supporting the Japanese started to take action. Some of them hit the enemy in the face with their knees, and some even threw them over their shoulders, throwing the enemy on the hard concrete ground.

The Japanese agents were unprepared, and the allies who had just been chatting and laughing fell out with each other at any time. Even if their fighting skills were good, there was still a slight possibility of fighting back, and they all collapsed on the ground.

 Muraka Koichi, as the leader, was not injured at the same time. He was attacked from the front and back by two agents. He was first punched in the throat, and then hit hard with a knee on the back of the head, causing him to faint.

 In less than ten seconds, all the Japanese spies present were subdued. The spies confiscated their weapons, checked the items on each other's bodies, and finally tied them up with the Japanese's own belts.

Zuo Zhong walked to Liang Yuandong, bent down and searched, and took out a Browning from the opponent's waist. This guy was a professional agent. He had shown good skills during the previous internal strife, so he couldn't be careless.

He unloaded the pistol and nodded to Fu Ling: "Let go, control it and wake it up. This scene won't look good without him as the protagonist. I also want to see how he will react when he knows my identity."

Fu Ling let go of her arms, climbed up from Liang Yuandong's back, took out steel handcuffs from her body and cuffed him behind his back, got up, brought a cup of herbal tea from the table, and poured it directly on the other person's face.

The weather was very cold, and with the cold wind blowing, Liang Yuandong woke up quickly and immediately wanted to get up, but the handcuffs behind him prevented him from using his strength, so he could only move with difficulty. He raised his head and looked at Zuo Zhong, who was smiling.

“Secretary Shen, this is a big joke. If you want to take advantage of others, the Empire of Japan will not let you go. Even if you are a relative of the Chairman, let me go and I will pretend that nothing happened.

Maybe you can find some medicines from the hospital, but they will run out soon. Where can you get new medicines? Don’t forget that only the Kwantung Army can make medicines. Liang Yuandong gritted his teeth. Why didn't he see Shen Dongxin's ambition? The other party actually dared to take action and acted so decisively.

Zuo Zhong sat on the stool, listened patiently to Liang Yuandong's threatening words, and sighed: "I just said you know nothing, so don't waste your efforts. I am not interested in your business. Please allow me to introduce myself, Zuo Chong." , Chief of the Intelligence Section of the National Government Secret Service, do you understand?"

 Left heavy?

Liang Yuandong laughed after hearing this. After a while, he sneered: "Master Shen, don't scare me. We have verified your identity. You don't think we will believe whatever you say, do you?"

Seeing that others still refused to give up, Zuo Zhong felt a little guilty in his heart: "Oh, it's really hard for me to answer what you said. You asked Dean Wang to cooperate with you to verify your identity, but is this useful? Or do you think our committee members Never lie?"


Fu Ling next to her coughed. What the section chief said was a bit inappropriate.

Zuo Zhong glanced at her: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? In order to find out the spies hidden within the National Government, the Chairman is willing to sacrifice his reputation to cooperate with us, isn't he?"

Fu Ling and the agents were shaking their heads like rattles. What the section chief said was so right. No wonder he was the section chief. This was so beautifully said.

After saying that, Zuo Zhong turned to look at the stupid Liang Yuandong and shook his head: "Look, you just don't understand the Republic of China. A man can bend and stretch. As long as I can catch you out, didn't I also suffer in nightclubs for many days? , Boss Liang, your every move is under our surveillance."

Liang Yuandong roared in his throat. He finally believed Zuo Zhong's words. He had been fooled by the man in front of him from beginning to end. The senior secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the younger relatives who were most favored by the Chairman were all fake.

He roared angrily: "Asshole, you despicable villain, you people of the Republic of China can only defeat the Japanese Empire by relying on these conspiracies and tricks. When our troops come to this country, you will all pay the price, you have to pay the price! "

Listening to Liang Yuandong's shouting, Zuo Zhong didn't react at all, with a smile still on his face. It wasn't until the other party finished cursing and lying there breathing heavily that he crossed his legs and spoke leisurely.

"Boss Liang, it seems unprofessional for you to say this. We are colleagues and each has his own master. Where does the so-called conspiracy begin? To talk about conspiracy, you are selling drugs in Jinling to poison my compatriots and woo those who are inciting rebellion against us. Officer, this is a standard conspiracy, right?"

Zuo Zhong's words were very sincere. Liang Yuandong stared at him, and the two of them slowly fell into silence until a burst of gunshots came from downstairs.

 “Bang bang bang.”

A small agent glanced downstairs, then came back and shouted: "Section Chief, the Japanese reinforcements are here. Chief Wu is leading people to clear up. It looks like it will be over soon. Half of them are dead."

Liang Yuandong closed his eyes in pain. Everyone here died because of him, because he trusted Zuo Zhong, because of his greed, and because of Jinjiang. It would be great if time could go back.

 “Do you regret it?”

Liang Yuandong opened his eyes and saw Zuo Zhong with a curious face. He smiled miserably and said: "There is no point in regretting anymore. You have got everything you want. Can you please give me a good time? It will not be in vain for you and me to get to know each other." , Thank you, Section Chief Zuo.”

Zuo Zhong also nodded: "Yes, your account books and customer information, the drug production base, and the drugs stored in Renxin Hospital, but there is one more thing that needs your help, Mr. Liang, and that is the transportation channel for drugs in and out of Jinling. Can you ?"

Liang Yuandong remained silent. He killed Jin Jiang and dozens of Qingmu Mansion agents, and was caught by the secret service of his rival National Government. Everyone on the left and right was dead, and his family had no chance of survival.

  What's the difference between saying it or not saying it? He doesn't need to die for the danger. In the final analysis, the stupid agency chief has at least half of the credit for why he is in this situation, so let him die.

“A battalion commander of the 23rd Division of Jinling Garrison was transported into the city through the military vehicle he contacted.”


 “Huang Dahu.”

 “Your people?”

 “No, a smuggling gang.”

Leo Dian nodded. The military affairs were a bit sensitive, so he asked casually: "Do you have any evidence? You Japanese people are not so honest in business. You must have a back-up plan. Let's be honest."

Liang Yuandong readily admitted: "Yes, when he met with me and collected money, we took photos and archived them, hoping to blackmail him in the future. His position is very critical."

Zuo Zhong understood that the battalion commander of the garrison in the capital of the Republic of China was worthy of the Japanese spending a lot of money to win over him, but the smuggling gang sounded a bit familiar.

 (End of this chapter)

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