Cicada Moving

Chapter 429: Information Section Discussion

 Chapter 429 Discussion of the Intelligence Section

In fact, it took less than half an hour for Gu Qi and others to return to the Secret Service. Everyone sat sleepily in the conference room, whispering what happened and why they suddenly gathered in the middle of the night.

The Japanese espionage case has just ended a few days ago, and I haven’t heard of any new cases. The Japanese have suffered such a big loss and are fighting dogs with the British. There is no reason to send more people to die. Doihara is not that stupid.

 “Old ancient.”

Song Minghao yawned, covered his mouth and asked, "Have you heard anything yet? Have the Japanese made another move? These Japanese spies are really tough. It's not honest to have several intelligence teams eliminated." "

Gu Qi was also full of doubts. He shook his head and said, "I haven't heard about it. Let's wait for the section chief to come. Maybe something happened locally. I heard that there was a fierce fighting over in North China and the Peking Station suffered heavy losses."

Hearing the news, everyone present suddenly became energetic. They all knew that Deputy Director Zheng had made a fortune there. If he had the opportunity to go to North China on business, he might be able to make some windfall.

"I don't think it's that simple. The situation in Peking is not out of control. Chen Gongshu is an old subordinate of Virgo, and he and the section chief are old friends. It would not be wise for us to get involved rashly."

Wu Chunyang also joined the discussion. The political intelligence unit is very well-informed. His statement is quite reliable. Look at the Buddha rather than the monk. It seems that today's meeting has nothing to do with North China.

“Could it be related to the underground party?”

Wu Jingzhong, who was at the far end of the conference table, suddenly interjected: "We are not only working with Japanese spies, but also underground parties. Now the Japanese are silent, but the underground parties are very active."

Everyone was stunned for a moment after hearing this. It seemed that this was true, but they had always dealt with Japanese spies and were not familiar with the underground party. They did not know what the level of this opponent was.


 Gu Qi secretly cursed and frowned. The underground party is not that easy to deal with. This group of people is notoriously poor and tough. It is hard to get much money and it is difficult to obtain effective confessions.

And the opponent's counterattack was very sharp. When he was in the Camp Investigation Department, he lived in fear every day, fearing that he would accidentally be beaten into a hornet's nest. That kind of life was really not what a person should live.

He said with a gloomy face: "Everyone must be aware that the underground party is more dangerous than the Japanese. When I was in Nanchang, I participated in an arrest operation against underground party intelligence personnel.

The other party immediately emptied the magazine when they saw us entering the house, and then fired the grenade without any hesitation, causing seven deaths and eight injuries on the spot. Three more people died after the wounded were sent to the hospital.

After investigation afterwards, it was confirmed that this person was just an ordinary Chinese teacher without any professional training. It is really unimaginable that he could be so decisive in the face of arrest. "

He told his personal experience, hoping to attract everyone's attention, so that no one would get into trouble because he underestimated the enemy. They were all brothers who had been through life and death, and he didn't want to attend anyone's funeral.

Wu Jingzhong then added: "I know what Deputy Section Chief Gu said. This kind of thing happens often. During a previous **** operation, the arrested underground party strangled the driver and caused the vehicle to rush into the river.

It was a cold winter. By the time the people in the vehicle behind them pulled the person out, the underground party member and the driver were already frozen together. We tried our best not to separate the two of them, so we had to bury them together. "

 Inseparable, buried together.

 Also happens frequently.

The people in the Intelligence Division were horrified by what they heard. They had seen a lot of die-hard Japanese spies who just refused to speak in the face of torture. There were also people who chose to die together, but they were a minority.

If the next task is really related to the underground party, the risks involved in the operation are probably not low. In addition, the underground party is a bunch of poor people, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to get any benefits in the end.

 Everyone's expressions were a little ugly. Just leave the thankless task to one place. Why should the Secret Service wade into this muddy water? They were not afraid of the danger. The key was that the risks were out of proportion to the benefits.

 To be patriotic, you also need to eat.

Even Shen Dongxin, who has the least sense of existence, said with a grimace: "The Shen family is a single generation, and it is too dangerous to fight with the underground party. If not, I will ask for leave, so as not to end the Shen family's relationship with me."

Just at this time, Zuo Zhong opened the door of the conference room and walked in. Looking at his listless subordinates, a smile appeared on his lips, knowing that these guys might have guessed something.

 “Haha, why do you have such an expression?”

 He threw a document on the table and clapped his hands: "Buck up, I'm asking everyone to come here tonight for a case assigned by the Chief himself, involving the underground party and the secret service headquarters."

 As expected, they are fighting against the underground party.

 Gu Qi took a deep breath and said seriously: "Section Chief, what kind of case is it? This is the first time our department has officially contacted the underground party. I think this matter cannot be rushed and should be discussed in the long term."

“That’s right, Section Chief, we have always been responsible for Japanese espionage cases, and we have done a lot of credit. Since this case has something to do with the secret service headquarters, we might as well leave it to them.” Song Minghao was beating the drum at the side. Others also expressed their opinions. They were all members of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics. Why did the Secret Service do the hard work? They just sat there and enjoyed the results. The scene gradually became chaotic.

However, the noise only lasted for a short while, and the conference room gradually became quiet. Everyone looked at the smiling section chief and secretly complained, and hurriedly sat upright, looking ahead to stop the noise.

 “Why don’t you say it? Say it.”

Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and glanced around, his smile gradually disappearing: "I see that you have gone back further and further, and have you forgotten your identity. Let me remind you that we are soldiers.

  What is a soldier? It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. As long as an order is given, you have to rush forward even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of you. Newbies all understand this truth, have you forgotten it? "

 His tone is very stern, which is a bad phenomenon. The Intelligence Department allows different opinions, but does not allow bargaining over orders. Once people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team.

 Besides, fighting against underground parties is dangerous, but fighting against Japanese spies is not dangerous. When the war breaks out, no place in China will be safe. The only way to survive is to fight to the death.

 “Section Chief, this is my responsibility.”

Hearing this, Gu Qi stood up and recounted the discussion just now truthfully. In particular, he gave a detailed report on the confrontation between the Investigation Section and the underground party. This is the responsibility of a deputy section chief.

He finally concluded: "Before executing the mission, it is best to conduct an ideological education for everyone to let everyone understand the danger of this operation, so as to avoid casualties caused by underestimating the enemy."

"Well, you sit down first." Zuo Zhong's face looked better now, and he supported the table with both hands: "Today's incident is no exception. As a leader, you have to set a good example for your subordinates. You cannot imitate Xu Enzeng."

As usual, he attacked Xu personally, then pulled out a chair and sat on it. He opened the file and looked at his subordinates with different expressions. He coughed lightly and began to announce the contents of the file.

“Before discussing the mission, I will announce two personnel appointments. First, Song Minghao will concurrently serve as deputy chief of the Intelligence Section of the Secret Service, and second, Wu Jingzhong will serve as deputy chief of the Military Intelligence Section of the Intelligence Section.”

Zuo Zhong raised his head after finishing speaking: "Lao Song, your main work in the future will still be on military intelligence. You must help Lao Wu get familiar with the situation as soon as possible, and the military intelligence network must also be handed over."

 “Yes, section chief.”

Song Minghao couldn't help but burst into tears. He had heard about this for a long time, and today he finally got a formal order. From an ordinary intelligence officer to the deputy chief of the intelligence department, he had been going for almost twenty years.

Twenty years, and there are several more twenty years in life. From a high-spirited young man to almost no doubt, this road is too difficult. If it were not for the section chief, I guess I would still have to wait.

He was about to say a few words of thanks when he was interrupted.

"Okay, okay, you can leave these words at the promotion banquet. I won't go anywhere else. If I want to go, I will go to Dehe Tower. Now let's get to the point. Let me introduce the specific circumstances of the case."

Zuo Zhong made a little joke and then looked at everyone: "The case seems to be related to the Japanese espionage case. Remember the construction committee's surveillance point. As soon as we evacuated, one of them was occupied.

They have discovered an underground party stronghold in a nearby residential area and are now secretly monitoring it. Our task is to monitor the people in one place and, when the time is right, directly rob them. "

  That's it, everyone nodded slightly. The quality of the personnel at the Secret Service Headquarters was appalling. It wouldn't be difficult for the Intelligence Section to rob people. The difficulty was that these losers might be discovered by the underground party.

“Section Chief, we have obtained information on the new Intelligence Section Chief. His name is Meng Ting. He is the former deputy captain of the Detective Brigade of the Shanghai Police Department. He graduated from Huangpu and studied at a French police academy.

 After returning to China, he solved a total of three theft cases, six robbery cases, and two human life cases. They were all convicted based on evidence. He was not a simple person, and he was more professional than Wang Aofu and Liu Gui. "

Wu Chunyang raised his hand and reported a new situation. After Zuo Zhong mentioned this matter last time, he investigated the other party through various methods, and even verified the cases handled by Meng Ting.

Zuo Zhong touched his chin. Unexpectedly, Xu Enzen took the professional route and found a detective expert from outside to be the intelligence section chief. I have to say that this trick is quite high, and he must be better than Liu Gui anyway.

It seems that I have to be more careful this time, but that's just caution. Intelligence officers can adapt to the role quickly when they become police officers, but it is not so easy for police officers to become intelligence officers.

The reason is a bit complicated to explain. Simply put, the police can openly use state power and have the opportunity to make mistakes, while intelligence personnel have no chance to make mistakes. Mistakes represent failure.

Besides, intelligence operations are not just about solving crimes. Otherwise, why would Dai Chunfeng work so hard to hold a special training class and just recruit people from police stations in various places? Meng Ting is a certain threat, but not a big one.

He thought for a moment, looked at Wu Chunyang and said, "I'll leave this person to you and keep an eye on his every move. I'll ask the listening room to fully cooperate with you. I want to know what he did and said."

 (End of this chapter)

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