Cicada Moving

Chapter 464: Priest

Chapter 464 Priest

In a small courtyard on Zhuque Street, Xu Weiming stretched out his hand to turn off the radio station, looked down at the copy paper on the table, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. Qiu Chan's information was still so accurate and timely.

The operational arrangements of the Secret Service Headquarters are absolutely confidential. This level of information, let alone other departments, is probably not accessible to many people within it. Could it be that Qiu Chan works in the Bureau of Regulation.

However, the top leaders of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission of the Kuomintang are all executioners with blood on their hands. No one will believe that they are secret workers who are committed to the revolution.

 Xu Weiming thought for a long time to no avail. After processing the radio station and the traces of copying, he stood up and walked to a wooden box. Inside was the material handed over by Qiu Chan. He spent a lot of effort to transport it out on the 24th.

 Banknotes of various countries.

 Long and short firearms.

 Hand grenades and mines.

 Radio stations and various information.

That small courtyard is simply a treasure. It is full of supplies that the organization urgently needs. With these things, the next work will be easier to handle. The ongoing plan also makes up for the last shortcoming.

However, there is a certain risk in keeping these things here, and they must be transferred to Jinling City Wei as soon as possible, because the use of new weapons and Nissan agent radios also requires familiarity.

He checked the time on his watch, pushed the wooden box under the bed to hide it temporarily, turned around and walked out of the bedroom and main room, walked out of the courtyard door, closed the door and locked it, and walked to the tea shop with his hands behind his back.

 “Sir Xu, hello.”

 “The distinguished guest is here, Director Xu.”

 “Haha, everyone is fine.”

Xu Weiming smiled and cupped his hands with the familiar faces. He found a seat and sat down. He glanced around naturally and found no suspicious people or signs. It was safe.

Having lived here for a while, he has developed the habit of visiting here every day, and has memorized the surnames of all the old customers, where they live, how many people are in his family, and what they do.

Only in this way can we discover abnormal situations as quickly as possible and engage in intelligence activities in the heart of the enemy. We must not be careless for a moment, otherwise not only will we be in danger, but others will also be affected.

“Director Xu, what would you like to drink?”

At this time, the shopkeeper came over, wiped the table casually with a rag in his hand, and asked feebly. It was obvious that there were too many guests and he was very tired, and there was no one to help.

Xu Weiming replied casually: "As per the old rules, bring me a pot of hair and a plate of fruit. I said to the shopkeeper, why don't you find a new assistant? You are always working alone. Be careful of getting sick from exhaustion."

The shopkeeper smiled bitterly and said: "This is a small business for me. Thanks to your care, I can finally support my family. Prices in Jinling are rising every day. It's not cheap to hire a waiter."

Hearing his complaint, the guests next to him laughed. They were old friends for many years, but they still didn't know what this man was like. At best, he was a good housekeeper, at worst, he was stingy.

Someone teased: "The guy before was so good, he worked quickly and had great vision. If you were nicer to others, they wouldn't leave, and you could be more relaxed. Now it's too late to regret it."

 “Yeah, why bother you.”

Someone else shouted, "Let's talk about the guy who abducted your guy. I saw him at Xinjiekou two days ago. He was amazing. He was wearing a suit and tie. He looked very impressive. He has become a big shot.

I heard that the salary I work for in a trading company is higher than that of an official. Maybe, in two years, you will see that the young boy you used to have will still have to address yourself as boss. Do you think so? "

 “Oh, the business is a good job.”

 “I think it’s about the same.”

 “Young people, it’s time to try something new.”

 The guests expressed their opinions all over the place. It was idle time anyway, and they were not afraid of the boss turning against him unless he no longer wanted to continue doing business. There was a teahouse just outside the alley.

Hearing everyone’s teasing, the shopkeeper put down the tips of his hands, stamped his feet and spat on the ground: “Bah, I call him boss, a person like him can’t afford four dishes in his life.

Although I don’t pay you a salary, I can provide you with food and drink every day. Isn’t this money? What a scumbag business? I see, they are either selling cigarettes or human traffickers. That little **** will be unlucky one day. "


Everyone was happy, and they knew in their hearts that the shopkeeper was worried. In these days, people laugh at poverty but not at prostitution. Even if they sell tobacco and soil, it doesn't matter. As long as they make money, they are heroes. I haven't heard of gold belts for murder and arson.

Xu Weiming nodded slightly. It seemed that there was no problem with the young man leaving. It was also true that a person with such a flexible mind could not stay under others for a long time. If he had a good opportunity, he would naturally move up.

After making the tea, the shopkeeper came over with a tray and said to the guests: "You know how to bully others. Look at how kind and righteous Mr. Xu is. Your tea is here, Mr. Xu. Are you from Henan Province?"

 “Oh? Why do you say that.”

 Xu Weiming picked up the teapot and poured some tea into the teacup. He tilted his head and asked with interest: "Is it possible that in addition to selling tea, the shopkeeper also makes a living by telling fortunes and divination? Then I would like to do the calculations."

"Pfft." A guest immediately spit out the hot tea in his mouth. If this profiteer could tell fortunes, he would be Zhang Tianshi, so the laughter in the tea shop became even louder and full of joy.

The shopkeeper glanced at Chief Renyi Xu with a resentful look and said, "This Maojian tea has a slightly bitter taste in the mouth. Although it has a sweet aftertaste, most people are not used to it. Only people from Henan Province order it regularly."

 “Awesome, I am indeed from Yu Province,”

Xu Weiming gave a thumbs up, looking very admiring. In fact, he is from the south, and drinking Maojian is purely to echo the place of origin on the file. No, some people will believe it.

 Hearing that he guessed it right, the shopkeeper left with a smile on his face. The price of Maojian was not low. If the official came here every day, he could earn a little more. It happened that this month's tax had not yet been paid.

Xu Weiming was drinking tea and chatting wordlessly with the people next to him. He opened a tabloid in his hand and read along the headlines. The content above caught his attention.

  "The Great British Detective Comes to Ning"

The newspaper reprinted the content of the Jinling Evening News in detail, and added some extra details. What a famous detective, how the sun breaks the sun and the night breaks the shade. Formosa is about to become a black man in England.

Xu Weiming read it carefully and unexpectedly discovered that there was something about the Secret Service Headquarters. A person named Meng Ting appeared frequently in the article. Reports said that this person was the intelligence section chief of the Secret Service Headquarters.

He was a little unbelievable. Jinling's newspapers were so powerful. They could even get information from intelligence personnel. Moreover, it was information from an official like the chief of the intelligence section. It was really scary.

Looking further, the other party's information, experience, and even the records of solved cases are clearly visible, and the words are full of the tone of the agency's internal files, which is definitely not gossip.

 Because these contents cannot be said to be exactly the same as the information Qiu Chan put on the 24th, it can only be said to be completely consistent, with only slight discrepancies in the data, which is enough to explain a lot of problems.

Xu Weiming took a sip of tea and looked at the last sentence "Who is the most powerful detective?", and he probably understood in his heart that this must be a dog-eat-dog fight among the enemy to destroy the party's glorious tradition.

Someone must have had a grudge against the Secret Service Headquarters or Meng Ting and leaked these information. Fortunately, no photos were included, otherwise Meng Ting would have been completely ruined, and the exposed agent would have no value.

After thinking about it, he placed his eyes on the middle of the newspaper and found what he wanted. Then he closed the newspaper gently, smoothed the creases and thought for a while, finally drank the tea, paid the bill and left.

 Xu Weiming walked through the alley and the road and slowly entered the Jinling Party Headquarters. From time to time, he nodded to the staff who came out. The staff also greeted the deputy minister of the Organization Department respectfully.

The first thing he did when he returned to the office was to go to the window and water the potted plants. He observed the movement outside the window with sharp eyes. Everything looked normal outside, no different from usual.

 A few minutes later, he put down the kettle and wiped his hands, picked up his briefcase and left the Jinling Party Headquarters without attracting anyone's attention. These people had long been accustomed to his late arrival and early departure.

 A Minister of the Organization and Organization who does not fight for power and is not meddlesome is a good thing for everyone. No one wants to be meddlesome. He is just a salary thief. The party and state collect so much tax to support these people.

Xu Weiming left the party headquarters and walked along Zhuque Street to the train station. He took the city train to the National Government Station. After getting off the train, he walked directly into the National Government Station and talked with an old colleague.

Although the other party was surprised, he still entertained him happily. In officialdom, multiple friends are better than multiple enemies. After the two chatted for an hour, Xu Weiming stood up and left.

It was already time to get off work, and the staff of the National Government poured out through several exits. Xu Weiming was among them. He got on a rickshaw out the back door and reported his address.

 “Excuse me, Tiger Bridge.”

 “Okay, sit down.”

The rickshaw driver responded with a smile, raised the pole and started running, walking flexibly through the streets and alleys among the crowd, and stopped at a lively side street in less than twenty minutes.

Laohuqiao is actually a place name. Not only does it have a prison, but there are also fly restaurants from all over the world. The prices are very affordable. Many residents living nearby come here to worship at the Five Zang Temple.

Xu Weiming stood on the street and lit a cigarette, puffing away at the crowd. After a few minutes, he put out the cigarette **** and walked around casually, then found a restaurant and ordered a few side dishes.

The dishes at the Fly Restaurant are simple and the dishes are served very quickly. The chef throws the prepared ingredients into the big pot, adds some seasonings and then the food is out of the pot. It looks delicious, delicious and delicious.

He finished the meal leisurely, touched his pocket to smoke a cigarette, but only took out an empty cigarette shell. He crumpled the cigarette shell into a ball and threw it out of the door, shouting twice.

 “Seller of cigarettes.”

 “Is there anyone selling cigarettes?”

Soon, a little boy ran in from outside the hotel, with a large wooden box hanging around his neck filled with all kinds of cigarettes. With a smile on his face, he looked around and asked.

 “Which gentleman wants a cigarette?”

 “I’m here to protect Hadmon.”

Xu Weiming sat there and waved. When the little boy came to him, he handed over a banknote, took a pack of cigarettes from the wooden box, took the change, and the little boy quickly ran out.

 He ​​glanced at the diners around him and opened the cigarette case in his hand. But at some point, a note appeared in his hand, which read: The dance plan continues, Pastor.

 (End of this chapter)

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