Cicada Moving

Chapter 396: Tail

Chapter 396 Tail

 “Ding, dang, dang.”

Zuo Zhong walked up to the third floor with a smile on his face and a calm demeanor. He found that it was very quiet here, not as noisy as the first and second floors. The nurses who came and went walked lightly and appeared cautious.

This is the reason why Tianfu does not monitor the death mailbox on the third floor. There is an obstetrics and gynecology department and a baby room on this floor. There will not be too many adult males. If they appear frequently, it will easily arouse suspicion.

Even if there is a dentist's office, it won't work. Ling Sanping has said before that these dentists often do not get off work according to the hospital's rules and regulations, and intelligence operations must eliminate uncertainty.

Just like today, Tianfu wants to conduct surveillance, but all the dentists on the third floor are not there, so the other party will be blinded. He can't go to an obstetrician for academic exchanges, otherwise he will be beaten up on the spot.

In order to reduce the rejection of patients' families, male obstetricians are rare in this era, and the doctors responsible for delivering babies are all women. A grown man in Tianfu will almost be beaten if he tries to get pregnant.

 So behind every seemingly accidental choice, there is inevitability.

Zuo Zhong thought of a lot in his mind in an instant. He threw a white vase into a passing trash can, and a bouquet of flowers appeared in his hand like a magic trick. Going down to the fourth floor became more natural.

As for how other agents get up, it depends on their reaction. He believes that these professional agents who have undergone rigorous training will find a way, otherwise so much office funds will be wasted.

He stepped up the stairs briskly and soon reached the fourth floor of the hospital. He was greeted by all kinds of hoarse cries, some from patients and some from family members, which was very upsetting.

 The more chaotic the scene, the more conducive it is to carry out intelligence activities. From this point of view, this place is suitable. Everyone has their own things to be busy with, and there is no extra time to care about what others have done.

 “Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly.”

Zuo Zhong dodged away from the gurney and medical staff who were passing by, and glanced at the patient on the gurney. He saw that the patient's face was gray and his eyes were dull. Based on his experience, he should be hopeless.

The huge corridor seems to be filled with some kind of suffocating waves. In this ocean of life, people are sometimes like a leaf of duckweed. Maybe when a wave rolls over, they will be wiped out.

 It’s such an uncomfortable place.

He frowned slightly, with a slightly frightened look in his eyes, just like an ordinary person's normal reaction to seeing this scene. After the gurney was gone, he walked against the wall to the north side of the fourth floor.

 Along the way, many people came in and out of the ward, some with hesitation or pain on their faces. Zuo Zhong watched all this with cold eyes, trying to find any abnormalities and discovered the firewall set up by Tianfu.

He walked leisurely, looking straight ahead, observing everyone with his peripheral vision. His expressions, movements, and reactions were all points he had to pay attention to. If he didn't pay attention, he would miss key clues.

After walking more than ten steps, the people who appeared in front of him were all normal. Those who occasionally glanced at him were just looking at the bouquet of bright flowers and did not pay much attention to him.

At this time, a big bald man came over. It was Gui Youguang. He didn't know where he got a thermos and carried it in his hand. He was running rampant in the corridor, looking like he was going to the hot water room.

He rudely pushed away a patient's family member and walked away with the other person's expression of anger and reluctance to speak. The hospital staff did not come forward when they saw this scene. The bald head was too scary.

 Someone is staring at me.

Zuo Zhongze felt a shiver in his heart. He knew that Gui Youguang was trying to attract the attention of surveillance personnel. If no one was watching, this guy would not be so high-profile, especially in such a dangerous mission.

He thought quickly for a few seconds. He could not and did not need to look back to confirm who the other party was. Anyway, it was either Tianfu or Tianfu's spy. The important thing was to dispel the other party's suspicion.

There are still twenty minutes before the operation, and the target may abort the operation at any time. In that case, the case will be a mess, and there will definitely be sarcastic **** in the government.

For example, Xu Enzeng and Director Chen might take the opportunity to criticize them for detaining a person. He had to get rid of the tail behind him as soon as possible. He glanced around and immediately had an idea.

I saw a nurse supporting a man slowly walking out of a ward in the distance. The nurse was holding a thick medical record in her hand. She should be taking the patient for an examination or to see a doctor.

Zuo Zhong lowered his head to arrange the flowers and slowed down his steps naturally. When passing by these two people, he quickly glanced at the bed and patient's name on the cover of the medical record, memorizing this information.

After doing all this, he ran directly to the ward that the other party had just walked out of. When he reached the door, he turned in without hesitation, and then walked towards an empty hospital bed with a calm face.

This ward was full of patients, and the empty hospital bed was very conspicuous. Zuo Zhong walked to the bedside, threw away the dead flowers on the bedside table without saying anything, and put in the flowers he brought in.

 “Hey, sir, who are you?”

A young man next to the empty hospital bed was a little confused. He quickly pushed himself up and asked, he had worked so hard to pick these flowers from the garden, so why did he throw them away so casually? Hearing this, Zuo Zhong was stunned for a moment, turned his back to the door, and said in a confused tone: "Isn't this Lao Zhang's flower? He went to see the doctor and asked me to wait for him here. Did I get the wrong hospital bed?"

 “This is Lao Zhang’s hospital bed.”

The young man couldn't laugh or cry, he was really a fool, but since he was a relative and friend of the patient, he couldn't say anything, so he could only look at the flowers in the trash can with a grimace, and shook his head helplessly.

Zuo Zhong seemed to have just come to his senses at this moment, and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "I'm really sorry, these flowers must be sir's. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll go downstairs to pick a few more bouquets."

“Forget it, hey, who asked me to share a cabinet with Lao Zhang? It’s inevitable that you can’t tell them apart. Who are you, Lao Zhang? He has no family in Jinling. Why haven’t I met Mr. before?”

The young man waved his hand magnanimously, with a cheerful personality, and pointed to the stool beside the bed: "Lao Zhang won't be back until a while. You sit down first. It's okay if you have nothing to do. Why don't we chat."

Zuo Zhong smiled and nodded. It was consistent with his judgment. If Lao Zhang was accompanied by his family members, he would not be sent for examination or see a doctor by a nurse. It would be very safe to use him to enter the ward.

He sat down without any courtesy and replied in Jinling dialect: "I am his neighbor. I know that he has no family in the local area. I took the time to come and see him today. As the saying goes, a close neighbor is worse than a distant relative."

 A person can have no family, no friends, no colleagues, but he will not have no neighbors. Unless he is a homeless man, that old man can afford to come to the Central Hospital for treatment, so he must have a fixed residence.

After speaking, Zuo Zhong dragged his stool closer to the young man. People who didn't know the situation would definitely think that he came to see the young man. This was his purpose, to confuse the supervisor's judgment.

In case the monitors are nurses or doctors, they may know Lao Zhang and have seen their passing by Lao Zhang. If they pretend to be Lao Zhang's relatives or friends, they will be spotted and must divert the other party's attention.

“Yes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Lao Zhang has a good neighbor. I don’t think your husband is like an ordinary person. I don’t know where he will be high up.” The young man here sighed with emotion and started chatting with Zuo Zhong.

While Zuo Zhong was talking nonsense to the other party, he glanced at the mirror on the bedside table. A white figure stayed at the door for a few seconds, and then disappeared. Tianfu had indeed set up a firewall.

Moreover, he was a hospital staff member. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, and if it hadn't been for this chatty young man, he might have been exposed. Tianfu, the bastard, was probably not a persecuted paranoid.

He quietly checked his watch. It was already five-fifty, and there were still ten minutes left to monitor the dead mailbox of Kunlu Temple. This was probably the last test. I hope everyone else goes well.

At the same time, a nurse in a white uniform sneakily walked to the door of the dispensing pharmacy, looked around at the surroundings, quickly opened the door and walked in, locking it behind her.

 “You’re finally here and you miss me so much.”

As soon as the nurse entered, she was hugged by an ordinary-looking man. This man was wearing a high-end suit, a gold watch on his wrist, and his hair was so full of wax that even a fly couldn't stand on it.

The man asked in a gentle voice: "Is it normal outside? There are a lot of strangers in the hospital today. I don't feel very good. If there is a problem, go find another beggar outside."

“I’ve seen it all. The demented old lady in room 17 has a grandson. The guy in room 19 who talks a lot of nonsense has a friend. Everything else is normal. Ah Ji, what on earth are you doing?”

The nurse looked happy in the man's arms and introduced the situation outside. At the same time, she asked a question that she had asked many times but had no answer. She really cared about Kong Ji.

This man is naturally Kong Ji, the spy Tianfu being tracked by the Intelligence Division. After hearing the question about the woman in his arms, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and then his expression became gentler.

“As a matter of business, as you know, many pharmaceutical companies are eyeing your hospital’s supply of drugs. As long as everything is fine, let’s go have Western food tonight, okay?”

Tianfu calmly changed the subject. A professional intelligence officer was naturally able to deal with a little girl who was inexperienced in the world. The female nurse was so surprised that she forgot what happened just now.

"Then you can't lie to me, Ah Ji. No matter what you do, I will accompany you, but I have to go out, otherwise the head nurse will curse again. There is no one in the dispensing pharmacy today, so be careful when you go out."

The two of them sat together for a while. The little nurse trimmed her hair and walked out of the dispensary with a flushed face. She was imagining the delicious meal tonight, humming happily, and her steps were unusually brisk.

But just as she was passing by a ward, the door suddenly opened. A pair of big hands covered her mouth and pulled her in. Before she could react, a gun was pressed against her head.

“Don’t move, I’ll beat you to death if you do.”

I didn’t go to bed until eight or nine in the morning. When I got up, I started typing. I finally caught up and went to eat. If there were any typos, please leave a message and correct them after dinner.



 (End of this chapter)

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