Cicada Moving

Chapter 517: Live as a member of the Party-state, die as a ghost of the Party-state

Chapter 517: Live as a member of the Party-state, die as a ghost of the Party-state

Three days have passed since the Zuo family came to Jinling. Zuo Chong has been very busy during these three days. Many people he knows and doesn't know have come to visit him. It's not clear where they got the news.

These people will definitely not be empty-handed when they come to the house. They will bring all kinds of things, including food, drink, and clothing. They will fill the first floor of the luxurious villa borrowed by Gucci.

To this end, the Secret Service sent several small agents to count and register the gifts, and also set aside several warehouses for temporary storage. This does not include the various souvenirs and currencies of various countries.

For example, Section Chief Yang Wei of the Ministry of Internal Affairs heard that Zuo Zhong’s mother believed in Buddhism and directly sent a pure gold Buddha statue. Even Bai Wenzhi, who claimed to have been drained, also brought out forty or fifty large yellow croakers again.

In the end, the commander of the city defense headquarters, Gu Zhenglun, sent several boxes of 30-year-old cellared rice wine. Zuo Zhong felt the weight of the chair under his **** for the first time.

Even though a few bottles of rice wine are not worth much, the other person is a confidant among the bald men. He usually only has the habit of receiving gifts. There are not many people in the entire Republic of China who can give gifts to this magical eunuch.

In addition, Dai Chunfeng personally hosted a banquet for the Zuo family on the first night. You must know that Lao Dai is now busy seizing power and even sleeps in the bureau. This moved Zuo Chong.

The next night, the old principal Zhu Jiahua came to entertain him. During the conversation, he heard that Zuo Jun wanted to study at the Central University. The old gentleman wrote a note casually, and with this note, he could enroll without taking the exam.

In the past, the Zuo family only knew that the Secret Service was a key agency, but they didn't know how to do it. After these few days of experience, everyone finally had an intuitive understanding, that is, it is a hot spot.

However, the old man Zuo Xuechen made up his mind after being shocked. Now that Zuo Zhong has the ability to protect himself in Jinling City, the dangerous object in Beilun Port can be detonated, otherwise the night will be long and the dream will be many.

So late that night, the three generations of the Zuo family and Mei Tianliang walked into the study room of the villa. The four of them talked about it until the next morning. When Zuo Zhong came out, his face was solemn, but at the same time a little relaxed.

He did not expect that his grandfather and the others were planning to run away when they came to Aurous Hill this time. Judging from the current situation, they could at least absorb hundreds of thousands of shares. The old man was too decisive.

In Zuo Xuechen’s words, people should not be put in danger for money. With the 3 million yuan raised and ancestral property, the Zuo family can start over in any country in the world.

Moreover, the farms and pastures in New Zealand have been harvested, enough to support the many servants and tenants who have moved out. The construction of mines and factories in Australia is also coming to an end and can be put into use at any time.

All in all, it’s time to wave the sickle. In a few days, a cargo ship will sail from the port city to Shanghai and stop. At that time, Zuo’s family and Mei Tianliang will take that ship to Putuo quietly.

 Other people, including Zuo Chong's aunt, uncle, grandmother, servants, and tenants, will wait at Putuo Pier in advance. Of course, most people have no idea why they do this.

They were led out of Ningbo in batches by trusted servants of the Zuo family and gathered in a confidential place. Those who were unreliable and unwilling to leave were not included in the escape list.

Just because he failed Zhu Jiahua's good intentions, Zuo Jun obviously had no way to stay in Jinling. North America was the most suitable place to study. In that country where money is paramount, rich people are always welcome.

 Furthermore, throughout World War II, there was no attack there. Many European scientists fled here. The Zuo family must prepare for the future. This will be a long-term process.

Zuo Zhong has very complicated emotions in his heart. He is sad that he is about to be separated from his family, but also happy that his family is out of danger. However, he understands that this is the best choice now.

 After adjusting his mood for a while, he drove to the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics headquarters with a normal expression, planning to ask for leave from Lao Dai to accompany his grandfather and the others to Shanghai, firstly for protection, and secondly to see him off.

Shanghai is no different than other places. Public security is chaotic and there is a mixed bag of good and bad people. There may be some blind gangsters who want to make a fortune from the Zuo family. Money doesn't matter. If it delays the plan, it will be troublesome.

More importantly, he may not be able to see his family again for the next ten years or even his whole life. Parting means farewell forever. In any case, he must send his family to the ship.

 When he arrived at the station, under the prying eyes of countless people, Zuo Zhong said hello to Li Wei and knocked on the door of the deputy director's office. Immediately, Dai Chunfeng's slightly tired voice came from inside.

"come in."

Hearing the sound, Zuo Zhong opened the door and walked gently to the desk. Looking at Lao Dai who was lowering his head to deal with documents and the cup of strong tea on the table, he knew that the other party had not slept all night again, so he lowered his voice and said.


Dai Chunfeng raised his head in surprise, with a faint smile on his face, and put the gold pen in his hand on the table: "Shenzhu, why are you here? Is there something wrong in the office?"

"Teacher, you need to get more rest. You can't finish your official work in one time. If something goes wrong with your body, the happiest person would be Erchen. They must be looking for an opportunity to take back the Bureau of Regulation."

Zuo Zhong did not answer Lao Dai's question, but reminded the other party to pay attention to his health. Discussing the officer's health is a very sensitive topic and can easily cause misunderstandings. He was the only one in the entire bureau who dared to say so.

"I also want to rest, but others have already taken action." Dai Chunfeng leaned back on the chair, folded his arms and sneered: "Do you know where Xu Enzeng went? This person has no sense of superiority or inferiority."


Zuo Zhong had some doubts in his heart. Xu Enzeng disappeared after the Jiujiawei incident. An informant in the first department said that he seemed to be recuperating in the hospital. A few days ago, he asked someone to send a gift to his family. At that time, he was a little surprised. When did the man named Xu become so generous? According to Lao Dai Gang, the other party was probably playing a trick and had left Jinling long ago.

 The purpose must be for a certain case, and it must be a major case that can reverse the passive situation of Er Chen and the secret service headquarters. That's why Xu Enzeng kept it secret and his whereabouts were so sneaky.

 He ​​suddenly thought of what Wu Jingzhong said when eating hot pot that day. Branches in various places, especially the Shanghai Station, conduct background checks, or internal purity actions before important operations.

Later, Lao Dai came to the scene and said that the reason why the bald man forgave Xu Enzeng was to make the other party guilty and meritorious, and there was also a **** mysterious plan called Leukocyte. Is there any connection between the two?

Zuo Zhong thought quickly in his mind, looked at Dai Chunfeng with a gloomy face, and said uncertainly: "Teacher, did Xu Enzeng go to Shanghai to implement the white blood cell plan? What is this plan?"

 “Wait a minute.”

Dai Chunfeng stopped him with words. He glanced nervously in the direction of the door, got up and walked to the suite in the office, where Lao Dai usually rested, which was very secluded.

Hand raised his hand to open the door of the suite, Lao Dai stood in the door and waved for Zuo Zhong to come in. He seemed to be preparing to talk inside. This was the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, so there was a bit of chaos.

Among all the institutions in the Republic of China, even the security measures at the Bald Mansion are not as perfect as here. With regular anti-monitoring inspections and guards patrolling 24 hours a day, no one can eavesdrop here.

There is only one possibility, and that is that the White Blood Cell Project is very important. Zuo Zhong's heart beat violently. This project should be related to the underground party, and he must find a way to obtain the details.

He strode into the suite without changing his expression. Lao Dai immediately closed the door, pointed to the two sofas in the room and said, "Sit down and say, there are no windows here. The walls are made of steel plates, which is safer."

 “Okay, teacher.”

Zuo Zhong replied. When he saw a thermos and a teacup in the room, he poured two cups of tea and put them on the coffee table next to the sofa. When the cheap teacher sat down, he lowered his **** respectfully.

Dai Chunfeng slowly picked up the teacup, pondered for a while and said: "Shen Zhong, what do you think is the reason why we have repeatedly failed against the underground party? Is it because the weapons are not good enough or the quality of the personnel is not enough."

Zuo Zhong immediately shook his head: "Students don't think so. The underground party lacks stable channels to obtain weapons, and many intelligence agents have not received systematic training. They all rely on blood and courage.

 We cannot completely eradicate them because they are hidden among the people. They do not actively obtain information like spies. Most of the time they just remain dormant and it is difficult to find traces.

For example, Meng Ting, Ban Jun in the Jiujiawu case, and the guard at Laohuqiao Prison. These people were normal in their lives and did not show any signs of abnormality. This was very detrimental to counterintelligence work. "

He didn't think twice about what he was talking about and honestly stated his thoughts. This matter was not a secret in the intelligence system. It was a stupid choice to deliberately conceal it. Lao Dai should not be treated as a fool.

Over there, Dai Chunfeng nodded, turned the lid of the tea cup, and glanced at Zuo Zhong: "Shen Zhong, what I am going to say next is the top secret of the party and state and must not be leaked to the outside world.

At present, only the leader, Er Chen, myself, Xu Enzeng and the people who implement the plan know the details. Except for the leader, each of our external communications will be monitored. You have to know this. "

“Teacher, don’t worry, the student is a member of the Party-state in life, and a ghost of the Party-state in death. Even if he dies, he will not commit such rebellious behavior. I am willing to accept any monitoring and surveillance.” Zuo Zhong swore seriously.

 “Well, I believe you.”

Dai Chunfeng waved his hand and said with a smile: "The chairman also believes it and allows me to reveal the white blood cell plan to you. You listen carefully and remember it firmly in your mind. You are not allowed to record it on paper.

The White Blood Cell Project is a plan planned by the secret agent headquarters in Shanghai. The specific content is to send people into underground party organizations. The goal is to secretly develop people who surrender and surrender. It is currently making good progress. "

He said this with a helpless expression on his face: "We were lucky in one place. They captured an underground party courier at the earliest. Unexpectedly, the other party immediately chose to surrender and was willing to cooperate with us.

The interrogator made a prompt decision and asked him to write a confession, took photos, and verified his family information. He was released half an hour later without arousing the vigilance of the underground party.

Through this line, we successively instigated four people to rebel, involving the Underground Party International and the Underground Party Special Section. Xu Enzeng came to Shanghai to command operations and strive to wipe out all the underground parties.

What's hateful is that this **** didn't report to the bureau when he left Jinling. If it weren't for my informant in Shanghai, we would have been kept in the dark by him. Shen Zhi, I want you to go to Shanghai. "

Lao Dai cursed fiercely, as if he wanted to eat his meat. His nominal subordinate, but his old rival in reality, wanted to stand up. This was something he could not tolerate and must resolutely fight back.

As his student and best subordinate, Zuo Zhong was the best candidate. He believed that as long as Zuo Zhong arrived in Shanghai, the situation would change quickly, and Xu Enzeng could only come back in despair.

 (End of this chapter)

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