Cicada Moving

Chapter 310: front teeth

Chapter 310 Front Teeth

Gu Qi left with a smile on his face, and Zuo Zhong also walked slowly towards his office. When he reached the big office, he happened to see a bald man practicing boxing there, so that no one dared to approach him within a few meters.

“Why don’t you go to the playground to practice boxing and go crazy in the office? How can everyone still work?” Zuo Zhong stood at the door with his hands on his hips, pointing at Gui Youguang, who was naked and sweating wantonly, and cursed.

Gui Youguang was so frightened by this punch that he almost twisted his waist. When he turned around and saw Zuo Zhong with a dark face, he explained with a grimace: "There are people in the playground at Chuli and Bingdi, so we can't train." ”

 Oh, that’s what happened.

 Zuo Zhong seemed to remember that before going out in the morning, he saw that the agents from the Operations Section and other divisions were also undergoing special training. Gui Youguang and the action team had nowhere to go and had to return to the Intelligence Section for training.

 But this is not a matter. I made Gui Youguang the leader of the operations team because he was the most skilled person. I did not want to fix his career path. The leader of the operations team was just a part-time job.

As a result, he doesn't care about anything now and is busy training to become a muscular tyrant all day long. But the problem is that if he really needs a muscular man, there are a lot of elites in the army who are willing to risk their lives in the intelligence department.

Zuo Zhong thought for a while: "Come with me, I will assign you an important task."

 Gui Youguang was about to cry: "Section Chief, don't talk about important tasks. In Ningbo, you said the important task was to protect Zuo Duo. In the drug case, you said it was important. I just lay there for so many days.

Miyamoto Hideaki disappeared, and my important task became to protect Xiao Qingmin. This time it won’t be the job of looking after the home. Chief, please do it. I really don’t like doing this. "

Zuo Zhong blushed for a rare moment. Gui Youguang was telling the truth. It was indeed a waste to do those tasks with this guy's skills. But haven't you heard a sentence? How could a commander be wrong?

He immediately pointed in the direction of his office: "It's an important task to stimulate, right? I'll arrange it this time and make sure it's exciting for you. If you're scared, just keep practicing and stop bothering me."

“Chief, please stop irritating me.” Gui Youguang bared his teeth and said, “No matter whether I am going up a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, I, Gui Youguang, will not even frown, as long as you didn’t lie to me.”

Zuo Zhong looked at his scoundrel appearance and was furious. However, if he wanted to find the traitor's hiding place, Gui Youguang was the best candidate. It wasn't that he was the most powerful, but that he was the easiest to fool.

 Gui Youguang followed Zuo Zhong back to the office with a cheerful smile. Then before Zuo Zhong could sit down, he diligently dusted the spotless stool and immediately handed him a Hardman.

This is a good thing, and the price is much more expensive than the three-fort that secret agents often smoke. Zuo Zhong happily took it and put it in his mouth. This was the first time he took advantage of this guy. It was not easy.


Gui Youguang brought a burning match to Zuo Zhong: "Section Chief, what exactly is the exciting mission you just mentioned? Just be rest assured that nothing will happen to you when you leave the mission to me."

"This sounds familiar. Why don't you use your head as a guarantee?" Zuo Zhong said in a strange tone, and then said casually: "This mission is related to the secret service headquarters. Isn't it exciting enough?"

 Gui Youguang's heart moved. It was related to one place and it was definitely not an action to look after the home. Could it be that the section chief wanted to touch Xu Enzeng or Liu Gui? If this was the case, the action was indeed a bit dangerous.

He said furtively: "Section chief, Xu Enzeng or Liu Gui, I will take a few old brothers to handle this matter. Then we will do it halfway and take the person to the suburbs and bury him. I will make sure that neither the person alive nor the dead body is seen."

Zuo Zhong wanted to beat someone up after hearing this. This **** is really crazy. A division chief and a section chief were kidnapped. What a big deal this is. Do you think you are bald? You can kill whoever you want.

He said angrily: "Shut up, I'm not asking you to kill anyone, but to find a batch of files. In order to create some trouble for us when we get involved in the field of political intelligence, we secretly hid some personnel files.

This batch of files involves various important agencies including the Jinling Police Department, and it happens to coincide with our investigation of the Puppet Manchukuo agents, so we must find them and teach them a lesson.

I want you to find these files, and then monitor that place to ensure that the files are not transferred. This task may encounter countermeasures. Do you have the confidence to complete the task? "

 Gui Youguang's face turned pale, okay, this time it is indeed no longer a housekeeper, but a guard document, but where can I find it? Moreover, this is an intelligence operation, which Wu Chunyang is good at.

He looked depressed: "Section Chief, I'm afraid I can't find the location of the file. How about leaving this matter to Chunyang. Chunyang is better at investigating this kind of thing. If action is needed, I will lead others to take action."

 “Mud can’t hold up a wall!”

Zuo Zhong hated him and said: "You are the leader of the action team of the Intelligence Section. Do you hear me clearly? The Intelligence Section comes first, and then the action team. You must not only be proficient in operations, but also be good at intelligence.

 Let me give you a suggestion. To check the location of the files, you can start from the Jinling Police Department. Bai Wenzhi sent the files to one place. It is impossible for him to move so much information by himself. He must have sent someone to deliver it. "

 Gui Youguang was thoughtful after listening. The person who could be sent by Bai Wenzhi to do this must be one of his close men. There wouldn't be many such people. Investigating through this channel is indeed a way. Moreover, those gangsters are greedy for life and fear death. If they use some tricks, they may even sell their parents, or they may not even use any tricks. If they throw away the Secret Service ID, the other party will explain everything.

"By the way, you have to investigate secretly and don't contact directly. Who knows if there is someone in the police department? You can figure it out yourself. You are an old man, so you can't let me teach you step by step."

Zuo Zhong interrupted Gui Youguang's thinking with a smile. He knew what this guy was probably thinking, but if he could contact him directly, he could just ask him in vain, so why send someone to investigate secretly.

The file is related to the traitors of the underground party and must not cause uproar in the city. Otherwise, when the traitors are eliminated, Xu Enzeng and the secret service headquarters may notice this and be careful about the Wannian Ship.

Gui Youguang left dejectedly. He could not ask anyone at the police station. He could only judge the current location of the file through his movement trajectory. Who could send the file? When will you send the documents?

These all need to be investigated, and the handover point with the police department is likely to be just a transit point. No matter how trashy the place is, it is still an intelligence officer, and they will not think of this confidentiality method.

After thinking for a long time, he hesitated and asked a few of his subordinates to leave the secret service. As for asking other people for help, secret investigation was not only for the outside, but also for the inside.

The car was driving on the streets of Jinling. As the weather slowly got hotter, the anxious modern girls had already put on skirts and cheongsams. The little spies in the car looked at them with smiles on their faces and whispered.

Gui Youguang also took a look at it, and then turned his head disdainfully. What's so good about such a skinny female enchantress? Now he only cares about how to proceed with the next step.

Although he had brought people out, he had no idea how to start the investigation. He just felt that the section chief had given the order. If he didn't do something, he would be too incompetent.

After thinking for a long time, he said to his subordinates: "Who of you knows someone from the Police Department? The position does not need to be too high, but you must be senior and familiar with the nonsense of the Police Department. You should be looser."

You ca n’t directly contact. You can understand the head office around. Youguang is a professional special agent trained by special training courses. In addition, after following Zuo Chong for so long, you still have some experience in obtaining information.

The little agents thought hard for a while, and one of them hesitated: "Team leader, I have a distant cousin who is responsible for cleaning toilets in the police department. He has served several directors for many years.

This man usually likes to drink two drinks. When he drinks too much, he likes to talk about the police department. But I don’t know whether it’s true or not. Do you think it’s okay if I ask him to have a dinner and talk over some wine? "


I want to beat you, can I? Gui Youguang wholeheartedly refused, but looking at the helpless expressions of other subordinates, he knew that he seemed to have only one channel to understand the situation in the police station.

He said with a dark face: "Okay, you can call him now to make an appointment to meet him in the evening and find a quieter restaurant to drink some wine. I will tell you later what to do and what to say."

  “Yes, team leader.”

Sometimes the people who know a person’s true nature best are not his relatives and friends, nor his superiors and subordinates, but those semi-strangers who meet him every day but never have a conversation with him.

 Because in front of them, people will not hide or pretend, but will reveal their truest parts, just like the relationship between Hu Laoliu and Director Bai of the Jinling Police Department who clean the toilets.

"Let me tell you, Director Bai is really not a thing. He can be described in three sentences. He is eating in his mouth, holding it with chopsticks, and staring in his eyes. He has been the director for a long time, and he has changed houses. ”

"As the saying goes, if the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, the buttocks of his men are also unclean. The cigarettes they smoke, the wine they drink, the food they eat, and the entertainment they play are all money from the police department, these bastards. "

“There is a boy among them. Didn’t he just move a cart of waste paper out in the past two months? Do you know how much he got in just the dispatch fee? It’s a full five hundred. I can see clearly that this world is going to end.”

In a tavern in Jinling, Gui Youguang and several of his men were hiding in a cubicle, listening to the voices next door. One of them was concentrating on recording the conversation between the agent and Hu Laoliu.

"Lao Hu, you are bragging. Do you know what five hundred yuan can buy? Are you drunk and dreaming? I don't believe the nonsense you are telling me." The little spy's voice revealed disdain.

“Bang!” Hu Laoliu seemed to be anxious and slapped the table: “That’s what I saw with my own eyes. It was a thick stack of banknotes. The boy showed off it in front of us. If I lied to you, I would die.”

The little spy said helplessly: "Okay, okay, if you can tell me the specific time and place, Lao Hu, I will invite you tomorrow. If you can't tell me, you don't have to die. You will pay for today's meal."

 “Okay! As you said, I remember it happened to be that day.”

Gui Youguang listened to the conversation and showed his shining front teeth.

 (End of this chapter)

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