Cicada Moving

Chapter 485: Winter Solstice (Additional update for leader Feng Liang Wenyue)

Chapter 485 Winter Solstice (Additional update for leader Feng Liang Wenyue)

 On the winter solstice, the temperature is 0℃.

It had been raining heavily since the night before in Jinling, and the ground became extremely slippery. Xu Enzeng was a little irritated while sitting in the car because his motorcade had been stuck in traffic for half an hour.

It was originally only an hour's journey from the secret service headquarters to Jiujiawei, but now they have not left the city. It would be ridiculous if the roundup of the underground party was delayed due to traffic jams.

 “Meng Ting, go and see what’s going on.”

He finally couldn't help but roll down the window, shouted to Meng Ting who was on guard on the roadside, and then immediately closed the window and cursed secretly at the weather. The wind was like a knife, blowing on people's faces and causing pain.

 After a while, Meng Ting rubbed his hands and walked to the car, knocked on the window, and said loudly: "Director, the two cars in front collided with each other. Now it has been cleared, and the road will be passable in a while."

 Xu Enzeng sat in the back row with his eyes closed. He waved his hand after hearing the words, too lazy to talk nonsense to the other party. It was ten o'clock now. After passing the main urban area, the traffic became less and he could speed up. Two hours was enough to reach Jiujiawei.

A few minutes later, the traffic flowed slowly. The motorcade from the Secret Service Headquarters honked its horn and rushed out. The police acted as if they didn't see it and picked up their batons to hit the intruding pedestrians.

This is a huge convoy, with more than 20 trucks for escorting prisoners alone, plus a vehicle for special agents and executioners from Laohuqiao Prison, there are about 50 vehicles in total.

 As the cars left, two people in the crowd whispered.

 “Notify the section chief, quickly.”

“Yes, deputy section chief Gu.”

Xu Enzeng didn’t know that the car accident was man-made. Thinking that he was getting closer to Jiujiawei, his heart became hot. Finally, he opened the car window and tried to cool down with the cold wind.

He put his hands on the car window and looked at the pedestrians wrapped in clothes and hunched shoulders with a smile. There was a look of disdain on his face. These poor people really couldn't endure hardship. What should they be afraid of if they were cold.

Xu Enzeng felt like he was falling into the clouds now, imagining what would happen after all the underground parties were wiped out. He felt dizzy. When he came back to his senses, the convoy had already passed the Admiralty Building.

From here, drive a few hundred meters and cross a small bridge. When you reach the end of Zhongshan North Road, turn left and drive one kilometer to your destination, Jiujiawei, where the underground party’s grave will be.

He looked back at the truck behind him fiercely. The people in the truck were all diehards who had been in prison for several years without leaking any information. They were really a bunch of lunatics.


Just as Xu Enzeng was gritting his teeth, the car suddenly stopped suddenly and he hit the front seat with a bang. This made Director Xu very angry. What happened to his driver?

There was a sudden stop two days ago. Although it was partly his fault, what was the reason this time? Could it be a ghost? He raised his head and looked outside, and then opened his mouth.

It's really a ghost.

Why is the little Wang Ba Dan named Zuo here, with dozens of his men? The whole area is dark and looks very imposing. There are also several cars crossing the car body and blocking the bridge deck.

Xu Enzeng's face suddenly turned livid. Despite all precautions, the Secret Service got the news and even rushed to the execution ground one step ahead. What does this mean? It means that the other party has detailed intelligence.

When they submitted the application to the National Government, they did not make a big deal about it. Instead, they handed it over directly to Yu Hong. Outsiders did not know about it at all, and even the head of Yu Hong's department did not know about it.

There is only one possibility for how Zuo Zhong knew the place of execution, and that is that his secret service headquarters turned out to be a thief, and he told the secret service about his hopes for recovery. Damn it.

“Director Xu, it’s a wonderful Winter Solstice Festival. Why are you taking so many people to the riverside when you’re not eating glutinous rice **** at home? Maybe you’re in the mood for fishing.” Zuo Zhong walked to the car and said with a smile.

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows at Lao Xu. It felt like he was catching someone raped in bed. No, it felt weird. Anyway, seeing the other person being unhappy made him very comfortable.

Over there, Xu Enzeng knew that he had to send Zuo Zhong away quickly, otherwise the underground party would probably break away after seeing these **** from the Secret Service, so he reluctantly opened the car door and walked out.

"Zuo Zhong, I advise you to leave immediately. The situation today is very deep and you cannot get involved in it. If you are wise, take people away. Otherwise, you may be shot in the dark. I am not kidding you."

As soon as Lao Xu got out of the car, he said some cruel words in a sinister tone, but with his little face flushed red by the wind, it had no deterrent effect at all. Not only was Zuo Zhong not afraid, but he laughed out loud.

"Director Xu, you are wrong. I heard that you went to Jiujiawei despite your busy schedule. I waited for you in the cold wind for several hours. It's fine if you don't appreciate it. Why do you hurt others with your words?"

After speaking, he put his index finger and thumb into his mouth and whistled. Dozens of intelligence agents armed with submachine guns got into the trenches on both sides of Zhongshan North Road, looking at the convoy with murderous expressions.

Zuo Zhong smiled and said: "We Virgos often say that games have rules. If you can't afford it, don't play it. Otherwise, people won't mind dealing with you outside the rules, right, Director Xu?"

Xu Enzeng's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood that the previous car accident was caused by the Secret Service. They were trying to buy time. It was already half past ten, and there were less than two hours left before the execution.

No matter what conditions the other party proposes, I have no choice. Either accept the other party's conditions, or simply give up the action. What a vicious plan, these **** from the Secret Service.

He looked at the murderous group of men and horses, his eyes widened with dead eyes, his cheeks were bulging with anger, like a sad frog, he thought for a long time with his hands on his hips, and finally spoke in a deep voice.

“Zuo Zhong, let me say it again, this matter concerns the underground party. Both the Chairman and Director Chen are paying attention. If the underground party escapes because of you, you have a few heads that can be chopped off.

It ’s a big deal. I let your intelligence department hang the name, but the main credit must be from our agent’ s headquarters, otherwise it will be scattered in one shot. At that time, Director Chen will talk to Dai Chunfeng. ” ˆ ˆ “Okay, happy~”

Zuo Zhong suddenly clapped his hands, waved to Song Minghao, Wu Jingzhong and others behind him, and said with a smile: "I just like your temper, you are quick to talk, how do you think you are responsible for guarding this bridge?"

Xu Enzeng gritted his teeth and nodded, and could only comfort himself. The intelligence department was very strong, and it would be a good thing to have more people blocking the underground party's retreat. It would be an advantage for these food-stealing gangs, and then he gave instructions.

"Zuo Zhong, the underground party is very vigilant. You should hide yourself. If your reasons are exposed, I will drag you master and apprentice to **** even if I risk my life."

Lao Xu put on a stern expression. He didn't know who he was trying to scare, but he was somewhat self-aware. He knew that he had done too many immoral things in the past and would definitely go to **** after his death.

"What you said is wrong." Zuo Zhong replied with an arrogant look: "It's always your secret service headquarters that gets into trouble. Don't worry, the people I brought this time are all elites who can protect Director Xu."


Xu Enzeng let out a cold snort from his nostrils. This was indeed a bit difficult to answer. He turned around and got into the car with his **** raised. The convoy of several hundred meters passed through the small bridge that had been moved out of the way and drove slowly across.

Zuo Zhong stood on the side of the road with his arms folded, watching carloads of serious-looking agents passing by, including Meng Ting who pretended not to see him, Bai Wentian and that old Liu.

He smiled softly.

 The drama today is a bit interesting.

But when the truck passed by, he became full of anger again. The underground party in the truck was only wearing a thin singlet, which was full of traces of whipping, burning and torture.

What is even more horrifying is that these people's collarbones were threaded with iron wire by a group of beasts. They stood one after another in the carriage. If they shook a little, blood would spurt out.

Zuo Zhong understood that this was to prevent people from escaping, but they were compatriots with the same bloodline. Why should they do this? This is not what should happen in a civilized society, these beasts.


Suddenly, someone spat **** spit at Zuo Zhong. The other person looked at him coldly and raised his head high. Then all the underground party members who passed by expressed their contempt in this way.

 “Section Chief, let me help you”


Zuo Zhong stopped Song Minghao, who looked angry, and said with a smile: "These red heads are going to die. Let them vent their anger. Just treat it as if we have done a good deed. By the way, have all the brothers hidden?"

"Hide well. In addition to the fifty people here, the thirty people in the reeds by the river are all hidden. Once the underground party dares to come over, we can double-team from the left and right and catch them all."

Song Minghao patted his chest in assurance and asked in a low voice: "Section Chief, there is no problem in Chunyang, right? The underground party will really come from Taikoo Stadium. How about I send some people to Jiujiawei?"

"Yes, Section Chief." Wu Jingzhong on the side was also a little worried, frowning and said: "There are only a dozen people, so many of us are guarding here, are we making a fuss out of a molehill?"

Zuo glanced at the two guys again and walked towards the other side of the bridge. You had to sit in the front row to watch the show. Once the battle started, walking on the bare bridge would be courting death. It would be better to get in position as soon as possible.

Song Minghao and Wu Jingzhong hurriedly followed after seeing this. They didn't know what the section chief was thinking. He left the execution site alone and had to stay on the road. Twenty people from more than a dozen underground gangs were enough.

 “Section chief, it’s better to send.”

“Old Wu, there are some things that you are not sure about. The underground party coming this time are all professional soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is more fierce than that of the Imperial Forest Army like the 88th Division. They are not so easy to deal with.”

Wu Jingzhong was still a little unwilling to give up, but he was interrupted by Zuo Zhong in the middle of his sentence. After Zuo Zhong finished speaking, he shook off the mud on the soles of his shoes, explained Wu Chunyang's "reasoning", and finally asked.

“So, we just need to stop this group of people. A dozen elite underground party operatives are enough for us to explain to the superiors. Do we really have to fight to the death with each other?”

 Song Minghao and his two men shook their heads and left an afterimage.

Zuo Chong smiled when he saw them like this, and led the two of them into a hollow on the south side of the road. After squatting down, he looked at his watch, then checked his weapons, and waited patiently for the arrival of the Chinese detachment.

Just waited until 11:40, the agents of the Intelligence Section finally saw several groups of sneaky figures appearing in the north. Just as Zuo Chong was about to order an interception, he heard a loud noise.


  The small bridge connecting the city was blown up into the sky. Thinking that I had just walked over it dozens of minutes ago, cold sweat broke out on my left heavy back. Then I thought of a key question, who did this.

 Agent headquarters?

one place?

 Or an underground party?

 (End of this chapter)

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