Cicada Moving

Chapter 411: City-wide lockdown

Chapter 411 City-wide lockdown

At 12:30 noon, Zuo Zhong’s car arrived near the central gate. Everything seemed to be normal. There were a few soldiers at the city gate lazily checking the documents and luggage of passers-by.

  It is better to say it is an inspection than it is an extortion. When they see the common people who are easy to bully, they take the opportunity to make a fortune. As for the reason, the gun is in their hands, and the reason is not made up by themselves.

Zuo Zhong looked at it for a while, then got off the car and walked into a nearby car shop. Xidian is also a large car shop in the north. Both of them are accommodation businesses for lower-class merchants. They are mostly located near traffic hubs and city gates.

However, the environment of this rest shop is much better than that of a large car shop. It is similar to a large hotel, and the decoration is quite exquisite. As soon as he entered the store, the shopkeeper hurriedly greeted him.

"But in front of Mr. Zuo, Wu has been waiting for a long time. The rooms facing the street requested by your office have been cleaned up. The guests in the rooms on the left and right and opposite have been arranged to other places to ensure cleanliness."

The shopkeeper was wearing a satin mandarin jacket and had a beard. He looked very shrewd. He introduced the situation in a low voice with a very respectful attitude, walking a little behind Zuo Zhong.

You are really a talented person, but it is true that not everyone can be a shopkeeper. Being good at calculating, scheming, and being good at dealing with people is the most basic, and you must also have a very tactful way of doing things.

Zuo Zhong looked at the other party and smiled slightly: "Yes, I'll bother the shopkeeper then. Don't worry, if something happens and something is broken, the Secret Service will compensate according to the price."

In order to catch the Japanese spy by surprise, he set the real checkpoint outside the central gate, and the checkpoints inside were used to confuse the other party. As long as the other party walked to the city gate, they would see the second checkpoint.

By then, the spies will definitely hesitate. Roadside restaurants are the best surveillance points. They also facilitate concealment and exit. Once a suspicious person is found, they can be dealt with quickly.

It’s just that no one knows whether the other party will resist. Some things are better to be said in front, so as not to cause embarrassment over a trivial matter. It is definitely not ordinary people who can open a shop at the city gate.

Hearing this, the shopkeeper drooped his eyelids and said softly: "Sir, you are serious. Our boss is preparing to renovate and decorate the store. If anything is damaged, it will save us money to find someone to clean it up."

This is so beautifully said.

Zuo Zhong said nothing with a smile on his face, and followed the other person to the guest room. Some words were meaningless if he said it plainly. Since he was so happy, they should take more care of the boss in the future.

The two of them walked to the door of the guest room area, and a man walked out of the hay shed where the animals were tied. The shopkeeper immediately said goodbye and walked to his room. He was not going to go out until the agent left.

The person who walked out was Wu Chunyang. At this time, he was dressed like a coolie, with a few straws in his hair, and his body was full of the smell of large animal excrement. This kind of person is very common in restaurants.

He glanced at the shopkeeper who was leaving and reported in a low voice: "Section Chief, Jiang Zhaoqing has been arrested and sent back to the office. No shots were fired. Documents, weapons, cash and microfilm were found on him."


Zuo Zhong was a little surprised. After working in intelligence work for almost two years, this was the first time he encountered this thing in reality. He had only seen the introduction of microfilm in training materials before.

 The reason is not that this thing is difficult. After all, microfilm has appeared in the 19th century, and now it has developed to the point where a book with hundreds of pages can be reduced to a piece of film the size of a stamp.

It’s not because it’s expensive, it’s just some chemical raw materials. Many banks and newspapers in the Republic of China were using microfilm to store information, and any photo studio could process it.

  The reason why microfilm has not become popular in the intelligence industry is that it is impractical. Microfilm can only be checked for correctness after being developed, and in emergencies one can only gamble on luck.

imagine that an intelligence officer went through all kinds of hardships to obtain the information, and then spent all his efforts to make microfilm. After risking exposure, he sent it back to his country and found that it was all waste.

  I guess I have the intention of committing suicide.

It is not practical to use a slide projector to directly view microfilm, at least at this stage. The effect of viewing the image on the slide projector is very blurry and cannot be used in actual intelligence work.

He thought for a while and said: "Where is the film hidden? When Jiang Zhaoqing was arrested, did he try to destroy the film? Ask the people in the department to develop it immediately. Please inform me of the results at any time."

"The film was hidden in the temples of the glasses. This guy wanted to swallow it, but I stopped him." Wu Chunyang led Zuo Zhong into a guest room: "It has been developed, and it is some information about the city."

 “Huh, little Japan.”

Zuo Zhong sneered and walked around the Datong Shop. Then he walked to the wall and took out the transom window to look outside. There were no luxurious wooden windows in the shop, only a vent window.

This is actually conducive to surveillance work. With the wall hidden, agents can hide behind the transom to observe people coming and going. It is impossible for Japanese spies to pay attention to all the movements behind the transom.

Zuo Zhong confirmed that the observation effect of the transom window was good, and then he was completely relieved. He looked at the watch on his wrist again. At 12:50, the preparations for the blockade could begin. It was time to shake people.

He nodded to Wu Chunyang: "Let the people from the city defense and Jiang defense start. They must rush to all the checkpoints in the city within twenty minutes. At least one platoon of troops must be stationed at each checkpoint to check.

 Tell them that they are only responsible for searching, screening and arresting people who are handed over to us. If anyone lets the spy go in order to grab credit, let their commander explain it to the chairman of the committee. Original words. "

It must be said like this, otherwise this group of national-military troops who retreated and turned into the wind, attacked the enemy Xu Rulin, harassed the people and looted like fire, and the friendly troops were in trouble and could not move like mountains, would definitely cause trouble. Both sides were wearing the same military uniforms. Wu Chunyang was very aware of the other party's virtues. He nodded quickly to express that he understood, and then walked out of the room to call the City Defense Headquarters and the Jiang Defense Force.

Following this call, city defense troops from several military camps in Jinling City were dispatched. Trucks carrying arrogant soldiers rampaged through the streets, scaring the people and running for cover.

At the same time, the small gunboats at the docks on the river also lit fires and pressurized them. Black smoke billowed out of the chimneys. The fishermen nearby were confused. Only the children were cheering with bare feet on the shore.

 Less than twenty minutes.

  Bars began to be set up at various city gates, highways, docks, railway stations, bus stations, and even dirt roads used by villagers in Jinling. Teams of soldiers holding rifles pulled up barbed wire fences and blocked horses.

Many people who were preparing to leave the city were at a loss when faced with the sudden checkpoint. They didn't know what these soldiers were going crazy about. Could any of the officials have been shot by the assassins?

That’s great.

  Arresting the officials of the Republic of China and lining them up to kill them all may be unfair, but killing every other one will definitely slip through the net. If the party is rotten from top to bottom, it is already commonplace in the fish and meat village.

Among the pedestrians and convoys who were stopped, some bold people began to speculate. Some said that the chairman of the committee was missing, and some said that Dean Wang met the assassin again and was beaten into a sieve on the hospital bed.

The truth of the matter is not important, what is important is the pleasure. Being squeezed on weekdays, this will be stopped halfway. The anger in the hearts of the people can only be expressed in this way, and the scene is a bit chaotic for a while.

At the Changgan Bridge intersection in the south of the city, on a long-distance bus from Jinling to Guangling, several narrow-minded ghosts whispered small jokes about the insects of the Republic of China, causing the passengers to laugh.

Hearing the noise getting louder, the driver turned around and shouted in a low voice: "Hello, hello, it's almost over. There are soldiers armed with live ammunition outside. If they hear you, it will be easy for you."

It's a good thing he didn't shout. When he shouted, the car became more lively. The passengers, who were already irritable due to the slow speed and crowding, finally found an outlet and pointed at the driver and cursed loudly.

"We are all so poor that it won't do any good if the soldiers arrest us. It would be better if we arrest you, the loser. I tell you a joke and it won't interfere with your business. Dogs meddle in other people's business."

“Hey, please excuse me, driver. When can I drive? I’m from the Guangling Party Headquarters. I have something urgent to do when I return to Guangling. If I miss a major party and state event, you can’t bear the responsibility.”

"Where is my child? If any of you see my child and want to kill him, please let those soldiers get in the car. There are photographers in the car. Driver, driver, please call someone, my child is missing."

The carriage suddenly became a mess, with some swearing, some threatening, and some looking for children. The driver, who was not a fuel-efficient person, stood up with the hand crank in hand, hoping to compete with the scolders.


 “Don’t move.”

At this moment, the door of the long-distance bus was kicked open. Several soldiers stood outside the car and aimed their guns at the inside of the car. Next to them, there was a short fat man with a dozen Chinese tunic suits who looked on coldly.

The passengers in the car felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on their heads. They felt chilled all over. They quickly closed their mouths and sat back in their seats. Those who didn't have seats immediately curled up and hid behind others.

An officer with the rank of second lieutenant pulled out the jade from his waist and jumped into the car with a swipe. Looking at the passengers who were as quiet as quails, he glanced around the car insidiously.

“Keep making noise, keep making noise, why don’t you stop making noise? I’m here to hunt down assassins, but instead of cooperating, you guys are making trouble here. Do you think I don’t dare to shoot?”

The car became completely silent, and even the driver looked ahead with a serious face, his hands motionless on the steering wheel, as if the car would fall into an abyss if he didn't pay attention.

   “Huh, if you don’t eat the toast, you’ll be punished with a drink.”

Upon seeing this, the second lieutenant snorted coldly and said to the short fat man outside the car: "I'll leave it to Chief Song. If you need help, just ask. Brother has also chopped off the heads of several little Japanese."

 “Okay, thank you for your help, brother.”

The short, fat man cupped his hands and thanked him, then passed by the second lieutenant and got into the car. There was a smile on his plump face, which, combined with his fat figure, actually made the passengers relax a little.

He looked around, touched the head of the child next to him, and said kindly: "Don't be afraid, everyone. I am a civil servant of the Secret Service. You all know what we do, right?"

Before he could finish his words, an old man burped and fainted. The other passengers were no better. Some had weak legs and some had chattering teeth. The Secret Service, they knew it all too well.

It is said that these agents kill without batting an eye, are ruthless, cruel, and eat people without spitting out their bones. People who die in their hands can go around Jinling, but what is this fat man doing in the car?

 (End of this chapter)

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