Cicada Moving

Chapter 362: a body

Chapter 362 A corpse

Bald Head finished arranging his work and left. After all, he had to do his best to micro-manage the southwest war. He took time to come to today's meeting. He didn't know if the national officers and soldiers on the front line would be moved when they heard about it.

After the bald man left, Dai Chunfeng immediately straightened his back and said with emotion: "Shen Zhong, thanks to your foresight this time, otherwise the teacher would have been in danger. The assassin had already rushed into the auditorium."

"Teacher, you are a lucky person. How can a mere assassin hurt you." Zuo Zhong said modestly, and then asked: "Teacher, please explain how to carry out the investigation of the special agent headquarters."

Bald Tou said that he should pay attention to the scale, but he couldn't really do it. It was better for the county magistrate to take charge now. He had to listen to Lao Dai on how to do it. He would investigate whoever the other party said he wanted to investigate, and he would arrest whomever he said he wanted to arrest.


Dai Chunfeng sighed and said: "Just follow the chairman's advice, don't expand it, don't get involved, and find out the truth about the assassin incident. It's not yet time."


Zuo Zhong felt confident. What Lao Dai meant was that it was not yet time, which meant that it was not yet time to completely fall out. If Bald Tou did not give up checking and balancing the Secret Service and Dai Chunfeng, Dai Chunfeng could not take action.

“Report.” Song Minghao asked for a meeting outside the house.

Dai Chunfeng said in a deep voice: "Come in."

Song Minghao saluted the two of them after walking in: "Sir, section chief, I went to see the assassins. They all entered as reporters and had passes issued by the Executive Yuan.

Therefore, if the documents and personal belongings are all normal, we can only let them go. The people stationed at the gate can testify that my brothers and I have never bent the law for personal gain or neglected our duties.

 But it is indeed my responsibility not to see the flaw in the other party's identity, and it has nothing to do with other brothers. If the Virtue Master and the Section Chief want to punish me, please punish me alone. The report is over. "

I'm here to take the blame. As the person in charge of the security personnel at the gate of the National Government, I let so many assassins sneak in. If we were to pursue the case, shooting this guy would be considered a light sentence.

 But this matter has developed so far. Except for the important person named Wang who was shot, the other officials were unscathed. The assassin's pass was issued by the Executive Yuan. So who is most responsible?

  Of course the surname is Wang.

Dai Chunfeng glanced at Zuo Zhong, who was hesitant to speak, and chuckled: "How to punish you is a matter for your intelligence department. If I, the division chief, have to make the decision in everything, wouldn't I be exhausted to death?"

Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief and handed over the flattery casually: "Teacher, you are so talented and powerful. Let alone our secret service, even if we leave the entire Statistics Bureau to you, it will be easy."

 The position of deputy director of the Bureau of Statistics.

The pain in Dai Chunfeng's heart was all due to that **** Wang Aofu, but if he did it right this time, he might not be able to challenge the deputy director's throne. It all depends on the outcome of the case.

 He glanced at Zuo Zhong.

 Zuo Zhong immediately stood up and said: "Don't worry, teacher, no one who can get away with it from our Secret Service has been born yet. The student must investigate as deeply as possible within the scope allowed by the standards."

 Shen Zhong was good, Dai Chunfeng smiled. There are big fights and small fights. How to get the maximum benefit within the limits of the rules is the test of the means.


“Sir, Section Chief, we found many corpses in a hidden place near Taiping Lake. The IDs show that they are all from the Secret Service Headquarters. The holsters on the bodies were empty, and the magazines and bullets were missing.”

 A small agent outside the house reported loudly.

 Dai Chunfeng and Zuo Zhong looked at each other helplessly, and they were really guessing. As expected, the people in one place were robbed of their guns and lost their lives, but this was a good thing, as it meant that no one in one place had surrendered to the enemy as a whole.

Dai Chunfeng looked at his watch: "Shen Zhong, I'll leave this place to you, as well as the captured assassin and the corpse belt. You'll have to find out a truth that satisfies all parties as soon as possible. Your burden is not light."

Zuo Zhong understood what he meant and nodded cautiously. The truth was not important. The satisfaction of all parties was the key, especially the satisfaction of the bald man. He had to give an explanation without going into a big fight.

Dai Chunfeng left after saying that. Once the assassin incident came out, there would probably be a lot of rumors in Jinling City. He had to go back and take charge. It would be best to catch a few examples of people who spread rumors and confuse the public, and use them to scare the monkeys.

Watching Lao Dai leave in a hurry, Zuo Zhong looked at the little spy who had reported the news: "How many corpses are there, the cause of death, why were they not found during previous patrols, were you careless before?"

His expression was a little serious. There were so many corpses hidden around the auditorium without anyone noticing. If the other party was hiding dangerous goods instead of corpses, then the top officials of the National Government would have to go to heaven together today.

These corrupt officials deserve to die. The problem is that he was also in the auditorium just now. He didn't want to take a ground plane, so this issue must be investigated clearly, and the responsibilities that should be investigated must also be investigated.

The little agent said anxiously: "There are sixteen known bodies, all of which were killed at close range with bare hands. The people who did it were very professional, leaving no obvious blood stains, and the bodies were hidden very well."

 “This is not the reason why you didn’t discover it.”

Zuo Zhong snorted coldly: "Take me to the scene to take a look. As for Lao Song, you take the assassin back to the place first. Even the ones that were blown up will be shoveled back to me. There are also people from the place, bring them back too." "Yes, section chief."

 Song Minghao and the little agent puffed up their chests.

Then Song Minghao actually found a few shovels and ran away with excitement on his face.

 The little agent and Zuo Chong bypassed the auditorium and went to Taiping Lake by other routes.

Zuo Zhong had a sullen face on the road. The Japanese used fake identities and the weapons were the guns of a person they robbed. These all showed one thing. They had an internal agent, and there was more than one internal agent.

 Otherwise, where did the pass come from? Ordinary fakes cannot deceive Song Minghao. Unless it is a real fake certificate, like the one used by the Intelligence Department, everything is true except the user's identity.

Also, the specific number of patrol routes of the Secret Service Headquarters personnel is also confidential. Either there are Japanese moles somewhere, or someone has obtained specific intelligence through long-term observation.

It seems that these secrets should be hidden deep, and there is a reasonable reason to stay in the National Government, which will not arouse the suspicion of others. They provided intelligence support for the assassins, who could they be.

Nandou Group?

ˆBased on the contents of the deciphered secret messages and Shen Dongxin’s judgment, the intelligence sources of the Nandou Group come from within the government and are characterized by continuity and coherence. Its members should be government employees.

It was not difficult for them to obtain passes and information about one place, but the assassins came in with false identities. If the Nandou team were assassins, wouldn't those government employees be afraid of meeting acquaintances?

 This doesn’t make sense.

If the assassin is not the Nandou Group, then there is only one possibility for doing this - the Beidou Group, that Tianshu who looks very cold from the text, is among today's assassins?

It is known that the Beidou and Nandou teams cooperated in this assassination, but how did they contact each other? We must know that Wang Deyong has asked them to maintain radio silence. Do they have emergency contact information?

 “Section Chief, the body is here.”

 At this time, the little agent leading the way stopped and said.

Zuo Zhong stopped thinking and looked up, good guy, there was a long line of corpses lying on the ground, the scene was spectacular.

These people were all trained professional intelligence officers. They did not die on the battlefield against the enemy, but died in the highest administrative organs of their own country. It must be said that they died a bit aggrieved.

Zuo Zhong knelt down and took a closer look at the corpses. From the appearance, the fatal injuries came from vital parts such as the throat, neck, temples, etc. The murderer was indeed an expert in action.

The other party used very strong force to twist or punch these parts, causing the death of one agent. The people in the first place did not even have time to react. Their widened eyes proved this.

  Is it too late to react because the murderer moved too fast, or the identity of the murderer was beyond their expectation? This is a clue worth investigating. Of course, it is also possible that the people in this place are too useless.

Zuo Zhong took out a pen from his coat pocket and lifted the hem of a corpse's clothes. A cowhide gun bag was firmly tied to his belt. Not only was the pistol missing, but also the spare bullets on the gun bag were gone.

kindness? Aren't assassins afraid of running out of bullets, or not enough bullets? How can they be sure that they can get enough weapons and ammunition from one person? This must be observed and confirmed.

Zuo Zhong seemed to have thought of something. He reached out and touched the neck of the corpse. There was still a little bit of warmth, at least it was not too cold. He lifted the arm of the corpse again, and there was no obvious rigor mortis.

This shows that these people were dead for less than an hour. In other words, while the bald man was boasting, the assassin killed and hid the agents and took away the weapons and ammunition. How brave.

He raised his head and asked: "The patrol officers from the Secret Service Headquarters are working in groups. Do the patrol routes overlap with yours? Have you noticed anything unusual within an hour, such as sounds of fighting and calls for help?"

"No sound was heard." The little agent shook his head: "Our patrol areas and those of No. 1 have been divided, and the two do not overlap. The two of them are a team, and they are both within sight of each other."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhong stood up, crossed his arms and thought for a while. He was sure of one thing, and that was that there was more than one murderer, otherwise it would be impossible to kill so many agents silently.

  Two people work in groups, and multiple groups cover each other. This arrangement cannot be said to be unwary, but it can still be easily invaded by the other party. This cannot be explained by a simple surprise.

Zuo Zhong looked around and saw many agents pulling a net to look for other corpses. He said in a stern tone: "Where were these corpses hidden before? Why did you move the corpses and forget the discipline?"

The little agent stammered and replied: "Report to the Section Chief, after controlling the scene, we checked the surrounding environment according to the survey regulations, and accidentally discovered the body. We didn't think too much about it in our hurry."

 “Don’t think too much?”

Zuo Zhong's face turned livid: "Those who moved the corpses will have their wages deducted for three months and will not be promoted within a year. You can go to Deputy Chief Gu to explain what happened today and accept the punishment."

 “Yes.” The little agent’s legs were weak.

“You are not new guys anymore. If you make such a low-level mistake in the future, get out of the Intelligence Department.” After Zuo Zhong cursed, he frowned and said, “Take me immediately to see where the corpse is hidden.”

The little agent did not dare to reply and quickly walked towards the nearest hiding place of the body.

Hurrying slowly, I finally caught up. I was trembling with hunger and went to eat.



 (End of this chapter)

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