Cicada Moving

Chapter 47: Hase Ryosuke is a little panicked

Chapter 47 Ryosuke Hase is a little panicked

 Shanghai, in a small building of the Japanese Consulate in China.

"The failure of Jinling stemmed from the arrest of Kyoko Hirata. The Chinese intelligence agency had originally closed the case, but some of us made things worse. Not only did the snail Nagano Soichi defect, Li Shudong's Wasp Team and Sulfuric Acid Team were also wiped out. The final result That’s when our parrot lurking in the secret service headquarters was exposed.”

 The new director of the Super High School Shanghai, Ryosuke Hase, criticized some people without naming them. This is because it was Ryosuke Hase’s predecessor who decided to implement this plan.

Jinling's intelligence network was repeatedly destroyed, and he was sent to Shanghai by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a firefighter.

Listening to what he said, the Japanese agents below lowered their heads and did not dare to refute. In fact, they did not agree with the former section chief's plan. Sacrificing a dozen senior spies to promote Parrot was simply giving credit to the Chinese.

 In fact, Ryousuke Hase understood the painstaking efforts of his predecessor and tried his best to let Parrot perform meritorious service before the war began. If Parrot can assume the leadership position of the secret service headquarters, then the Chinese intelligence agency will open the door to the special higher education course.

 But his predecessor got one thing wrong. The Secret Service is the most elite intelligence agency in China. This series of arrested agents proves this. What is more interesting is that the same person arrested these agents.

“Zo Zhong, the intelligence section chief of the Second Division of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Chinese Military Commission, has an unknown age, unknown training records, and no video records. The Hirata Kyoko intelligence network, the snail, the wasp team, the sulfuric acid team, and the parrot were all cracked under the command of this person.”

Hase Ryosuke looked at the intelligence with some helplessness. Is this intelligence? The Special High School Department knew nothing about this Zuo Zhong. We must increase the reconnaissance of Chinese intelligence agencies, otherwise the Jinling incident will continue to happen.

  After beating up his new subordinate, Hase Ryosuke appeared in the office of Iwai, the head of the consulate’s intelligence department. He was an old friend with him, and he didn’t expect to meet again in China this time.

"Iwai-kun, it has been more than ten years since we parted ways with the Academy. Now you are my boss, so please take good care of me." Hase Ryosuke first reminisced about old times, and then explained that he would obey the command.

In addition to the position, it is also because he admires this old classmate very much. After graduating from Tongwen College, he worked in major Chinese consulates for a long time and is well aware of China's national conditions and local dialects.

 Iwai also received a commemorative medal with a great gift. He was originally the brightest rising star of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, because he opposed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' salary reduction, he was demoted to the Shanghai Consulate as the head of the Intelligence Department.

The Iwai-kun in his mouth saw him, laughed loudly and put his arms around his shoulders: "Mr. Hase, seeing you is the happiest thing that has happened to me since I came to Shanghai. It's a pity that no one has discovered your talent, otherwise I should have called Your boss is."

 Hase Ryosuke smiled bitterly. In fact, he did not want to be the section chief of a special higher education course. Business and making money were his interests. However, as a small individual, he could only rise and fall with the tide of history.

Seeing him like this, Iwai knew that he had hit his mark, so he stopped talking and began to introduce his recent work. As the head of the intelligence department of the consulate, it was necessary for him to let Hase Ryosuke know the seriousness of the situation.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is very dissatisfied with the recent intelligence operations, so it placed you in this position. You must be prepared. This is not easy. The Chinese intelligence work is becoming more and more professional and very fierce.”

 Hase Ryosuke agreed: "Iwai-kun, I have read the intelligence briefing. The Chinese are paying more attention to intelligence work. This is indeed not good news. I want to stay dormant for the time being and make plans again."

Iwai naturally has no objection. In fact, he doesn’t care about the work of the intelligence department. Why don’t he read more books and hang out with like-minded people when he has this time? He is not one of those lunatics in the Army.

 Tongwen Academy is indeed a spy school, and it is also a real academic institution. It has also produced many academic treatises and famous scholars.

Iwai and Hase accepted a lot of new ideas and knowledge here that were not available in Japan, so they knew very well that the war only served that small group of people.

After chatting for a while, Iwai said: "Mr. Hase, I originally wanted to take you around the Bund, but there is a task that you need to perform, so I have to work hard for you."

Hase said casually: "Has the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reached a point where the section chief needs to shoot him personally? The annual funding of 10 million yuan is enough to hire 10,000 killers from the army."

Iwai was very amused by this joke: "Oh, Hase-kun still has such a sense of humor. I am not asking you to shoot, but to help. Do you know the Aoki Mansion in North China? There is a rebellion work going on there, and an experienced person is needed. An expert in instigating rebellion, I think you are very suitable.”

 Hase Ryosuke was relieved to hear that it was a rebellion mission. There was no danger in such a mission, and he could also eat, drink and have fun. More importantly, as long as the operation was done correctly, he could even earn some "hard-earned money". It was wonderful.

"Tomorrow you will take a navy warship to Jinmen. The mission locations are Peking and Jinmen. The local special higher education courses will assist you. Okay, let us forget about work. I will let you experience the real Shanghai tonight." Iwai smiled mysteriously at Hase.

Three days later, Hase Ryosuke, who was still a little dizzy, stood on the deck of the destroyer Jade Bird. The madness and seasickness of a few days ago made him very uncomfortable. Only recalling the scenes in Shanghai nightclubs could bring him a little warmth.

The destroyer slowly approached the dock, and Ryosuke Hase was disappointed to find that no one was there to greet him. Could it be that the army officers at Aoki Mansion didn't understand any etiquette at all. After packing his luggage, Ryosuke Hase walked out of the port alone, looking at the chaotic Jinmen Port in a daze.

At this time, in the Aoki Residence, Tuozhi, the general affairs squad leader, cautiously asked the Aoki Residence's head of the agency, Otsuichi Sadada: "Chief of the Aoki Residence, do you really not need to pick up someone from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

Osako Tsusada was wearing the military uniform of Lieutenant Colonel and was splashing ink on rice paper. He was born in the army and did not like the rhetorical scholars like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If he wanted to establish the royal paradise proposed by His Majesty the Emperor, he could only rely on artillery and bayonets.

 Osako Tosada did not answer his question, put down his brush and asked: "Martial arts have a long history, Takuchi, what do you think of these four words?"

Tuozhi looked at it carefully. He didn't know whether it was good or not. He thought for a long time and choked out one word: "Okay."

Osako Tsusada felt bored and thought that he needed to be replaced by an educated general affairs squad leader.

I wonder if the elites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will get lost in the alleys of Jinmen. Thinking of Osako Tosada, he suddenly realized a problem. There are many human traffickers in Jinmen, who specialize in looking for coolies for the coal mines. Don't think of that Hase Ryosuke. Captured.

 Fortunately, his conjecture did not come true, and Ryosuke Hase soon came to report.

Hase Ryosuke sat in the living room of Aoki Mansion with a dark face. Damn Army Red Deer set up Aoki Mansion in such a remote place, how could he find it.

 Fortunately, I met a kind-hearted Chinese to lead the way. If his hands were not too dirty, I would have been embarrassed to refuse his kettle.

Osako Tsusada walked down the stairs and looked at Ryosuke Hase in a straight suit with disgust. These non-nationals from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs just like European and American costumes. Even if they are for intelligence work, they should wear elegant kimonos.

"Are you Ryosuke Hase from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? I am Lieutenant Commander Otsutsuzada, the head of the Aoki Residence. Our goal is to help the Chinese warlord Zhang Jingyao. You must cooperate with him to instigate some influential people to form a group in Beiping and Tianjin. A new regime."

Hase Ryosuke nodded while listening, and then realized that Osako Tsusada had finished speaking. This made him a little confused, so he quickly asked: "Director Osako, where are the funds?"

Osako Michizada frowned: "Funds, what kind of funds? Didn't the Ministry of Foreign Affairs give you travel expenses? It's really troublesome, then you can stay at Aoki Mansion. It has its own restaurant."

Hase Ryosuke took a deep breath: "No, if we want to instigate rebellion against the Chinese, we need to buy them with money, seduce them with beauty, and coerce them with force. These three methods are indispensable. Please ask the Chief of the Forces Agency."

Before he could speak, he was interrupted by Osato Tosada: "Mr. Hase, we came to China not to invade, but to help them get rid of the oppression of European and American ghosts and build a paradise of kings. They will understand. How can you withdraw money? Woolen cloth."

 Hase Ryosuke didn’t know whether Osako Toshisada was really stupid or simply didn’t want to pay the money.

If it’s the latter, it’s okay, but I’m afraid it’s the former. Who would betray their country without money? Doesn’t he understand this?

As for the paradise of kings, forget it, it’s just talk, he won’t take it seriously, no, Hase Ryosuke secretly glanced at Osako Tosada and found that he was immersed in his imagination, looking intoxicated.

Hase Ryosuke decided to show off: "Captain Osako, with all due respect, if there are no funds, I think your plan will be difficult to complete. The Chinese people's feelings for the country are not as strong as those of the Japanese people, but it cannot be solved in a few words. It is said that they will betray their motherland only if they are attracted by money and beauty.”

Osako Tosada's fantasy was interrupted, which made him very angry: "We can give them power. With power, they can exploit the Chinese people however they want. Hase-kun, as an elite of the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you should think of more ways , instead of asking me for money.”

 These are fools and lunatics, Hase Ryosuke is sure.

At the same time, he felt that his trip was not good. Not to mention the "hard-earned money", he probably had to rely on himself even for food. Sure enough, there is no normal person in the Army Red Deer. How can such a lunatic become a lieutenant colonel?

The two of them stopped talking. Osako Tosada became more and more disgusted with these money-minded non-citizens. He would have known better to ask the Fengtian secret service for help. There was one of the best rebellion experts there. It's a pity that his military rank is too low, otherwise there would be no need for a brat like Chang Gu.

“In short, I need you to start working as soon as possible. Someone will take you to see Zhang Jingyao. If you refuse the order, I will report your behavior to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” Osako Tsusada showed his fangs.

 Hase Ryosuke was a little panicked.

 (End of this chapter)

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