Cicada Moving

Chapter 314: not that simple

Chapter 314 It’s not that simple

“Ye Jinzhong, male, Han nationality, 27 years old, unmarried, originally from Baozhou, Hebei Province, has parents and several brothers and sisters. The certifier is a local party official and has nothing to do with the puppet Manchukuo.

At the end of the 21st year of the Republic of China, he came to Jinling from Hebei Province and applied for the position of engineer at Jinling Power Plant. He provided a diploma from a British Polytechnic University and the foreign directors of the power plant thought highly of him. "

In the front seat of the car, Wu Chunyang reported in a low voice: "The villa is the dormitory given to him by the power plant. His daily performance is still under investigation. No reliable source of information has been found. I am afraid of alerting the public."

 Ye Jinzhong, Ye?

 After the demise of the previous dynasty, many banner people changed their names in order to avoid disaster. For example, the royal family changed their surname to Jin, and the family of the empress dowager of the previous dynasty changed their surnames to Ye and Na. It would be too bold to use their real surnames latently.

Zuo Zhong thought about it and nodded: "Does the other party's network have any Puppet Manchukuo personnel provided by Tuozhi? What is the name written on his graduation certificate? Is it a pseudonym, or is it just the name Ye Jinzhong?"


Wu Chunyang was well prepared and immediately responded to Zuo Zhong's inquiry: "After confirming his identity, we conducted a detailed comparison of the relationship network in his public information, and no Manchukuo personnel were found for the time being.

 The name on the certificate is Ye Jinzhong. If this diploma is authentic, it means that he was not an agent of the Puppet Manchukuo before studying abroad, because if it were me, I would not choose the surname Ye as a pseudonym.

He should have been studying abroad normally at that time, so he used his real name. After becoming a Manchukuo spy, he needed to use his diploma, so he did not use a pseudonym. After all, there are many Han people with the surname Ye. "

His thoughts were consistent with Zuo Zhong's. When Puppet Manchukuo agents were lurking, their identity would definitely be cut off from that of Puppet Manchukuo, unless it was absolutely necessary, not to mention that the Queen Mother of the Ye clan was quite famous.

 Ye Jinzhong, is the Ye family loyal?

Zuo Zhong thought of a lot of information. After the establishment of the Puppet Manchukuo, the Ye family was quite influential in its senior officials. This was consistent with the information provided by Xiao Qingmin. Ye Jinzhong should be a noble son of the high-ranking Puppet Manchukuo.

 For the Puppet Manchukuo, the reliability of intelligence personnel is more important than professionalism. This is a lesson learned from the past, and the opponent's poor intelligence level seems to have a reasonable explanation.

Looking at the small courtyard Ye Jinzhong walked into, he asked again: "Have you verified the information of the nearby neighbors? What does that woman do? The details are not clear. Is there anything suspicious about it?"

 Intelligence work is all about details.

 The woman who suddenly appeared seemed to have an unusual relationship with the target. This situation aroused Zuo Zhong's vigilance. No one could guarantee that this woman was not a member of the Puppet Manchukuo intelligence team.

Wu Chunyang picked up the file and read in a low voice: "Vanessa Wang, a native of Shanghai, 28 years old, Han nationality, moved to Europe with her parents when she was young, and returned to China after marrying her current husband in the 19th year of the Republic of China.

His husband Wang Deyong is from Jinling. His background is relatively clear. He is 34 years old. His parents have passed away. He has opened several small businesses in Shanghai. The business situation is unknown and requires external transfer from the Shanghai Station.

This is the information from the police station. We also found out that Vanessa rarely goes out. Only when Wang Deyong comes back will the two of them go to the city. There is nothing suspicious at the moment. "

 His work is very solid. In just a few hours, he has collected intelligence about the people around the target. Although it is only basic information, it can also provide considerable help in the investigation work.

 Overseas Chinese?

Zuo Zhong went through the situation he mentioned in his mind and made a decision: "Very good, if there is no suspicion, you should pay more attention. This surveillance operation should try to avoid the network around the target.

These middle class people will be more curious about new people in the community. Don't set up surveillance points nearby. Set the surveillance scope after he goes out to find out his network and accomplices outside. "

 “Yes, section chief.”

Wu Chunyang nodded: "I have gathered the brothers who are most experienced in tracking technology, and they are responsible for monitoring the target, while other personnel provide support.

 When necessary, I will ask people from Lao Song to come over and help. The old people from the Secret Service during the Ji Goose Lane period are basically in our two units, so don’t worry. "

Intelligence officers are actually a skilled job. The distance and distance when tracking, the choice of position, and the response to unexpected situations all require time to hone. This kind of experience cannot be learned.

At this time, Vanessa walked to the kitchen, apparently serving dumplings. After a while, Ye Jinzhong also came over. The two of them were talking and laughing. People who didn't know better thought they were a young couple.

 “You are so lucky.”

Zuo Zhong lowered his body and said in a teasing tone: "Except for Xu Enzeng, this is the first time I have seen such an intelligence officer. You should pay more attention to this Vanessa.

No matter whether she is suspicious or not, she can be used to control and influence Ye Jinzhong. They say that it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty. We can give it a try then. "

Wu Chunyang was suddenly stunned. He looked at the target who was helping Vanessa tidy up her hair and smiled helplessly. This person was really big-hearted and dared to flirt with women even though he was hiding. This was because he didn't want to die quickly enough.

 Provoking a married man can easily lead to disputes. Once he comes into the police's sight and registers his identity and appearance, there is a risk of being exposed unless he does not participate in future actions.

"Both he and this Vanessa have telephones in their houses, right?" Zuo Zhong pointed to the wooden telephone pole: "If so, set up monitoring and record the numbers dialed and received. You can do this yourself."        I Arrange it when you get back.”

Wu Chunyang took out the cigarette and smelled it: "Ye Jinzhong's phone has been monitored. Vanessa's house should have a phone. There are many rich people in Qijiaqiao, and the phone installation rate is similar to that in Meiyuan New Village."

 “Then go back first.”

Zuo Zhong yawned: "There is no need to keep an eye on it. There are not many vehicles now. We may arouse suspicion here. The situation here is different from that in the city."

He is not interested in listening to the corner, that is the specialty of the secret service headquarters, who knows how long the other party will be tossing, as long as there are other secret agents nearby to guard the situation.

Wu Chunyang started the car and drove directly in front of Vanessa's house without hiding. As he passed by, the sound of music and the laughter of the two came from the house.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the house and thought about Ye Jinzhong. He had been lurking in Jinling for several years, but he didn't show any signs of it. Considering his amateur performance, is this normal?

 Is it just good luck, or is he not as simple as he seems, or he has not been awakened before? These are all possible. At the same time, it is difficult to obtain high-value information in his profession.

 With the identity of a power plant engineer, one can indeed enter and leave important institutions, such as maintenance equipment, security guards and internal security. Such people will also be monitored at that time.

 In addition, when a stranger enters a relatively fixed environment, it will inevitably attract everyone's attention, just like when they appear in this community, it is difficult to obtain information.

Zuo Zhong tapped his knees with his fingers, and suddenly stopped as he was thinking about it. He had previously judged that Ye Jinzhong's living in Sanpailou was an arrangement by the Japanese to facilitate intelligence activities.

 There are many agencies near Sanpailou. Among them, the Military and Administrative Department and the Navy Department are definitely important targets for the Japanese and the Manchukuo, and are worth the efforts of the other side.

 But the reason the other person lives here now is for work, is it a coincidence? No, there is no such thing as coincidence in intelligence work. There is something fishy about this job.

Zuo Zhong raised his head and asked: "Chunyang, who recruited Ye Jinzhong to enter the power plant? The Jinling Power Plant is a good place. Even if he is a graduate of Imperial College, it will not be easy for him to get in."

Wu Chunyang slowed down the car and recalled: "It is not mentioned in the existing information. I will find out the situation as soon as possible, but the power plant is an enterprise run by foreigners, and it should be decided by a foreigner."


Zuo Zhong pondered, assuming that his job was also arranged by the Japanese. When Ye Jinzhong was inconvenient to conduct intelligence activities, the best way was to develop Mole without having to step forward himself.

As long as the contact method is secretive enough and the loss of information is not serious, even if he is relatively amateur, there is really no danger of this guy being exposed if no one is tracking him down.

  As for moles, they are easy to find here.

“Chunyang, you must pay attention to the other party’s communication with party, government and military personnel. Even if you only say one sentence or meet once, you must conduct strict screening.” Zuo Zhong gave the instruction after thinking about it.


As Wu Chunyang was talking, he drove the car onto Zhongshan North Road and happened to see the Ministry of Military Affairs building not far away. His expression became serious under the street light, and he obviously understood what Zuo Zhong meant by this sentence.

The Ministry of the Navy and the Ministry of Military Affairs cannot allow for any mistakes. One is in charge of all affairs of the navy of the Republic of China, and the other is in charge of the administrative affairs of all the military. If something goes wrong, many people will lose their heads.

Zuo Zhong looked out the window. He still felt something was wrong. The Japanese worked hard to arrange Ye Jinzhong in Jinling, and the mission he performed was very safe.

 This is clearly a form of protection.

This is different from what they speculated. They previously believed that the puppet Manchukuo agents were just scapegoats used to carry out suicide missions. Do scapegoats need protection?

A job at Jinling Power Plant and a residence that is convenient for intelligence operations. It is not surprising that these conditions are given to a spy who needs to lurk deeply, but it is strange to give them to a cannon fodder who is destined to be sacrificed.

Even if you are afraid of being exposed before committing suicide, it is enough to remain dormant. Why waste resources? This does not make sense logically and is not in line with the Japanese style. The Japanese are not so generous.

This case is not that simple.

Zuo Zhong opened the car window and stared at Jinling City in the night. He felt that he needed to think outside the box, otherwise he would always feel like he was being led by others.

The car headed south along Zhongshan Road and rushed back to the Secret Service Office in less than an hour. As soon as he entered the yard, Zuo Zhong saw Gui Youguang leading a group of secret agents and trying to leave furtively.

 “There is light, come here.”

Zuo Zhong stuck his head out of the car window and shouted to a certain bald man. Ever since he handed over the task of finding documents to the other party, this guy had been hiding from him and didn't know what he was doing.

Gui Youguang, who was about to get on the bus, was struck by lightning. He had searched all over Jinling City these days, but could not find the whereabouts of the batch of documents. He could only avoid Zuo Zhong for now, but he did not expect to be caught today.

 (End of this chapter)

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