Cicada Moving

Chapter 377: sunset

Chapter 377 Sunset

The car quickly arrived across the road from the Construction Committee. Wu Chunyang turned the car around and did not rush in. Instead, he looked behind him to make sure it was clean before quickly driving through the gate.

As soon as they entered, someone immediately locked the door. It seemed that the place had been taken over by Gui Youguang, but I don't know what name and excuse he used, and whether he alerted the Japanese spies.


Zuo Zhong waited for the car to stop, jumped out of the car and walked upstairs. As he walked, he looked at his watch. It was one minute shy of 6 o'clock, so he had caught up. I wonder if Min Ping had posted the information.

As he walked, he found that there was no one in the building. This should be Gui Youguang's arrangement. This guy was smarter this time, otherwise there would be a risk of being exposed with so many strangers.

When he walked to the second floor, a small agent came over and reported in a low voice: "Section Chief, the target has just approached the dead mailbox, and no suspicious target has been found yet.

 Sir Gui did not arrange for close reconnaissance. He only set up surveillance points in these three places: here, the Traffic Corps, and the Army Prison. As long as the other party appears, he will be in our sights. "

Zuo Chongen said favorably. Gui Youguang's arrangement was quite reasonable. He surrounded the dead mailbox from three directions. No matter which direction Tianfu went to recover the information, it would be within the surveillance range of the Intelligence Division.

Anyway, there is no point in following up as there is no point in following closely. After practicing for so long, the big bald man finally learned something. In the past, he could send someone to sit next to the dead mailbox.

 “Here we are, section chief.”

The agent leading the way stopped and reached out to push open a door. Inside was a huge conference room with a long window on the north side and a few curtains hanging randomly above.

He was hiding behind one of the curtains when he saw the light. He was half-crouched, holding on to the window sill, holding a telescope in his right hand, looking furtively to the northwest, not even noticing the arrival of Zuo Zhong.

Other agents were all hiding in the southeast corner of the conference room. It was a blind spot and there were no buildings around to observe, such as the Central Hospital where Tianfu might be hiding. They did a good job.

Especially the arrangement of these curtains, which is quite realistic. If you hang all the curtains, it may arouse the vigilance of the other party, or at least make the other party look at this place a few more times.

It feels much more natural to just hang a few pictures. When I suddenly saw that the conference room was empty, no one would be interested in an empty conference room. Too old, a bald man stopped playing marksmanship and started playing war.

Zuo Zhong sighed, bent down and walked along the wall to Gui Youguang, patted his shoulder, and whispered: "How is it? Has the intelligence been released? Is there anything suspicious?"

Even though he was bald, he didn't reply: "It's being put in place."

Zuo Zhong didn't care about his reaction. He had the biggest task in the world. He also took out his binoculars and looked over. He quickly found the shadow of Min Ping. She was walking against the wall with a normal gait.

Through the telescope, it was even possible to see that she was in a good mood, without a trace of nervousness. When she walked to a big tree, Min Ping squatted down and polished her leather shoes, and her right hand moved imperceptibly.

  “Put it in.”

Zuo Zhong muttered to himself, then immediately turned the telescope and looked at the Central Hospital in the northeast. If Tianfu was there, he must be observing nearby activities.

 But looking at the densely packed windows on the third and fourth floors of the hospital, he knew that it was unrealistic to find the person in this way. The person might be in any window, and his location could not be determined at all.

Tianfu is not a young person. He will not forget reflection and counter-surveillance when observing. As long as he does not stick to the window and avoid the observation angle of the surrounding buildings, others will not be able to see his movements.

“Don’t worry about Min Ping. Keep an eye on the dead mailbox. No matter how well Tianfu hides it, you still have to come here to get information.” Zuo Zhong thought about it and whispered an order to Gui Youguang. He didn’t believe that the other party could retrieve things from a distance.


There were faint footsteps beside the two of them, and it was Wu Chunyang who came. A curtain could not block the three people, so he hid under the curtain next to him, put his hand around his mouth and whispered something.

“Section Chief, I’ve seen it and everyone in the building has left.”

 “Okay, continue to observe.”

Zuo Zhong nodded at first, and then asked Gui Youguang curiously: "What excuse are you using? The Construction Committee is not a small government office. They can give you this face without exposing their purpose."

Gui Youguang chuckled: "I told them that an assassin came here and asked them to get off work early and let us conduct the search. Don't worry, it's about the chairman of the committee. They will never dare to talk nonsense."

   There really is something for him.

Zuo Chong rolled his eyes. Assassins are now dangerous goods. Whoever touches them will explode. No one dares to joke about it. This guy dares to make such rumors, but this is the only way to return to glory.

 The three of them squatted in a row by the window and waited for half an hour.

Zuo Zhong's eyes were sore. People were coming and going near the dead mailbox, but no one bent down, and no one stopped by the big tree. Could it be that they were exposed and something went wrong.

He was sure that there was no problem with the arrangement of Min Ping's residence. All personnel were performing tasks indoors. It was impossible for Tianfu to find out that anyone was watching, unless Tianfu already knew that Min Ping had surrendered.

 Zuo Zhong’s face didn’t look good.

 But after thinking about it carefully, he ruled out this possibility. If Tianfu knew that Min Ping had surrendered, he would have shot her to death just now. The surrender of a spy who has been lurking for many years would be too harmful.

With the style of Japanese military intelligence officers, they would not let Min Ping see the sun the next day. Even if Min Ping went home yesterday or walked out of the National Government today, her life would be gone. So what kind of trick is Tianfu playing? The intelligence is very time-sensitive and should be recovered as soon as possible. There is no reason to leave the information in a dead mailbox, and such dead mailboxes in downtown areas are not safe.

Pedestrians coming and going, monks cleaning, and urchins returning home may all discover the information in the tree hole. Is he so sure that no one will take the information away as waste paper?

 Gui Youguang lowered his voice and said: "Section Chief, the hospital is off duty now. Should we arrange for someone to wait at the entrance of the hospital to take photos of people coming out? The lighting conditions are not ideal."

At this time, the sky was slowly getting dark, and the last rays of the setting sun shone into the conference room.

Zuo Zhong was suddenly stunned, and then cursed in a low voice: "MD, this **** is waiting for the sun to go down. When the visual distance becomes lower, we will have no choice but to squat near the dead mailbox.

 But once we do this, we become enemies. No wonder we set the launch time at 6 o'clock. He has calculated the sunset time of Jinling. This guy has a high level of cultural literacy. "

The sunset in Jinling in summer is at 6:30. In other seasons, it gets dark earlier. To investigate the dead mailbox, you can only enter early. Spies can also observe nearby anomalies in the dark.

Tianfu found himself the most brilliant helper - nature. No matter how powerful the Intelligence Section and Zuo Zhong were, they could not defeat the power of nature. There was no night vision equipment in this era.

From this point of view, we know that Tianfu’s education level is not low. This era has not experienced the information explosion. If you want to know the sunset time, you must have professional information channels or books.

“Section Chief, what should I do?” Gui Youguang scratched his head after thinking about it.

Wu Chunyang volunteered: "How about I go and see it alone."

Zuo Zhong said decisively: "Everyone is on standby. We would rather give up this opportunity than move. The other party must be observing. It is difficult to hide hasty actions from professional intelligence personnel.

This guy just wants to force the surveillance personnel out. Now that Min Ping is in our hands, the other party will always appear. If it doesn't work once, he will do it twice. If it doesn't work twice, he will do it three times. Let's see who has more patience. "

Zuo Zhong thought bitterly, but it was a pity that his mobile phone did not have night vision function, otherwise he would have to let Tianfu know what science and technology are first. From this point of view, there is also a way to locate the dead mailbox.

In addition to being used as mailbox markers, big trees can also block the moonlight. Tianfu is using all methods to reduce the possibility of being observed, just like a mouse hiding in the dark, unable to see the light.

Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang looked at each other, and that was all they could do. Just like what the section chief said, rash actions will lead to discovery, and close investigation will also lead to discovery. There is no other way but to wait.

 “Continue to monitor.”

After speaking, Zuo Zhong raised his telescope. While there was still the last glimmer of light, he set his sights on the buildings around Kunlu Temple to see if he could find traces of Tianfu through other means.

For example, the land surrounded by the Electric Light Factory, the Building Committee and the Central Hospital, all the way to the bank of the moat, is filled with all kinds of bungalows and filled with all kinds of people.

The small courtyard is a combination of Chinese and Western styles. It is the official residence of the officials of the Construction Committee; the shabby-looking one is the dormitory of the electric light factory workers; the ordinary one is the temporary residence of the low-level staff of the Department of Health.

These buildings are clearly differentiated, each with its own entrance and exit passages. The wide ones are paved with cement and can accommodate cars; the narrow ones are paved with charcoal residue. They are covered with ashes on sunny days and mud on rainy days. They are very similar to the Republic of China.

If the building height were not too low and the other side of the river could not be seen, it would be more likely that Tianfu would be hiding here. Now that I have nothing to do, it would be better to look for other clues and at least be familiar with the roads.


Zuo Zhong found an interesting middle-aged man. He was wearing a decent Chinese tunic suit, with a Fruit Party emblem pinned on his left chest, and holding a briefcase in his hand. He looked like a Fruit Party government official.

He walked on the charcoal road with great strides and skillfully jumped over puddles without any signs of discomfort. He didn't even care if his trousers were stained with mud. He must have walked this road often.

 The problem is that the cement road and the charcoal road are parallel. They are not far apart. No matter where you go, it is almost the same distance. If you don’t take the cement road and take the dirt road, how can the party have such down-to-earth cadres?

 Not much, right?

Zuo Zhong became interested and continued to monitor the other person's movements, and soon made more discoveries. This person would stop at every intersection, either to straighten his clothes or pat his trouser legs.

The movements looked very natural, and the pauses were very short. Ordinary people would only think that this was a decent person, but as an intelligence officer, Zuo Zhong knew what the other person was doing.

 This is standard anti-tracking.

What is even more surprising is that after he continued to monitor for a period of time, the other party seemed to notice his presence. He turned his head seemingly unintentionally and observed the building of the Construction Committee.

 Could this person be Tianfu? Zuo Zhong slowly withdrew his gaze and wanted to inform Wu Chunyang and Gui Youguang who were beside him to pay attention, but the other party's subsequent actions made him give up this idea.

I saw this person standing in front of an official residence of the Construction Committee, knocking on the door rhythmically. Soon the door opened, and then the other person ducked in. Will Tianfu meet other members?

Not too possible.

As for who the other party was, Zuo Zhong calmly wrote down the location of the official residence and decided to investigate it secretly. If it was a spy, he would kill it. If it was someone else, then he would make plans later.

The map is in the easter egg. If you have time, please go to the comment area to like and comment on the illustration. Thank you.



 (End of this chapter)

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