Cicada Moving

Chapter 234: Framed (monthly ticket event asking for votes, 8pm to 0pm

Chapter 234: Framed (monthly ticket asking for votes, 8pm to 0pm)

Looking at the red-faced Liu Gui, Zuo Zhong guessed something. Xu Enzeng might have really asked Director Chen, the giant Buddha, to leave. This **** wanted to fight the Secret Service to the death.

He suddenly slammed the table and asked with an unkind expression: "Chief Liu, why don't you answer? We have agreed to your request for cooperation. Don't you think this is bad? Answer me."

As he said these words, many Secret Service agents took a step forward together. Under the dim light, some people had murderous intent in their eyes, which made the already small interrogation room even more depressing.

Liu Gui bent his waist slightly and said, "Section Chief Zuo is an adult, so Liu naturally has no objections. Everything is based on the request of your department. We are just observing and will never be troublesome."

Those who know current affairs are talented. He can't give the Second Department any excuse to get angry now. Zuo Zhong allows himself to observe. The purpose is to find personal evidence to prove that the Japanese spy's testimony against Huang Dahu is voluntary.

 All he could do was cooperate fully and wait for the director and director Chen to arrive before making plans. Thinking of this, Liu Gui's expression became more and more cute, and his mouth almost reached the back of his head, with a bright smile on his face.

Zuo Zhong snorted coldly: "Bring up the Japanese spy Oishi Masano and let our colleagues see if we can defeat him. A mere scum in the army will coax them into running around, they are useless."

Facing the strange insults, Liu Gui's smile did not diminish. He pretended that he was deaf. Not to mention that Zuo Zhong just cursed trash, even if he greeted Elder Xu's mother, he pretended that he had not heard.

Soon, Oishi Masano, also known as Liang Yuandong, walked into the interrogation room with handcuffs and shackles. He was neatly dressed, walked with firm and powerful steps, his eyes were clear and energetic, and he was in very good health.

Liu Gui observed carefully and quickly determined that this person had never been tortured. This was bad news. The Secret Service's method of persuading the other party was not relying on beatings and threats. There was something fishy about it.

There are two ways to bribe a person, one is coercion and the other is inducement. Obviously, the situation in front of him is the second one, but there is something that can seduce a spy. This person will not escape death in the end. Could it be that the Secret Service uses this as a bargaining chip to persuade other side?

Liu Gui watched Oishi Masano being lifted to the interrogation chair and immediately denied the idea. The Secret Service did not dare to use this exchange. Everyone knew the seriousness of the case, but Dai Chunfeng did not dare to do this.

Besides, Oishi Masano is an old intelligence officer and should know that he is bound to die. Who asked him to participate in the political struggle between President Wang and the Chairman? In this case, even if the Secret Service told him to let him live, he would not believe.

Oishi Masano looked at the little agent who tied the restraints on himself, and looked at Zuo Zhong with a smile: "Chief Zuo, there is no need to mobilize troops like this. Just ask whatever you want, and I will definitely cooperate."

Zuo Zhong waved his hand: "Okay, you go down first. Mr. Dashi is a smart man. You can give him a little trust. As long as he has no suicidal tendencies, you should leave him alone."

“Arigado, thank you so much.” Oishi Masano lowered his head and raised his head and asked, “Section Chief Zuo, you can start now, but I have told you everything I know and I dare not hide anything.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "It's up to me to judge whether everything has been explained. Just cooperate. Let's confirm again. Huang Dahu, the battalion commander of the 23rd Division of Jinling Garrison, is your subordinate, right?"

Liu Gui pricked up his ears. Although he had determined that there was some kind of tacit understanding between the two of them, if he could find any loopholes in the words, it would not be in vain to risk his life.

Oishi Masano nodded: "Yes, Huang Dahu is my downline. His initial task was to help us steal your country's military secrets, and later he also participated in the transportation of banned drugs.

 “The specific time to instigate rebellion against him.”

“In March of the 20th year of the Republic of China, Huang Dahu had just been transferred from the local army to the 23rd Division.”

 “His code name.”


 “Joint method.”

“Meet him at the East Asia Club. The account book contains his time and consumption items each time he comes.”

Liu Gui lost interest as he listened. Zuo Zhong and Oishi Masano were definitely acting. The two of them nailed Huang Dahu to death in one question and one answer. The code name, time, connection method, etc. were all available.

As for other evidence, since the Secret Service was able to capture Huang Dahu and went to his home, it must have released everything that should be released and hidden everything that should be hidden, such as cash and confidential documents. This is very simple.

Zuo Zhong was not ready to end, and said with a serious face: "You said that Huang Dahu is your subordinate. Is there any other evidence? If not, I suspect that you are framing him and trying to kill someone with a borrowed knife."

 After speaking, he looked at Liu Gui: "It concerns the future of a pillar of the party and the country. We must treat it with caution. Section Chief Liu thinks whether what Zuo just asked is appropriate. If you have any different opinions, you can put forward them."

Pillar of the Party and State, these words made Liu Gui feel sick. People like Huang Dahu had nothing to do with these four words. Even a fool could hear the sarcasm in Zuo Zhong's language. There was even a bald man who had already put his hands in his arms. , I am in danger.

He suppressed his fear and waved his hand quickly: "It's very appropriate. Liu has no objection to this. To be honest, Section Chief Zuo handles the case so carefully. It opened my eyes and benefited me a lot."

Liu Gui saw that the situation was not good, so he immediately lowered his seniority by one point, and turned attending the case into studying. No wonder he was sent by Xu Enzeng to find out the news, but it was a pity that he was just a little clever and did not know how to use the general trend.

Zuo Zhong smiled faintly and continued to ask Oishi Masano: "Did you hear that? This is Liu Gui, the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service Headquarters. Huang Dahu is his important witness, involved in an arms smuggling case." Oishi Masano trembled after hearing this. Shaking the handcuffs on his hands, he tilted his head and stared at Liu Gui with a sneer on his lips, always feeling like he was going to say something next moment.

Liu Gui felt guilty and realized that something was not right. Why did Zuo Zhong introduce his identity and what was the purpose of getting involved in the arms smuggling case.

He quickly made up for it: "Huang Dahu is actually not an important witness. I am here just to observe and study. Chief Zuo must not take care of me."

But it was too late. Oishi Masano looked up to the sky and sighed: "That's it. At this point, I don't need to cover up for Huang Dahu anymore. I have photos of him when he was hooking up and collecting money from lovers.

The arms smuggling case was also the task I gave Huang Dahu. The purpose was to frame the young officers of your country and reduce the losses of the imperial army in future wars. It is a pity that the success fell short.

Give me another month, and the fools at the Secret Service Headquarters will definitely fall for it. Even if I die without a burial place, I can still clear some obstacles for the empire. It’s a black card, it’s onboard. "

Oishi Masano poured the beans into the bamboo tube, said everything that should be said and what should not be said, and threw a **** pot on the head of the secret service headquarters, and expressed his loyalty to the emperor without any sincerity.

Liu Gui's hair was numb. Gou Ri's Zuo Zhong was so cruel. Not only did he want to kill Huang Dahu, but he also involved the secret service headquarters. What he was worried about had happened, and he had to fight back.

He retorted: "Oishi Masano, what do you mean by saying these things to Section Chief Zuo? Don't you want to give up and want to sow discord between us? I advise you not to waste your efforts. What kind of person is Section Chief Zuo?" I will fall into your trap.

Moreover, Huang Dahu took the initiative to surrender to us and explain the problem after your case was committed. This does not match up with what you said in terms of time. Could it be that Huang Dahu was determined to work for you, and even being caught on the line was not enough Don't care, do you? "

Liu Gui praised Zuo Zhong very highly and found the loopholes in Oishi Masano's words. Faced with the arrest of the top line, what intelligence personnel should do is to retreat immediately instead of running to report.

Oishi Masano looked serious: "Huang Sang is the most loyal subordinate of Tian Locust. When I told him this plan, I asked him to activate it flexibly. Maybe he thought that my arrest would be the most suitable time. I failed to withstand the interrogation of the Secret Service. , I’m sorry for him.”


What should Liu Gui say? This guy Oishi Masano brought everything on himself. This kind of death confession is the most difficult to refute. The other party didn't even want his life, so the credibility of what he said is naturally very high.

Watching the confrontation between the two, Zuo Zhong smiled. He was very satisfied with Hayashi Fuichiro's reaction speed. If he hadn't seen the telex photo of his home and his old mother, Oishi Masano would not be so cooperative.

People in desperate situations will grab every life-saving straw. In order to prevent relatives in the country from being implicated, all Oishi Masano can do is cooperate fully, otherwise he will not be the only one to die.

Liu Gui kept thinking about why the Japanese spy was so determined to help the Secret Service frame them, what benefits he could get, and what kind of benefits he could get, so that he would not let go of one spot even if he risked his life.

Seeing his gloomy look, Zuo Zhong suggested kindly: "Let Dashi Zhengye and Huang Dahu confront each other face to face and see if there are any flaws in their words. What's fake can't be true, and what's true can't be fake. Section Chief Liu What do you think?"

What could Liu Gui say? He could only sneer and nod. A glimmer of hope arose in his heart. Huang Dahu had no choice but to rely on them. It was impossible for him to cooperate with the Secret Service to frame the Secret Service Headquarters.

Not long after, Huang Dahu was thrown directly in and hit the hard concrete floor. Don't expect the special agent to be polite to the suspect who reported his brother. This made Liu Gui's eyes jump.

 “Give him a bath and let this guy wake up.” Zuo Zhong, holding a cigarette in his mouth, gave an order.


Gui Youguang responded first, walked to the water pipe, took a large bucket of water, poured a bottle of red powder into it, and poured it on his head.


When a pot of chili water was poured on Huang Dahu's body, which was full of wounds, he suddenly woke up and miraculously jumped up from his binding state. He didn't know how to exert his strength, which made Zuo Zhong wonder.

 Huang Dahu jumped up and down in the interrogation room like a caterpillar. Liu Gui sighed when he saw his embarrassing appearance. Ignoring the attention of everyone in the Secret Service, he stepped forward and raised his right hand.

 “Crack! Pah! Pah!”

Three big mouths made Huang Dahu wake up from his daze. The moment he saw Liu Gui, he shed tears and howled: "Chief Liu, you said you would protect me as long as I identify Song Minghao."

 “Hiss!” Liu Gui’s legs were shaking a little, and she wanted to cover Huang Dahu’s mouth immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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