Cicada Moving

Chapter 285: Personnel arrangements

Chapter 285 Personnel Arrangements

 Adjustment of division of labor? Gu Qi and others were stunned when they heard this. They had just adjusted it last year. Why should it be adjusted again? The Intelligence Department would not be split. This is not unfounded. Someone has proposed it a long time ago.

The reason is that the capabilities of the Intelligence Section are so strong that it overwhelms other departments of the Secret Service. Wouldn't it be better to increase the personnel and equipment of the Intelligence Section to all departments to balance the strength?

 In the final analysis, it is just jealousy, but many people can't help but say it, especially the Operations Section, which is supposed to carry half of the banner of the Secret Service. All it can do now is clean up the mess of the Intelligence Section.

It is conceivable how interested they are in splitting up the intelligence department. For example, Gui Youguang and those agents with rich practical experience have long made them salivate, and they almost come to **** people directly.

Gui Youguang was anxious: "Section Chief, I don't want to go to the Operations Department. For the sake of the wind blowing in the sky all day, you must keep me. If I am transferred to the Operations Department, I might as well go back to Peking Station." "

Wu Chunyang thought more: "Section Chief, is there someone behind the scenes pushing this matter? This is a critical moment in the fight against Japanese spies. If the Intelligence Section is dismantled, the happiest people will be the Japanese."

Zuo Zhong listened to what they said and knew the strange things some people said. He smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone. It's just some adjustments to the division of labor. The overall pattern will not change, at least it has nothing to do with you."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they were not split up, it would be a pity to break up the team that was finally trained. The Japanese were making more and more moves, and the work of the Intelligence Section was very important.

Over there, after Dai Chunfeng finished talking to Director Chen, he was like a general returning from victory, and said with great pride: "Shen Zhi, let's go back. Others in the department are still waiting for promotion, so we can't delay this matter."

The Secret Service has been promoted, and everyone has benefited from it. Even the master chef in the canteen has received a 10% salary increase. The junior agents must have been waiting impatiently for a long time. The promotion means that the military pay has also increased.

Since the 16th year of the Republic of China, prices in Jinling have skyrocketed. The price of meat and daily necessities has increased several times. An extra yuan is a big deal for a low-level spy, who has a large family to support.

The Secret Service team got into the car and drove out of the bureau headquarters. When passing by the side door, Zuo Zhong saw two people fighting each other. To be precise, someone was being beaten.

Dai Chunfeng frowned as he looked at the battle outside through the car window. They were fighting near the bureau headquarters. These gangsters were so brave. He was about to let someone go down to deal with it, but then he was stunned.

The one riding on it seemed to be Mr. Yuan, an old senior from Huangpu, and the one underneath him, who was beating and howling, seemed to be Xu Enzeng. He was interested when he encountered such an interesting thing.

“Shen Zhong, look, the one being beaten outside is Xu Enzeng, right? It’s rare that he also has this day, hahaha.” Dai Chunfeng laughed and said, wishing he could find a camera to capture this scene.

Zuo Zhong smiled: "Yes, teacher. I told him earlier that Mr. Yuan was waiting for him at the door. He was scared and left directly through the side door. In fact, the student didn't have time to say a word. Mr. Yuan was at the side door."

 “Hahaha, you.”

Dai Chunfeng didn't believe that it was too late. His students must have tricked the other party again. Xu Enzeng did the same. After suffering so much, he didn't make any progress. He had to listen to the secret agent's words.

In fact, when Xu Enzeng walked out of the door and saw the ferocious-looking Master Yuan, he knew he had been deceived, and cursed himself in his heart for believing the lies about Zuo. He was so obsessed.


A fist as big as a sandbag hit his intact eye socket, causing tears and nosebleeds to spurt out. Xu Enzeng suddenly fell into a state of calm, looking at himself with an unprecedented calmness.

Within two seconds, he cried bitterly and begged for mercy: "Sir Yuan, Brother Yuan, please spare me. Your lady and I are innocent. This is someone trying to sow discord between us."


Master Yuan spat, rubbed his fists and continued to hit sandbags. Today he had to let out the bad breath in his heart. Last time he let this guy climb over the wall and run away. Let's see where he goes this time.

“Bang, bang, bang.”

Zuo Zhong looked at Zhi Zhi and gritted his teeth. He felt guilty. He didn't expect Master Yuan's force value to be so high, so why did he run away from the battle? With Xu Enzeng's bloodiness, little Japan simply couldn't stand it.

The convoy of the Secret Service stopped for a while and left quickly before Commander Yuan's guards could chase them away. Dai Chunfeng was smiling. Today was the happiest day for him in years. He could have a drink in the evening.

 So, when the promotion meeting within the Secret Service began, he kept smiling, which scared the little secret agent into becoming suspicious and wondering what was wrong with Virgo. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of a ghost crying, you are afraid of a ghost laughing.

 Fortunately, the promotion meeting ended soon. Dai Chunfeng led a group of section chiefs and deputy section chiefs into the conference room. When talking about the arrangements after promotion, just as Zuo Zhong thought, the division of labor in the department had also been adjusted.

 After adjustment, the Secret Service includes the Intelligence Section, Operations Section, Clerical Section, Personnel Section, General Affairs Section, Telecommunications Section, Economic Section and other departments. In addition to the Intelligence Section, the General Affairs Section has also had many powers cut off.

For example, clerical and human resources work, especially the human resources department, is a key department, so the face of the general affairs section chief is ugly, but Zuo Zhong is very relaxed. The most important thing in life is to know how to advance and retreat. "Okay, the next adjustments within the department are all on the table. You go back and have a meeting to unify your thinking and do your job well. I don't want anyone to come to me to report any problems."

Dai Chunfeng slammed the table and ended the meeting. Everyone stood up with different expressions and went back to arrange their own work in the department. Zuo Zhong was stayed by Lao Dai again and asked about his arrangements for positions.

"Shen Zhi, do you have any plans for the selection of several section chiefs?" Dai Chunfeng asked, and then added: "Don't think about anything else. This time, you have full power to decide the personnel arrangements of the Intelligence Section."

Zuo Zhong weighed it in his mind and felt that what Lao Dai said should be the truth. This series of reorganizations showed that he was ready to let go of specific work and only control personnel and logistics, delegating and withdrawing power.

 This is inevitable, otherwise for such a big business as the Secret Service, the result of worrying about everything is to worry about everything. Dai Chunfeng took a very open mind, and Zuo Zhong did not hesitate to talk about his personnel arrangements.

“The student project consists of Song Minghao as the Chief of the Military Intelligence Unit, Wu Chunyang as the Chief of the Political Intelligence Unit, Fu Ling as the Chief of the International Unit, I concurrently as the Chief of the Intelligence Unit, and Gu Qi as the Chief of the Training Unit.

Gui Youguang is in charge of the action team. This arrangement not only takes into account the original work, but also facilitates the execution of future tasks. For example, Fu Ling is working in Japan, and it is appropriate to ask the teacher to decide whether it is appropriate. "

After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he stood up straight and waited for Dai Chunfeng's order. What he said was all based on work considerations and did not mean to form a clique. Lao Dai should know the personnel he proposed very well.

After hearing this, Dai Chunfeng waved Zuo Zhong to sit down: "The arrangements are very good. I said it's up to you, so it's up to you. Submit the list of personnel as soon as possible. I need to submit it to the chairman."


Zuo Zhong knew in his heart that Bald was relying more and more on the Secret Service, otherwise there would be no need to care about the personnel appointments of a division-level agency. No wonder Dai Chunfeng didn't mind whether he was awarded a medal or not.

To him, a hundred medals are not worth the attention of a bald man, and it doesn’t matter if he has them or not. Without the trust of the bald man, even if he has medals from head to toe, he will still have to fly back.

Zuo Zhong responded calmly: "Teacher, students will start ideological work immediately after returning home, so that the brothers who have been adjusted and diverted will not complain. After all, we have worked together for more than a year, so it is certain that everyone has emotions."

 “Okay, you can do it at your own discretion.”

Dai Chunfeng stopped talking about the reorganization and asked about the Butterfly Group case: "Shen Zhong, how is the female spy Xiao Qingmin doing? Do you think she should kill her or instigate rebellion? Do you have any plans?"

Zuo Zhong smiled: "Since she listened to the recording, she has become silent, but her attitude has relaxed a little. The student wants to hang her out again to see if she can be absorbed into our department.

 She is a top agent carefully trained by the Japanese military. She knows a lot of valuable information, such as personnel training methods, counter-espionage methods, and relevant intelligence of the Japanese secret service. "

 In addition to the intelligence about the opponent's own mission, the captured spies also have related intelligence that is equally important. Knowing the training methods can make up for each other's strengths, and obtaining counter-espionage methods can prevent problems before they occur.

 The situation of the Japanese secret service is even more needed by the Secret Service. It is necessary to understand the personnel's information, personality traits, action styles, etc. Knowing ourselves and the other side can lead to victory in every battle.

Dai Chunfeng naturally understood these truths and nodded: "Then let's deal with it like this. If this person is stubborn, we must deal with it as soon as possible, but where are you going to arrange Xiao Qingmin.

Takuchi of Aoki Mansion is still living in a safe place. These people can neither allow them access to core information, but also have to spend money to support them. This is not possible. Funds do not come from floods. "

Dai Chunfeng frowned when he mentioned Tuozhi, who was all about eating and not working. If he hadn't bought the horse bones for a thousand gold, he would have ordered him to be killed. Now there is another Japanese spy. What's the matter?

No matter how big the fortune of the Secret Service is, it cannot afford to spend it like this. The Japanese don’t have to do anything else. As long as they send dozens of secret agents to surrender, the Secret Service will go bankrupt and they must be allowed to work.

Zuo Zhong ignored Lao Dai’s ugly capitalist face and thought for a moment: “Should we add a Japanese research office in the department and work independently to provide necessary intelligence support for our actions.”

The way he came up with it was to set up a think tank. Tuo Zhi and Xiao Qingmin knew their compatriots and colleagues very well, and they really had to find something to do for them, otherwise people would have random thoughts when they were free.

 The name "Japanese Research Laboratory" sounded interesting. Dai Chunfeng thought about it for a while, but did not express his position immediately. Zuo Zhong stopped talking, and the rest was not what he should say.

“Shen Zhong, you should go back first. We must complete the reorganization as soon as possible.” Dai Chunfeng thought for a few minutes and asked Zuo Zhong to go back first. It seemed that he had not made up his mind.

“Yes, teacher.” Zuo Zhong stood up and left respectfully.

   Addicted to reading and unable to extricate myself.



 (End of this chapter)

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