Cicada Moving

Chapter 227: Fall out

Chapter 227 Falling out

 Song Minghao was taken away? Zuo Zhong and Dai Chunfeng in the ward were both stunned. Xu Enzeng was so bold that he dared to arrest people from the Secret Service. He was so stimulated that he went crazy.

Zuo Chong asked with a dark face: "When did it happen and for what reason did you just watch your brother being taken away?"

There are some things that Dai Chunfeng cannot say, but Zuo Zhong can say that even if there is a problem with Song Minghao, it will be investigated and handled by the Secret Service internally. Why should the First Division and Xu Enzeng meddle in other people's affairs.

Wu Chunyang smiled bitterly: "Do you remember that Huang Dahu? He was a member of the military smuggling group that Liang Yuandong confessed. The other party found someone from the secret service headquarters to surrender and sold Lao Song. It is said that the weapons used in the underground party's prisoner robbery case came from them. What leaked out was all military-standard equipment.

More than a hundred people were dispatched to one area just now. With Director Chen's warrant, Deputy Section Chief Gu tried to stop him from being beaten by someone from the First Area. The brothers were about to rob people. Deputy Section Chief Gu was afraid of making things worse, so he didn't let the big guys take action. , let me first notify the director and section chief to see how this matter should be handled. "

 Um, arms?

Zuo Zhong's heart skipped a beat, he actually had something to do with that batch of arms. No wonder Yi Yi was chasing after him like a dog after seeing the bones. Xu Enzeng suffered a big loss that time, and even the deputy director who got it was blown away. Now he has revenge. The opportunity must be to retaliate with grievances and revenge, and Lao Song is in danger.

Dai Chunfeng remained silent on the sidelines. He knew something about Song Minghao's arms business. Zuo Zhong also bought a batch of high-quality and low-cost heavy weapons through the other party, but what did this have to do with the prisoner robbery case.

 A chief of the military unit of the Secret Service, has something to do with the underground party? Dai Chunfeng became more vigilant. If this was the case, Song Minghao couldn't be saved, but why didn't Shen Zhi find out?

Dai Chunfeng doesn't believe that the underground party can hide under Zuo Zhong's nose without being discovered. Whether Zuo Zhong deliberately shielded him or received Song Minghao's benefits is worthy of further investigation.

Zuo Zhong immediately scolded: "Song Minghao, who is good at eating, drinking, gambling and everything, can't be an underground party. He just bought some arms. Who in the army doesn't do this? Xu Enzeng is taking the opportunity to cause trouble. If Lao Song was an underground party, I don’t think he would arrest people publicly, this bastard.”

 Dai Chunfeng thought about it carefully, and it seems that there is really such a possibility. With Xu Enzeng's great virtue, he will definitely choose to follow the clues. Now arresting Song Minghao is more like a demonstration to show everyone that he has the ability to arrest people from the Secret Service.

Of course, the matter of Song Minghao still needs in-depth investigation. The Secret Service must not have domestic thieves like the Secret Service Headquarters. Dai Chunfeng decided to hand over this work to others. It involved the internal affairs of the Intelligence Department, and it was inappropriate to let Zuo Zhong screen it.

At this time, Dai Chunfeng discovered something: "Shenzhu, are you feeling well?"

Zuo Zhong would be furious and jumping around like he was injured.

Zuo Zhong was stunned for a moment, then walked out of bed with a look of disbelief on his face: "It's really miraculous. As soon as he heard about Song Minghao, the student's body was filled with strength, and his internal injuries were healed without treatment."

Dai Chunfeng was stunned, and after a long time he said: "It's okay, you have dealt with Xu Enzeng more, and you have experience in dealing with him. I only have one request. Regardless of whether Song Minghao is an underground party or not, it can only be handled by the Secret Service. Do you understand?"

Leo Key nodded: "Yes, teacher, we are the only ones arresting people, so there is no reason to be arrested. I will solve the matter as soon as possible, but regarding the issue of Song Minghao's espionage, I hope the teacher will choose someone else."

 Dai Chunfeng was suspicious by nature, and Zuo Zhong had long understood this. Since he suspected Song Minghao, he simply conducted an open investigation. Firstly, Zuo Zhong did not believe that he had seen the wrong person, and secondly, it would reduce his own suspicion.

Sure enough, Dai Chunfeng only hesitated for a few seconds and then readily agreed. He was very pleased that Zuo Zhong could take the initiative to bring up the matter. This proved that Zuo Zhong had a clear conscience and believed Xu Enzeng's statement that he deliberately framed Song Minghao. A few points.

He smiled and comforted: "Shen Zhong, don't think too much. It is normal for external investigations of internal problems. The teacher will always believe in you. If you have any questions, you can tell me. I will be your strong backing. Okay." , then I’ll leave first.”

Zuo Zhong was moved to tears: "Thank you, teacher, for your trust. The student will handle this matter perfectly and properly. If Song Minghao is even the slightest bit suspicious, the student will not tolerate it and kill him publicly in person to warn those who are the first and the second." A decent person.”

There was a bit of ruthlessness in his words, and Dai Chunfeng was very satisfied. When dealing with the underground party, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. His students are good at everything, but he lacks ruthlessness. This ruthlessness is not only for the enemy. , sometimes also for one's own people, those who achieve great things must not be benevolent as women.

Dai Chunfeng left with satisfaction. Zuo Zhong narrowed his eyes and asked Wu Chunyang, who was in a daze next to him: "Do you have anything to say? The director is gone, please tell me."

Wu Chunyang hesitated and said: "Section Chief, is it really impossible to save Lao Song? Do you really want to shoot him?"

Zuo Zhong interrupted him: "If I didn't say this, would you be able to let me handle it without worries? Stop thinking nonsense, I don't care if you steal or rob, get me the information on the smuggling gang immediately.

In addition, Liang Yuandong was arranged to change his confession, saying that Huang Dahu was his mole, and told him that his life and the life of his whole family were in my hands. Don't force me to report his situation to Japan. ”    Wu Chunyang was shocked and understood Zuo Zhong’s intention. If Huang Dahu was a Japanese spy, the Secret Service could forcibly detain this person. When the person is in their hands, they can deal with it however they want. Old Song will not die. .

He quickly saluted: "Yes, I will go back and talk to Liang Yuandong right away. This guy has seen the electric chair and is very cooperative. He confessed a lot of valuable information, which is consistent with Tuozhi's confession."

Zuo Zhong just waved his hand and asked him to go back to the office to deal with the confession matter. As for how he wanted to persuade Liang Yuandong quietly, that was his business. Zuo Zhong only asked about the result and not the process.

The people in the Intelligence Department over there were in a state of shock because of Song Minghao's arrest. They didn't know whether it was Song Minghao who was being targeted, or whether it was a prelude to attacking the Intelligence Department. Even if Dai Chunfeng came back, there wouldn't be much improvement. The agents all looked sad.

This situation lasted until night. Everyone was awakened by a sharp horn. They went to the window to take a look and found that the section chief was back. Zuo Zhong got out of the car with a smile on his face, straightened his shiny oil head, and saw It's very easy to go up.

Strange to say, when they saw Zuo Zhong, the spies' anger suddenly came back. Gu Qi was relieved when he saw this scene. He didn't know the troubles of being a leader. Without Zuo Zhong as the backbone, the intelligence department would have no soul. , It’s good that the section chief is back.

As Zuo Zhong walked, he greeted his subordinates on both sides, made a few jokes, and patted someone on the shoulder. The Intelligence Department, which had been dead silent just now, suddenly came to life. Zuo Zhong deliberately walked around in a large circle before returning. In his own office, Gu Qi and other middle-level cadres stood at the door of the office.

Zuo Zhong walked past without anyone else around. Just when they thought the section chief was about to get angry, he pushed the door open with both hands and said, "Everyone, come in with me."

Everyone looked at each other and followed him into the office with a grimace. He Yijun poured a cup of hot tea and brought it in. Everyone knew that the section chief was very unhappy and wanted to put his head in his crotch.

 “Thank you, please go out.”

Zuo Zhong took the hot tea, looked up at his men, and snorted with his nostrils: "Don't look so frightened. This matter has nothing to do with you. Stop gossiping. We just arrested people in one place, which **** did it?" Beat up Deputy Section Chief Gu?”

 Gu Qi’s right eye was swollen and dark, which was a bit funny, but no one could laugh. This was a slap in the face of everyone in the information department.

Wu Chunyang took a step forward: "The report to the section chief was given by Xu Enzeng, and the person who took action was Liu Gui, the chief of the Intelligence Section of the First Division, who was a graduate of the sixth phase of the Police Affairs Department of the Central Military Academy.

It is said that he is a good friend of Wang Aofu. The two trained together and performed tasks against the underground party together. Wang Aofu saved his life. The relationship between the two is very close and unusual. "

Zuo Chong chuckled and sneered: "I don't care whether he is a cow or a pig. If someone touches me, he must be prepared for his family's wealth. Everyone, immediately collect all information about Liu Gui, including his family background."

Gu Qi was very grateful for Zuo Zhong's concern, but when he heard this, he immediately panicked: "Section Chief, this is against the rules. Jianghu is a matter of Jianghu. If his family is touched, it will cause public outrage, so you can't!"

Gui Youguang has been hiding in the corner for a long time. He has been unusually low-key since he made Zuo Zhong's face bloody. Now that he heard Zuo Zhong's order, he felt that an opportunity had come, so he pushed aside the people around him and squeezed to the front.

 He shouted excitedly: "Section chief, leave this task to me and make sure it is completed beautifully."

Zuo Zhong pointed at him directly: "It's none of your business, just stay aside and I'll deal with you later."

Gui Youguang muttered and retreated into the corner, while Wu Chunyang looked confused. In his impression, Zuo Zhong was not the kind of person who would harm his family. Why did he attack Liu Gui's family this time? Could it be that the two of them had a grudge?

Zuo Zhong added: "Let me investigate in a big way. It's best to let the whole Jinling know that we are investigating Liu Gui's family. Not only Liu Gui's, but their secret service headquarters has some kind of secretarial office and inspection office. Everything in it Everyone needs to investigate.

We need to make sure that our people are nearby when their children go out, so that the brothers have a better attitude. But if someone dares to do anything and curse, then retaliate with retaliation. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it. I will make it impossible for them to eat. , can't sleep. "

 Speaking of this, he looked at his men: "Can it be done?"

 “Can! Can! Can!”

Zuo Zhong slapped the table: "Okay, the action starts now. Remember to bring all your weapons. I got information that the battalion commander of the 23rd Division Huang Dahu is a senior mole of the Aoki Mansion in Japan. There may be something fishy about protecting this person like this. Everyone should be careful."

 (End of this chapter)

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