Cicada Moving

Chapter 231: Longmen (monthly ticket event asking for tickets, 8pm to 0pm

Chapter 231 Dragon Gate (monthly ticket event asking for votes, 8pm to 0pm)

 Huang Dahu was pushed back on the bed and yelled: "If you kill me, the people at the secret service headquarters will never let this case go easily. You must think clearly and don't be impulsive."

The intelligence agent was even more angry when he heard this. At this time, this guy didn't forget to use his name to scare people. He moved his hands even more and **** his hands and feet with cowhide ropes.

Not only Huang Dahu, but also his parents, wife, and children were controlled at the same time. They just didn't have any weapons or equipment. The Huang family members begged for mercy at the top of their lungs. Veins popped out on Huang Dahu's forehead in the back room.

"You are so ungrateful that you will not bring harm to your wife and children. We are all brothers in the army. I, Huang Dahu, have done something wrong. I admit it, but this has nothing to do with the elderly and children. Let them go, otherwise I will never let you go. Help Wang Ba Dan.”

Gu Qi opened the door and walked in, saying sarcastically: "Hey, isn't this Huang Dahu and Camp Commander Huang? Hearing how impassioned he said it, those who didn't know thought he was a good man, but you went to the secret service headquarters and ordered so many Are people particular?"

Huang Dahu craned his neck and looked back, and found that the person who came to arrest him seemed unfamiliar, as if he was not a member of the army, but the other party made it clear that they were here for that matter.

In the flash of lightning, he thought of another possibility, and his heart was filled with despair. Apart from the military, there was another person involved in the arms case, Song Minghao from the Secret Service. He was afraid that it was not the perpetrator who came to visit him.

The Secret Service is not a good and faithful person. In the past two years, there has been a lot of bloodshed. The East Asia Club was busted by the other side. It is said that there were dozens of corpses at the scene. They were all standard killers.

If the other party wasn't so murderous, he wouldn't have chosen to cooperate with the First Division, but they all said that the First Division was Director Chen's confidant. How dare the Secret Service dare to fall out? Aren't they afraid of Director Chen getting angry?

The next moment he shouted: "I know, you are from the Secret Service, and I am a witness from Division 1. You cannot touch me. If you touch me, you will be violating military law and will be shot."

As soon as he said these words, one of the agents put his knee on the back of his head and pushed Huang Dahu's head down. Another person took out a piece of cloth and prepared to gag his mouth. He dared to threaten the Secret Service.

 “Wait a minute, let him go.”

Gu Qi asked people to let go of Huang Dahu first, then walked to Huang Dahu who looked dissatisfied, and said with a smile: "Don't be so anxious. We are here to do things according to the regulations. The reason will be announced later. I guarantee you will be convinced." oral."

“You are retaliating, taking revenge!”

 Huang Dahu continued to struggle after hearing this. He was now a witness in Section 1, and no one could arrest him. This was Director Xu's promise. The agents did not tolerate him, and immediately punched him in the abdomen several times.

These few blows hit Huang Dahu right in the stomach. He spat it out with a loud sound and almost choked his breath. He no longer had the strength to resist. He was carried out of the bedroom, which was considered a family reunion.

Seeing that the matter was done, Gu Qi took the lead and walked out, followed by the secret agents escorting the Huang family. When he walked out of the Huang family's door, he stopped, looked around and smiled.

Ignoring the furtive onlookers, he announced loudly: "Huang Dahu, it has been revealed that you colluded with Japanese spies, and the other party confessed to it. You betrayed the leader and betrayed the party and the country. Your crime is extremely heinous! Today I am arresting you on behalf of the Secret Service."

If you have evidence to prove your innocence, we will definitely deal with it impartially. After all, you are a witness in an arms smuggling case and have testified against many corrupt members of the military. Your testimony is needed in this case, but if there is no evidence, then just wait for death. Bar. "

 Gu Qi shouted these words to the military families in the yard before leaving the 23rd Division officer family area with Huang Dahu, who was dizzy. Soon, various gossips leaked out, with many versions.

 The Secret Service arrested a lot of Japanese spies in the past few days. Many people know about this. Now that the Japanese spies have confessed, this may be true. Then will the arms smuggling case lead to murder?

The insidious and cunning Japanese spy teamed up with Huang Dahu, a scumbag in the military, to fabricate a so-called arms smuggling network in order to murder those loyal ministers and generals who were dedicated to the public good. What a despicable plan.

This speculation was well-founded and in line with the interests of some people, so the gossip immediately turned into fact. It is said that Huang Dahu confessed to identifying more and more people, and their military ranks were getting higher and higher.

Anyway, when Liu Gui learned about this, someone had already said that Huang Dahu's testimony involved a certain senior member of the Military Commission, and that he had a nose, eyes, and witnesses. If Huang Dahu's confession hadn't been with him, Liu Gui would have thought that this was true. of.

After exerting internal pressure, Zuo Zhong finally showed his sword and sealed his throat with one sword - questioning the reliability of the witness Huang Dahu. A suspected Japanese spy accused members of the intelligence agency. No matter how you look at it, this matter is standard. framed.

With just this move, the Secret Service turned from passive to proactive, and the problem was thrown back to the First Office. Even if Director Chen was exerting pressure behind his back, there would definitely be no shortage of objections from all relevant parties. With such an obvious frame-up, why did the First Office Will believe it.

Is the Secret Service Headquarters really investigating the case, or is it taking the opportunity to retaliate? More importantly, if Song Minghao's case is like this, is there any doubt about the previous case? They have arrested so many underground party members. Are there any unjust cases among them?

You know, in addition to lurkers, there are also many party, military and government officials among the underground party members who have been arrested. The families of these people are not vegetarians. Once they see a mistake in one place, they will definitely pounce on them and tear everyone apart. into pieces.

Liu Gui broke out in cold sweat. This was a chain reaction. If it was not handled well, it might become the last straw and push the building of the secret service headquarters completely. As a person in the situation, he would be in dire straits. realm. He quickly turned the phone crank and waited anxiously for the call to be connected, but there was no answer. Liu Gui tried several times and simply walked out of the office and walked upstairs.

Along the way, he had a calm expression and greeted everyone, just like he usually reported to work. The passing agents had long been accustomed to it and did not attract too many people's attention.

When he arrived at the door of Xu Enzeng's office, he looked at the empty secretary's room. His eyes were full of doubts, and then he knocked on the door gently: "Director, are you there? I am Liu Guina. I have something important to report. I didn't have any news just now." When someone answers the phone, I will”

Before finishing a sentence, Xu Enzeng's office was suddenly opened, and a tall modern girl walked out. Liu Gui's hand knocking on the door almost hit her beautiful and delicate forehead.

 “Humph, you have no eyesight.”

The girl rolled her eyes at him and walked away with a Kun bag in her arms. Liu Gui's mouth was dry and he understood why the secretary was gone. This was to give Director Xu a chance to spend time with the beauty.

He complained secretly, how come everything happened to him, but when it came to the future of the secret service headquarters, he could only strengthen his spirits, waited for a long time, and gently knocked on Xu Enzeng's door again.


 “Ahem, come in.”

This time Xu Enzeng finally responded, but his tone was a bit strange. Liu Gui carefully shrunk her tall body and walked into the office like a silent wind, then stood with her head bowed.

"What happened? Why did you come to me instead of investigating the arms smuggling case?" Xu Enzeng looked very unhappy, and the interest he had managed to cultivate was interrupted. This Liu Gui was really short-sighted.

Liu Gui ignored the last two sentences and reported the matter from beginning to end, especially the speculation about the matter. He believed that this was a conspiracy between Zuo Zhong and the Secret Service and must be taken seriously.

Finally, he concluded: "Director, this matter must be resolved as quickly as possible. Whether Song Minghao is guilty or not is not important anymore. What is important is the legality of the existence of a place and the rationality of the handling of previous cases. Otherwise it will be too late!”

Liu Gui became more and more excited as he spoke, but Xu Enzeng was a little dismissive: "Liu Gui, are you thinking too much? Does the Second Division say that Huang Dahu is a spy? It's useless even if they have a Japanese confession. You Now go to the second office immediately and tell them that we request to jointly hear the case.

The Japanese must have been forced to say this under torture. It is impossible to bear death for two people. You must do your best to protect his life. I will ask Director Chen to go to the Secret Service. I will reveal the true colors of Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong face to face. Not only Song Minghao can't run away, and these two **** will be in trouble as well! "

When Xu Enzeng said this, he stood up and raised his thick eyebrows. This time he was going to do his best to completely defeat the Secret Service. Dai Chunfeng finally made a stupid move, and Zuo Zhong was no more than that. He actually wanted to use such a stupid method to save his life. people.

 “Hahaha, I will definitely win this time.”

As he thought, he laughed wildly, as if he saw Director Chen scolding Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong righteously, and then the two men apologized to him with aggrieved expressions. If he could really see this scene and be interrupted. That's not a big deal.

Then he looked at Liu Gui and found that the other party did not carry out his order. He was still standing there with a dead face and looking at him strangely. This made Xu Enzeng furious. If he rebelled, someone would dare not Listen to yourself.

He said with a gloomy face: "Liu Gui, didn't you hear what I said? Go to the second office now. If the spy dies, you die with him. You must hold on until Director Chen and I come."

Liu Gui smiled bitterly: "Director, this matter is not important anymore. Now everything is said outside, and many senior officials are involved. This case cannot be investigated anymore, even if it is proven that the Second Division forced the Japanese spy to say it , but do you remember what the people from the Second Division said before taking Huang Dahu away? "

Xu Enzeng had an angry look on his face: "If there is no evidence, then just wait for death. Of course I remember what this matter has to do with Song Minghao."

Liu Gui looked at his subtle expression: "Do you think those in the army have no evidence that Huang Dahu has taken bribes and violated the law? The fact that he is a Japanese spy may be falsified, but what about other things?"

Xu Enzeng stopped banging the table. The **** Second Division said this, and those people will desperately provide all kinds of evidence, because proving that Huang Dahu is unclean will prove their innocence.

After thinking for a long time, he sat back on the chair and said through gritted teeth: "I don't care, you go to the Second Office immediately. You can't give the scum in the army time to collude with the Second Office. You can't lose this time, you must not lose!"

Seeing his immediate boss struggling for his life, Liu Gui nodded helplessly: "Yes, I'll go now." After saying that, he walked out of the office, leaving only Xu Enzeng, who was worried about gains and losses, and the dragon gate that had not been fastened.

 (End of this chapter)

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