Cicada Moving

Chapter 393: action deduction

Chapter 393 Action Deduction

 It’s 1:50 p.m.

In the large conference room of the National Government Construction Committee, a group of experts-looking people gathered together. The "Beijing-Shanghai Highway Repair Council" was clearly written on the blackboard in the corner of the conference room.

 Gu Qi on the rostrum adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, glanced at the secret agents in front of him, cleared his throat and whispered: "Chief Song, what's the situation over there? Have you found the target?"

A fat bald man stood up from the crowd below: "The call was made five minutes ago. The Ministry of Finance surveillance point saw the target. The target had just returned to the company from his residence and there was no sign of going out for the time being.

I have arranged ground surveillance personnel around the Boehringer company. They are all veterans who have participated in the tracking of Jiang Jincai of the Butterfly Team. This time, there is no need to follow closely and there is no need to worry about being exposed. "


Gu Qi made a note in his notebook, and then asked: "How is the investigation of vehicles and targets? Is there any news from the front? It's up to you, Youguang. You are responsible for the construction committee."

“There is news that Wu Jingzhong conducted an investigation into Boehringer’s car and confirmed that Kong Ji borrowed the car that night and returned it clean and with more gasoline than when he borrowed it.

At the same time, this was not the first time that this happened. He would borrow a car every once in a while. No one knew where he went, what he did, and who he was with, and no one from Boehringer asked about it.

According to close observation, there were slight signs of demolition on the license plate. The target should have replaced the fake license plate when he went to identify Min Ping. Lao Wu had people collect evidence secretly to prevent the evidence from being destroyed. "

Gui Youguang was wearing a suit and tried to pass himself off as a cultured person, but his shiny bald head and fleshy face made him look more like a pig butcher, and he didn't look like a prince when he wore a dragon robe. That's him.

He pretended to take out a pen and write on the paper, and continued: "Chunyang's investigation of Kong Ji has made little progress. We only know that he lives alone on Lu Province Road and has no stable relationship network.

Because he was afraid of being noticed by the other party, he did not search his residence. He just arranged a temporary surveillance point to see if he could find any related suspicious persons. In short, there was not much hope.

The verification of background information also revealed some minor problems. According to the feedback from the Beiping Station investigation, the records in Kong Ji's information are true, but the whereabouts of his parents are somewhat mysterious and they often disappear. "

 Gu Qi nodded seriously. Now that things have reached this point, Kong Ji's identity can almost be confirmed. These things can't be coincidences. Action deductions can be carried out when the personnel arrive.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wu Chunyang and Wu Jingzhong arrived one after another. After they came in, they stood in the corner of the conference room and said hello to Gu Qi. They were in a hurry and did not pretend to be in the corner. It was safer to stay in the corner.

This meeting room is within the observation range of the Central Hospital. Last time, Zuo Zhong and the others were able to hide with a small number of people. This time there are so many people, so they can only disguise it as a meeting to minimize the risk of exposure.

Gu Qi picked up the pen and turned to look at Zuo Zhong, who was also in the corner: "Section Chief, we can start the deduction. The number of people in the operation, the configuration of the weapons, the infiltration steps, and the communication contacts all need to be determined."

Zuo Zhong tapped his feet on the table, with a few documents covering his face. He seemed to be asleep. When he heard Gu Qi's request, he just raised his hand and waved it, indicating that they could discuss it among themselves.

 During this period, he stayed up until midnight every day. He had to seize every moment to rest so as not to lose energy when taking action. Besides, he had taken action so many times, Gucci could preside over this simple deduction.

Seeing that the section chief was silent, Gu Qi looked helplessly at the agents below: "Well, there is only one target for this operation for the time being. We must first determine whether the other party will be carrying weapons today.

If so, give priority to marksmanship in personnel allocation. Unless you have no other choice, do not shoot at vital parts in order to disable the opponent's combat effectiveness. The intelligence on this guy is of great value.

Of course, I will not take the lives of my brothers as a joke. As long as life is in danger, I allow everyone to shoot each other to death. As for how to judge whether life is in danger, you should be clear. "

He talked about personnel allocation. Facing different enemies, different operators need to be selected. For example, for operations that require hand-to-hand combat, priority should be given to agents with stronger combat capabilities.

 If there is a certain risk of a firefight like this, then you have to consider your marksmanship. After all, what they want is a confession. Beating the spy into a hornet's nest is a relief, but it will not be beneficial to the completion of the mission.

After hearing this, Gui Youguang said firmly: "Tianfu comes to the hospital to connect, which in itself carries the risk of exposure. He will not know it, so he will definitely carry weapons for resistance or suicide.

Furthermore, the Kwantung Army intelligence officers are very aggressive. When faced with arrest, they cannot surrender without restraint for the sake of the so-called Bushido spirit. I suggest using a 4+2 method for arrest.

 Four marksmanship masters, plus two combat masters, act together. After discovering the opponent, they shoot directly at his hands and feet, making him unable to resist. At the same time, the two master combat masters step forward to control him to prevent him from committing suicide. "

The agents present nodded secretly. It is difficult to deliberately aim at non-vital parts during a firefight. There is no room for too much hesitation between life and death, but it is much easier to strike first and shoot at the hands and feet.

Everyone here has shooting experience with thousands of rounds of ammunition. Otherwise, where would all the "office" funds go? No matter how much food and drink are spent, of course it will all be spent on training.

This kind of rapid shooting within ten meters can be done by at least 30 people in the Intelligence Department. Even if they select the best from the best and the best from the best, they can still make up a dozen, so manpower is definitely not a problem.

Wu Chunyang added on the side: "According to previous investigations, this person carries a leather bag when going to and from get off work. Considering all the intelligence, I think the possibility of the other party carrying weapons is very high."

Gu Qi looked at Zuo Zhong and saw that he still had no reaction, so he nodded and said: "Okay, everyone has no disagreement on this point." After speaking, he glanced at the whole place and everyone shook their heads together.

 “Okay, that’s settled.”

Gu Qi also felt that the other party would be armed, but the procedures needed to be followed. He continued to ask: "Do you have any opinions on Gui Youguang's proposal to strike first?"


"No comment."

Wu Chunyang and Song Minghao were the first to express their attitude. As a superior, you must be responsible for the lives of your subordinates. If you treat others as a stepping stone to meritorious service, others will not sacrifice their lives for you. It is a simple truth. Gu Qi lowered his head and looked at Corey's roster. It contained the basic information of all the agents, including the results of shooting and combat training, as well as the performance of previous missions.

  Flipping through, he found that all Corey's good operatives were in Youguang's action team, so he simply selected the six best-performing people from among them. These six people had all been to Peking with Zuo Zhong.

This group of people belong to the first batch of operational agents of the Intelligence Section. There are no problems with their composition and reliability. They must undergo the most stringent review before they can join the action team. There is no need to worry about being spies.

  After solving the problem of manpower configuration, the next step is the weapon configuration. There is nothing to say about this. The PPK gun of the Secret Service has a good shooting feel and is very accurate. It is powerful enough for close-range firefights.

 Based on long-term use experience, the agents found that PPK has great lethality, although its penetration is insufficient. This is mainly due to the fact that the bullet will roll to varying degrees after entering the human body.

So there will never be a farce where the target is still running around even if the target is shot. This is crucial for intelligence operations. The risk increases exponentially if the target is active for one more second.

In addition to pistols, the Secret Service also has a lot of unique weapons, flash bombs. Without these, their previous operations against Japanese spies would not have been so smooth. This time, it is suitable for indoor operations.

At this time, as the person with the most experience in operations in the Intelligence Department, Gui Youguang raised his hand and said: "Deputy Section Chief Gu, in addition to those six people, the rest of the operation team also need to enter the Central Hospital.

We don’t know what is in Tianfu’s bag. If there is heavy firepower such as grenades, the Thomson we are equipped with can pour hundreds of bullets in a short time. Please approve it. "

 Hand grenade.

  Gu Qi's eyebrows slowly tightened. He had to guard against this. With the Japanese spy's stubbornness, it was not impossible to commit suicide or kill someone with one or two grenades. In that case, things would be troublesome.

The Central Hospital is only a few hundred meters away from the National Government. The aftermath of the last assassination has not yet been resolved, and there is a lot of chaos in Jinling. If the grenade explodes again this time, there may be some trouble.

He hesitated before making a decision: "Okay, all your action teams will be dispatched to secretly infiltrate the hospital. Once you find any signs of the opponent using grenades, kill them immediately without hesitation."

Otherwise, not only the lives of the brothers will be in danger, but the directors and section chiefs will also suffer. Do you understand? The grenade must not explode in the Central Hospital. Once it explodes, it means that the operation has failed. "

There are no fools in the Intelligence Department. Everyone nodded solemnly.

“Okay, we’ve talked about the personnel and weapons, now let’s talk about the steps to infiltrate. The hospital is no different than other places. It’s very simple to infiltrate the personnel. The difficult thing is how to bring the weapons and other equipment in.”

The Chairman is concerned about President Wang and has sent a garrison to take charge of the security of the Central Hospital. Because there is no need to search, Tianfu can carry weapons with him, but what should we do with so many weapons? "

Gu Qi mentioned a new issue. In order to keep the operation confidential, they must not inform each other. The other party has only one responsibility, which is to protect Wang, and will never cooperate with the Secret Service.

Especially since this time it was a submachine gun and a flash-bang grenade, and the bullets had no eyes. If it hit the man, all the people in the garrison would be subject to military law. There was no need for the other party to take risks for the Secret Service.

Wu Jingzhong had been listening silently before. Hearing Gu Qi's concern, he immediately raised his hand and said: "We can use the hospital's vehicles to transport weapons, such as ambulances."


 Gu Qi nodded thoughtfully. He naturally knew that these guys who issued alarms were often seen in Jinling City. This was a good idea and concealed enough.

Wu Jingzhong's eyes lit up: "Yes, based on my experience in checking cars these days, we can pretend to ask for first aid, intercept the other party halfway, and ask the driver to bring in all our weapons and equipment.

The personnel accompanying the vehicle are responsible for guarding the weapons. Brothers who enter the hospital empty-handed go to a pre-arranged location to receive equipment. When necessary, the ambulance can also be responsible for blocking the door and exit. "


"good idea."

 The agents all agreed that as for how to make the driver obey, this is not a problem. What they are best at is convincing others that it is good to use an ambulance to block the door, so as to control the environment at the scene.

 Gu Qi smiled with satisfaction. The Intelligence Section was full of talents. Then he turned to Zuo Zhong again and asked: "Section Chief, everyone has finished deducing the action. Do you have anything else to add?"


A few seconds later, Zuo Zhong stretched beautifully, stood up unsteadily, looked at his subordinates with different expressions, stood out of sight of the Central Hospital, and gave a few orders with a serious face.

“At 5:40, people started to enter. Gui Youguang and I led the team. Chunyang was responsible for the external security of the hospital. The road blockade was handed over to Song Minghao. Lao Gu was at the headquarters and Lao Wu went to stop the car.

Now all the people involved in the operation are going to get the layout of the hospital. Where are the rooms, where are the stairs, where are the corners, and where can people be hidden? I will remember them all in my mind. "

He pointed to his head: "If someone makes a mistake and does not speak of military law, you should ask yourselves if you are worthy of the hard work of the brothers these days, day and night, and take action."


 The agents whispered back.

 (End of this chapter)

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