Cicada Moving

Chapter 39: Ban Jun

Chapter 39 Ban Jun

The Ishimaru Ichiro case ended quietly. Li Shudong and the sulfuric acid team were all shot. Nagano Soichi left with a modest reward, went to Xiangjiang to reunite with his family, and then went overseas.

Zuo Zhong had no idea about this. Intelligence work consisted of countless exchanges and trade-offs. If he could help the Secret Service catch a Japanese spy, it wouldn't hurt to give him a way out.

As for the dead mailbox where Ishimaru Ichiro confessed, Zuo Zhong sent people to stare at it for several days without any results. It seems that the Japanese have learned that Ishimaru Ichiro was arrested, and this clue is considered broken.

 Xu Enzeng was more trustworthy than Bai Wenzhi. He quickly allocated 20 radio stations and 200 operational personnel to the second branch. The Intelligence Section received the greatest benefits, with 2 new radio stations and 50 elite military personnel.

 The entire Secret Service had no objections. If Zuo Zhongli hadn't taken the lead in solving the case, these things would have been in the same place, and they wouldn't have had their turn to eat the soup.

In addition, Director Chen held his nose and approved Zuo Zhong's lieutenant rank.

Dai Chunfeng has always felt that it was inappropriate for Zuo Zhong to preside over the work of the Intelligence Section with the rank of second lieutenant, so they resolved it together this time.

It was a rush on the road to Gongde Forest, and Zuo Zhong had to force a smile to thank Dai Chunfeng.

 Keli's work is on track, but Zuo Zhong is free, skipping work and leaving early, quite like a dragon that sees the beginning but never ends.

But that day he went to the medical clinic. It was said that Ling Sanping had conducted a research that would be very helpful for future torture, which made him a little worried.

You must know that the Secret Service will not only come into contact with Japanese spies in the future, but also underground parties.

If what Ling Sanping has developed is really powerful, if it is used on someone who is not determined, will he be the culprit?

As soon as Zuo Zhong entered the medical clinic, he looked around, but he didn't find any new equipment, which made him relieved. Then he saw Ling Sanping sitting there in a daze.

“Dr. Ling, what kind of research you have done is so mysterious.”

Ling Sanping opened his eyes and looked at Zuo Zhong: "It's rare for Section Chief Zuo to come here. Why did you think of the medical clinic today? The medical equipment I applied for with you is probably still floating in the Pacific Ocean."

Zuo Zhong was indeed avoiding him before. This guy applied for tens of thousands of dollars of equipment at one time. No matter how Zuo Zhong was approved, even if he sold him by the kilogram, he would not be able to sell it for so much money.

"Ahem, Director Ling, you have to understand my difficulty. Corey's expenses, big and small, don't seem to be much, but they add up to too much. The funds given by the director are just enough, so how can I have the money to buy equipment? ”

“Okay, but the medicine must be replenished. Too much was used during the interrogation of the spy before. I said you can’t hit the vital parts. This can save a lot of medicine.”

Ling Sanping seemed to have known this result for a long time, and turned to talking about medicines. He applied for those things just to give it a try, just in case it could work.

Hearing that he was no longer obsessed with buying equipment, Zuo Zhong was immediately happy. As long as you don't talk about money with me, we will still be good friends.

“That’s not what I said, today you call the foreign company and prepare all the medicines. In addition to the monthly consumption, you also need to keep a batch of medicines that can be stored for a long time.” Zuo Chong was afraid that prices would soar in the future, so he saved as much as he could.

Ling Sanping didn't understand what he meant, but since his boss said so, he nodded to show that he understood.

Zuo Zhong did not forget the purpose of coming today, pretending to be unintentional and asked: "Director Ling, it is said that some of the things you studied will be helpful to our torture?"

Hearing Zuo Zhong mention this again, Ling Sanping shook his head: "It's not what you think. I made a data analysis on the endurance of Japanese spies, which can help interrogators understand the intensity of interrogation."

 It turned out to be data analysis. Zuo Zhong put his heart back in his stomach. If this thing is useful, it can indeed avoid the harm of interrogation; if it is not useful, the purpose of interrogation is to cause harm.

Since there is no problem, Zuo Zhong doesn’t want to stay in the medical clinic anymore. There is a morgue here, and Zuo Zhong feels chilly every time he comes there.

 After coming out of the medical clinic, Zuo Zhong felt so bored.

He doesn't want to see Dai Chunfeng if it's okay. Chen Gongshu has already gone to Peiping. As for his subordinates, seeing him now is like seeing a tiger, which is boring.

Suddenly, Zuo Zhong thought that his eldest brother Ban Jun was also in Jinling. He had been busy with cases and had no time before. Now he could just see him. He left as soon as he said so. He called the human shield Gui Youguang and a few guards, and the brand new Ford car sped away. Drive to the General Taxation Department.

However, the Secret Service, which has always been unscrupulous, encountered a soft nail at the door of the General Taxation Department.

“What? Chinese officials are not allowed to enter without special permission?”

Zuo Zhong couldn't believe what the guard at the door said. He felt that he was not in 1933, but in 1910. Daqing was all dead. Do Chinese people need foreigners' approval to enter their official offices?

Zuo Chong had a sullen face, then looked at the arrogant white tax official, and his heart was full of sadness. This is the so-called golden decade, this is the so-called party-state, they are all bullies.

“Sir, the chief of the General Taxation Department is Lord Merlot of the British Empire. Because it involves customs finance, if you want to enter, you need to apply to the General Taxation Department first.”

The white man arrogantly explained to Zuo why he, an official of the Republic of China, could not enter the government department of the Republic of China.

Zuo Zhong chuckled, even if you let me go in, I won't go in. The worst he can do is wait here for the Ban army to come out, but this kind of humiliation made him furious.

The white people had the ability to ignore the Secret Service, but the soldiers standing guard at the door did not. Seeing Zuo Zhong's expression was not good-looking, a squad leader handed Zuo Zhong a few cigarettes and explained to Zuo Zhong.

"Sir, your prime minister is capable of running a boat. Don't make things difficult for us. We are also following orders. In fact, we are too lazy to offend the British, but who cares about eating this bowl of rice."        Zuo Zhong is not angry. For these soldiers, they nodded to him and accepted his explanation. The squad leader wiped the cold sweat from his head and finally coaxed the man into peace.

 Fortunately, it didn't take long for the tax department to get off work. People were walking out of the official office in a bustling manner. Soon Zuo Zhong saw a familiar figure.

Ban Jun came down from the office building carrying his briefcase and stooped. Today was really not going well for him. Not only was he scolded by his boss, but he also had half a month's salary deducted.

But he had no regrets. That boatload of things was going to harm many Chinese people. His squadron was not a gentleman, but he could not commit such a traitorous act.

As Ban Jun walked, he was thinking about how to discuss it with his wife when he got home. After all, half a month’s salary was missing and the family expenses were huge. If he didn’t spend carefully, it would be difficult to maintain.


 Ban Jun heard a familiar voice and raised his head to see who it was if it wasn't Zuo Zhong whom he hadn't seen for months. The resentment he felt all morning dissipated, leaving only happiness.

“Zuo Zhong, why are you here?” Ban Jun walked over with a smile on his face.

Zuo Zhong held his hand: "Old Ban, brother, haven't you also come to Jinling? Unfortunately, I have been busy with official duties in the past few days. I have nothing to do today. I immediately thought of coming to see you. I have visited Hanliang before."

Ban Jun's expression was a little complicated: "Really, how is Hanliang doing in the Police Department? Alas, if I had known this, I would rather go to the Police Department than come to the Anti-Smuggling Division."

Zuo Zhong had just seen him downcast and thought he had encountered something difficult. But now he heard that Lao Ban was trying to escape. This was not like the character of a big brother.

However, he didn't say much and asked the guards to find a nearby restaurant. When they arrived, they would listen to Ban Jun's troubles and maybe he could help.

Looking at the guards who took the order, Ban Jun looked at his little brother and saw why he was used as a guard. He seemed to be from the army. Could it be that Zuo Zhong went to the army? Ban Jun was a little puzzled.

"Zuo Zhong, where do you work now? Didn't you work as an instructor at the police academy before? Have you been transferred to the Central Police Academy?" Ban Jun asked bluntly.

Zuo Zhong pretended to be sad: "I still can't escape. Now I'm in the Secret Service, working with Director Dai Chunfeng to earn a living."

Ban Jun's mouth opened wide. Who in the yamen of Jinling City didn't know about the Secret Service?

"Why did you end up in the Secret Service? Alas!" Ban Jun slapped his thigh anxiously. He had told him a thousand times, but he still went the wrong way.

Zuo Zhong poured him a glass of wine: "Old Ban, this is a good thing. I am now the chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service. This can be considered an opportunity for me."

Uh, if the class has not been said, the commander of the army has been blocked. The chief of the section, or the section chief of the Secret Office, did they graduate. Is it really the second ancestor of the second generation?

For a moment, Ban Jun's head was a little confused: "Wait a minute, please let me slow down, I'm a little dizzy now."

Seeing Ban Jun's appearance, Zuo Zhong laughed: "Haha, don't think too much. I'm not a second-generation ancestor, nor a relative of the emperor. I just solved a few small cases after joining the Secret Service."

Ban Jun began to doubt his choice. Now it seemed that whether he went to the police system or the secret service, it would be better than suffering in the tax department.

Zuo Zhong thought of his performance just now and asked, "Are you unhappy working in the Taxation Department?"

Ban Jun did not hide anything from him: "There are white people oppressing us above and profiteers running rampant below. I have had enough of this miserable job. This is not an anti-smuggling department. It is clearly a smuggling department."

Hearing Ban Jun’s message, Zuo Zhong looked solemn and said, “Old Ban, tell me carefully what’s going on.”

Ban Jun whispered: "Do you know which products had the highest profits and the largest sales volume in the Republic of China?"

“Kerosene? Cloth? Grain? Steel?”

Zuo Zhong mentioned several products in succession, but Ban Jun kept shaking his head, which made Zuo Zhong a little confused.

"It's Yantu! There are too many people involved in this, and I really don't want to do it anymore." Ban Jun said helplessly.

Zuo Zhong's heart tightened, it turned out to be this harmful thing, but even if the anti-smuggling department didn't care, there are anti-smoking agencies in the mainland. Can these cigarettes be sold after they are brought in?

Suddenly he knew that he was stupid. Who would smuggle cigarettes without great strength? They are not afraid of the anti-smoking agency at all. Maybe they are just like the anti-smuggling department, they are just doing business in partnership.

Zuo Zhong and Ban Jun looked at each other, smiled bitterly, and drank the slightly bitter wine.

I was at work at 4 o'clock in the morning, revising and saving the manuscript. Chapter 53 reached the climax of the plot. After reading it myself, I thought - who wrote this.



 (End of this chapter)

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