Cicada Moving

Chapter 273: Bookstore (seeking tickets)

Chapter 273 Bookstore (asking for votes)

“What, it’s been confirmed! Let Chief Wu closely monitor the target first, keep photos of people entering and exiting, and don’t act without authorization to prevent accidental injuries. I’ll rush there now.”

Zo Zhong received a report call from a special agent. After spending so much manpower and material resources, he finally saw the shadow of the Japanese intelligence team. As long as they were eliminated, it would definitely cause Doihara's pain.

Jiang Jincai's information shows that he arrived in Jinling in the 20th year of the Republic of China and has been lurking for three years. The members of this team are estimated to have been lurking for a long time, and they are all senior spies.

It is difficult to cover your identity. Not only do you need a perfect background, but any accident in your daily life will lead to your identity being exposed. It is not an exaggeration to say that an intelligence officer of this level is a treasure.

 Looking at the excited Zuo Zhong, the senior high school student felt that this agent was a little unusual. He did not kill innocent people indiscriminately and was very enthusiastic about his work. He was completely different from the agents from other departments of the party and state.

After thinking about it, he asked: "Does the backup plane need to take off?" Because the Secret Service pays for the fuel for the operation, flying two fewer planes can save a lot of fuel, so you have to live a careful life.

Zuo Zhongren was in high spirits at the happy event and waved his hand: "Continue to take off. When necessary, the guidance staff of your brigade will provide guidance. These little Japanese will never expect to be attacked by planes."

The senior high school student's face turned dark, and he thought to himself that what you said was easy. As soon as the plane took off, it would be burning money. However, since he said that he would cooperate fully, he had no choice but to ask someone to notify the plane to take off.

Two Douglas reconnaissance planes loaded with machine guns took off. Zuo Zhong hurriedly said goodbye to the high school and drove wildly, scaring the police patrolling along the way and blowing their whistles desperately.

On the road, while driving, he looked at the tracking plane on the horizon. Somehow, he suddenly thought of Zhu Jisheng, and as he thought about it, he stepped on the accelerator, and his speed became a little faster.

The usual thirty-minute drive from the airport to Wutong Street only took him twenty minutes. He quickly found the secret agent on the lookout on the roadside and met Wu Chunyang at the temporary headquarters.

Wu Chunyang was relieved when he saw the section chief coming back, and hurriedly greeted him: "Section Chief, I just went to see it. The destination is Qiuju Bookstore, No. 7 Wutong Street. Here are the materials."

He was very efficient. It took him less than half an hour to obtain general information about the bookstore owner, landlord and the internal structure of the bookstore. He knew that Zuo Zhong valued this basic information the most.

Zuo Zhong took off his coat, picked up the information and read ten lines at a glance. The owner of Qiu Ju Bookstore was a man named Luo Guoxin. He was also the landlord and the son of the staff officer of the Major General of the Military Commission.

The bookstore mainly deals in foreign language books. It occupies a large area and has three floors. Each floor covers an area of ​​70 to 80 square meters. Books are placed on the first and second floors. The third floor is Luo Wenxin’s office and temporary residence.

There are also location maps of internal bookshelves, furniture, doors and windows. With these, a lot of trouble can be reduced during the attack. However, collecting such detailed information will not alert the opponent.

Zuo Zhong shook off the information: "Where did this come from? Did it pass through the police station?"

Wu Chunyang shook his head: "I secretly controlled an old police officer. This kind of person knows the situation of nearby stores very well. If you want to know anything, you can just ask. I'm afraid there are people from the other party in the police station."

Zuo Zhong smiled: "This temporary command center must have something to do with him. After the incident is over, we will check it. If there is no problem with the identity, we will give them some compensation. We must pay attention to the impact when doing things."

Wu Chunyang said respectfully: "Yes, section chief, this grocery store is opened by his wife. The other party provided the information proactively. I think the location is good and it is not far from the target, so we temporarily requisitioned it."

Left Point nodded: "Let's go, take me to see this guy. I have some questions to ask him. Let the brothers disguise themselves and don't wander around the bookstore. There will definitely be someone on the other side looking out."

Wu Chunyang nodded, whispered to someone to notify the nearby spies, and then led Zuo Zhong to the backyard of the grocery store. The police officer and his wife were sitting on stools, with four spies standing around them.

“Section Chief.” When the agents saw Zuo Zhong coming, they quickly said hello.

Leo Dian nodded and looked at the frightened old police officer with a smile: "You know who we are, right? If you cooperate well, I won't treat you badly."

The old police officer nodded quickly. Of course he had heard of the Secret Service. It had a great reputation in the past two years and had arrested and killed many people, including many high-ranking officials. He, a small police officer, could not afford to offend these people.

Zuo Zhong was very satisfied with his response and asked directly: "Do you know Luo Wenxin, the owner of Qiuju Bookstore? He is a young man who shouldn't be here every day. Who is in charge of the bookstore on a regular basis?"

The old police officer heard the officer's question and stood up in a hurry: "Report, Boss Luo is a big shot. We have only met him from a distance a few times. Usually a young woman named Yu Xueping is in charge of the bookstore."

 “Yu Xueping?”

Zuo Zhong read it again and looked up at the old police officer: "Has the police station registered the identity of the people in the jurisdiction? Do you know Yu Xueping's age, place of origin, education level, and these information?"

The old police officer looked embarrassed, and finally whispered: "It should be necessary to register, but considering Boss Luo's relationship, the police station did not let Yu Xueping register, and just made a simple inquiry.

According to her own words, she is from Hubei Province, 24 years old. She studied in Jinling in the 19th year of the Republic of China and worked in a bookstore after graduation. However, we all think that this woman is Boss Luo's estrangement. "

 Hand from Hubei Province, twenty-four years old.

Zuo Zhong's heart moved. Could it be that the woman in Zhu Jisheng's family was her? But why did she want to hook up with a junior deputy company commander when she relied on the son of a major general's staff officer? What was the purpose of doing so. Hearing that the old police chief was a little scared, he comforted him: "It's okay. There are some things that you can't decide. It's not bad that you have made inquiries. By the way, does Yu Xueping usually live in the bookstore?"

"Thank you for your understanding, sir." The old policeman said with gratitude: "It should be true that you can often see the lights on the third floor when patrolling at night, but she is a young girl, so it is not convenient for us people to pay more attention."

 Zuo Zhong thought for a while after hearing this. Zhu Jisheng started leaving the camp frequently in the 22nd year of the Republic of China, that is, last year. However, Yu Xueping usually lives in the bookstore. It is possible that this woman knows the art of separation.

 Or a deception?

But that’s not important. When a Japanese spy meets in her shop, she can’t escape her involvement. All she needs to do is arrest him and interrogate him slowly. If there are any questions, the electric chair and Veritaserum will help her open her mouth.

Next, Zuo Zhong confirmed the internal structure of the bookstore with the old policeman. The layout in the schematic diagram was what he had seen with his own eyes a week ago. It can be guaranteed to be accurate. This is good news for the operation.

He turned to Wu Chunyang and said: "Get ready to attack. Make it clear to the brothers that these people are all professional soldiers of the Kwantung Army. They are more difficult to deal with than the Japanese spies of Gaoke. All the resisters will be killed."

Wu Chunyang hesitated: "Do you want to leave someone alive to ask?"

Zuo Zhong said coldly: "According to our previous analysis, the intelligence of this group of Japanese spies is of little value, so we can just clean it up. Only the one named Yu Xueping seems to have some secrets, so we must keep her alive."


The Intelligence Section and Zuo Zhong were planning, and someone on the third floor of Qiu Ju Bookstore was also planning. The content of the plan was to assassinate the leader of the Republic of China, but before it even started, Jiang Jincai clearly expressed his opposition.

“Team leader, our mission is to lurk in Jinling for a long time. Our cover identities are perfect and we can do more important things. If you act rashly like this, everyone will die.”

After Jiang Jincai said these words, everyone present fell silent. Who would be willing to die if they could live? And as he said, their mission was to lurk, not to carry out suicidal assassinations.

The scene was a little quiet. Jiang Jincai glanced at the team members sitting everywhere, and then at the team leader in front of him. He felt very calm. He said this not to challenge anyone's authority, but just out of public interest.

 When the team leader makes a wrong decision, as the oldest member of the group, he has the obligation and right to put forward opinions. This is related to the safety of the Butterfly Group, so he must act with caution.

A Japanese spy looked back at the window, and then continued to look downstairs. Several customers were entering the store opposite. Except for a few supervisors supervising the new life, there was no one on the road.

Opposite Jiang Jincai, a woman was sitting on the sofa, holding a cigarette and crossing her thighs. Her bright red high heels were swinging up and down. When he finished speaking, the woman chuckled: "You make sense."

Jiang Jincai was overjoyed. He had no objection to the team leader. He admired the other party's operational ability and intelligence capabilities. What he opposed was the radical mission.

But then, the woman said: "The mission is related to an important plan of the empire. This is top secret. I will let you know when necessary. Now please obey the order and start working immediately."

 Important mission, top secret.

To the agents, these two words meant that they should complete the task without hesitation and go all out. Everyone, including Jiang Jincai, stood up and waited for the woman's specific order.

The woman puffed out smoke from her red lips: "Intelligence personnel collect the target's route into the city, logistics personnel are responsible for making powerful bombs, all operational personnel are on standby, and telegraph operators report to Shenyang."

The spies didn't say anything and lowered their heads to show their obedience. The division of labor among women was very reasonable. Reporting to the Shenyang agency was a necessary procedure. But they didn't know how many people would be left here after the operation.

After the woman finished speaking, she put out the cigarette **** in the cigarette case and prepared to stand up. However, when she was halfway up, her expression changed and she quickly walked to the window on the third floor and looked down. It was unusually quiet outside.

Seeing that Wutong Street, which should be very lively, was deserted, and the shops across the road became empty, she asked the special agent Xiang Wangfeng: "Where are the pedestrians on the road, and where are the customers in the shops opposite?"

The spy on the lookout opened his mouth wide. All this happened too fast. He was just dazed for a while listening to the conversation behind him. When he came back to his senses, the pedestrians on the street suddenly disappeared.

There is only one explanation for this situation. The Chinese intelligence agency found this place and was evacuating the crowd to prepare for an attack. The woman said in a deep voice: "We have been discovered, everyone is ready to fight!"

These spies did not panic. Jiang Jincai took the lead to push open a bookshelf, opened the secret cabinet at the back, and handed out weapons one after another from inside. Soon these people were armed to the teeth.

  The German-made MP18, Czech-style, Thomson, and high-power grenades shone with cold light. Several spies rushed downstairs to set up blocking positions. Only resistance could delay them for more time.

  The woman pulled up her long hair, kicked off her high heels, and said to Jiang Jincai: "I will go to the secret room to destroy the information. You must withstand the Chinese attack for five minutes. As long as you block it for five minutes."

Jiang Jincai held up a Thompson, pulled the bolt of the gun, and said viciously: "Don't worry, we are all the best soldiers. Chinese spies are nothing. We must have a way to get out."

I haven’t corrected the text yet, but the piracy version has been changed. It’s the same website that reported my anti-theft pictures.



 (End of this chapter)

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