Cicada Moving

Chapter 240: Canned food 2 (please vote for me)

Chapter 240 Canned Food 2 (please vote for me)

Zuo Zhong asked: "Teacher, how does the Japanese website collect this identity information? Japan has an agency specifically for adopting orphans. There are probably not many suitable targets living in society."

Dai Chunfeng nodded: "Yes, so the Japanese stations go to small cities in Japan and use money to buy local gangsters. Those people have some young people of suitable age and background.

They will cooperate with the Japanese station and go to the local police station and some departments to modify the files so that they match the characteristics of the cans as much as possible. This requires slow testing and operation and cannot be done rashly. "

 Is this a solution?

The risk of the operation is too high. These ruffians have no integrity and no sense of confidentiality. Once the information is leaked, it will definitely attract the attention of the police and Japanese officials. Zuo Zhong frowned.

He mused: "Teacher, the student has some thoughts and I don't know whether I should speak out. The speed of collecting identity information according to the Japanese station's method is too slow. Extraordinary things must be done in extraordinary ways."

Dai Chunfeng smiled and said: "I know that Shen Zhi, a wise man like you, has a way. As long as it is conducive to work, you can use any method. Anyway, we are on Japanese territory, so we are not afraid of causing big troubles."

Zuo Zhong said modestly: "Teacher, you are serious. The student is just making a small addition to your plan. It is not confidential enough to find someone to buy it. Can you find a way to directly obtain the appropriate identity information?"

For example, let colleagues from the Japanese station pretend to be staff of Japanese government agencies, register their identity in the form of receiving subsidies, and even directly control the target and interrogate them carefully.

The target is still those delinquent teenagers. Such people wander on the edge of the law. They often abscond in fear of crime. If one or two disappear in a city, they will not attract official attention.

 After obtaining the information, eliminate them and directly replace them with students from the canned program, using the target’s past social traces. This is safer and should be able to hide from the scrutiny of Japanese intelligence agencies. "

Zuo Zhong stood respectfully after finishing speaking, waiting for Dai Chunfeng's response. As for whether removing those bad boys would disturb his conscience, these people are the scum of society. They help the Japanese remove garbage, which can be regarded as doing good deeds without leaving their name.

Speaking of injustice, Lu Hong, the owner of Yongfa Salty Goods Shop, and his son Lu Qidao were not unfair. They lost their lives inexplicably. In order for them to successfully lurk, the Japanese even killed Chinese people in a village, just to keep it secret. .

This was a fake Lu Qidao. Takeuchi Fumio had enjoyed dozens of confessions after being electrocuted. Therefore, the special agents sent by Zuo Zhong to investigate in Lucheng found nothing. Not to mention Lu Qidao’s relatives, there were hundreds of people in the entire village without a single person left alive. Even the house was burned down.

Dai Chunfeng did not express his position immediately, not because he was merciful, but because it was very risky to impersonate a Japanese government official, and at the same time, he directly replaced the target with a student. How should such a difference in appearance be resolved.

 Japanese people are not blind. Even if the photo on the household registration file is different from the real person, a single eyelid will not suddenly turn into a double eyelid, or a bulbous nose will suddenly turn into a high nose bridge.

He thought for a while and smiled bitterly: "How to solve the appearance problem? We can't imitate the Japanese and kill people in a village. I'm afraid the chairman of the committee will not agree. This is harmful to the world."

This is nonsense, but with a mysterious smile on Zuo Zhong's face, he walked to the corner of the house and searched among a pile of newspapers. He quickly pulled out a few newspapers and walked back to Dai Chunfeng.

He pointed to a place in the newspaper and said: "Teacher, take a look, the appearance problem can be solved."

Dai Chunfeng took it and read it in confusion, and read in a low voice: "Beautiful Eyes Plastic Surgery Hospital, Japanese eye plastic surgery expert Dr. Yang Shuyin specializes in double eyelid surgery and high nose surgery. Is this a plastic surgery advertisement?"

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded: "I saw it accidentally and realized that modern science has developed to such an extent that it can even perform prosthetic chin augmentation on people's jaws. It's really amazing."

Dai Chunfeng seemed to understand: "Shenzhu, are you saying that the plastic surgery for the students in the canned program should be based on the appearance of those targets? This is indeed a good idea, but this kind of surgery is not cheap, right?"

Lao Dai was a little hesitant, especially when he saw in the newspaper that double eyelids cost a small yellow croaker. How much does it cost to completely transform a person? The Secret Service is not short of money now, and it cannot do this.

Zuo Zhong did not deny: "The medicines and ivory prostheses required for this kind of surgery are not cheap. What is even more expensive is the doctor's cost of surgery. After all, you can't make any mistakes when using a knife on a person's face. Only very powerful doctors can do it." Can perform surgery."

Dai Chunfeng's face changed: "This matter needs to be considered in the long term. Money is needed everywhere now. The funds in the department are fixed, and it is impossible to allocate them all to the canned plan. It is difficult for the chairman to explain."

He is not a miser. The equipment level of the Secret Service is eight blocks ahead of the Secret Service Headquarters. It was built by raising funds from him, but it feels a bit unreliable to use the money for plastic surgery.

Zuo Zhong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “Teacher, don’t forget that we have a hospital now, and we also have surgical experts like Ling Sanping. Plastic surgery is not expensive for us, at most we need some medicine.

Even if Dr. Ling is not good at plastic surgery, there are so many Japanese spies in Laohuqiao that he can practice his skills. Renxin Hospital can also specialize in plastic surgery, which can practice plastic surgery and make money, which is the best of both worlds. "

"Oh? In that case." Dai Chunfeng thought about it for a while: "Shen Zhong, please tell me carefully. In addition to the students' plastic surgery according to the target, you must have a complete plan. Tell it and listen." The plan was, of course, just a rough idea, and he said seriously: "Teacher, please forgive Shenzu for speaking frankly. The finished product of the canned plan will eventually go to the Japanese military and political agencies, or even to the core institutions, so the background is very important.

But do delinquent boys have a chance to become staff officers of the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters? Students think that the chance is not great. Their identities are more suitable for infiltrating and lurking in front-line combat units. Only those children of good families with innocent wealth can enter the senior ranks. "

Dai Chunfeng nodded when he heard this. He glanced at his student. If Zuo Zhong was not a son of a wealthy family in Ningbo, no matter how talented he was, he would not accept him as a student and entrust him with important tasks. This is not because he dislikes the poor and loves the rich. It's a job requirement.

 One is a well-behaved son with a family and career, and his experience from birth to schooling is clear, and the other is a gangster with a vague background. Who will be chosen by important agencies? Anyone with a little bit of brain would choose the former. The background determines the upper limit of the can.

He asked: "Shen Zhi, do you have any good ideas? Liangjiazi has parents, relatives, classmates and teachers, and a fixed network of relationships. Even if his appearance is similar to that of others, he will never be able to hide it from the people close to him. Once the insiders are eliminated, the problem will Back again."

 Dai Chunfeng's thinking was very sharp and he immediately found the loophole in Zuo Zhong's suggestion. The use of complete identity and the large number of insiders were contradictory in themselves, making it difficult to solve this problem.

Zuo Zhong agreed: "Teacher, I think it is difficult to pretend to be a good kid, but it is not impossible. It will take time. I suggest that the Japanese station pay attention to outstanding students from various high schools."

 “Don’t say it yet.”

Dai Chunfeng immediately raised his hand, turned around and looked up: "You want the cans to impersonate these top students. These people do have great futures, but again, how to prevent exposure."

Zuo Zhong smiled and said: "Magicians can make things out of nothing on stage, and they can transform people into living beings. In the final analysis, it can only be said in four words - divert attention. Since they are easily exposed locally, then change the place and do not give relatives and friends the chance to see them. .

 There is one place that is very suitable, and that is the military. The Japanese are now fully prepared for war. Young people are proud to join the army, and top students even have the goal of being admitted to the military academy. Once you enter the military academy, you will be in a circle of strangers and you don’t have to worry about being exposed.

Whether you are in the Japanese Army or Naval Academy, you need to serve in the military. In addition, the two to three years of study in the military academy can create a three-year or even longer gap period, during which you cannot see your family. of. "

Dai Chunfeng fell into thinking. Not only the Japanese Military Academy, but also the Whampoa Military Academy, they did not have the opportunity to return home to visit their relatives. They relied on telegrams and letters to communicate with their families, which was indeed convenient for movement.

 But there was a lot of work to be done, such as confirming the target's ambitions, getting familiar with the target's accent, handwriting, and connections. Finally, he had to bet on the target's ability to get into the military academy. He rubbed his head.

Zuo Zhong understood his troubles and suggested in a low voice: "Teacher, you can start from the dialect area of ​​canned learning to find a suitable target. You need to select the best students from the best local schools. First, stay close to the reconnaissance team to understand the other party's dynamics and intelligence.

This is a long-term job. It requires continuous observation of the target to understand everything about the target. It is also necessary to conduct cultural courses and preparations for plastic surgery. Once the target is admitted to the military academy, it is necessary to replace the target while he is away from home for reporting. "

The Military Academy and the Naval Academy. Once you enter these two schools, it is equivalent to half a foot entering the grassroots core of the Japanese army, and after graduating from the Military Academy, you can enter the Japanese Mainland University.

Mainland is a place known as the cradle of Japanese generals. A Japanese general would be his mole. This temptation made Dai Chunfeng's heart beat fast and he began to consider Zuo Zhong's suggestion.

After thinking about it, he hesitated and said: "The cans have shaped themselves according to the target's appearance and become familiar with everything about each other. What should I do if the target does not get admitted to the military school, or the target gets admitted to a local school? It is a waste of time and money. ”

Zuo Zhong said fiercely: "Then just eliminate the target and let Can Can join the army. After arriving in the army, they will find a way to get into the military academy. With our secret help, they will always have an advantage over ordinary people."

“It’s good to prepare both hands. Shen Zhi, how long do you think this plan will take to prepare?”

Dai Chunfeng clapped his hands. Zuo Zhong's plan was perfect. Regardless of whether he could pass the exam or not, Can Can had a relatively safe environment and had the opportunity to enter the upper echelon. It was worth giving it a try.

“One year, the target is to select second-year students from Japanese high schools. This year, we will train the cans with all their strength and conduct all-round plastic surgery. The cans who are not qualified in physical condition and learning ability will still replace the bad boys and take the lower-class route!”

Our neighbor started decorating at seven or eight in the morning. He was speechless and irritable.



 (End of this chapter)

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