Cicada Moving

Chapter 458: The murderer turned out to be...

Chapter 458 The murderer turned out to be.

Zuo Chong was rarely in the office, and he had accumulated a lot of official work. By the time he finished processing the mountain of documents, it was already evening, which wasted a whole day. It seemed that the party was not just paying more taxes.

   , quite a few.

 After signing his name, he put down the last official document, raised his hands and stretched. There was little valuable information in these official documents, and most of them were bald-headed platitudes about the underground party.

The one on the left completely wiped out the rebels in the high mountains, and the one on the right expanded his advantage and completely won the war in the southwest. No matter whether others believe it or not, if you tell this lie too many times, you will believe it.

 “Section chief.”

At this time, Gu Qi knocked on the door and walked in. He shook the newspaper in his hand and said with a smile: "Formosa has been published in the newspaper. The Jinling Evening News gave the Secret Service a front-page headline."

“Let me have a look. It’s a coincidence that Meng Ting was transferred to Shanghai and came back. The two of them met at the train station. The atmosphere was a bit tense at first, but later they actually left together.”

Zuo Zhong was talking about gossip while taking the newspaper and immediately saw a black bold font on it, which was very eye-catching and eye-catching.

  "Mr. Formosa, the great British detective, arrived in Beijing today to investigate the death of Sha Luxun, deputy manager of Jinling Power Plant, in a car accident. He said that this mysterious case must be solved. 》

Sha Luxun is also a well-known figure in the business circle of Jinling. The news that this person was hit and killed in a coffee shop spread a lot, and many people are speculating that there is another mystery behind this incident.

Now that the British have sent their detectives, the discussion among the people will inevitably become more intense. This is his purpose, to make this muddy water a little muddier, so that it is easier to fish in the muddy water.

Gu Qi added on the side: "In addition to Jinling Evening News, some other small newspapers have also published this news, either on the front page or on the side page. It is estimated that by tomorrow morning, the matter will be completely fermented."

Left Point nodded. The press was just worried about the world being in chaos and would definitely stick to Formosa for the sake of sales. With the help of these people. You can know every move of the other party.

He put down the newspaper and asked with a smile: "For Meng Ting, how do you arrange it? You must make the historical grudges between China and Britain clear and arouse people's antipathy towards the British.

Only in this way can the matter between the two of them be made even bigger. Xu Enzeng wants to use Meng Ting to attract firepower. By doing this, we are doing good deeds without leaving our name. Lao Gu, isn’t this the principle? "

 “The section chief is wise.”

Hearing the section chief's ridicule, Gu Qi immediately praised him. He had received the report from the official residence, knew Xu Enzeng's "plan", and also knew why the section chief wanted to put Meng Ting on fire.

He chuckled and explained: "As for Meng Ting, I decided to let newspapers in Shanghai come forward to support this person. This can create a public opinion confrontation between Beijing and Shanghai and arouse greater attention."

He has thought a lot in the past two days and has gained some insights on how to control public opinion. To sum it up, it can be summed up in sixteen words: create contradictions, trigger conflicts, use points to lead to comprehensive breakthroughs.

For example, in this matter, Jinling supports one side and Shanghai supports the other. People in both places are unknowingly involved. Once the debate begins, it will not end easily.

Zuo Zhong glanced at his old partner with great satisfaction. They could succeed in this industry. Some of them were fools. They just made a start. Lao Gu arranged the rest clearly.

 Don’t underestimate the people of the world.

 He ​​leaned back in his chair and thought for a while, then asked about Gu Qi's tracking arrangements for Formosa. Although he was not afraid of the other party finding out anything, the Intelligence Section had to use this to express its attitude.

 That is to tell the British one thing. When they arrived at Jinling, the tiger was lying down and the dragon was coiled. It was the Republic of China, not the previous dynasty. The owners of this land were and could only be the Chinese.

“Reporting to the Section Chief, I have arranged for a team of ten people to conduct protective tracking of the target. In order to avoid misunderstandings, the brothers have all put on police tiger skins and are responsible for surveillance work on the periphery.”

Gucci creatively invented the term protective tracking, which perfectly explains the meaning of semi-public protection. There is nothing wrong with the police being responsible for protecting guests, and the British Consulate can't say anything.

Zuo Zhong slightly nodded his head and said: "Very good, they have come from afar. We must fulfill our friendship as landlords and never let Mr. Formosa encounter any danger. I think we can send another ten-person team.

You should do this now and let the brothers show their weapons to prevent those blind thieves from disturbing each other. If there is any situation, you must report it in a timely manner without making any mistakes. "

 “Yes, section chief.”

After finishing speaking, Gu Qi took the newspaper and left. The business of the Intelligence Section is not busy now. Each unit has plenty of manpower, and an operation of this nature is not too difficult. It can be carried out by new people.

However, two teams of ten people protected him. This kind of treatment was rare. Dai Chunfeng only took five people with him when he went out. Under the surveillance of so many people, the target had no secrets from them.

At the same time, in the British Consulate General in the Republic of China, Mr. Bailondu, an old friend of the people of the Republic of China, slammed a newspaper on the desk and roared loudly at Formosa in front of him. “Damn it, London’s order is for you to conduct a secret investigation. No matter how Saluxun died or who killed him, this matter cannot be conducted openly. Is there such a secret investigation?

Do you know that the status of Jinling Evening News in the Republic of China was the same as that of the Times of the Empire? It has hundreds of thousands of readers. Congratulations, Mr. Detective, your name will spread throughout the Republic of China. "

 At this point, he was still not relieved. He patted the table and shouted: "As the Consul General of the British Empire in China, my task is to maintain good relations with the National Government and jointly deal with the Japanese.

 But what you do makes me very passive. If the Chinese ask, how should I explain this matter? If an ordinary businessman dies, he will die. Why bother to investigate.

Are there many imperial merchants who died in Africa, South Asia, and the Americas? Could it be that his identity is not as simple as the outside world knows? Mr. Formosa, you must tell me the truth. "

Bai Longdu was furious. Through the disappearance of Miyamoto Hideaki, he had finally established a good personal relationship with the top leaders of the Republic of China. If this matter was not handled well, all the previous work would be in vain.

He was not interested in knowing the cause of Saluxun's death, but there must be other reasons why London paid so much attention to the fact that many British citizens died around the world every year.

 So he was using the topic today to find out the truth behind the scenes. Judging from the current situation, this matter may have something to do with MI2, these rats in the dark.

Formosa frowned while reading the newspaper. After meeting the Chinese secret policeman named Meng Ting at the train station in the morning, he felt that something was wrong with the situation. How could there be such a coincidence.

According to the intelligence he received from China, the Jinling government was the most suspected of Sha Luxun being hit and killed and the Special Department of the Concession Police Department being hit by a car. As a result, he ran into each other as soon as he arrived at the station.

Looking at it now, it is obvious that someone did not welcome his arrival and tried to use public opinion to force him to leave. Could it be Mr. Meng, or the Republic of China intelligence agency called the Secret Service Headquarters?

Formosa sat on the chair and glanced at Mr. Consul, and said calmly: "I came to East Asia under the orders of Scotland Yard. The specific reason is not something that a police inspector should know.

And don’t you think it’s strange? I just got off the cruise ship yesterday and immediately got on the train to Jinling. How could the newspaper know my whereabouts? There must be someone behind this.

 At the same time, this shows that the other party is afraid. Saluxun's death was not an accident, but a carefully planned murder. As for who the murderer is, I have made some small discoveries so far.

 Do you know about a department called the Secret Service Headquarters? Can you give me an overview of this department, such as their scope of work and the experience and style of the person in charge? "


Bailondu took a breath. Sure enough, this matter was related to the intelligence field. Then he felt angry. Why should he, a diplomat, have to wipe the blame for the mistakes made by MI2?

The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and finally he replied with a dark face: "This is an intelligence agency under the National Government. It is mainly responsible for intelligence within the government and parties, such as the review and screening of civil servants.

The person in charge of the other party is named Xu Enzeng. It is said that he is a very despicable guy, very lustful and ruthless at the same time. He has killed many underground party members and is a crony of the leader. "

After hearing this, Formosa had a real expression on his face. Some of Saluxun's actions may have touched the bottom line of the National Government, so he was silenced by the secret service headquarters responsible for related work.

Because it is a secret intelligence activity, it is not convenient for London to intervene. The best way is to let Scotland Yard find the murderer behind the scenes from the perspective of a criminal case, so as to put pressure on the Republic of China.

  After figuring out the purpose of this trip, the detective secretly breathed a sigh of relief. For an experienced detective, it is easy to find evidence after knowing the true identity of the murderer.

My next step is to establish a good relationship with Meng Ting and see if I can get some clues from him. Assassinating a British citizen is not something that a small person can decide.

 Xu Enzeng.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he started investigating from this person. The head of the intelligence department was enough to calm the anger in London. His Majesty the King would be satisfied when he knew about it.

Formosa immediately said after thinking about it: "Mr. Consul, could you please tell me where the best hotel in Jinling is? I want to invite a very important guest who is related to this investigation."

 “Restaurant? Of course.”

 Bai Longdu was a little suspicious, and then took out a business card from the drawer: "Big shots in the Republic of China like to go to a place called Dehe Tower. Here is their phone number. You can make a reservation in advance.

I am typing with my mobile phone while escorting. If there are any typos, please point them out. I will correct them when I see them. Thank you. (Checked, but the author is often lame.)



 (End of this chapter)

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