Cicada Moving

Chapter 342: pain

Chapter 342 Pain

Okay, this is the legendary honest man. Even if he is a fake couple, he will not know everything. In this case, there is nothing to say, and Vanessa must be tortured.

Zuo Zhong nodded, and Gui Youguang, who was well prepared, rushed behind Vanessa and slashed at the opponent's neck with a hand knife. Vanessa only had time to utter a exclamation before she was knocked unconscious.

“Ms. Xiao, I’ll leave it to you, Ms. Vanessa, to tell her the situation and tasks of the other two groups.” Zuo Zhong looked at his watch: “I’ll give you 72 hours, is that enough?”

 “Thank you, Section Chief Zuo, that’s enough.”

Xiao Qingmin was a little eager to try. Her eyes were picking through the complicated torture instruments, and finally stopped on a sharp dagger. She seemed to have thought of something interesting and giggled.

She immediately asked Zuo Zhong for instructions: "Chief Zuo, can you remove the skin from her face? Although I have never done this before, my hands are very steady and will never touch important blood vessels. She will not die."

For a professional agent like her, ordinary torture methods are ineffective. What she cares about most is this bastard. Taking away the things she cherishes most will definitely destroy her psychology. "

  MD, be perverted.

Zuo Zhong frowned: "Use conventional means first, and then take action if it doesn't work. Prepare a doctor before taking action. She cannot die before getting information. This is my only request to you."


Xiao Qingmin looked at Vanessa who was tied to the torture chair and licked her lips.

Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and watched Xiao Qingmin walking towards Vanessa. It would be best if she could get Vanessa to speak through torture. If not, it didn't matter, because he had already made some judgments in his heart.

 Doihara could not have deployed two intelligence teams in Jinling for no reason. Their missions were closely related to the existence of the Butterfly Group, and they were probably also very interested in a certain bald head.

So after arresting the Manchukuo team and Vanessa, the security at the meeting site not only could not be relaxed, but also had to be strengthened secretly to prevent the tiger from being diverted from the mountain and not give the Japanese an opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes.

 When the time comes, you will find clues if you follow the traces.

And these two intelligence groups are a bit interesting, especially their code names. Generally speaking, the code names of intelligence groups have no special meaning. After all, no one will put the clues on the surface.

  But these two code names themselves represent something. For example, Beidou and Nandou both move around the Ziwei star. Who is the Ziwei star in the eyes of the Japanese, a bald man or someone Wang?

 Intelligence work requires imagination. Zuo Zhong thought of a lot at once. Although there was no evidence to support these guesses, they were still considered ideas for detection. He called Song Minghao and whispered a few words.

"Old Song, immediately strengthen the intelligence monitoring of Dean Wang, screen all the people around him, and directly and secretly arrest anyone who is suspicious. You must handle this matter personally and handle it immediately."

Song Minghao was a little worried when he heard this. Dean Wang is the respected president of the Executive Yuan. Even if he doesn't have any real power now, he is still a big boss within the Fruit Party and the standard-bearer of the reorganization faction.

Secretly arresting people close to the opponent. Once this matter is revealed, it will be a serious political incident. The Intelligence Section and even the Secret Service will be pushed to the forefront. Wouldn't the section chief be a bit hasty in doing this?

He hesitated for a moment, but then expressed his worries: "Section Chief, is this matter a long-term consideration? After the East Asia Club and the drug case, Wang attaches great importance to intelligence work.

It is said that he hired a lot of people from the police department, all of whom are experienced policemen, who are responsible for daily protection and vigilance. If our actions are discovered, I am afraid it will affect you. "

Zuo Zhong heard about this. The man named Wang did not dare to contact people from the army and intelligence system at will, so he found a new way to find a group of police officers. This group of people was strong in anti-tracking and security.

However, it is related to the stability of the country, and some things have to be done.

He said without hesitation: "How to complete the task is your responsibility as the unit leader. I only want the final result. There are still more than half a month before the meeting. If you can do it, if you can't, I will replace you."


Song Minghao stood at attention and replied, and then left the interrogation room to arrange specific work. How could a man say no? They are just a few old policemen, and his military and political unit has many elite soldiers.

Yu Xingle on the side saw this scene and knew that Zuo Zhong might have found a clue. Thinking about the seriousness of this case, he suddenly felt that it was a bit dangerous for him to stay here any longer, so he immediately said to leave.

“Chief Zuo, Yu has a lot of things to deal with so I’m going to leave now. If you need anything from the East China District, just ask. I just want to put in a good word for me and my brothers in the closing report.”

The other party's posture was so low, Zuo Zhong naturally had to accept this favor, patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, brothers know what to do, and will never do anything like burning bridges."

 “Thank you very much, see you later.”

 “Good luck, I won’t send you off.”

Yu Xingle left with a smile on his face. The remaining investigation work was a bit sensitive. He only wanted credit and did not want to get into trouble. As for handling the case with Zuo Zhong, it was even impossible. It was better to leave first.

Zuo Zhong watched the other party leave, and then looked at Xiao Qingmin, who had already taken action, preparing to observe the torture methods of the Japanese intelligence system. Future anti-torture training can also be carried out in the same way.


Xiao Qingmin first whipped Vanessa with a steel whip dipped in salt water. I have to say that this woman was really cruel. The whip's position was very tricky, and it landed directly on the opponent's lower abdomen.

 The back of the lower abdomen is a female’s vital organ, which is a weak point from a physiological point of view. The pain is the most intense after being hit, and it is a persistent pain, comparable to the lower abdomen of men.


Vanessa screamed, and cold sweat broke out on her head. She tried hard to bend her body on the torture rack in an attempt to reduce the pain, but it was no use. The pain would only become clearer as time passed.

It is all because this kind of pain is a means of early warning used by the body to remind the body to pay attention to protecting fragile organs. The pain will not dissipate within a short period of time and will not be blocked by the brain.

 To put it simply, this kind of pain does not make people numb, it constantly stimulates you with different levels of pain. Xiao Qingmin took advantage of this to bring huge physical pain to Vanessa. Those present were all experts in torture, and they could see the mystery and viciousness of this move at a glance. Gui Youguang was especially happy to see Xie Xin, and he was so anxious that he scratched his head and wanted to go out and test it out immediately.

 “Help, I was wronged.”

Vanessa's hair was messy, and sweat came out of her head and body like water, quickly soaking her torn pajamas. Her whole person was no longer her usual charm, only in a state of embarrassment.

“Whether you are wronged or not has nothing to do with me.”

After hearing this, Xiao Qingmin sneered: "My task is to pry your mouth open. I don't care whether you tell the truth or make up nonsense. You must tell me where the two intelligence teams are."

 After saying this, she raised the whip and gave Vanessa another hard blow, showing no mercy.

 “Pah~, do you want to say it or not?”

 “Ah, I really don’t know.”

 “I want you to be tough, bang~”

"forgive me."

Wang Deyong on the side closed his eyes. As the saying goes, a couple's love lasts a hundred days. He and Vanessa have been a fake couple for so long. It would be a lie to say that there is no emotion at all, but there is nothing he can do.

But he didn’t say anything. Some people said that Ye Jinzhong, who had been in a coma, woke up and saw his sweetheart being tortured. He didn’t know where he got the courage, and shouted loudly: “Let her go, and hit me if you want.”

It's a pity that no one cares about what he said. Zuo Zhong raised his hand, and the great love saint was knocked unconscious again. The Puppet Manchukuo group is meat in the pot and can be eaten at any time, regardless of this moment.


Xiao Qingmin whipped her twice in succession, and the severe pain caused Vanessa to faint immediately. The brain's protective mechanism worked at the critical moment, but the coma seemed to come a little early.

"twenty minutes."

 Gui Youguang looked at his watch and said with certainty: "This woman must have received professional anti-torture training. With her physical fitness and the intensity of torture, she would not fall into coma so quickly."

Zuo Zhong and others nodded. It was useless to resist the torture. It didn't mean that it couldn't be done, but it would drive people crazy. The best way was to coma and let the brain stop working temporarily.

The Intelligence Section's anti-torture training also has this purpose. The process is to establish a pain threshold so that personnel will naturally fall into coma after reaching this critical point to ensure that their thinking and spirit do not collapse.

The Japanese intelligence system has its own set of things. At the same time, it was learned from the British, and professional training started relatively early. Zuo Zhong expected that Vanessa had received anti-torture training.

Now it depends on how Xiao Qingmin handles it. Pouring cold water and electrocution can wake up the victim who has entered a coma. The focus is on how to increase the victim's pain threshold in a short period of time.

 That is, countermeasures and anti-torture training.

 Otherwise, after being tortured for a while, Vanessa will enter a coma again, and as the pain accumulates, she will eventually enter a complete coma. At that time, any further torture will easily cause casualties.

Xiao Qingmin was obviously proficient in this. She walked to the side and took a bucket of chili pepper water and poured it directly on Vanessa. Vanessa, who was in a coma, immediately shivered and slowly opened her eyes.

Chili pepper water will cause moderate pain when it touches the wound made by the steel whip. This level of pain is within the acceptable and unacceptable range of the human body and will not trigger counter-interrogation.

But as Vanessa struggled, the pepper water flowed into the wound, causing sharp pain like a needle prick, and then slowly numbing it. With such repeated stimulation, the pain threshold increased.

 “Let me go, I don’t know anything.”

Vanessa's tears, nasal mucus, and saliva flowed out together. This is the body's natural reaction. When the trigeminal nerve is strongly stimulated, the ocular surface and oral and nasal mucosa will secrete liquid.

 This means that she cannot hold on any longer.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Qingmin immediately poured a bucket of water to help relieve the pain, and then poured a bucket of more concentrated pepper water down from head to toe before Vanessa could relax a little.

After pouring the chili pepper water and water, Xiao Qingmin used a whip to enhance the opponent's memory from time to time. After repeating this seven or eight times, Vanessa's whole body turned red, like a cooked prawn.

 The only thing that remains the same is her face, which was left intentionally.

Xiao Qingmin picked up the steel whip again and continued to beat Vanessa's lower abdomen. Twenty minutes passed, and thirty minutes passed. Until forty minutes, she showed no sign of coma.

Zuo Zhong smiled with satisfaction and said: "Yes, Xiao Qingmin's method is very simple and effective. It is easier to deploy than our method of using the electric chair to counter torture. All you need is pepper water and water."

Gu Qi is a knowledgeable person and agreed: "Yes, this is very practical behind enemy lines or in places without power supply. I will communicate with Miss Xiao and ask about the specific ratio of chili powder to water."

 “Well, go ahead and do it.”

Zuo Zhong didn't need to worry about this little thing. He walked up to the torture rack. Xiao Qingmin stopped the whipping knowingly. Zuo Zhong held Vanessa's chin and looked at it carefully, shaking his head regretfully.

“Beauty Qing, why are you a thief? I said as long as you surrender, your safety will be guaranteed. You can leave the Republic of China if you want. It’s very simple, as long as you tell where the intelligence team is.”

"Forgive me."

Vanessa’s mouth was still hard, she spat out a mouthful of blood, her head tilted and she fainted.

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