Cicada Moving

Chapter 280: Licking Gou

Chapter 280 Licking Gou

 After chatting with the neighbors, Zuo Zhong got some information, some of which was very valuable. For example, apart from the scapegoat, why a character like Yu Xueping was needed in the intelligence team.

As he walked towards the door, he ordered: "Close the team."

There is no value here anymore. So many clues can be found at the scene, which is beyond Zuo Zhong's expectation. It seems that even the most professional intelligence personnel have their own weaknesses, and the Japanese are no exception.

The agents began to organize their formation, and he walked towards the door first, but before getting in the car, he stood in front of the car lights and said hello to the Japanese consulate again, which should be visible.

It was indeed visible. In the Japanese consulate on the hillside, several men wearing Japanese army uniforms were taking turns looking at the place with a standing telescope, and they could clearly see his movements.


The Lieutenant Colonel with the highest military rank among the few people clenched his fists and said: "Damn Chinese, they are so arrogant. When the imperial army enters this country, I will torture this **** severely."

Others were also furious. They could only watch helplessly as their stronghold was being searched. It was really frustrating. Someone immediately asked to bring someone to intercept the convoy.

Although the Lieutenant Colonel was angry, he still had sense. He raised his hand to stop her and said, "Forget it, pass the information to the Shenyang Kwantung Army. That woman is one of theirs. Let's see how they deal with it."


Zuo Zhong didn't see this drama, but he can imagine that Xiao Qingmin lives here, partly because it is convenient to contact the consulate, and it is also convenient for the consulate to confirm her status.

Doihara, this old guy, is very suspicious and has kept many hands on his men. He must have received the news that Butterfly has been captured tonight, so how will he react?

While thinking, the convoy returned to the Secret Service and slowly stopped in front of the office building. Zuo Zhong got out of the car and took a look at his yawning subordinates, and immediately disbanded the team.

There is no point in interrogating again tonight. Xiao Qingmin has already thought of a countermeasure. To continue the interrogation is to follow her wishes and turn the interrogation into a protracted battle with back and forth. Zuo Zhong wants to decide the outcome in one battle.

On the second, third, and fourth days, Zuo Zhong never interrogated Xiao Qingmin, and Gu Qi checked the status of the members of the Japanese intelligence team. The cover identities of these people were basically clear.

Except for the three people with documents, the identities of the others are very complicated. There are grocery store owners, taxi drivers, gangsters, and students from some universities in Jinling.

Gu Qi reported to Zuo: "Section Chief, from the other party's residence and business premises, we seized more than 20,000 yuan in cash, dozens of long and short weapons, five grenades and special ammunition."

Five grenades, plus the one from Qiuju Bookstore, make it six. With this kind of firepower to stab the bald head, if accurate information is added, maybe the bald head can really be sent to the sky.

 Zuo Zhong shuddered as he imagined this situation. If Baldhead really went to the West, would it be beneficial to the Sino-Japanese war? I don't know, but who is most likely to succeed him as the new leader?

 People with the surname Wang.

If this kind of person becomes the leader of the Republic of China, he will be a widow with a dead son - there is no hope. Judging from the other party's performance in the East Asia Club case, Dean Wang has been flirting with the Japanese for a long time.

So the purpose of the Japanese intelligence team was to kill the bald man and push him to the top? Zuo Zhong sat there and thought for a long time. He looked at his watch and felt that he could contact Xiao Qingmin. He had been left alone for long enough.

 After three or four days of calming down, Xiao Qingmin should think clearly about her situation and see what story she could make up. Zuo Zhong took Gu Qi and Song Minghao to the interrogation room for interrogation.

As soon as he met Xiao Qingmin, Zuo Zhong found that the other person was a little more calm and calm and his performance was more realistic than he had been with three days ago. However, he had not had a good rest for a few days and looked a little haggard.

 Zuo Zhong didn't do so much foreplay this time and directly took out a curtain: "Ms. Xiao, this curtain was taken from your bedroom. See if it looks familiar. This color is not common."

Rose-red curtains are placed on the table, and a rose-red cheongsam is worn on Xiao Qingmin. Although there is a slight color difference between the two, anyone with normal eyes can tell that they are the same color.

“I bought the curtains at random. The cloth shop sold them relatively cheaply at that time.”

 “Which cloth store bought it, how much was bought, and when was it bought.”

 “I forgot, I can’t possibly remember what happened several years ago.”

 “Can you play the flute?”

 “Yes, it will blow on weekends.”

Zuo Zhong and Xiao Qingmin were going back and forth. Gu Qi and Song Minghao both knew that this woman was talking nonsense, but they had no conclusive evidence to prove this, so they could only sit here and listen to her nonsense. After Xiao Qingmin answered the question, he said seriously: "Sir, I have cooperated as much as I should, and you should have checked. I am an ordinary teacher, and I am really not a spy."

Zuo Zhong put down the pen in his hand and raised his head to look at her: "Ordinary teachers will not regain their composure so quickly when they arrive in our interrogation room of the Secret Service. To be honest, you will definitely not be able to get out.

I did not choose torture. Firstly, I respect you as an opponent, and secondly, I want to know some things, such as what you were discussing that day. I guessed that this matter may involve a big shot.

 So I have to let you explain it completely and clearly, otherwise no one from the top to the bottom will be convinced based on the words of the Secret Service. After all, that person is a veteran and cannot be easily moved. "

  He told her his purpose and difficulties. Xiao Qingmin looked confused and seemed to know nothing about what Zuo Zhong said. However, the slightly opened shoulders and legs showed that she was very relaxed now.

Gu Qi didn't know who the big shot was, and wanted to stop him when he heard what he said, but it was too late to react. He lowered his voice and said anxiously: "Section Chief, she will definitely not speak out when she hears what you said.

 “Hey, don’t be so quiet.”

Zuo Zhong’s voice was loud: “We are all colleagues. There are some situations that we can hide from others, but we cannot hide them from our peers. Instead of wasting time here in circles, it is better to communicate happily.”

When he said this, he asked Xiao Qingmin: "Right, Miss Xiao, you don't have to say anything, let me speculate on certain things. For example, in the 20th year of the Republic of China, you got close to Zhu Jisheng and successfully included him in the pomegranate skirt group.

His official position is very low, and logically there is no need to instigate rebellion. However, the duties of the Eighty-Eighth Division are very sensitive. The Chairman is in Jinling, and the peripheral security duties of the official residence are performed by them.

For example, there was an explosion in Jinling that day. Zhu Jisheng guessed my identity and used some method to find my residence. No, it should be in the general area, otherwise you would have come to the door. "

Zuo Zhong's eyes were fixed on Xiao Qingmin. He could not figure out one thing. No matter how careless he and Gu Qi were that day, they would not be followed by a half-hearted person like Zhu Jisheng who had no sense of anti-tracking.

Combined with the fact that the Japanese only set up an ambush halfway, is there a possibility that Zhu Jisheng does not know his specific address, but only knows the approximate location, so that everything can be explained.

Hearing these words, Xiao Qingmin blinked his doubtful eyes but remained silent. Gu Qi was heartbroken. He had always been worried about being followed and almost harming Zuo Zhong.

“But I just couldn’t figure out how he found out my location. It wasn’t until we used the plane to follow Jiang Jincai that I realized that Jiang Jincai could do it without having to show up himself.”

Zuo Zhong looked at Xiao Qingmin, slapped the table and said: "For example, asking about the checkpoints in the city was under martial law at that time and there were not many cars on the street. He only had to ask where a car passed by!"

Gu Qi suddenly realized that he and Zuo Zhong had indeed passed many blockades and checkpoints at that time. Those soldiers on duty were either the 88th Division or the 87th Division. Zhu Jisheng could easily inquire about them.

 The combination of these three conditions: night, martial law, and cars, made it easy to lock the car that was following them, and it was also not difficult to determine the driving route from Chaotian Palace to the Secret Service.

“Ms. Xiao, you must have been surprised and happy when you received his call. You were happy because you found my address, but you were surprised because Zhu Jisheng made his own decisions, which may lead to your exposure.

Perhaps from that moment on, his fate has been decided, the tool is useless, and what awaits him is either abandonment or destruction. Zuo Zhong shook his head, seeming to feel pity for Zhu Jisheng.

Xiao Qingmin shook his head repeatedly: "No, I don't know Zhu Jisheng. Who is he? How did he follow you and have nothing to do with me? Why does the officer have to connect him with me?"

Zuo Zhong didn't say anything. He took out another object from under the table, stood up and hit Xiao Qingmin hard, startling her. When she saw what it was, her eyes showed more doubts.

 This is a curtain with the same color as her home, it is also rose red, but there is only one curtain in her home, so where did this one come from?

Zuo Zhong sneered: "How interesting. Didn't you say you don't know Zhu Jisheng? We found this from Zhu Jisheng's room. It's the same color as your cheongsam and curtains. What a coincidence!"

Xiao Qingmin opened her mouth. She had mentioned coincidence many times before, but Zuo Zhong didn't say anything. But when these three things were put together, even she didn't know how to explain it, so she had to stay silent.

 Gu Qi and Song Minghao smiled. The cunning spy finally shut up. She had pushed everything away before. She herself never thought that she would be rendered speechless by a piece of curtain.

"Zhu Jisheng brought this thing back to the yard like a treasure. He wanted to show you his credit, because it is your favorite color. Who knew there would be no return." Zuo Zhong said coldly.

 Zhu Jisheng is a standard licking dog, and his ending also confirms the famous saying, a licking dog cannot die well. He thinks that everything he does is for love, but in fact it is just a joke.

From the beginning, Xiao Qingmin got to know him in order to instigate rebellion against him. A soldier should not be vigilant and deserve to die under the poison, otherwise he would inevitably go to the execution ground of Laohuqiao Prison.

 (End of this chapter)

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