Cicada Moving

Chapter 323: Will not be fooled

Chapter 323: I won’t be fooled

Liu Gui didn't know that someone was plotting against him. He was now focused on figuring out what case the bald man from the Secret Service and Song Minghao were investigating, and why they were so mysterious.

 So, he took a few spies and squatted in the bushes furtively, monitoring the movements near the National Government Auditorium. Song Minghao and Da Bald had just led people in again.

 In fact, since the last time he saw Zuo Zhong, he felt that something was going on here. Zuo Zhong was well-known in the intelligence system. Apart from his love for gold bars, he had no other bad habits.

He rarely goes out to socialize. He is usually either at the Secret Service or in the dormitory. He lives in seclusion. There must be a very important reason why he can go to the National Government during working hours.

Sure enough, under careful observation, he discovered that a group of mysterious people had recently appeared in the National Government compound, led by Song Minghao, the head of the Military Intelligence Unit of the Secret Service, and a bald man.

Liu Gui was no stranger to Song Minghao. At that time, he was the one who took this person away from the Secret Service and had his nails pulled out. As a result, Zuo Chongyin struck him and allowed him to escape unharmed.

 And the big bald man also has a certain reputation in the intelligence system. He is known as the number one operational master of the Secret Service. It is said that not one hundred but fifty Japanese spies have died in his hands, which is very powerful.

 In short, these two men are Zuo Zhong's confidants. They have been with Zuo Zhong since he entered the secret service. They dispatched two generals at a time. The reason why Zuo Zhong came to the National Government is very clear.

 There is a case, and it is a big case!

Liu Gui licked his lips. Just thinking about a case that could be treated as a big case by Zuo Zhong made his heart beat wildly. The last case that the other party paid so much attention to was the disappearance of Miyamoto.

After the case was solved, the man named Zuo didn't seem to get any benefits, but that was because all the benefits went to Dai Chunfeng. Not long after he was promoted to colonel, he was promoted to major general under the exception.

 This is a major general!

Liu Gui couldn't help but remember that the director was furious when he heard the news. Especially the red eyes in his eyes were enough to show the weight of the rank of major general.

 If he could

 “Section Chief, they are out.”

While Liu Gui was thinking wildly, his subordinates reminded him in a low voice. He quickly shrank back and peeked out through the dense bushes, just in time to see Song Minghao and the big bald man.

Song Minghao and Gui Youguang were also communicating in a low voice after walking out of the auditorium.

 “There is light, do you see it?”

“See, Liu Gui thinks we are blind, wearing a black suit and hiding in the green grass. This bastard, if the section chief hadn’t stopped him, I would have killed him long ago.”

 “Don’t look over there, just follow the agreement.”

 “Don’t worry, Old Song, I’ve already prepared it.”

After the two discussed, they pretended to discuss the case while walking and chatting. Song Minghao, who was walking on the right, was holding a document bag with several large characters written in pen on it, which was very conspicuous.

 “Quick! Quick! Telescope!”

Liu Gui was anxious. He had a hunch that as long as he could read clearly what was written on the document bag, he would be able to find clues to a major case handled by the Secret Service. It was related to his official title, so how could he not be anxious.

 A small agent quickly took out an exquisite small telescope from his arms and handed it to Liu Gui. Liu Gui snatched it away and focused all his attention on the document bag, trying hard to decipher the handwriting.

The yellow document bag was somewhat reflective under the sun, which made Liu Gui's eyes dazzled. However, he still gritted his teeth and did not dare to relax for a moment. The opportunity may only be once, and he must seize it.

“General... Chief of Staff... Involved in underground party case?”

Liu Gui silently read the words on the document bag. Unfortunately, two words were blocked by Song Minghao's fingers. But even so, the news still made him ecstatic. It turned out to be an underground party case.

 The underground party.

He caught some small fish and shrimps in the local area, but after arriving in Jinling, his life was unlucky. Half of his political life was blown away by Zhang Anren's dangerous object. He finally had a chance to avenge his shame.

It doesn't matter if a few words are blocked. There are only a few people with the surname Liu in the General Office of the National Government. It's really not possible to monitor them all. As long as someone from the Secret Service is found, the target can be determined.

Liu Gui was trembling with excitement. This time he is going to be prosperous. What he lost must be taken back by himself, that is dignity. Wait and see, Mr. Zuo, I will cut off your beard this time.

He watched Song Minghao walk away and whispered to his men: "Immediately find the list of personnel from the general office and pick out all the people named Liu. If anyone is lazy, I will kill him!"

After saying that, he ran out of the National Government without waiting for an order from his subordinates. If he wanted to check the staff here, he would have to give approval from Xu Enzeng or even Director Chen. He couldn't make the decision.

But it’s not too soon, as long as this case can be solved, maybe he can be promoted slightly. At least there will always be a place for him in the secretary’s office, Liu Gui thought happily.

Song Minghao and Gui Youguang, who had gone far away, found a remote toilet. Gui Youguang lit a fire, and Song Minghao supervised, burned the document bag with only the cover to ashes, pounded it into foam, and threw it into the toilet.

"Okay, now there's no scum left." Gui Youguang clapped his hands and asked, "Do you think he can read clearly what's written on the document bag? Don't let us waste so much effort. He just didn't read it." clear."


Song Minghao was full of confidence: "We just walked in front of him, the distance was at least 45 meters to 50 meters, and at a pace of 1.5 meters per second, he had at least 30 seconds or more to observe me. Such a long time Time, not to mention he is a professional, even those private detectives with deer-headed eyes in Shanghai can clearly see the content. Thank you Youguang this time, brother, I will definitely get a good reward. "

 What he said was reasonable and well-founded. Gui Youguang thought it was very reasonable. A quick observation of 30 seconds was the basic skill of an intelligence officer. No matter what Liu Gui was, he was still the chief of the intelligence section.

Although he is not as good as the intelligence section chief, he shouldn't even have this basic skill. After thinking about it, Gui Youguang feels that he is sure of himself and has completed the task beautifully.

  Section chief, please come and praise me.

 As it turned out, Cao Cao was about to arrive. Just as he was thinking about it, a whistle sounded outside.

 “Hello, section chief.”


Then Zuo Zhong walked in and asked with a smile: "Who are you talking about with a deer head and rat eyes? Is it Liu Gui? When I came here, I saw Liu Gui running away sneakily. It seemed that he had gone back to another place."

Just as Song Minghao was about to speak, Gui Youguang beat him to it: "No, I'm talking about those private detectives in Shanghai who are listening to the wall. If Liu Gui goes back now, our plan must have succeeded."

 After saying this, he looked at Zuo Zhong with a smile on his face, waiting for the section chief's praise. God always makes him unlucky, so it's time for him to turn around this time. Alas, he can't make great achievements in this job.

 Zuo Zhong's smile became a little sloppy, he nodded, and said vaguely: "Okay, very good, since Liu Gui ran back to claim credit with Xu Enzeng, then you go to one place now and keep an eye on the opponent's personnel.

 You will keep a close eye on anyone wherever they go. I can tell you, if the undergraduate director's plan is delayed because of you, haha, what will happen? Just go and go on your own. "

 “Oh, yes.”

 Gui Youguang's smile did not change. The section chief must have said this because he was afraid that he would be proud. If a department got information about fake underground parties, they would definitely use the archives. How could something happen?

The Nationalist Government has two sets of files. One is used by the Intelligence Division, and the other is in its own hands. Could it be that there are ready-made materials in one file that are not being used, and they can borrow information from the Secret Service?

This is impossible, they are just fine hiding from the Secret Service.

Song Minghao, however, was an expert at observing words and emotions. He always felt that there was something in the section chief's words, so he decisively shut his mouth. If Gui Youguang wanted to take the blame, then so be it. He didn't say anything just now.

Zuo Zhong turned his head away from his bald head and looked at the respectful Song Minghao: "How about it, you know what to do next. Once the personnel over there are in place, we will immediately monitor Chief Liu."

The Chief Liu in his mouth is the underground party forged by Gui Youguang. This person is good at boasting and flattering, crossing rivers and burning bridges. He is double-dealing and has a secret sword. He is really a rare pillar of the party and the country.

Since you want to deceive the secret service headquarters, you have to find a suitable false target. Chief Liu has no background, so he became the chief of the unit with his mouth. This kind of little bureaucrat with no backstage is the favorite of the department.

It all depends on the mood of Director Xu Enzeng and Chief Xu. There will be no constraints on the investigation. There is a living underground party and an opportunity to intercept the secret service. Zuo Zhong doesn't believe that he won't take the bait.

 In fact, Xu Enzeng was more cautious than Zuo Zhong. At least after listening to the dancing Liu Gui's statement, Director Xu, who had suffered too many losses, was not too excited and asked.

“Liu Gui, have you ever thought about whether this is Zuo Zhong’s conspiracy, just like Zhou Wenshan and Liu Juan from the Ningbo Party Headquarters Investigation Office? People’s hearts are sinister these days, and we have to guard against it.”

If you say that every time you suffer, you will gain wisdom. The losses Xu Enzeng suffered were enough to make him one of the people with the highest IQ in the world. In short, Director Xu has evolved and is not as easy to deceive as before.

 “Impossible, Director.”

Liu Gui said confidently: "I saw Zuo Zhong at the National Government that day. I was just driven out of my office by you that day and arranged to go there. Zuo Zhong could not know, let alone fall into the trap so quickly.

And when he saw me, the surprise on his face was not fake. What’s more important is that we have a trump card. Let him take a look at the file and he will know whether it is true or false. Director, please relax. "


Xu Enzeng thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be true. As long as he was not in a hurry to take action or arrest people, the Secret Service and the little Wang Ba Dan named Zuo would not be able to trick him. This time, I have the advantage.

Thinking of this, he sat behind the desk and waved. Liu Gui stood in front of the desk and bent down. The two of them leaned their heads together and started talking.

Xu Enzeng glanced at the door furtively and said in a very low voice: "I immediately notified Wang Lizhong via the radio and asked him to identify all the people surnamed Liu in the National Government General Office."


After speaking, Liu Gui raised his thumb and said with a flattering look on his face: "Director, you are so tall! Who would have thought that we also use a radio station in Jinling? It is so secretive that the underground party will never find anyone named Liu."

"This is called a person who is good at attacking, the enemy does not know where he is defending; a person who is good at defending, the enemy does not know where he is attacking." Xu Enzeng was proud, stood up and put his hands on his hips: "As for you, just go back to the National Government and keep an eye on the suspects."


 (End of this chapter)

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