Cicada Moving

Chapter 510: So touching (Happy Lantern Festival)

Chapter 510 So Touched (Happy Lantern Festival)

On the winter solstice, it snowed heavily all night in Jinling, and the whole city turned into a white world. The next morning, Zuo Zhong appeared outside Zhu Jiahua’s residence, knocked on the door, stood there and shook his hands.

Since Dai Chunfeng has made his words clear, there is no need for him to pretend to be sick anymore. He might as well come to the old principal to get some information. This old gentleman is an important think tank of the bald head, and he might be able to get some information.


Soon the servant of the Zhu Mansion heard the sound and came over. He looked outside cautiously. As soon as he asked, he found out that the person who came was his master's student. He often visited in the past, so he immediately opened the door and greeted him.

"It's Sir Zuo. You haven't been here for a while. Our master is reading the newspaper in the garden after breakfast. He would be very happy to know that you are here. It's too cold outside. Please come in quickly."

Zuo Zhong smiled and handed the car key in his pocket to the servant: "I brought some watermelons from Nanyang to my husband. They were just shipped from the port city by plane this morning. They are in the car at the alley. Could you please fetch them."

 “Okay, okay.”

The servant's face was full of smiles. He was a big shot after all, and he gave gifts so creatively. Watermelon seemed cheap, but it was a standard rarity in winter, and even if you had money, you couldn't buy it.

Our master is prone to getting angry, and he is used to eating some fresh fruits to recuperate his body. These days they can only buy some frozen apples for emergencies. Now, they don’t have to worry about this anymore in a short time.

Zuo Zhong didn't know what his servant was thinking, so he turned around and walked towards the Zhu Mansion Garden. The servants he met along the way stepped aside and whispered hello. This shows Zhu Jiahua's rigorous management of the family.

When he arrived at the garden gate, he saw the old gentleman sitting in the sun reading a newspaper from a distance. He seemed to have a sense of tranquility in the past, which made people unbearable to disturb him, so he stopped silently.

However, Zhu Jiahua seemed to be aware of it. He looked up at the door and smiled: "Shen is finally here, come and sit down. What are you doing standing there? It's a pity that the snow has stopped, otherwise it wouldn't be a good talk."

Zuo Zhong knew that the old gentleman was talking about the allusion of Cheng Menli Xue, so he walked quickly to the other man, bent down and said respectfully: "Respecting teachers and respecting morality is an ethical principle. Students must take Mr. Kameyama as an example."


“Well, what you said is right. If there is no ethical code in the world, big problems will arise. You must not learn a little scientific knowledge from the West and forget about the fundamentals.”

After Zhu Jiahua finished speaking, he nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the empty chair on the side and asked: "Sit down, why did you think of coming to my place? Jinling City was very lively yesterday, and the movement was a bit loud."

He said something pointedly, the smile on his face was a bit inexplicable. He didn't know who he was talking about was making the most noise, but it was the underground party, the secret service headquarters, and the secret service.

Zuo Zhong's heart tightened, and he thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion: "Sir, the student's teacher, Director Dai, asked me to come and see you last night. As for the reason, I'm still confused."

Then he continued to explain: "In addition, I was at the scene of yesterday's incident. The Secret Service Headquarters used prisoners to set up traps, and the Secret Service was responsible for assisting. I didn't expect that this was all a trick of the underground party.

The Secret Service Headquarters, including Division Chief Xu Enzeng, suffered more than a hundred casualties. It can be said that the fields were littered with corpses. The students led their men to kill several rebels who had robbed prisoners, and their own losses were also considerable. "

Facing the inquiry, he chose to go straight to the point. Playing tricks with these old officials was asking for trouble. Besides, he and Lao Zhu had no conflict of interest for the time being, and they were trustworthy to a certain extent.


 Zhu Jiahua nodded slightly, his expression a little solemn. He knew Zuo Zhong's ability in intelligence. The underground party was able to escape from the opponent's hands. I'm afraid the southwest war will not go so smoothly.

It is by no means an easy task to abduct hundreds of people and successfully evacuate them in Jinling, which is heavily populated by troops. There must be underground party insiders within the National Government who leaked relevant information.

He thought for a while without expressing his position, then turned around and said something: "I probably know the purpose of Dai Chunfeng asking you to come to see me. You have heard about the promulgation of the Army Personnel Regulations."


Of course, Zuo Zhong knew that this matter was causing quite an uproar in the army. For this reason, the Military Commission also established the Quanxu Office, which was in charge of the personnel affairs of officials and assistants across the country, such as appointment and removal assessment, advancement, retreat and promotion.

 But what does this have to do with him coming to see Zhu Jiahua? The other party's influence is mainly in the education system and diplomacy. Could it be that Lao Zhu is going to serve in the Quanxu Hall? That would be good news.

There are people in the court who are ready to be officials. Wouldn't it be beautiful if a teacher would be the immediate boss and a gentleman would be in charge of the official duties? He asked expectantly: "Does the leader have new arrangements for your duties?"

Zhu Jiahua over there shook his head when he heard this: "Don't think too much, this matter has little to do with me. I want to ask you what you think about the promulgation of the regulations and the establishment of the Quanxu Hall. Speak boldly."

Zuo Zhong was not too disappointed. He could not let himself take all the benefits. He hesitated and said: "Our country's military personnel system has already begun to take shape at the beginning of the country's establishment.

However, the laws and regulations enacted are trivial, cannot be resolutely implemented, and there is no consistent spirit. In addition, warlords in various places regard the army as private property, ceding territory and ruling the roost, and all personnel decisions are based on personal likes and dislikes.

 In the army, some people were punished for making no mistakes, while others were promoted for making mistakes. Some people with little knowledge were promoted several times a year or had their posts changed several times within a year, resulting in a situation where talents were not commensurate with their positions. As time goes by, military discipline becomes more and more lax, and many people just muddle along. There is no basis for military promotion, and there is no guarantee of identity. The quality of the army is getting lower and lower, and the country is also unstable. "

 It was indeed a bit presumptuous for a young lieutenant colonel to talk about national affairs like this. Moreover, he also benefited from it and was promoted several levels in two years. However, there were some words that he had been holding in his heart for a long time and he did not want to say it out loud.

  The reason why China's army will collapse against the Japanese army in the future is not only the objective gap in weapons and training, but also the confusion of the personnel system. Not rewarding meritorious service is a taboo in the military.

At last, Zuo Zhong paused and concluded: “If the Army Personnel Regulations can be effectively implemented, it will not only keep military personnel on track, but also lay the foundation for the country-military.”

 “Papa papa pa~”

 Zhu Jiahua clapped his hands lightly and said with a satisfied look on his face: "Yes, Shen Zhong, your remarks are quite insightful. The former president also said that personnel, management and education are the three essential elements for building a country.

Of these three, human affairs are the most important. The sages said that government depends on people. Those who gain people will prosper, and those who lose people will perish. They also say that when people exist, government will improve. If there are laws to govern, people will not be governed. This shows the importance of people. .

The Chairman of the Generalissimo has long noticed this confusion and requested that the personnel system of the Japanese army be changed from the independent Junheng Department, which was originally under the Ministry of Military Affairs, to the Quanxu Office directly under the Military Commission.

 We will formulate the Army's personnel reorganization and promotion measures. The first item is to separate official ranks from ranks, which has nothing to do with you. The second item is that rank promotions are subject to strict restrictions on suspension years. Do you understand? "

"I see."

Zuo Zhong understood now that the two deputy directors of the Secret Service were both colonels. If he served as deputy director with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he would be shorter than them and would have difficulty in controlling all the power.

As for promotion in military rank, it used to be easy in the past. You could find a fellow soldier. But once the "Army Personnel Regulations" were promulgated, a bald man couldn't slap himself in the face.

Lao Dai asked him to come to see Zhu Jiahua. Could it be that the other party was capable of solving the matter? Zuo Zhong looked at the confident Lao Zhu and quickly and diligently poured a cup of hot tea for his beloved old principal.

 “Sir, please.”

 “You, slippery head.”

Zhu Jiahua held it with a smile and said something, and then said seriously: "After the January 28th Battle in the 21st year of the Republic of China, the Chairman, in view of the rampant Japanese aggressors, determined to improve the quality of officers in preparation for the war.

 The order ordered Zhang Wenbai, the director of education of the Central Army Officers School, to set up a higher education class, and appointed Xu Peigen as the director. He would convene outstanding generals from each army in phases and conduct intensive training for six months.

Aims to unify and strengthen the political, ideological, technical and tactical training of army officers, enrich and enhance the application level of the latest domestic and foreign tactics among generals, and cultivate talents to resist foreign humiliation.

The second phase has been started so far, and the third phase started last month. I have a good relationship with Zhang Wenbai and Xu Peigen. You should prepare yourself. I will report to Mainland China in two days, and you must study hard.

I heard that Dai Chunfeng recommended you to serve as the deputy director of the Secret Service. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for a lieutenant colonel to take on this important task. After completing the higher education class, according to the rules, you can be promoted to the first-level military rank. "


Zuo Zhong shuddered. If an officer of the Guo Party wanted to be promoted, he must be from the Huangpu Military Academy, a graduate of the Army University, or a bald fellow countryman. Without these three, he could not enter the core of the Guo Party.

Ginseng, if I enter the mainland and am a fellow countryman, wouldn't I become a confidant among the confidants, a remnant among the remnants, I am afraid no one would dare to believe him even if he wanted to abandon the dark and turn to the light, this is a scam.

He pretended to be moved and said: "Sir, are you embarrassed by doing this? I heard that the admission standards of Mainland University are very strict. If it doesn't work, just forget it. The students will find another way."

 Zhu Jiahua rolled his eyes at him: "You have a pretty good idea. Only regular classes and special classes in Mainland China can be regarded as genuine graduates. It is not difficult for me to arrange for you to go to higher education classes based on my face."

Zuo Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. He went to mainland China to get a diploma by correspondence, so he probably didn't recognize the bald man as the principal. However, before he could be happy for two minutes, Lao Zhu spoke again and told a huge piece of "good news."

"After graduating from the higher education class, you will have the minimum academic requirements to apply for the special class at Mainland University. I will talk to the leader and arrange for you to enter. A major general in his twenties is not bad."

Zuo Zhong heard the words and his eyes filled with tears. He felt that the noose was getting closer and closer to his neck. What's wrong with recognizing him? He had to recognize the principal. Now it's okay. Students and fellow countrymen, the buff stack is full, it's a yes, that's all. The bald man was born in Huangpu.

① Yang Shi was known as Mr. Guishan, and Zeng Xueliang stood in front of the two brothers Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao, waiting for advice.

Finally finished writing, go to bed, happy Lantern Festival.



 (End of this chapter)

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