Cicada Moving

Chapter 32: Catch them all

Chapter 32 Catch them all in one fell swoop

“Who is the person in charge of the sulfuric acid team and what are their tasks?” Zuo Zhong asked.

“The person in charge of the sulfuric acid team is called Yuan Shanfei. His cover identity is that of a newspaper reporter. The team’s job is to conduct map surveying. He doesn’t usually have much contact with me. He mainly contacts Shanghai Special High School through letters.”

It turned out to be map surveying. It is said that the Japanese maps are very accurate, with marks as small as a well or a big tree. In a sense, the sulfuric acid team is more dangerous, because it is related to the outcome of the war. .

“Tell me all the information you know, and I will find a way to confirm it. If what you say is true, we will immediately arrange to evacuate your family.” Saushige assured Nagano Soichi.

 Nagano Soichi knew that he had no way out, so he talked about everything in detail. All he can do now is to satisfy the Chinese people, especially this devil-like man.

The steadfastness he once envisioned turned into a joke under this man's few words. Zuo Shige didn't know Nagano Soichi's slander, and it didn't matter if he knew it.

It's good to go where the person is. This kind of middle-aged man has seniors and juniors. As long as he grasps his weakness and gets him to speak, it's not difficult. Big brother Ban Jun once said that when he reaches his age, he lives for his family. .

Looking at the interrogation record in his hand, Gu Qi couldn't help but sigh: "With this information, I'm afraid there won't be many Japanese spies left in Jinling City."

Zuo Zhong shook his head: "I feel that these people are not the trump cards of the Extra-High School, because they are too amateur and can't even hide their identities."

Gu Qi is a little confused. According to the existing information, not only Hirata Kyoko but also Li Shudong are deep-lurking spies, and the information obtained is also very important. Why are they not the trump cards of the extra-high-level courses?

Saushige explained: “If we follow the requirements of the Special High School Course, Nagano Soichi should only be responsible for sending reports. He will not know the identities of other people, and others should not know his identity.

But in reality, Li Shudong just ran to contact him, and the concealed identities of the other two intelligence teams were also exposed to Nagano Soichi's sight. What was the reason for this? "

Gu Qi shook his head in confusion: "The special higher education courses don't pay attention to them?"

Zuo Zhong pointed in the direction of the telecommunications room: "That's because these intelligence teams lack communication tools."

Gu Qi understood a little bit. If those three intelligence groups were really important, why didn't the Special High School equip them with dedicated radio stations? Instead, they transmitted the information through Nagano Soichi.

“Interrogating Li Shudong, at least dig out the known spies, otherwise it will be like a stick in the throat.” Zuo Zhong didn’t think too much, and he couldn’t rush many things.

Different from Nagano Soichi's bargaining, Li Shudong entered the interrogation room and almost peeed with fright when he saw the electric chair. It was a person who knew everything and said everything without giving Gui Youguang a chance to express himself.

“Li Shudong, maybe I should call you Wasp, should you say it yourself, or should we ask.”

"Sir, I said it myself. My name is Li Shudong. I have been assigned by the Special High School Division to lurk in the Jinling Police Department. I am the team leader. There are a total of twelve spies under me. I can give you all the lists. I I really didn’t give the Japanese any important information, really, don’t kill me.”

Zuo Zhong listened as Li Shudong told the names, addresses, work addresses, and residential addresses of the twelve men one by one, and then asked a question: "Li Shudong, who asked you to take charge of the gunmen? Is it Zhang Yuan's order?"

Li Shudong immediately denied: "No, I received a call and asked me to respond with a police uniform and weapons that day. These two things were prepared long ago as a reserve for emergency operations."

Zuo Zhong thought silently. Zhao Er's note, Li Shudong's phone call, and the gunman's weapon all proved that there were Japanese spies hidden deeper in Jinling City.

After sorting out the interrogation records of Nagano Satoshi and Li Shudong, Zuo Zhong went to report to Dai Chunfeng again. There was no other way. For example, to deal with Nagano Satoshi's family, Dai Chunfeng had to come forward.

"What, twelve Japanese spies, and a map surveying team?" Dai Chunfeng couldn't believe it. The Japanese colleagues were so unprofessional.

After carefully reading the interrogation record, Dai Chunfeng knew that the situation was urgent: "I asked the Japanese station to immediately arrange for Nagano Soichi's family to leave. The important information he mentioned must be obtained."

Dai Chunfeng also realized that Nagano Soichi's trump card must be amazing. It was so important that he gave up all other information. This information must be of great importance.

“I think so too, so I will immediately report to the teacher that the snail and the wasp have lost contact. The special high school class will definitely notice it. Fortunately, we caught it at night and have one night to react.”

"The operations at the Japanese station will be carried out secretly. The twelve spies in Jinling City and the surveying and mapping team should be arrested immediately without giving them time to react." Dai Chunfeng ordered decisively.

 “Yes!” This is also Zuo Zhong’s plan.

 Dai Chunfeng personally presided over it, and the Intelligence Section and Operations Section cooperated in arresting for the first time. It is worth mentioning that Dai Chunfeng is still serving as the chief of the Operations Section, which shows that he attaches great importance to the armed forces.

Dai Chunfeng said murderously: "No one is allowed to move alone. Even if they go to the toilet, three or more people must supervise each other. If there is any violation, military law will be dealt with."

Cars drove out of the Secret Service and rushed to various parts of Jinling City. In order to keep it secret, the arrest team was mixed this time, with some people from the Intelligence Section and the Operations Section each dispatched. Except for the captain who led the team, others will only know the arrest target after they arrive at the place. It seems that Zhao Er's incident has deeply stimulated Dai Chunfeng. He did not expect that his subordinates would actually sneak into the Japanese spy.

Zuo Zhong led one of the teams to arrest a traitor in the Wasp team. After arriving at the destination, Zuo Zhong announced operational discipline. No shooting was allowed without permission. No shooting was allowed unless the opponent fired. All this was to capture Live mouth.

The target of the arrest lives in a shanty town, and his cover identity is a cleaner of the Jinling Municipal Government. He is one of the moles developed by Wasp Li Shudong in Jinling and has not received special training.

Even so, Zuo Zhong did not dare to take it lightly. He first arranged control personnel to prevent the opponent from escaping, then several team members kicked in the door first to enter and arrest, and finally Zuo Zhong made confirmation.

The arrests of other teams were also very successful. None of the twelve spies of the Hornet team escaped the net. The Secret Service acted too fast and the arrest time was perfect. These people were all caught under the covers.

The sulfuric acid team was even more unprepared. All members of the sulfuric acid team were present when the arresting team rushed into Yuan Shanfei's residence. It was later learned that they were exchanging surveying and mapping information and preparing to draw a map.

Looking at the nearly full detention center, Dai Chunfeng was both happy and troubled. Fortunately, he didn't expect the operation to go so smoothly. Not only did the known spies not escape, but even the surveying and mapping team was unexpectedly wiped out. This is God helping him. .

The trouble is that the newly renovated detention center seems to be not enough. It is related to a major espionage case. Dai Chunfeng finally decided to temporarily repurpose part of the office to detain Japanese spies.

 After all the work was done, it was daybreak. Dai Chunfeng was very satisfied: "Shenzhu, you did a good job. I don't think the Japanese are that scary. The Secret Service is going to show its face in front of the Chairman this time."

Zuo Zhong didn't speak. He was not as optimistic as Dai Chunfeng, and he felt increasingly uneasy. Everything after the shooting made him feel as if an invisible hand was controlling everything.

Why on earth did the Japanese kill the witness with great fanfare, why did they let Wasp take the risk to respond, and wasted the Secret Service **** Zhao Er, who should have played a greater role.

This does not include Nagano Soichi who was indirectly exposed. Zuo Shige did not believe that the Special High School did not know the importance of snails. As the de facto spy leader, catching him was equivalent to catching three intelligence teams.

 Having paid so much price, what is the purpose of the Japanese? Everyone has a motive for doing anything, but Zuo Zhong just can't see what the motive of the Japanese is.

"Shen Zhong, what are you thinking about?" Dai Chunfeng was a little unhappy. He found that Zuo Zhong didn't praise him.

“There are no teachers. The students are just wondering who gave Zhao Er that letter and who made that phone call to Wasp.” Zuo Zhong expressed the doubts in his heart.

"The work is never done. If you don't get caught this time, then next time. This time the case is over, you have a good rest for a few days." Dai Chunfeng said with great concern.

At this moment, Dai Chunfeng's phone rang. Zuo Zhong wanted to go out. Dai Chunfeng smiled and said it didn't matter, and then answered the phone. But before he said a few words, he started to quarrel with the other party.

"Xu, you and I are both the director of the department. What qualifications do you have to order me?"

“I don’t care, you asked Director Chen to tell me this, what did I, Dai Chunfeng, do wrong?”

"I only listen to the orders of the commission. Don't act like a fox and pretend to be a tiger. I won't accept your tricks."

After Dai Chunfeng finished speaking, he hung up the phone and sat on the chair angrily. Then he slapped the table hard: "He bullies people too much. Xu Enzeng bullies people too much!"

Zuo Zhong didn’t know what happened, so he asked cautiously: “Teacher, what happened.”

Dai Chunfeng said angrily: "That **** Xu Enzeng actually wants to take over the Japanese espionage case. He is not picking peaches, he is directly cutting down trees. I want the Chairman to appeal, appeal!"

Zuo Zhong understood that this was the secret service headquarters, that is, Xu Enzeng, the director of the Division 1, came to grab the credit. According to Dai Chunfeng, this was the instruction of Director Chen of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission.

After thinking about it for a while, Zuo Zhong advised: "Stop being angry, Virgo. Director Chen and Xu Enzeng are cousins, so of course they will be against him. It's useless for us to try hard. We have to find a way."

Dai Chunfeng knew that Zuo Zhong was telling the truth, but he couldn't swallow this tone: "Is there any way? I think the party-state's family will be taken over by the Chen family brothers."

 “Deputy Director Zheng.” Zuo Zhong said softly.

Dai Chunfeng scowled: "What do you mean?"

“This is the credit of our Secret Service, and it also includes Deputy Director Zheng. Deputy Director Zheng is the adjutant of the Chairman, and he must be able to speak to Director Chen.”

 (End of this chapter)

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