Cicada Moving

Chapter 515: Sun thief

Chapter 515 Sun Thief

The days of studying at Continental University passed quickly, and it was almost the Gregorian New Year in a blink of an eye. 1935 was getting closer and closer, and there was gradually more New Year atmosphere in Jinling City, but this had nothing to do with Zuo Zhong.

Attending classes, taking notes, discussing in groups, going to front-line troops to do research, all kinds of trivial things took up all his time, and even the work of the Secret Service was a little slack.

 Dai Chunfeng understands this very well. After all, opportunities for further study are rare, and I don’t know if it was affected by the battle in Jiujiawei. The underground party, the Japanese and other forces have been very stable recently.

Anyway, judging from the intelligence fed back from various channels, everyone seems to be in hibernation, so the Secret Service does not have too many things to do. Each department can just carry out its work step by step, and there is no need to supervise it.

Zuo Chong is also happy to have some leisure time. The two deputy directors, Zheng Tingbing and Zhang Yifu, are busy making money everywhere, and the other is busy looking for ways to leave. They are completely uninterested in dealing with official affairs, and no major problems can happen in the office.

The sun was shining brightly on that day. He and several higher education classmates were strolling in the garden while discussing and studying the legacy of the late president and the words and deeds of the president. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice in the distance.

 “Deputy Director, Deputy Director.”

It was Gu Qi. Zuo Zhong's heart tightened. Could it be that something big had happened? Otherwise, Lao Gu couldn't stay in the intelligence department and why did he come to the mainland? Alas, his happy fishing life was about to end.

He apologized to his classmates and walked towards the sound with a stern face, wondering who might be involved, but it probably wasn't the underground party. Old K had no special circumstances.

The day after the prisoner kidnapping incident, he sent the Fruit Party's pursuit plan, including important information such as the search route, checkpoint location, number of people involved, communication codes, secret passwords, etc.

With this information, the underground party is operating openly and the spies cannot catch them. In this case, there is no need for the Jinling underground party to overstimulate the fruit party. Who could it be?


That **** Ryosuke Hase has been hanging out in nightclubs in Shanghai all day long, and a lot of information from the Shanghai Consulate's Special Higher Education Department has come back. There is no sign that the Japanese are doing anything.

Excluding the small actions of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, only the intelligence department of the Japanese military is left. However, the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department is still licking its wounds after the last blow and will not cause trouble in Jinling.

Zuo Zhong couldn't figure it out and simply gave it up. He quickened his pace and quickly passed through a small forest. He finally saw Gu Qi, who had an anxious face. Gu Qi hurriedly said as soon as he saw him.

“Section Chief, I finally found you. Your family came to Jinling. As soon as I received the news, I went to the higher education class to look for you. They said you were here. Go back quickly. You are with us now.”


Zuo Zhong was stunned for a moment and then felt overjoyed. He hurriedly trotted outside, not forgetting to ask: "Who is here? Oh, why didn't you inform me earlier so that I could pick them up at the station?"

Since he returned to Ningbo last time, he has kept in touch with his family. He occasionally talks on the phone when the line is open. Why did his family suddenly come to Jinling? Is someone looking for trouble again?

The people in the Ningbo Party Headquarters Investigation Office should not be so courageous. The graves of former Director of the Investigation Office Zhou Wenshan and other agents are already as tall as one person, so there is no need to use this method if they want to commit suicide.

Next to him, Gu Qi flipped his short legs and replied with a smile: "Your grandfather, parents, younger brothers and sisters are all here, as well as your grandfather's family. It seems that they drove to Jinling, which is really far away."

 They are all here.

Zuo Zhong was happy but secretly worried. If only his parents came, they might come to see him. But with so many people coming to Jinling together, there must be something important. Could it be that the leeks are ready to be harvested.

He has been secretly paying attention to the Zuo family's so-called Beilun Port construction plan, such as who has invested in the shares, how much they have invested, the person's background and whether he has any special relationship with senior officials of the government.

This information is very important, and some people cannot be offended. For example, if those families really want to steal Uncle Guo's money, then he will have no choice but to run away. Even if Lao Dai comes forward, it will be useless.

 Fortunately, maybe the other party looked down upon a small project worth just a few million yuan, or maybe he knew from some channels that there was something complicated behind the matter. In short, Zuo's leek garden was very safe.

 Sometimes he is a little scared. His grandfather Zuo Xuechen is too courageous. After more than half a year of operation, the designed throughput of Beilun Port has soared from the initial 50,000 tons to 200,000 tons.

You must know that according to the economic intelligence collected by the Secret Service, the cargo throughput of Haizhou Port in Northern Jiangsu last year was only two to three hundred thousand tons. If we try to play such a big game, will there be any problems?

Zuo Zhong walked to Gu Qi's car worriedly, sat in the back seat and signaled Lao Gu to drive towards Hong Gong Temple immediately. He was calculating the amount of the Beilun Port project in his mind.

 So far, the number of shareholders involved in the plan has reached more than 200, and the amount has reached tens of millions of oceans. Of course, these are only figures on paper, and the real money is almost 3 million oceans.

  When the Ningbo Japanese Chamber of Commerce initially took a stake, the entire plan was valued at NT$5 million. The other party spent NT$1 million to purchase 20% of the shares. After the throughput increased, the valuation was quickly raised.

 The current rhetoric of Zuojia's external IPO is that the port's market value is 10 million, the throughput has increased four times, but the market value has only doubled. It seems to be doing charity, but this is not the case.

Beilun land, apart from building a project management office and hiring hundreds of poor peasants to clean up the tidal flats, nothing else was done. Oh, by the way, the surveying project was in full swing.

Shanghai newspapers stated that this port is only 70 nautical miles away from the Yangtze River Estuary, close to Shanghai, and forms a huge water transport network almost equidistant from Tianjin, Kobe, Osaka, Kaohsiung, Gangcheng, and Hubei City.

 It has the conditions to become the largest foreign trade Shenzhen port in the Republic of China and a transit port for major ports. This is simply nonsense. Do newspapers in Shanghai dare to publish any news as long as you give them money? With all kinds of good news, even Zuo Zhong's old comprador grandfather was tempted and insisted on getting involved. Later, it may be that the old man Zuo Xuechen showed his cards, and the other party gave up the investment.

Things were not over yet. Relying on his good reputation in the Shanghai comprador circle, Zuo Zhong's grandfather turned to consignment sales and deceived dozens of traitorous compradors who were selling Japanese goods.

The most speechless thing is that these idiots, blinded by profits, went to Ningbo with boxes of cash. After seeing the "construction site" and one project contract after another, they increased their investment.

 As expected, if there is double the profit, the capitalists will take desperate risks; if there are double the profits, the capitalists will flout the law; if there are three times the profits, then the capitalists will trample on everything.

The problem is that you know who is behind those engineering companies even with your buttocks. Old man, you are playing too big a game of chess. Zuo Zhong rubbed his head, and even the joy of reunion faded a bit.

 The worries in his heart did not concern his grandfather Zuo Xuechen and father Zuo Shanwen. The two discussed it in the study for a few minutes a few days ago, and then took the family to Jinling with great fanfare.

More than a dozen cars drove for three days in a row and only stayed in Shanghai and Sioux City for two nights. Finally, they entered the city today and asked someone for directions. A group of people drove the car to the gate of the Secret Service.


 Set the time back one hour ago.

The guard at the entrance of the Secret Service frowned when he looked at these cars with Zhejiang Province license plates. He secretly guessed whether people from the East China District were coming to the headquarters to do business, so he walked up holding the pistol.

When he walked up to him, he immediately noticed something was wrong. How come there were old people and young people on the bus? No matter how difficult the East China District’s funding was, they wouldn’t have to pay an old man in his 70s or 80s for free, so he asked.

"This is a restricted military area. Who are you and what are you here for? Show your ID and everyone will get out of the car and be inspected. I warn you not to play tricks or look at where this place is."

This made Zuo Xuechen so angry. The old man took the car for three days and finally arrived at his destination. His grandson was not seen but he was forced to get out of the car for inspection. He stuck his head out of the car window and shouted angrily.

 “Let your Section Chief Zuo come to see me.”

 Looking for Deputy Director Zuo?


A cold light flashed in the guard's eyes. Section Chief Zuo had been promoted a long time ago. Everyone familiar with him knew about it. There was something wrong with this group of people. They might be spies, so he secretly made a gesture with his hand.

Other guards were observing this place. After seeing the gesture, they immediately activated the emergency plan. Someone pressed the silent alarm, and the remaining people held weapons and vaguely surrounded the convoy.

After confirming that the situation was under control, the guard beside the car quietly took two steps back and said with a smile: "I don't know who the old gentleman is, Section Chief Zuo, otherwise I wouldn't be able to ask Section Chief Zuo for instructions. Are you right?"

 “He is my grandson.”

Zuo Xuechen became more and more impatient as he waited. He puffed his beard and glared and replied with a bit of a bad tone. In the eyes of old-fashioned literati, there is no good person in the intelligence department, well, except for his own grandson.

 Grandpa Zuo Zhong on the side was a standard businessman. He was used to making money by being friendly. He was afraid that his relatives would make matters worse. He stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Chief Zuo is also my grandson."

 It’s the opposite!

The guard laughed angrily. Who is Section Chief Zuo? He is the soul of the Secret Service. How dare these two old guys be so bold and say that Section Chief Zuo is his grandson. This is obviously looking for trouble.

He immediately wanted to lift the gun and put the **** on the opponent, but before he could do anything, Zuo Zhong's father Zuo Shanwen slowly walked out of the car behind him and said something serious.

 “I am the father of your Section Chief Zuo.”

 “Shut up!”

The guard shouted loudly, pulled out the pistol from his waist and shouted: "You are so brave. You dare to insult party and state officials in broad daylight. Come here, arrest these crazy people."

Following the order, the guards approached the convoy with ferocious faces, ready to take action. This scene frightened Zuo's family. They didn't know what happened. Could it be that Zuo Zhong had stepped down.

 “Wait! Don’t move!”

Suddenly, a sharp and trembling cry frightened everyone present. The guard looked back and saw the new intelligence section chief Gu Qi running over with a group of spies.

 (End of this chapter)

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