Cicada Moving

Chapter 27: progress

Chapter 27 Progress

“The Secret Service is a new department, and there is little competition based on seniority. In addition, a major case was encountered, so the position was promoted faster. He is just a small section chief.”

Zuo Zhong did not describe his work too specifically. The work of the Secret Service is very complicated. For those who know this department, you don’t need to explain it. If you don’t know it, you can’t take the initiative to explain it.

Although Xing Hanliang heard Ban Jun explain the secret service work, it was not very detailed. Fortunately, he was open-minded and did not go into details. He did not ask questions. The two only talked about their friendship and nothing else.

Zuo Zhong didn't talk to Xing Hanliang for too long. Both of them had work to do in the afternoon. He told Xing Hanliang his current phone number and address to avoid losing contact in the future.

Before leaving, Zuo Zhong said mysteriously: "Don't worry about your job. I guess there will be good news waiting for you at the police station. If you encounter anything in the future, come to me."

Xing Hanliang didn't know what was going on and thought Zuo Zhong was talking drunken words. But when he returned to the police station and saw the bright smiles of the director and deputy director, he realized that what Zuo Zhong said was true.

The urgent transfer order from the Police Department has arrived. Everyone knows that Officer Xing, who has come down to experience the grassroots level, is going to have a great career. Xing Hanliang is not a fool. He knows that this is the result of Zuo Zhong's intervention. This old classmate of his is really not simple. .

Being able to influence the personnel orders of the Police Department was not what Zuo Zhong said a small section chief could do. However, Xing Hanliang did not pay too much attention to it, and did not contact Zuo Zhong immediately. He knew that what Zuo Zhong valued was the friendship between classmates. If he If you rush to brag and flatter someone, you may really lose this friend.

Zuo Zhong, who returned to the Secret Service here, also received a call: "Thank you very much, Section Chief Yang, no, Brother Yang! Hahaha, okay, see you later."

The caller was Section Chief Yang of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was told that a powerful director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had come forward to return Xing Hanliang to the Police Department, and asked him to rest assured.

These are all skills. If Chief Yang had done nothing, he would have been unable to survive in the General Affairs Department.

“Yijun, please ask Deputy Section Chief Gu to come over. I have something to discuss with him.” Zuo Zhong hung up the phone and said to his secretary He Yijun.

Now that He Yijun has officially joined the Secret Service, she has a formal establishment and holds the rank of corporal. Zuo Zhong found that she is more suitable in military uniform than in waiter's clothes, and she has a heroic spirit.

Zuo Zhong was thinking wildly when Gu Qi came over. When they met, Gu Qi lit a cigarette for Zuo Zhong and then beamed, as if it was a big happy event.

"Section Chief, the benefits of our Intelligence Section are really good. The Operations Section just sent me a lot of things, which are expensive." Gu Qi explained why he was so happy, and he also wanted to report honestly.

Zuo Zhong didn't care: "These are all rules. The criminal's property is confiscated. Except for the part handed over, the rest will be divided according to official rank. We can't let everyone work hungry."

Gu Qi sighed with emotion: "Our Secret Service is better. Although the salary cannot be paid in real terms, there is a lot of oil and water. The Operation Investigation Section does not even have oil and water, so it can only drink from the northwest wind."

Zuo Zhong didn’t believe what Gu Qi said. The Investigation Section faced the southwest and had terrifying power. If you were an underground party, you were an underground party. They were ruthlessly extorting money. How could you be short of money?

Gu Qi knew that Zuo Zhong didn't believe it, so he quickly explained: "There are many ways to make money there, and there are many places to spend money. Chief, do you know how many people there are in the Investigation Department?"

"How many? It can't be more than the Secret Service." Zuo Zhong asked casually, smoking a cigarette.

 “More than 1,200 people.”

 “Ahem, more than a thousand people?”

Zuo Zhong was so frightened that he choked on a cigarette and burst into tears. The nearly 700 people in the Secret Service were already astonishing, but he didn’t expect the Investigation Division to be even more astonishing. But were these people all intelligence officers? Zuo Zhong didn’t believe it.

"With more than a thousand people, wouldn't it mean that we have a clear picture of the southwest? It seems that the great task of suppressing bandits is just around the corner." Zuo Zhong paused and flattered him from a distance.

Gu Qi said disdainfully: "Shit, among the more than a thousand people, there are more than a hundred relatives of the officers at all levels, as well as local bandits and bullies. Anyway, they are all stupid pigs."

That's right. Dai Chunfeng worked hard to set up Honggong Temple and Hangcheng special training classes, but he only trained hundreds of basic intelligence personnel. The camp investigation department really needs more than a thousand qualified intelligence personnel. Ghost.

Zuo Zhong did not beat around the bush: "Lao Gu, I went to the Police Department of the Ministry of the Interior in the morning and got back some files, including some information on police vehicles, which I need you to investigate."

Gu Qi was also an old spy and said knowingly: "Section Chief, you mean the scene where the gunmen went in the car?"

"Hmph, a group of heavily armed fake policemen dare to wander around Jinling City so openly? When you go to investigate, remember to ask the lowest patrol policeman for questioning. It's best to have senior and junior police officers explain the seriousness of the matter clearly. ." Zuo Zhong snorted coldly.

 “Okay section chief, are we also in the department?” Not knowing the depth of the matter, Gu Qi was a little hesitant.

Zuo Zhong recounted Ling Sanping's findings and his own speculations, and finally concluded: "Whether it's Corey or the director, there must be something wrong, otherwise it cannot be explained that the gunman knew the location and defense of the safe spot so quickly."

Gu Qi touched his bald head: "That's the truth, okay, I understand."

Zuo Zhong warned again: "If you need manpower, go to Wu Chunyang from the secret letter department. He is from the special training class in Hangzhou and can be trusted. As for other people, you have to be careful."

Gu Qi was also an old player. He immediately expressed his understanding and left in a hurry. Zuo Zhong did not hang him up, but also entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. He had to accept this favor. Being a leader is good. You can arrange many things and just wait for the reward. Zuo Zhong had nothing to do to tease He Yijun and went to harass Ling Sanping. He was living a happy life.

He was having a good time, but everyone in the Intelligence Section was exhausted. On the first case after the reorganization of the Intelligence Section, everyone worked hard and worked day and night to dig out clues one by one.

A ticket inspector confirmed that two of the gunmen were seen on the train from Shanghai to Jinling on the day of the incident. They were wearing robes and had no luggage around them. A porter at the railway station testified.

The rickshaw driver at the station identified another gunman. He took him to a hotel in Jinling City. The man didn't speak much on the way, but the rickshaw driver judged from the only conversation that he had a Northeastern accent.

The hotel owner testified that more than a dozen adult men came one after another that day and took different rooms. There was no communication during the period, and there was no problem with the certificates used. They were all issued by the Shanghai Police Station.

The cigarette seller outside the hotel recalled that there were many customers that day. He did not see where these people went, but he noticed that a police car was parked nearby. He was afraid of being chased away by the police, so he remembered it clearly.

The owner of the police uniform manufacturing factory identified that the police uniform worn by the gunman was produced by the factory. According to the files of the Police Department, this batch of police uniforms was widely distributed and was distributed to all police stations in Jinling.

Engineers from the Jinling Arsenal proved that the weapons used by the gunmen were German-made and not produced by the Republic of China Arsenal, but inquiries and negotiations with German trading houses yielded no results.

The owner of a dress shop near the safety point testified that he seemed to have seen a police car before the gunshots were fired, but he was not sure. The clerk in the store was sure he saw a car, a police car and a black car of the same model.

—According to the photos given, the car the man saw was a black Ford sedan. This is a vehicle ordered by the government. It is the same model as the heavy car on the left. There are 29 vehicles in total in various major police stations.

The owner of a nearby newsstand testified that the gunshot was fired at 9:19 a.m. He checked his watch specifically and found that the Jinling Police Department vehicle arrived at 9:50 a.m.

—The Intelligence Division conducted many experiments. It took 5 minutes to drive from the nearest police station to the crime scene. After questioning the shops and stalls on the route, witnesses proved that there were no traffic jams or other accidents along the way that day.

Someone testified that 20 minutes after the gunfire, a black car drove away at high speed towards Hanzhong Gate. According to inquiries and investigations along the way, the car disappeared near Mochou Lake.

 The investigation results of the relationship network of the Japanese espionage suspects found no abnormality.

 Internal personnel investigation results showed that there were 82 Secret Service personnel outside the country on the day of the incident, including Zuo Zhong.

—There are 59 people on mission, 32 of whom have more than two witnesses, and 27 of whom have at least one witness. These people do not have the time or opportunity to contact the outside world.

—There were 23 people who went out without a mission. A total of 20 people could prove their route, time, and whereabouts. Only 3 people could not confirm their whereabouts, and one of them was a member of the intelligence department.

Zuo Zhong looked at the information in his hand and couldn't help but sigh that this is the power of the country. When people pass by, they leave their names, and when geese pass by, they leave their voices. As long as there are traces of actions, the country can find out if they want to.

With the investigation almost complete, Zuo Zhong summoned all his subordinates to go to the meeting, and asked Wu Chunyang to guard the door and not allow anyone to enter or exit.

When Zuo Zhong saw that everyone was here, he whispered a few words to Gu Qi beside him, glanced around and said, "Now please supervise each other and unload the guns and magazines."

The agents below were nervous, and they honestly took out their weapons and disposed of them according to Zuo Zhong's instructions. They also kept an eye on their colleagues around them to prevent anyone from jumping over the wall.

Seeing that the hidden danger was eliminated, Zuo Zhong roared angrily: "Zhao Er, where were you when the shooting happened!"

There was a commotion in the crowd. A man was tightly clamped by two agents around him. They took out the weapons on his body and pressed him in front of Zuo Zhong.

"Zhao Er, you are an old man in the Secret Service. Do you know the military law and how the Secret Service handles traitors?" Zuo Zhong stared at him with his eyes fixed on him.

“I know.” Zhao Er turned pale with fright.

Zuo Zhong said angrily again: "I know you still dare to connect with foreign countries and help the enemy kill your own comrades!"

Zhao Er was already incoherent: "It's not me, I didn't. Section chief, you have to believe me, I didn't collude with the Japanese."

The people present were in an uproar. Zhao Er was just asking for it. Thinking of the Secret Service's treatment of traitors, many people swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

"Haha, I haven't said it yet, how do you know the Japanese? Zhao Er, Zhao Er, you used to be Zhao Lijun's driver. He should have fired you after the incident. Virgo took pity on you and allowed you to stay here. , is this how you repay Virgo?" Zuo Zhong slapped the table.

With the sound of slamming on the table, Zhao Er suddenly fell to his knees and wiped away his tears: "Section Chief, please spare me. I can't help it. They have something to do with me, so I have to do it."

 (End of this chapter)

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