Cicada Moving

Chapter 283: Great thing (please vote, thank you)

Chapter 283 A great thing (please vote, thank you)

"Beautiful! Be careful, these Japanese are really ambitious. If you hadn't detected this in time, there would have been something unbearable to say." Dai Chunfeng looked excited after listening to the recording of the Japanese spy's confession.

Although I don’t know what method Zuo Chong used, as long as we have this confession recording, no one can erase the credit of the Secret Service. Wenyi, Wenyi, let’s see how you fight me this time.

Zuo Zhong bowed humbly: "Everything is your instruction, teacher. If you hadn't asked us to strengthen the intelligence reconnaissance in Jinling City, how would we have discovered the huge conspiracy of the Butterfly Group."

I think I just said that the chairman of the committee was going back to Jinling. Dai Chunfeng recalled, could it be that he really remembered it wrong and that he really asked Shen Zhi to conduct an investigation in the city? But that's not important.

He stopped recalling and smiled broadly: "Let me tell you another great news. Because of the outstanding performance of our agents, the Chairman of the Generalissimo decided to upgrade the department, and everyone will be promoted to one rank."

Dai Chunfeng is now at the rank of lieutenant colonel. If he is promoted one level higher, he will be a colonel. The gap between him and Mr. Wen is finally a little bit closer, but he still has to stand at attention and say hello to others when he sees them.

Zuo Zhong looked excited: "Then the teacher is only one step away from the major general. That's great. The demagogue leader named Wen will be able to completely expose this person's face when you, the teacher, become a major general."

Dai Chunfeng smiled slightly and waved his hand: "We work for the leader. Fame and wealth are just external things. Being able to help the chairman complete his great cause is the most important. Don't say these things publicly."

Zuo Zhong suppressed his smile and stood at attention: "I follow the teacher's instructions. When I heard about you, the student was so happy that he made a mistake. However, what the student said was true. Please tell me clearly."

Dai Chunfeng patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, don't just talk about me. You are promoted from captain to major this time and will continue to be in charge of the intelligence section. What are your plans for the division of labor? Tell me boldly."

In fact, Zuo Zhong did have some suggestions that he wanted to discuss with Teacher Biyi. The current division of labor in the Intelligence Department is too scattered and the structure is complex. Reporting intelligence from local district stations has to go through several procedures.

Taking Beiping Station as an example, when intelligence personnel dispersed abroad obtain information, they first report it to the Peiping Station Intelligence Team, who then reports to the deputy station director in charge, who then asks the station director for instructions after reading it.

After completing this set of procedures, the North China Branch of the Telegraph and Information Section of Peiping Station will also screen and screen the information received by the North China Branch, and finally submit it to Zuo Zhong, who will decide whether to hand it over to the director.

If there is any urgent information, the day lilies in Zuo Zhong's hands will be cold when they arrive, but he is not sure whether he should say these words. Lao Dai's arrangement is not only to clarify the responsibilities, but also to decentralize power.

Zuo Zhong is not interested in fighting for power and gain. With a cheap teacher to protect him from the wind and rain, he can conduct intelligence wars with the Japanese with peace of mind and fish comfortably, so why bother?

He shook his head: "Students follow your orders, teacher. If you say you will change, you will change. If you say you won't change, you will not change. Even if you want to change, it is something you have to consider. Students can just act according to the order."

Dai Chunfeng glanced at Zuo Zhong, as if he wanted to see if the student was telling the truth, but after a while he confirmed that the silent Zuo Zhong was really not interested in being a member of the Secret Service.

This made him very happy. For the sake of power, not to mention the master and apprentice becoming enemies, and the father and son turning against each other, Zuo Zhong was able to understand his position clearly and always remained loyal. Dai Chunfeng felt a little satisfied.

He took out a document from his side and handed it to Zuo Zhong: "Let's take a look. If I have any objections to your Intelligence Section's new reorganization plan, feel free to tell me. You will have to take charge of this issue from now on."

Zuo Zhong knew that this was Dai Chunfeng's move to win over him. He stood up and took the documents with both hands and looked at them carefully. While looking at them, he was shocked by Lao Dai's big hands and feet. This was not a reorganization, this was a reorganization.

According to the content of the document, the Intelligence Section will be transformed from the current structure into a military intelligence unit, a political intelligence unit, an intelligence unit, an international unit, a training unit, and an elite operations team.

 From regional jurisdiction to transactional jurisdiction, the Military and Political Intelligence Unit is easy to understand. It is a scaled-down version of the former Division One and Division Two, which screens personnel, monitors personnel, and obtains relevant intelligence.

The Intelligence Unit took over the management of all ordinary informants, such as Ma Tianchang from the Caobang. This kind of person has changed from a free-range state in the past to a formalized management, and the details and information must be registered uniformly.

In the International Unit, the intelligence teams of overseas sites were placed under the name of the Intelligence Section. In the past, Dai Chunfeng was personally responsible for this part of the work. With the increase in overseas work, decentralization of jurisdiction is inevitable.

 The training unit, as its name implies, is in charge of training work. According to Zuo Zhong's requirements, personnel undergo uninterrupted and rolling training. It is a good thing to have a professional department to manage it professionally.

Finally, there is the action team. Zuo Zhongxin has been thinking about the action team. Dai Chunfeng has given him a staff of thirty people. The number of people is very high, and it will not affect the status of the action department, and it will not be too big to lose.

  Other back-office departments, such as the statistics unit, etc., are all under the management of the department. This is a kind of resumption of power. The intelligence department becomes a purely business department and a part in the violent machine.

 The previous intelligence department was like a shrunken secret service. If he was an ambitious person, he would definitely be disgusted with this division of labor, because it basically eliminated the possibility of starting over.

  But he is not an ambitious person. Handing in those messy things will not only improve work efficiency, but also reduce headaches. Zuo Zhong couldn't help but smile as he looked at it.

In addition, Ling Sanping and Renxin Hospital are determined to be in charge of the General Affairs Department, and Ling Sanping and the Medical Clinic are in charge of the Information Department. It sounds complicated, but in fact, Ling Sanping is under dual management.

· The radio stations and operators were placed under the Telecommunications Section. Strictly speaking, it was in name only, because office and staff salaries were still charged to the Intelligence Section's account. After the messages were copied, they were handed over to the Telecommunications Section for filing and filing.

Zuo Zhong thought about it after reading it. It seems that not only the Intelligence Department has been reorganized, but the division of labor in other departments must also have changed. However, Dai Chunfeng also considered that he would not do his job without being in his position.

It’s just that the newly established political intelligence unit under his command is quite sensitive, including the screening of personnel in party, government and military agencies and the investigation of background elements. In the past, this aspect of work was the responsibility of the Secret Service Headquarters.

He asked: "Teacher, regarding the work goals and scope of the Political Intelligence Unit, please make it clear. If there is a conflict with one department over jurisdiction, the students are afraid of affecting your reputation." Dai Chunfeng laughed. The student is a smart person. He is asking whether he should take care of the secret service headquarters and Xu Enzeng. After all, he has a cousin with a profound background to take care of him.

The smile on his face couldn't be suppressed, and he revealed the big news to Zuo Zhong: "Shen Zhong, there is no need to worry about this. Xu Enzeng and Mr. Yuan's wife have caused a storm in the city, and the leader is very dissatisfied.

Not only were they sent out text messages to reprimand, but the funding for the first branch was also cut in half. From now on, political intelligence will be jointly handled by the first and second branches. The main target is the underground party and other parties to control them. "

Zuo Zhong really wanted to ask Mr. Cheap where he got the confidence to control the underground party, but this was a very dangerous sign. It seemed that the bald man was going to take action both on the front and on the intelligence battlefield.

What's even more ridiculous is Xu Enzeng. There are so many spies in one place. This kind of principled error is okay, but it finally fell on a woman. Isn't this a kind of irony, a party official, haha.

 Zuo Zhong thought a lot in an instant, and quickly said respectfully: "Teacher, students understand, I will take over Yiyi's sphere of influence as soon as possible, expand our influence, and not give Xu Enzeng a chance to stand up."

 “Well, the opportunity must not be lost and it will never come back.”

Dai Chunfeng stopped talking and talked about some specific arrangements: "The chairman of the committee will come to the bureau headquarters in person the day after tomorrow. Director Chen will read out the promotion order of the Secret Service. Personnel above the bureau's unit chief must attend the meeting."

 Then there is another content, which is to commend those who participated in the Zhejiang operation, especially you Shenzhu. The chairman of the committee will personally award you the fourth-class Baoding Medal and take a group photo with you.

Of course, the leader is not just for you. There are some warriors who have returned from the southwest front who want to be awarded with you. These people are young men in the army who have made great contributions in fighting the underground party. "

Speaking of this, he said with emotion: "This is a great honor. There are very few people in the army who can receive this honor. Even I, the teacher, have not been awarded a medal by the principal. You must remain humble when the time comes."

 It’s done!

Zuo Zhong almost fainted. Bald Tou personally awarded him a medal. What was special was the Medal of Baoding, which was awarded to defend foreign aggression or suppress civil strife. What was even more terrible was that he had to be awarded the medal together with a group of reactionary officers.

 He could imagine how many years later Gong Delin would have registration scenes and conversations.

"What is your name."

 “Left heavy.”

 “Have you ever received any honors?”

“Yes, in the 23rd year of the Republic of China, he was awarded the fourth-class Baoding Medal.”

 “Come on! Arrest this big executioner whose hands are stained with blood!”

Zuo Zhong shuddered as he thought about it. Even if he explained that he got the Baoding Medal for catching Japanese spies, would anyone believe it? Oh, nine out of ten people are bad people, and you are the only good person.

And there is no way that there are only ten people conferring medals on the spot, there may be more than ten, twenty, or even more. It is not clear at all. Why does the **** bald man insist on conferring medals on himself.

 And Dai Chunfeng, I feel like my eyes are almost red. How about you go and award me a medal this time? When that day comes, I will go to the mountain to find you all and let you go in one piece, okay?

 “Be cautious, be cautious?”

Zuo Zhong was awakened by Dai Chunfeng's call while in his wild thoughts. Looking at the confused teacher, he showed an embarrassed expression: "I'm sorry, teacher, this news is too shocking."

“Whenever there is a moment of calmness during a big event, how decent is it for people to see it like this?”

Dai Chunfeng frowned, and then shook his head with a wry smile. Zuo Zhong was only a twenty-year-old young man, but his usual maturity and prudentness made people forget this. He was too harsh on him.

He said in a gentle tone: "You, this is a good opportunity to build more contacts in the army. In the future, when we fight together, these young men with heavy troops will have greater influence. You need to make more friends."

Zuo Zhong was moved and said: "The student knows, but I just feel a little ashamed. The mission went so smoothly because of your command. The teacher is more qualified to award the honor than the student. The leader did not do this properly."

"Shut up." Dai Chunfeng looked towards the door and shouted in a low voice: "How many of you dare to criticize the leader? Teacher doesn't care about this. You were awarded the honor by the chairman of the committee, just like I was awarded the honor by myself."


Zuo Zhong glanced at Dai Chunfeng, who looked angry, but his eyes were relaxed, and curled his lips in his heart, believing your evil, you old fox is very bad.

 (End of this chapter)

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