Cicada Moving

Chapter 225: nosebleed

Chapter 225 Nosebleed

The car from the Intelligence Department slowly stopped near Renxin Hospital. Zuo Zhong took a closer look and saw that the door was locked and there were no guards. He must have taken the spies to the inside of the hospital, or was under control.

Looking inside, the hospital, which is usually crowded with people, is empty. Even the cleaning workers are nowhere to be seen. Gui Youguang must have taken action. I don’t know what the situation is.

 “Park the car to the door.”

 “Yes, section chief.”

The little agent parked the car at the entrance of the hospital, Zuo Zhong rolled down the car window and waited. Soon a figure jumped out of nowhere, quickly opened the lock, and pushed open the heavy iron door.

 After doing all this, the man walked to the car window and whispered: "Section chief, the commander led the attack twenty minutes ago. So far there has been no gunfire, and there are several guards cooperating with the action."

 “Okay, continue to hide.”

Zuo Zhong looked up at the peaceful hospital building and turned around and said, "Lao Gu, just wait. Going in now is causing trouble for the brothers. Drive the car into the yard. I don't think it will take long."

"Yeah." Gu Qi agreed: "The absence of gunshots is good news. Youguang is finally smart. I thought he was going to make some big noise again."

“Don’t say that, I still understand Youguang. He works very hard. As long as we give him a chance, he will definitely give us a surprise.”


Before Zuo Zhong could finish the happy words, several rooms on the roof of Renxin Hospital exploded. In the dazzling firelight, the air waves blew open all the glass windows.

Countless flying glass exploded, and a sharp fragment flew toward the door with a whoosh, flying towards the stunned Zuo Zhong's head.

 “Section chief, be careful.”

Under the sunlight, the glass fragments were extremely conspicuous. As soon as Gucci shouted these words, he bent over and hit his head heavily on the front seat. The hidden weapon was immediately slapped on the car body.

 Five seconds later.

“Return to the light!” Zuo Zhong shook the shards of glass off his head and gritted his teeth.

Gu Qi opened his mouth and pointed at Zuo Zhong’s head: “Section Chief, your nose is bleeding.”

Zuo Zhong was stunned when he heard the words. He touched his face and looked at it. His hands were covered with blood. Damn it. His nose was injured at Yongfa Salty Goods Store, and this time it was his nose.

Injuries in the Intelligence Department are all weird. Wu Chunyang is always favored by stray bullets. The most injured thing for Zuo Zhong is his nose. How such a soft seat can break his nose is simply inexplicable.

"Section Chief, wipe it." Gu Qi offered a handkerchief, and the sound was so scary.

Zuo Zhong wiped his nose while staring in the direction of the hospital building, his teeth clenching. Gui Youguang, this bastard, say goodbye to Jinling. The anti-Japanese organization in Puppet Manchukuo seems to be lacking an action master. What a coincidence.

Just when Zuo Zhong was furious, Gui Youguang was enjoying the flattery of the little spies.

“The stubborn little Japan actually wants to die together, doesn’t even urinate to look after himself, and dares to act arrogantly in front of the commander. He’s really tired of living.”

“It’s just that these people stupidly helped us kill all the other Japanese people, and only found out that they were deceived when they were about to die. They were so stupid.”

“It is said that Commander Gui is the number one operational expert in our Intelligence Division. I think there is something wrong with this. He should be the number one operational expert in the Secret Service.”

“Sir, I have done a great job in lurking in the enemy’s lair. He led our brothers to kill all the Japanese and seized several tons of medicine. I am very proud of it.”

Looking at the mountains of medicines, Gui Youguang pinched his waist, feeling so beautiful in his heart that the horses would gain weight when people walked away. He had a leg cramp and was sent to the hospital. He spent many days recovering in a daze and then the results were delivered to his door. , can’t even hide.

“Hahaha, okay, find the refilling guns that are still alive, check the battlefield, seal up all medicines and written materials, the hospital blockade will not be lifted for the time being, and find out the medicine bugs hidden in the patients.

Damn it, I noticed something was wrong with the kid in the ward on the first day I came here. He looked like those gangsters from Jiaxing, with a sallow complexion and thin skin. You should also pay attention to it in the future. You will get a lot of credit. "

Gui Youguang touched his bald head. Now the section chief must be satisfied. He took down the Japanese spy's hideout in one fell swoop without even a single blow. Except for the explosions and suicides of the last few people, it was perfect.

Watching the agents cleaning the battlefield, Gui Youguang took out a crumpled cigarette from his pocket and lit it. He was very comfortable in Renxin Hospital. He had enough clothes to open his hands and food to open his mouth, but he couldn't smoke. I couldn't stand it anymore, and now I'm finally liberated.


The cigarette in his hand was lit. Gui Youguang stood by the window to get some air. He swept the glass on the window sill with his hand. Thinking of the decisiveness and ferocity of those Japanese, he couldn't help but feel scared. They were just going to explode. Don't care about your own life.

If he hadn't been careful, he would have fallen into a trap. Thinking of the terrible consequences, a few drops of sweat ran down his bald head. There was a rumor in Corey that the section chief once wanted to send him to the Northeast to lurk. I don't know if it was true or not. , but if this operation suffers heavy losses, I'm afraid it will turn out to be true.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked outside along the sound of sirens in the distance. Then he frowned. What happened to the people watching at the door? Why was there an extra car in the yard? Could it be support from the Japanese? Gui Youguang threw the cigarette **** to the ground and stubbed it out with his foot: "Follow me, there is an extra car in the yard, everyone pay attention to safety, there may be support from the Japanese. If the situation goes wrong, shoot immediately. No need to ask for instructions. Damn, these **** are killing me one after another, brothers, come with me!”

Many times, many things make no sense. If Zuo Zhong's nosebleed was like a stream just now, now it is like a fountain, with nosebleeds spurting out. Not to mention the handkerchief Gucci contributed, on the car I tried everything possible, but couldn't stop his nosebleed.

Seeing Zuo Zhong's face turn pale, Gu Qi felt that he couldn't wait any longer. If something happened to the section chief because of his nosebleed, it would be a big joke.

The chief of the intelligence section lost not a hair in the Japanese spy's lair, but he died of excessive blood loss due to an explosion by one of his subordinates. This kind of death was unprecedented.

He called to the little spy who was driving: "Quick, I'll help the section chief go in to find the doctor. You go and find Gui Youguang. I'm going to skin him today!"

The little agent panicked when he saw the section chief bleeding. He hurriedly ran into the hospital building. As soon as he reached the second floor, he bumped into Gui Youguang. Gui Youguang was usually responsible for the operational technical training of the intelligence department. All the agents All the agents know this guy.

When the little agent saw him, he quickly shouted: "Sorry, the section chief is injured. Deputy section chief Gu is helping the section chief to find a doctor. Chief Gui, please go and have a look quickly."

Gui Youguang's hair stood on end. The section chief was actually injured and was sent to the hospital. If it was a minor injury, it would be enough to send it back to the medical clinic and hand it over to Dr. Ling. Now he must have been seriously injured. Who the **** did it? The section chief was hurt!

His eyes were bloodshot and he yelled, "Follow me, and I'll catch the guy who hurt the section chief!"



This group of people rushed down with murderous intent, leaving behind the little agent who reported the news. The little agent was dumbfounded. Did he say something less just now?

Gu Qi supported Zuo Zhong, who was dizzy, and walked into the hospital hall. He looked around and saw that there was no doctor or nurse in the hall. Just when he was about to open his mouth to call someone, he heard shouting from upstairs.

 “Section Chief, Section Chief, where are you?”

“Come on, doctor, if you don’t save our section chief, I will shoot you all!”

Gu Qi's eyebrows stood up when he heard this. It was Gui Youguang, a bastard, but he was talking nonsense, saying that he couldn't be saved. It was just a nosebleed, although it was a bit serious.

Gui Youguang went down to the hall and immediately saw the angry-faced Gu Qi and the pale-faced section chief Zuo. He quickly rushed over with his people, with tears in his eyes. Who had injured the beloved section chief? There is light and it is irreconcilable.

Zuo Zhong was already dizzy due to excessive blood loss. When he saw Gui Youguang's appearance, his head was buzzing with anger. He pointed at him with his finger and said tremblingly: "Well done, I really belong to you. "

 Gui Youguang burst into tears. Even if he was seriously injured, the section chief would not forget to encourage him. He was so virtuous and capable. He quickly walked to Zuo Zhong in three steps at a time and held him up, shouting.

 “Where are the doctors, are they all dead?”

Other agents turned red-eyed when they saw the section chief's face covered with blood. They drove out the doctors and nurses on the first floor, put guns to their heads and asked them to treat Zuo Zhong. The scene was chaotic.


With a gunshot, all the agents immediately found bunkers, holding up PPKs and Thomsons to see who dared to shoot here.

 Gucci gun was put back into its holster and he yelled angrily: "Shut up! Gui Youguang, you still have the nerve to say that if your actions hadn't gone wrong and caused an explosion, how could the section chief have been injured while avoiding the debris?"

The section chief is bleeding from the nose right now. If anything good is found out, you guys should prepare to go to the northeast to lurk. I, Gucci, said, let the doctor come and treat the section chief quickly, don’t delay any more. "


Gui Youguang's tears retracted from his eyes, and his eyes were full of confusion. The section chief's injuries were caused by himself. How could it be possible? They were not even injured in the explosion. How could he be injured if the section chief was not at the scene? He saw the glass powder on Zuo Zhong's body and understood immediately.

It was over. He wanted to cry but had no tears. How could it be such a coincidence? Now he must be going to the Northeast to lurk. I wonder if it will be very cold there. How does it compare to Peking? He thought about those people on the roadside in Peiping again. During the days of squatting, Gui Youguang helped Zuo Zhong walk into the ward with his heart filled with despair.

After several famous doctors from Renxin Hospital made diagnoses, they all agreed that the reason Zuo Zhong’s nosebleeds couldn’t be stopped was because he had internal heat, which may have been caused by his excessive extravagance in the past period.

After some simple treatment, Zuo Zhong's fountain finally stopped. He lay on the hospital bed and said feebly: "Lao Gu, Corey's work will be left to you. After all, this is the first time for Lao Song to take charge of Corey's work. After you return, you must hurry up to interrogate and improve the confession evidence. I will rest for two days. "

Gu Qi nodded: "Okay, section chief, just rest in peace and recuperate. Gui Youguang, I will deal with him well. He is hiding at the door and dare not see you."

Zuo Zhong sighed: "Forget it, isn't that what our job is? Let him not have any psychological baggage. As for sending him to the Northeast, it is just a joke. After all, the work there has not been carried out. When there is a fixed area station in the future, we will talk later."

 Gu Qi smiled: "Good place, section chief."

   221 has been blocked. I have modified the application to unblock it. Please be patient and wait. Sorry.



 (End of this chapter)

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