Cicada Moving

Chapter 290: On the verge of breaking out (please vote, thank you)

Chapter 290 is on the verge of breaking out (please vote, thank you)

Zuo Zhong sneered after reading the intelligence. Little Japan is really a dog that cannot change its ways. They will always use such unflattering tricks to cover up their ulterior and despicable plots.

Miyamoto Hideaki must be found. Even if he has turned into a corpse, the murderer must be found. The Japanese cannot be given an excuse to start a war. This matter involves the lives of countless people.

Although it is still a few years before the all-out war between China and Japan begins, who knows whether little Japan will suddenly go crazy.

 With the latest intelligence, he found the anxious Dai Chunfeng. Old Dai was asking the city defense headquarters about the progress of finding Hideaki Miyamoto, but looking at his expression, he knew that there was no result.

When Dai Chunfeng saw him coming, he casually said a few words to the city defense people and hung up the phone. Then he sat down and sighed: "It's unreasonable for a mere Miyamoto to cause the whole Jinling to be in chaos."

Zuo Zhong asked: "Teacher, is there still no progress in the search operation? I think even the director of the police station has gone out to look for the person. It is strange that our intelligence department has not found any trace of this person."

"What's weird? Jinling is so big and people are hiding. Where can we look for it?" Dai Chunfeng waved his hand and looked at the document in his hand: "What's wrong? Is there any new information?"

 Zuo Zhong's face was green and serious: "Yes, many anomalies have been discovered. It seems that the Japanese have been prepared for a long time. Both their homeland and the garrison in North China have made war preparations. The situation is very serious."

 After finishing speaking, he handed the compiled information to Dai Chunfeng and stood aside to wait. He estimated that the first thing Dai did after reading it was to report to the bald man. This was a major matter related to the survival of the country.

Dai Chunfeng carefully checked the intelligence, his face kept changing, and he stood up directly after seeing it at the end. If the intelligence was accurate, the Japanese's ambition to launch a full-scale war was already obvious.

He put down the information, pondered for a while, and looked up at Zuo Zhong: "Follow me to the rest house. This matter must be decided by the chairman of the committee. Be cautious and enjoy the last day of peace."

Zuo Zhong didn’t say anything. The war had already begun since Japan prepared to invade China. How could there be any peaceful time for the Chinese? One must fall between China and Japan. This was unavoidable.

It’s a pity that everyone from Baldhead and Dai Chunfeng to the dog-like party-state elites feel that war is still far away from China, and hope or pretend not to see the Japanese’s wolfish ambitions.

Now that the illusion is disillusioned, facing the Japanese war machine, is China ready for war? No, not even in a few years. When will the singing and dancing of West Lake stop, Hangzhou will be regarded as Bianzhou.

Zuo Zhong can guarantee that after the Miyamoto incident has passed, Jinling will still be a drunken Jinling. The elites of those countries that open their mouths and keep their mouths shut will choose to forget about Miyamoto and continue to sing and dance in peace.

To make them wake up, I'm afraid the only thing the Japanese can do is put their guns to their foreheads or stab their sore spots with bayonets.

Dai Chunfeng didn't know what his good student was thinking. The two of them got in the car and drove towards the Central Military Academy. The bald man's official residence, Qinglu, was in the school, not too close to the Secret Service.

On the road, Zuo Zhong saw military police everywhere on the road, constantly smashing open houses and shops to conduct searches. Jinling, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, was turned upside down because of this case, and hundreds of thousands of people were restless.

When Dai Chunfeng saw this scene, he snorted coldly: "The man named Wang is as if his father has disappeared. In Jinling alone, more than 10,000 military police were dispatched, not counting the plainclothes spies from various agencies.

Restaurants, giyuan bathhouses, schools, factories, and ordinary homes were all searched. Even pig pens, stables, and latrines were not spared, and even ponds were thoroughly plucked. "

Zuo Zhong simply closed the car curtain, out of sight and out of mind. Dean Wang really paid enough attention to the Japanese that he almost asked all the people in Jinling to come out to look for them. It was estimated that there were many people among his mother.

In fact, in addition to the measures mentioned by Dai Chunfeng, apart from the immediate investigation by the Jinling Military Police starting yesterday, the disappearance of Hideaki Miyamoto has also affected a wider area.

The military and police in these places are also doing the same thing from Su, Wichang, Danyang, Zhenjiang and other regions in the east, to Wuhu in Hui Province in the west, to Chuzhou and Bengbu in Hui Province in the north, and to the counties in Jinling in the south.

As we walked toward the Central Military Academy, the security became tighter. Jinling garrison troops took to the streets. Barbed wire fences, sandbags and iron horses were openly erected on the streets. Fully armed soldiers could be seen everywhere.

Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong remained silent. If a fight really broke out, these things would not be able to stop the Japanese tanks and planes. They were just trying to comfort themselves. The key to the matter was to find Hideaki Miyamoto.

Arrived at the Central Military Academy, the car was forced to stop by a heavy machine gun. Dai Chunfeng got out of the car to negotiate. The guard made a phone call with the attendant's office before letting him go. This shows how far the situation has reached.

“Teacher, it seems that the teaching corps is ready to fight.” Zuo Zhong followed Dai Chunfeng in the car and said, “Even the teaching corps has moved. Did something happen? Otherwise it wouldn’t be like this.”

Dai Chunfeng shook his head in distress. The guards didn't say anything just now, but judging from their faces, it was probably as Zuo Zhong guessed. Something more serious must have happened. It was a troubled year.

The car stopped outside the residence and was inspected again. Zuo Zhong's gun was taken away. He followed Dai Chunfeng and walked in. The phones in the mansion were ringing, and the staff were confused.

"Nang Xipi! There are so many military and police officers who can't find Miyamoto. Now the Japanese warships are gathering in Xiaguan. They have taken off their gun jackets and pointed their guns at me. The situation is critical and about to break out.

 You let me go, you are asking me to be the king of a subjugated country. A huge ancient city with hundreds of thousands of athletes cannot stop the Japanese. Let Gu Jichang come to see me immediately. I want to live and die with Jinling. " The bald man stood in the hall, spitting wildly at a group of lieutenant generals and major generals.

Zuo Zhong was shocked. The Japanese warships arrived at such a fast speed. This once again verified that the Miyamoto incident was an arrangement from the top of Japan. Otherwise, the Japanese army and navy would not have such a tacit understanding.

As for the bald man clamoring to live or die with Jinling, he pretended not to have heard these words. These words were also unlucky. The old crooked neck tree in Peiping was still there.

Dai Chunfeng waited for the bald man to finish speaking, and said respectfully: "Principal, the students have obtained evidence that the Japanese planned the Miyamoto incident, and I came here to see him."

The bald man turned his head and saw Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong, his expression did not change at all: "Bring it here, my students are not all waste after all, huh."

These words were a bit loud, and the officers present were blushing. They looked at Dai Chunfeng with an unkind look on his face. It would only be hurt if there was a contrast. Zuo Zhong quietly hid behind, so as to avoid the gods from fighting and the mortals suffering.

After reading the information, the bald head said hysterically: "I know that the Japanese have planned it for a long time. Come and take a look. If Chunfeng hadn't discovered it in time, you would have been kept in the dark.

The palace can't be found everywhere, so it is necessary to make an alliance under the city, otherwise the ancient city of Jinling will inevitably be destroyed by war. Now the whole city is shaking, and the grass and trees are all covered with soldiers. The residents of Xiaguan have already taken the old and the young and left their homes to flee.

With such a thing happening, why should I have the dignity to meet the late President, Gu Jichang? Where did he, the Commander of Jinling City Defense, run away? Did he run away secretly like the common people? "

After speaking, he threw the information he had finally compiled into the sky. The snow-white papers slowly fell to the ground, and the generals bent down to pick them up.

The people here are basically soldiers with formal military education. When they see the Japanese army's unusual movements, they immediately understand the fish behind the White House incident.

Zuo Zhong glanced aside and said to himself that you are really good but not bad. Your city defense commander's legs are no shorter than Master Yuan's. When the battle started, he immediately ran away without a trace.

The furious bald man took a sip of water, put his hands on his hips and asked, "Since you know this is a trick of the Japanese, do you have any countermeasures? Think quickly."

 A major general stood up and said: "The student has a clever idea. Why not just say that Miyamoto committed suicide? After all, he is in Japan."

 “Shut up, stupid.”

The bald head cursed with trembling hands: "The Japanese Consul General has stated that Miyamoto definitely did not commit suicide. The reason is that Miyamoto was neither financially impoverished nor had any family troubles. He did not have a negative and world-weary attitude on weekdays, and his health was not abnormal. "

Zuo Zhong listened with pricked ears. The Japanese were very cunning. They eliminated the possibility of Miyamoto's suicide, leaving only the possibility of being murdered. After all, there has been much hatred between the two countries since the previous dynasty.

Just as he was thinking about it, a lieutenant general who looked quite similar to the bald man walked in. As soon as he came in, the man clicked his heels and performed a beautiful Japanese military salute, with his waist straight.

“Jinling city defense commander Gu Jichang met the chairman of the committee. He was just about to deploy the city defense in Xiaguan. He came immediately after hearing the leader’s summons.” Gu Jichang’s military uniform was already soaked with sweat at this time.

However, the weather is quite cold now, and I don’t know how angry Commander Gu is. He actually made his thick military uniform soaked with sweat. Could it be that he ran all the way from Xiaguan to Qilu, and he is a true magician.

Everyone present looked at him with contempt. This man had evil intentions. Their old classmate was arrested last year. Gu Jichang, who was in charge of the detention at that time, not only advocated the use of torture, but also refused to let him wear his belt.

They are all old brothers from the Eastern and Northern Expeditions. Being so humiliated, Huangpu classmate has long been dissatisfied with him. If it weren't for the chairman's favor for him, he would probably have three feet of grass on his grave by now.

After listening to Gu Jichang's words, Baldhead knew that this was an excuse, but his face looked much better: "Is the city well guarded now? Is there any new movement among the Japanese?"

 Gu Jichang stood at attention again: "Report to the leader, the military attaché of the Japanese Consulate heard that Yanziwu was the execution ground for the previous dynasty's execution of prisoners, so he took people to Yanziji to investigate, but found nothing."

Everyone was in an uproar. Everyone knew that Yanziji was now a scenic spot in Jinling. The government no longer executed prisoners here, but the Japanese actually used it as an execution ground.

The meaning behind this matter is very deep. The Japanese hinted to everyone that Miyamoto had been shot by the Republic of China, so as to pour all dirty water on the National Government.

“Japanese pirates are really despicable,” the bald man said bitterly.

 (End of this chapter)

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