Cicada Moving

Chapter 446: withdraw

Chapter 446 Withdrawal

Zuo Zhong did not know that his partner had given up the temptation and continued to play Zhao Hao diligently in the tea shop until two days later, a guest who came to drink tea mentioned something.

“I said, do you know, the person who rented a house here that day was a high-ranking official. He worked at the Jinling Party Headquarters next door. He was said to be the director of some department. What grade of official is this director?”

"The director was at least a seventh-grade official in the previous dynasty. He must have been very greedy. They said that three years to clear the prefecture, and one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver. The officials in the Republic of China were even more ruthless than those in the previous dynasty. One hundred thousand dollars would not be enough to feed them. ”

"Don't talk nonsense. It depends on the director of the agency. If it's Qingshui Yamen, even the minister can only make a small amount of money. If it's in a powerful agency, even a small official can make a fortune."

Several tea patrons were having a heated discussion and wanted to call Old K for a judgement. This frightened the tea shop owner so much that he quickly bowed and begged them not to talk, for fear of getting into trouble.

 “You guys, please do well.”

The boss said with a grimace: "We have been neighbors for many years, and you don't want to see the shop close. This kind of thing is not something we can discuss. I will give you some plates of fresh fruits."

When the guests saw this, they stopped talking. There was no point in fighting. No matter how much they fished, they would not be given a piece of the ocean. If they had the time, they might as well play a game of chess, so they immediately started fighting against each other.

Zuo Zhong sat on the bench and hugged his knees, staring blankly at the stove, his heart full of joy. It turned out that old K was the director of the Jinling Party Headquarters. No wonder he rented a house near Zhuque Street.

With this clue, it is only a matter of time to confirm the true identity of the other party. How many people can there be in the Jinling Party Headquarters, and there are even fewer division-level cadres? Just find an excuse to check the party staff files.

The Political Intelligence Unit of the Intelligence Section is responsible for personnel review, and the Party Department is their focus. Maybe Lao K’s file is on his desk, waiting for his signature as the section chief.

Zuo Zhong threw a piece of firewood into the stove. He came here for two purposes. One was to confirm the identity of Old K, and the other was to confirm the reliability of Old K. Now that the purpose was accomplished, there was no need to stay here.

 There is no need to monitor if it is safer, as this can easily cause misunderstandings on the other side. Besides, if you want to see what is interesting about cargo handling, you can go to Jinling Pier. It is everywhere and there is no danger.

But you need to think carefully about how to withdraw. It is definitely not possible to leave without saying goodbye. If you disappear inexplicably, your partner should be suspicious again, and it may interfere with the other party's work.

If you want to resign, you also need a sufficient reason, which should at least sound reasonable. To be on the safe side, it is best to wait a few days before leaving, otherwise it will be too coincidental. It seems that being too vigilant in your partner can also be harmful.

 “Zhao Hao, Xiao Zhao.”

At this time, Dong Qiang burst into the tea stall with a happy face, shouting Zuo Zhong's pseudonym. There were several other young people standing outside the tea stall. These people were smiling brightly, and it was obvious that something good had happened to them.

"Xiao Zhao, there is a business firm recruiting workers outside the shanty town, and we were all selected. The salary is thirty yuan a month. Hurry up, pack up and sign up. What's there to do?"

Dong Qiang kept talking. Outsiders made a living in Jinling, almost working in private shops, then various factories, and the best ones were trading houses. Not only could they make money, but they could also learn skills.

Ke business firms generally rarely recruit people, and even if they do, they are recommended by internal staff, and outsiders have no chance to join. Once there is an open recruitment, people's brains will be crazy, which shows that positions are in short supply.

 “Hey, where did you come from?”

Hearing this, the tea shop owner became anxious: "Get out quickly, get out, I still have customers here, if you talk nonsense again and affect my business, be careful, I will call the patrol to arrest you all."

He doesn’t want the free labor that comes to his door to be kidnapped. Nowadays, hiring a reliable assistant is extremely expensive. After two days of being a hands-off shopkeeper, he hasn’t had enough of this comfortable life.

Zuo Zhong looked at the tea shop owner Zhou Papi, and then at the "fellow countrymen", secretly saying that it was better to come early than to come by chance. The reason for his resignation would come now. God bless him.

He stood up suddenly and put the teapot into the boss's hand: "Shopkeeper, thank you for taking care of me these days. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay your kindness."

 After saying that, he took off his apron and strode out of the tea stall. He laughed quite a bit and went out. We are not as heroic as Penghao people. Dong Qiang glared at the boss and trotted out.

The guests looked at this scene with smiles and exclaimed that it was great to be young and be able to express joy, anger, sorrow and joy without restraint. But when the burden of life came to bear on them, they lost this momentum.

Dongqiang and his fellow villagers were jumping and walking in the sunshine. The weather was obviously not hot, but a few of them rolled up their sleeves and their faces turned red because they saw an opportunity to break the shackles of fate.

Although there is only a trace.

But that’s enough. What I’m afraid of is not the small chance, but the lack of chance. How many people in this world can change their destiny? How can you be willing to do it if you don’t give it a try? If you lose, you’ll just have to start all over again.

Zuo Zhong understood what these people were thinking. The so-called recruitment was arranged by him. The trading company was only established for a day. From now on, it would be the peripheral organization of the Intelligence Section, responsible for collecting intelligence.

If they want to break free from the cage, then he will give them a chance. Adults look at human nature, and they don’t know if it is wrong to do so. It will be difficult to jump out of this big mud pit.

Halfway through, he pulled Dong Qiang aside and proposed to go back to his hometown in Lu Province. Dong Qiang looked puzzled and wanted to persuade him, but seeing his firm attitude, he had no choice but to leave with the others in frustration.

Zuo Zhong looked at the "comrades" walking further and further away, smiled slightly, then turned and disappeared on the streets of Jinling. Three hours later, Section Chief Zuo, wearing a suit and ties, drove into the gate of the Secret Service. The smiling tiger is back.

This news began to spread rapidly. Within ten minutes, even the master chef of the cafeteria knew about it. Everyone was guessing what this person was doing after missing him for a few days. He was recuperating. No one believed this nonsense.

The dignified head of the intelligence section would not leave his job without any reason. He must be performing an important task, perhaps under a secret order from the top. This kind of thing has happened before.

Last year Virgo went out of town for a period of time, and then a big shot died in Shanghai, which caused an uproar in the public opinion circles of the Republic of China. Countless people in the intelligence system lost their lives because of this.

Some people speculated that the Smiling Tiger went to the southwest to **** important prisoners, while others speculated that he went to shoot the reformists who opposed the party leader. The rumors were so real that they seemed real.

Gu Qi didn't have time to care about these rumors, so he immediately came to the door with a thick stack of receipts. As soon as he met, he started to sell out: "Section Chief, please take a look quickly. This is the expense that Wu Chunyang wants to reimburse."


Zuo Zhong felt a little baffled. He picked up the receipt and shook it: "You just need to approve this, and then let the general affairs pay. Is there someone doing something wrong? MD, is it Li Qiwu?"

Li Qiwu has been promoted to deputy section chief of the General Affairs Section. He is in charge of the reimbursement of case reporting expenses and has some real power. Does this person think that this can deduct funds from the Intelligence Section?

  Childish, this is looking for death.

He slammed the table and said angrily: "What's wrong, you should immediately find some action experts. This **** must be punished tonight. He is so rampant with Lao Zheng's backing.

If he gains power, wouldn't he even look down on Virgo? This kind of villain behavior cannot be tolerated. By the way, I have also spent a lot of money these days to open an order worth 3,000 yuan. "

How is this unreasonable? Cutting off someone's financial path is like harming one's parents. This hatred is irreconcilable. If Li Qiwu is not beaten to the point where he cannot take care of himself, he will take his surname. From now on, there will be no Zuo Zhong, only Li Chong.

"no no."

 Gu Qi wiped the sweat from his head and explained with a grimace: "The amount is too big. The cost of accommodation alone is as high as three to four thousand yuan. Adding in food, fuel and other expenses, it is nearly ten thousand yuan."

 Ten thousand yuan?

 Wu Chunyang is a bad student?

Zuo Zhong slowly put down his excited little hand, lowered his head to check, and after a long time frowned. From the documents, it looked like there was nothing wrong with it. The unit price was not quoted indiscriminately, at least it was more reasonable than the price he was going to quote.

 It seems that there are too many people performing the task, which makes a normal expense list look abnormal. The problem is 10,000 yuan. Only Lao Dai can approve such a large amount, which is a bit troublesome.

He thought for a while, picked up a pen and wrote a few lists, then stood up and said, "Old Gu, you go back first. I'll go to the chief's office to report on the progress of the task and apply for reimbursement."

 “Okay, Section Chief.”

 Gu Qi obediently turned around and left, pretending not to see the reimbursement form Zuo Zhong had just written casually. The section chief never ate alone, and the benefits were indispensable to them, so he could just wait for the money to be divided.

Besides, Zuo Zhong held the receipt and ran to the top floor. He successfully met the teacher, and he had no choice but to be active. He gave the souvenirs to the underground party, and his savings was only five digits.

 So miserable, so poor.

Dai Chunfeng was about to send his secretary Li Wei to call for someone when he heard the news that his favorite disciple had returned. Now he was very satisfied to see him come on his own initiative. He stood in front of the large map and waved with a faint smile.

"Shen Zhi, thank you for your hard work. You should go investigate Yu Hong and see if you find out anything. If not, forget it. I'm really worried that you're not here to take charge."

Lao Dai's tone was very friendly. He raised his hand to close the curtain next to the map, walked slowly to the gramophone and put in a record. A young woman's voice came from the speaker, which sounded familiar.

 “Yes, teacher.”

Zuo Zhong recalled where he heard this voice and said nonsense: "I gave the task of tracking Yu Hong to Shen Dongxin and Tongsuo. They have nothing to do with Jinling, so it is more suitable.

I did some external adjustments after putting on makeup, and I didn’t find anything wrong with Yu Hong’s background for the time being. But the more this happened, the more worried the students became. Sometimes no problem is the biggest problem. "

Suddenly, he remembered who the woman on the gramophone was. Butterfly, a movie star in Shanghai. He Yijun had taken him to watch this person's movie before, and she was his future teacher's wife.

 (End of this chapter)

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