Cicada Moving

Chapter 419: The smell of money (Gong Xi Fa Cai)

Chapter 419 The Taste of Money (Gong Xi Fa Cai)

What is going on? Wu Jingzhong looked in the direction Wu Chunyang was walking and found that all the front-line personnel of the Intelligence Section were walking outside, even the elite former investigation section under him.

He reacted quickly and secretly cursed himself for being out of his mind. If an intelligence officer's photo is published in the newspaper, will he be able to perform missions in the future? How can he get promoted and make a fortune if he can't perform missions?

Having figured it out, King Jinju hurriedly lowered his head and walked out. On the way, he saw many investigation department personnel looking beaming and posing in various poses for reporters to take pictures. It was really stupid.

Wu Jingzhong showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He heard that this group of people was going to the secret service headquarters to start their own business. But there was no point in fighting with the underground party. If you want to get promoted and make a fortune, you still have to look at spies.

Just like this assassination case, he just went out to check a few cars and was promoted to captain. If he checked the underground party, not only would the credit not be so great, but he would also have to be careful about the revenge of the underground party.

Suddenly, his body froze. Just as these people were preparing to be transferred from the Secret Service, they encountered reporters coming to take pictures. Is this a coincidence or intentional? Think about Wu Chunyang, and the answer is self-evident.

His back was instantly covered in cold sweat, and he guessed that this was probably the arrangement of Section Chief Zuo. No wonder everyone said that this man was a smiling tiger, and he unknowingly laid a trap for others to fall into.

What’s even more frightening is that you don’t know anything about being trapped. Just like now, if anyone doesn’t let them take pictures, these people will definitely show their teeth and help count the money after being sold. This is the situation.

 In the distance, Zuo Zhong whispered to Gu Qi.

"Lao Gu, Jinling Evening News owes us a big favor this time. Let them publish it as a front-page headline. Use the best machine to print the photo clearly. You must see the face clearly."

"This is not difficult, but there are more than a thousand people transferred this time. It is impossible to publish them all in the newspaper. We can only focus on certain people. I think it is better to distribute leaflets, which is easier to operate."

“No, if it’s just published in the newspaper, Director Chen may not pursue it for the sake of the interview, but the nature of the matter will change if we personally deal with it. This person has a very bad temper, so don’t ask for trouble.”

"Okay, then I'll have people keep an eye on the newspaper office and print and deliver the newspapers as quickly as possible. Even if Director Chen and Xu Enzeng sense something is wrong, they won't be able to take back all the newspapers."

The two of them muttered for a while, then sneaked out of the bureau headquarters wearing sunglasses. They didn't want reporters to secretly take a few photos, which would really end up stealing the chicken but losing the rice.

As soon as they returned to the Secret Service compound, Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi saw a strange scene. Several military trucks were parked downstairs of the office building, and a group of soldiers were carrying various furniture downstairs.

 Gu Qi stopped the car and stretched his head to take a look, with a curious look on his face: "Section Chief, what's going on? Could it be that the Director was considerate of the difficult working conditions of our Intelligence Section and specially purchased new tools."


Zuo Chongqian laughed twice and glanced at the cautious soldier: "Old Gu, please look carefully. These are mahogany furniture. Judging from the style, they are antiques from the past. Do you think Virgo is willing to spend this money?"

If you want Dai Chunfeng to pay for office supplies, only the sun comes from the west, because the expenses of the merger investigation department are too great, and the 500,000 Director Chen Chen is enough to fill in part of the loss.

In addition to visible expenses such as settling-in expenses and wages, the real bulk lies in invisible expenses. Among other things, the people in the Investigation Department are exactly what they say: they can’t do anything, and they can’t eat anything.

The cost of eating and drinking for these losers here is not a small sum. The canteen has changed from one meal of meat a day to a meal of meat every three days. If they don't leave, the Secret Service will have to eat glutinous rice.

 “That’s true.”

Gu Qi smiled awkwardly, and his tone was full of doubts: "Then who sent these? Did they come from your home, section chief? If that's the case, I can take advantage of you, Lao Gu."

 “No, this is from the military.”

 “Didi, didi.”

Zuo Zhong shook his head, and was about to say that this was a military vehicle. When he didn't have such access at home, he heard a few horns at the gate, and then several shiny high-end cars drove in.

Hello guys, the American Buick Model 60 sedan just came off the production line two years ago. It was definitely a new thing in the Republic of China. The foreign company sold it for more than 10,000 yuan per car. The people who came here were definitely not ordinary people.

“I don’t know which aristocratic family is driving such a luxurious car through the city, and he is not afraid of causing trouble to his elders. We can investigate and deal with corruption.” Gu Qi was full of jealousy.

Zuo Zhong felt that Lao Gu was right. As the nemesis of crime, how could he watch these dudes waste their money and money? The party and the country were what they were today because of people like this.

He coughed twice and said, "Old Gu, go find some brothers and talk to them. Remember to be polite. If you're not an important person, I've been driving my car for more than a year."

 “Okay, bah, it’s great to be rich.”

Gu Qi almost had the word "Qiu Fu" carved on his forehead. He rolled up his sleeves and opened the door to call for help. But before his feet even touched the ground, the man in the Buick got out first, startling him.

I saw that this person was wearing calfskin shoes that sparkled with money. His straight suit must have been hand-cut by a famous artist. His cashmere windbreaker, which was more expensive than gold, was particularly eye-catching in the warm early autumn. What is more conspicuous is the large gold ring on the other person's hand. It is not accurate to say that the ring should be called a gold ring. What is shocking is that this person actually wears five or six of these large ring rings on his ten fingers.

Looking along the fingers to the wrist, the inconspicuous IWC gold watch is much more low-key. The price is not too expensive. Not counting the shiny diamonds on the dial, it is enough to buy a Buick car.

Zuo Zhong thought he had seen a lot of the world, but this kind of scene was unheard of. This girl is not rich, she doesn't regard money as money. When did Jinling gain such a luxurious person.

He was guessing the identity of the other party when the person stood in the courtyard of the Secret Service, with his left hand on his waist and his right hand slowly taking off the sunglasses that covered half of his face. A familiar face appeared in front of him.

  turns out to be.

"Shen Zhong? Shen Zhong, right? Haha, it's been a year since we parted ways in Peking, and we have become lieutenant colonels. It's amazing. It's amazing. Come on, here are the cigars I had people bring from South America. How about trying them? "

Deputy Director of the Secret Service Zheng Tingbing wiped his stylish slicked back hair, took out a silver tube from his arms, and walked over with a smile. Under the sun, his whole person looked so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at him.

This is naturally not because Deputy Director Zheng has become an immortal. It is actually because the gold teeth in his mouth, the gold wrench on his hand and the diamonds on his watch are too dazzling. This is truly awe-inspiring.

Zuo Zhong felt like he was going blind. He squinted his eyes quickly and walked towards the other party with the same smile. He felt like he had eaten a lemon. It seemed that Zheng Tingbing, this bastard, had made a lot of money in Peiping.

I would have known that he would stay in Peiping. With his two lifetimes of business experience and the tiger skin from the Secret Service on his body, he would definitely earn more than Lao Zheng. He also wanted a gold ring and a Buick car.

He walked up to Zheng Tingbing, stood at attention and saluted: "I am humble and responsible. I have met Deputy Director Zheng. Welcome back from Peiping. I haven't seen you for more than a year. You are becoming more and more impressive."

“Hahahaha, I just do a small business to make a living, but I was promoted from colonel to colonel without doing anything. This is all thanks to you, Chuzuo and Shenzu. Come on, it’s a small thing, accept it.”

Zheng Tingbing was promoted to colonel due to his previous promotion in the Secret Service, so he did get a ride on Zuo Zhong's solution to the case, so after handing out the cigar, he took another gift from his entourage.

Zuo Zhong looked at the cigar packaging tube made of pure silver and immediately felt that Hardman was no longer fragrant. He took the gift and looked at it. He took a breath at that time. This was the deed of the house.

The letter on the top of the head clearly states: "A garden villa with an area of ​​300 square meters in Shanghai. What kind of business is Lao Zheng doing in Peiping? Isn't it printing money? Money is just like water flowing in."

Even if it's printing money, why did this guy give himself such a heavy gift? Could it be that he wanted to compete with Dai Chunfeng in the ring? That's right, money makes a hero brave, not to mention that he has a lot of money now.

But no matter what angle he looked at, it was impossible for him to change his family. This was a taboo in officialdom. Besides, a mere 300-square-meter villa wanted to bribe him and treat him as someone else.

Zuo Zhong really wanted to throw the contract at Lao Zheng's face, and then point at his nose and tell him, do you think you can do whatever you want if you have money? You are wrong about Mr. Zuo. I am sworn in with corruption.

In reality, he reluctantly handed over the contract and sighed: "Oh, thank you Deputy Director Zheng for your kindness. Zuo is not happy to enjoy this 300-square-meter house. Please take it back."

Zheng Tingbing was stunned when he heard this. He took a puff of his cigar and pulled the contract back. He took a closer look and became angry. He kicked the attendant next to him and ran back to the car.

With this kick, Zuo Zhong discovered that a certain follower was also an acquaintance. It was Li Qiwu who had been sent to Beiping Station by him. This guy was really an invincible cockroach, and he came back safely.

China and Japan are fighting life and death in North China. Even the Peking Station was thrown a few dangerous objects. How come this **** was not killed by the explosion? But it seems that Li Qiwu followed Zheng Tingbing, which is interesting.

If Lao Dai knew how his good friend and fellow countryman would react if he became a political opponent, he would probably be furious to death on the spot, huh? That's not quite right. How did Dai Chunfeng know Zheng Tingbing's information?

Zuo Zhong looked at Li Qiwu, who remained calm even after being kicked, and sighed in his heart. He could endure what others cannot bear, and what he can do is what he cannot. No wonder this man could become the final winner many years later.

Li Qiwu spent a year in Peiping and became more low-key and knowledgeable. When he noticed Zuo Zhong looking at him, he quickly smiled and nodded, standing aside in a dignified manner, motionless.

"Shen Zhi, this Li Qiwu is really a waste. He can't handle even small things. This is my gift to you. That small villa is for someone else. Don't mind it."

At this time Zheng Tingbing got out of the car again, took out a copy of the contract from a large stack, stuffed it over without any explanation, and said: "They are all my brothers, you can take it as long as you are asked, you are welcome."

Zuo Zhong lowered his head in confusion, and then was shocked again. This was also a house contract, but the difference was that the area changed from 300 square meters to 700 square meters, and it was still in a concession.

Teacher, it’s not that the students are not loyal enough, it’s that the other party has given him too much. He suddenly feels that changing teachers is not a big deal. They are all serving the party, state and leaders.

I wish you all to be as energetic as Deputy Director Zheng in the new year.



 (End of this chapter)

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