Cicada Moving

Chapter 405: Jiang Zhaoqing

Chapter 405 Jiang Zhaoqing

Because the police station on Lu Province Road is close to the National Government, it has the largest number of police officers among all the police stations in Jinling, and the area is naturally not small. It is based in a two-story building covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters.

Wu Chunyang set up the surveillance point on the roof of a five-story building not far from the police station. He can overlook the entire police station from a high position. Not only the personnel entering and exiting, but also most of the internal situation can be seen at a glance.

“Chief, there were 8 police officers who left the police station after receiving the call. 5 of them left in the same car. The other 3 included 1 on a bicycle and 2 on foot. The brothers followed.”

A little spy finished writing the surveillance record in his notebook and raised his head to report to Wu Chunyang. This is their job today, to see who the alarm call will lure out of the cave.

Wu Chunyang squatted on the ground, using the gap in the fence on the roof to look outside. He didn't pay too much attention to the reports of his subordinates. Japanese spies would not act so quickly, and these eight people were not very suspicious.

He turned his head and whispered: "The cleaners and clerks should also pay more attention. People in the police station have no sense of confidentiality at all. There are many people who have access to the contents of the alarm call, not just the police officers.

 Let everyone pay attention to the distance when tracking, and allocate five people to each group to facilitate cross-tracking. Anyone who exposes himself or others because of his talent will be punished by military law after returning. "

 “Yes, Chief.”

The little agent replied seriously: "According to your order, the two roads and three alleys leaving the police station have been fully deployed. No matter who comes out, there will be at least a team following them.

  Obeying orders is our most basic behavioral discipline. Those who are followed are all old people, and they will never make such a low-level mistake. As for the cleaners and clerks, they are also under strict surveillance. "

Wu Chunyang nodded. He said this just to take the opportunity to remind his subordinates to prevent these guys from being arrogant and underestimating the enemy. The quickest people to die in this business are those fools who think they are smart.

However, it is unlikely that the Japanese spies are cleaning staff or clerks. The former's status is too low and may not receive early warning calls, while the latter needs to sit at a desk for a long time and is inconvenient to move.

Most likely, the other party is a low-level police officer who has some status but does not need to be responsible for too much management work. He can easily obtain the secrets of the police station and has free time.

But the police organization is complex. This small police station alone has a general affairs unit, an administrative unit, a security unit, a dispatch unit, a detective unit, a fire protection unit and other departments, and there are twenty or thirty junior police officers.

It is not an easy task to find suspicious persons. It depends on when and how the other party moves. I am afraid it will be very difficult for Japanese spies. After all, it is a matter of life and death.

If he is a Japanese spy, he must be trying every means to inform his associates now. It is impossible to make a direct phone call. Horizontal communication should not and cannot occur between members of the same intelligence team.

Therefore, early warnings must be delivered through public information channels or special channels. Newspapers, radio stations, and dead mailboxes are all possible. It is best not to come forward yourself and let others deliver the news on your behalf.

Wu Chunyang remembered what the section chief had said before about luring the snake out of its hole. An idea flashed through his mind and he slammed his palm. It turned out that this was what the section chief meant. He quickly called the little spy and whispered instructions.

Just as he thought, Jiang Zhaoqing, deputy chief of the police security unit, was sitting in a dilemma in his office. The signal he had been waiting for came, which meant that he was activated and provided early warning to the team.

 But it happened so suddenly without any warning. He had just arrived at the police station this morning and chatted with an acquaintance of the police officers when he heard the news that Kong Ji's home had been stolen. What should he do now?

 First of all, you must retreat. If the Chinese intelligence agency captures the team leader, then your identity will no longer be a secret. You must not rely on a captured intelligence officer to keep it secret.

Face the endless torture, very few people can survive it. God knows how much the Chinese know about the situation. Maybe the spy who arrested him is already on the way, and he must leave Jinling as soon as possible.

  Then there was an early warning. This was not too dangerous, but it would only waste time. Well, what he lacked most now was time. He could have found an uninformed outsider to do this kind of thing.

Jiang Zhaoqing cast his gaze toward the large office outside, glanced around, and quickly found a new guy who had just arrived. He decided to make this guy a scapegoat to cover his evacuation.

Walking to the door of the office, he waved to the newcomer: "Who is that? Go and contact the newspaper and ask them to publish a notice about the discovery of the body. Just tell them it's a matter of the police station and ask them to hurry up."

"Jingle Bell."

"Jingle Bell."

Before he could finish speaking, the phones in the police station started ringing one after another. The sharp ringing shocked everyone. With so many calls coming at the same time, something big must have happened.


 “What, someone is making trouble near the National Government.”

 “Okay, okay, we’ll go out immediately.”

The police sergeant on duty was the first to answer the call. After answering, his expression changed. A group of gangsters actually went to the National Government to fight. These **** are really crazy. Is that where they can be so arrogant?

He hung up the phone, picked up the police whistle around his neck, puffed up his cheeks and blew it as hard as he could. Upon hearing the deadly whistle, the police station immediately went into chaos, and the originally lazy police officers began to assemble.      "Based on the middle, align towards the middle."

The sergeant on duty ordered the queue at the throat, but after waiting for several minutes, there was still a group of stragglers pushing and shoving in front of him. The sergeant's nose was almost crooked with anger, and he shouted loudly.

“Tmd, I’ve already stood up for you. As for you, take out the armed belt from your police uniform, and you, the gun is held backwards. What a bunch of rubbish. Everyone split into two groups and turned right and set off immediately.”

After the police sergeant finished training, he ran away with the messy team, leaving Jiang Zhaoqing standing in a mess. The scapegoat he had just chosen left. What should he do? If he had known better, he should have called someone in advance.

The call was for urgent business. If he blocked it, it would only make others suspicious. It seemed that he had no choice but to go to the newspaper office in person, which would be better to avoid the newcomer getting the wrong content and missing the warning.

He quickly made a decision. He glanced at the group of people outside who were preparing to get on the bus. He wanted to sneak in and take the opportunity to evacuate, but he felt that leaving halfway would arouse suspicion, so he turned around and returned to the office.

 Although he is mainly responsible for early warning, he has also collected a lot of useful intelligence in the past few years. With it, the future empire can quickly grasp this important city, and he must take it with him when he leaves this time.

Jiang Zhaoqing thought as he opened the drawer and took out the microfilm from the secret cabinet. He was a fool to keep the documents next to him. Capturing the information on film was the safest way to carry it.

 In addition to the film, there are also documents used to pass the city checkpoints, a little cash, a pistol, and glasses that can hide the film. These few items are all he wants to take away.

Especially the documents. Because of the assassination, the officials of the City Defense Headquarters took advantage of the situation and robbed them. Everyone entering and exiting Jinling must have a pass issued by them, even the police.

As for how to get the pass, of course it depends on your will. One yuan for adult men, half for women, and free for children. If you operate with integrity, you will not be deceived. Jiang Zhao has prepared it early in the morning.

 But there is only one.

Nandou’s retreat plan is for everyone to disperse and evacuate to Shanghai to assemble, and then go to any area not controlled by the state via a cruise ship in Shanghai, and will not assemble in the city.

So he could only wish others good luck when leaving the city, but they had been lurking in Jinling for so many years, so it shouldn't be difficult to get a pass. If that didn't work, they could find a small road to leave.

 “Goodbye, Jinling.”

After Jiang Zhaoqing finished speaking, he walked out of the office without looking back. He took nothing in his hand, as if he was going out to perform a normal mission. He also chatted with the guard at the door for a while before leaving the police station.

 Taking advantage of this time, he observed the surrounding situation. The postures of pedestrians were normal. No one with signs of training was seen passing by. No one stopped deliberately, and there were no cars parked on both sides of the road.

With many years of career as a police officer, he was sure that the people coming and going were ordinary Jinling people. These people did not smell like intelligence agents. Their every move was very natural and they were by no means professionals.

If someone is monitoring him, if there is no problem at close range, then he can only observe from a distance. Jiang Zhaoqing nodded to the guard, walked out of the police station with his head held high, and glanced at the surrounding area.

Having stayed here for many years, he knew very well what place was suitable as a surveillance point. It was nothing more than three tall buildings and a small hill. There was a small road on the hill, which was not convenient for secret surveillance.

Two of the three tall buildings had no roof coverings, and the only suitable one was the five-story building with the highest one. He stopped and turned around to go in a certain direction. He had to make sure it was safe.

five minutes later.


Jiang Zhaoqing opened the iron door on the roof with a vigilant look. There was nothing in front of him. The breeze blew across the ground and brought up a thick layer of dust. He did not imagine the Chinese intelligence personnel with loaded guns and live ammunition.

 He ​​breathed a sigh of relief, but still checked the roof to be safe. There were no fresh footprints or traces on the ground, and the rust on the hinges was still there. It seemed that no one had been up there for a long time.

  It seems that the team leader did not confess. He is truly a warrior of the empire. Now that safety is assured, an early warning must be issued as soon as possible. Who knows how long the team leader can persist. The captives cannot be trusted.

He thought for a while, walked into the stairs and closed the iron door tightly. After a long time, the iron door was suddenly opened again. The cunning Japanese spy imitated Tianfu and counterattacked, making a second confirmation.

At this time, in a room on the fourth floor, a little spy said with admiration: "Commander, you really guessed it. That guy is really back. What should we do next? Should we wait a little longer?"

 “He had no time to waste anymore.”

Wu Chunyang shook his head: "Ask the brothers at each intersection not to follow them, and just report the other party's movement track. Inform the staff at the newspaper office and the radio station to be more vigilant. The target will appear at any time."

 (End of this chapter)

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