Cicada Moving

Chapter 481: Taikoo Stadium

Chapter 481 Taikoo Stadium

Zuo Zhong turned around suddenly, a bright light flashed in his eyes: "Chunyang, I don't know if you still remember the changes in Min Province last year and the beginning of this year. There are many people from Guangdong Province in that team."

Wu Chunyang was shocked, how could he not remember that this incident caused such a fuss? After all, it was an act of open rebellion against the Jinling government, and the main participants were the heroes of the 128th period.

What is even more shocking is that the other party cooperated with the underground party. This violated the chairman's taboo and immediately sent troops to suppress it. After this force was broken up, many underground parties withdrew to Guangdong Province.

 You can see relevant news reports in newspapers every now and then, such as a village being attacked by "bandits", such as a wanted order for "bandits", etc. Anyway, the subsequent events caused a lot of trouble.

He looked furtively in the direction outside the door, covered his mouth with his hand and whispered: "Section chief, are you saying that the mysterious person is an underground party, and so is Meng Ting. Are you saying that they are plotting a huge conspiracy?"

Zuo Zhong puffed on his cigar and rolled his eyes at Wu Chunyang: "I don't know. Besides, is it important? Whether it's the British or the underground party, they all deserve credit for us.

However, you can take a good look back. If there are traces of military training in the actions of those people, then they are inseparable. The group of people who evacuated from Min Province to Guangdong Province were all professional soldiers. "

 The guidance must be measured. If you say too much, it will be a bit false. After saying this, he will not give any more hints. Wu Chunyang will look for evidence by himself. He will just wait for the news of success.

 To be honest, he was also very sad that he had led his most trusted subordinates into a trap, but there was no other way. He had to keep these two devils behind, and he could not let them go back to harm the compatriots in the port city.

As for why he called the other party an underground party, it was naturally not to claim credit. In his plan, if the Intelligence Section wanted to gain something, this group of people was the best target.

Wu Chunyang over there was stirred up in his heart after hearing this, and his face was full of horror. After these few days of surveillance, the other party occasionally came out for air, and his every move did reveal a military aura.

The chief of the intelligence section of the Secret Service Headquarters turned out to be an underground party. This was not possible. Although they often said that the Secret Service Headquarters were all domestic thieves, when it really happened, he only felt a chill to his bones.

The underground party is so terrifying. To be able to serve as the chief of the Intelligence Section, Meng Ting underwent the most stringent background check, so that he could hide it. Then would there be people from the other party in the Secret Service or even the Intelligence Section?

He subconsciously looked at the section chief who was puffing away his smoke, and then thought about local specialties. He felt relieved and felt a little disappointed. He heard that the underground party had very high requirements.

Zuo Zhong didn't know what Wu Chunyang was thinking, otherwise he would have to have a good chat about what it meant to be in Cao's camp and to be in Han's heart, and what it meant to endure humiliation and bear the burden. He finished his cigar in a few puffs and set up a surveillance mission.

“Find a way to monitor or conduct close reconnaissance on those people, and fix the evidence as soon as possible. Like now, there are only written records. If the Virgo asks me how to answer, you should use your brains more.”

Wu Chunyang replied respectfully: "I understand, section chief. According to the monitoring, Meng Ting contacted a business firm in the city by phone and borrowed two trucks from the other party without asking for a driver.

 These two cars should be provided to the mysterious people. They are likely to be transferred in the near future. This is a good opportunity to get close to each other. We will look for suitable opportunities to take photos at that time. "

Zuo Zhong looked at him unexpectedly. It turned out that this kid had a hand left. No wonder he looked calm and calm. Also, if there was really no other way, Wu Chunyang would have been so anxious that he would be on the wall.

He asked curiously: "Tell me your specific plan. You must be careful not to expose your surveillance operations. If it doesn't work, just look for another opportunity. Anyway, these people will start moving sooner or later."

"Yes." Wu Chunyang scratched his head: "I thought so too. As long as they leave the mouse hole, there will always be opportunities, such as causing a car accident or striking up a conversation, depending on the situation."

Zuo Zhong reached out and touched the green plants on the window sill. He knew that Wu Chunyang and the others had no choice. They had been to the warehouse themselves and there was no obstruction around. It was really unrealistic to take photos secretly.

 The British chose that place as a stronghold, obviously after careful consideration. From a military topography point of view, the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. With 14 soldiers stationed there, the security is very high.

Then the question is, why should such a safe place be moved? It can only be because of the needs of the mission. The other party has Meng Ting, a traitor, as a secret agent, and he must know Xu Enzeng's plan.

They regarded one place as the murderer of Saluxun and Mole's death. If they wanted to take revenge, they probably wanted to have a hand in the execution. If that was the case, things would become more complicated.

 Taikoo foreign trade, Taikoo.

Zuo Zhong seemed to have thought of something, and immediately took out the large-scale military map of Jinling and placed it on his desk. He searched around Jiujiawei and soon found a familiar name.

As expected, Meng Ting, a bastard, had no good intentions in choosing Jiujiawei as the execution ground. It was not for the purpose of wiping out all the underground parties, but to facilitate the movement of the British.

He patted the table, pointed to a spot on the map and said, "If I guess correctly, this group of people will move here next. You should arrange for people to lurk around in advance and keep an eye on them.

 Be careful, there are a lot of foreigners in this place. It will be very troublesome if you are discovered. Pay attention to the way you work and don't make a big fuss. If you have to do something, do it with clean hands. "

Wu Chunyang stretched his head and looked at the map, and saw the four characters Taikoo Stadium in the south of Xiaguan Pier. He knew that this place was a football ground built by foreign companies for British employees. When it was completed, many high-ranking officials came to celebrate it. British people in Jinling also often went there for leisure on weekends. In addition to several professional-grade courts, a two-story building was also built as a clubhouse.

As a place frequented by foreigners, the Secret Service naturally paid special attention to this place. It had previously managed to obtain the architectural blueprints, and the layout of the clubhouse was no secret to the Intelligence Division.

According to the information, the first floor of the stadium clubhouse has a lobby, bar room, and office, and the second floor has guest rooms, reading rooms, bathrooms, etc. There is enough space and living facilities to accommodate that group of mysterious people.

Wu Chunyang looked at the map: "Yes, we will be careful not to let irrelevant personnel discover it. The map shows that there is a small hill nearby with a wide view. The surveillance point can be placed there."

 “Well, it’s good to know.”

 Zuo Zhong raised his head after speaking and looked at Wu Chunyang with solemn eyes: "You heard, Lao Song and the others have been performing tasks near Xiaguan Pier these days, and the location is very close to Taikoo Stadium."

“I heard that Lao Song and Lao Wu have been disappearing all over the place during this period. Brothers have long discussed whether the mysterious people are really underground party members, but what are they doing at the dock? There are no important facilities there.”

Wu Chunyang expressed his incomprehension, and then asked tentatively: "Could it be that there is some special operation in one place? Only in this way does it make sense. Meng Ting is the internal response, and those mysterious people are his external aid."

Zuo Zhong looked at him seriously and then said: "Since you guessed it, I won't hide it from you. One place is preparing to carry out centralized executions of underground party prisoners, and the execution place is near the dock.

If the mysterious person really went to Taikoo Stadium to hide as I said, then Meng Ting's identity would be very suspicious. They are probably preparing to rob the execution ground. These guys are really bold. "

As he said this, Zuo Zhong snorted coldly. He did not directly criticize him, but who could be going to rob the execution ground? A place cannot rob its own prisoners by itself. The answer is easy to guess.


Zuo Zhong thought about it for a moment, put the map away and sighed: "Come with me to the Taikoo Stadium to have a look. This matter is too serious. Although I can't stand it, I really hope I guessed it wrong this time.

If unfortunately it is true, this will be a major mistake in our intelligence system. It is terrible. The enemies are lurking right under our noses. What does Xu Enzeng do for food? He is really a waste. "

 He brought his acting skills to the extreme, his face was full of worries about the country and the people, and there was a hint of hatred in his eyes. In fact, he was already happy in his heart. Now Lao Xu couldn't wash it off by jumping into the Yellow River.

 “A sneeze~”

At this time, in the conference room of the secret service headquarters, Xu Enzeng, who was giving advice, suddenly sneezed several times. He guessed who was thinking of him. Could it be a confidante who had not been favored for a long time?

Meng Ting on the side handed out a handkerchief and flattered him skillfully: "Director, you must take good care of your health. If you collapse from exhaustion, I will not be able to do the work of the underground party without you."

"Yeah yeah."

 “Chief Meng is right.”

 “We can’t live without a director.”

In the conference room, the officers of the Secret Service Headquarters were red-eyed and scrambling to show their loyalty. The directors of the investigation offices of various party departments who came to the meeting temporarily looked at each other with disdain on their faces.

Xu Enzeng ignored them, took out a fragrant pink handkerchief and wiped his nose, frowned at the map full of snot, picked up the baton and poked at a location on the map and said.

“On the day of the operation, people from the party headquarters’ investigation room were responsible for guarding the intersection. Once the fighting started, they immediately blocked traffic. No one was allowed to pass without my personal order. Did you hear that?”

 “Yes, Director Xu.”

The heads of party investigation rooms from Jinling, Guangling, Suzhou and other places loudly replied that people named Xu are nothing, but this is a task assigned by Minister Chen and Director Chen, and they must complete it.

Xu Enzeng looked at these people with dissatisfaction and continued to point to the map: "I judge that the underground party will take action at the execution ground and directly rob people in the urban area. They do not have the strength and courage.

Meng Ting, you and your operatives are ambushing houses on the north side of Zhongshan North Road. When you hear the sound of gunfire, you attack southward, occupy the road, and block the underground party's retreat to the city. There must be no mistake. "

 (End of this chapter)

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