Cicada Moving

Chapter 524: red team

Chapter 524 Red Team

Luoma's report on the White Blood Cell Project won everyone's admiration. In his words, the mysterious veil of the underground party was unveiled layer by layer, and the balance of victory gradually tilted towards the Fruit Party.

Xu Enzeng put one hand on his waist, looked at Zuo Zhong intentionally or unintentionally, and said: "You have all heard it, to deal with underground party members, we must use organization to deal with organization, and use propaganda to deal with propaganda.

From now on, you must change the past simple policy of arrest, detention, and execution into a systematic reform policy of persuading, enticing, and surrendering. After all, we are all compatriots.

Underground partyism may be good, but it is something from Red Russia and is not suitable for the national conditions of the Republic of China. It is said that oranges born in Huainan are tangerines, and those born in Huaibei are tangerines. Many people have been deceived into going astray.

 We need to help them speed up the transformation of their erroneous ideas and expand the trend of self-surrender and rectification. Pulling these brainwashed dissidents out of the pit of fire is a great and great thing with immeasurable merit. "

He was talking nonsense, and Zuo Zhong almost vomited. He didn't know where this guy had the nerve to talk about his compatriots. He seemed to have forgotten how much innocent blood was stained on his hands.

   Someone pulled out the fire bed, and from the original shareholder of the world's top five to a precarious remnant of the small court, if those traitors had not died after a few decades, they would probably have eaten Xu alive.

As for influence, it is nothing more than a head-on confrontation. You can only win over unsteady elements in a gentle way. This has happened more than once in history, and the future Wang is an example.

At this time, Xu Enzeng on the stage waved his hand and strengthened his tone: "This requires us not to have the mentality of eager for quick success. Those mistakes in the past are proof that being anxious will not make you eat hot tofu.

We must investigate as deeply as possible, do not seek quick results, do not be greedy for immediate credit, and do not rush to destroy. Only by expanding the scope of destruction can we carry out the most thorough elimination of underground party organizations.

 You must be familiar with the internal operations of underground party organizations, and adopt different countermeasures based on different levels of organizational structures and personnel quality, and must implement both hard and soft measures to achieve actual results.

Personnel performing tasks must also further strengthen their studies and understand the other party's doctrine. Ideological confrontation cannot be won with pistols and electric chairs. The head is our weapon.

You must not shout empty slogans such as long live the leader and pledge allegiance to the party-state. This kind of propaganda is too low-level and will not only have no effect on the underground party, but will also inspire their rebellious mentality. "

Xu Enzeng became more and more excited as he spoke, and kept slapping the table in front of him. The Secret Service Headquarters had been suppressed by the Secret Service for so long. Today, he finally felt proud and proud. He wanted to show some color to Zuo.

What's so great about arresting people? It's the ability to turn the enemy into one's own, and it's the ability to use one's own people to manage the enemy. Unfortunately, Dai Chunfeng is not here, so he can't slap this guy in the face.

He shook his head with regret and turned to look aside: "Commissioner Zuo, would you like to say a few words? You are an intelligence expert in our bureau. Luoma and the others can learn from you."

"Haha, that's no need." Zuo Zhong said with admiration: "Captain Luo's detection ideas are very good. He is indeed the proud disciple taught by Mr. Gu. It is an eye-opener."

  The proud Luoma on the side was struck by lightning when he heard these words. Gou Ri's smiling tiger is doing harm to people. What is he doing if he has nothing to say? It's really a man sitting at home and the pot comes from the sky. It's over.

Director Xu is quite popular and has a suspicious personality. He is both useful and defensive towards Mr. Gu. He gives money but not power for fear that Mr. Gu will become powerful in the secret service headquarters. The relationship between the two parties is very tense.

I have arrested so many underground party members. Not only was I promoted to section chief, but I could not escape as a deputy section chief. But in the end, just because he was Mr. Gu’s student, he was suppressed at the Shanghai Station.

Originally, I was thinking about performing well in the White Blood Cell Project and seeing if I could be transferred to Jinling. But now I was reminded by Xiaomian Huyi that, let alone climbing up, it would be good if I could keep the captain position without losing it.

Sure enough, even though he knew Zuo Zhong was sowing discord, Xu Enzeng still felt as sick as if he had eaten a dead fly, his face became ugly, and he glanced at the llama unkindly.

“Captain Luo, how far have you progressed in infiltrating the underground party Special Branch? The other party is the biggest obstacle to the White Blood Cell Plan, especially the anti-corruption team, which must be dealt with as soon as possible.

This group of lawless rebels committed murder and arson everywhere, assassinating regular personnel many times, such as Bai An, and they even dared to touch the people of our secret service headquarters in the concession. They were simply crazy.

I will give you a task now. Put the priority reconnaissance target of the White Blood Cell Project on Teko and find out the personnel situation. At that time, I will ask for the support of the French Concession and the Public Concession. "


  The anti-corruption team?

Zuo Chong’s ears immediately stood up. The anti-traitor team was the famous red team and dog-fighting team in history. Its members were elusive and highly capable, and they had eliminated many traitors who had committed the most heinous crimes.

The traitor surnamed Gu was once the leader of this team. The Bai case mentioned by Xu Enzeng was personally commanded by him. It only took one minute from the shooting to the evacuation, and the operators did not leave any traces.

Later, forensic doctors dissected the body and found that the target had been shot three times in the head at the same time. The three bullets entered from different parts and passed out from the same part. This shows the power of the red team.

After the traitor surnamed Gu surrendered, the intelligence network of the underground party in Shanghai was completely destroyed, and many people in the red team were killed. However, they quickly resumed their activities and gave the enemy a powerful counterattack.

Facing such a serious problem, Xu Enzeng and the special agent headquarters must be eager to get rid of it quickly, but they just don't know how much the enemy has grasped, and Zuo Zhong's heart is in his throat.

When Luo Ma heard Xu Enzeng talking about Special Branch, he immediately cheered up and said loudly: "Reporting to the director, I have already deployed inside cells within Special Branch and found some useful information.

The structure of the Special Section is similar to when Mr. Gu was there. It consists of four departments, each with its own tasks. There is no horizontal contact, and only the section chief level will contact each other. The first department is the General Affairs Department, which is responsible for setting up agencies, arranging meeting venues, and managing finances.

 The second section is the Intelligence Section, which is responsible for collecting various intelligence and conducting counter-intelligence work.

 The third section is the Operations Section, which is responsible for assassinations. We will give a detailed introduction later.

 The fourth branch is the Communications Branch, responsible for the operation of radio communications and underground transportation networks.

I believe that if you want to destroy the underground party organization in Shanghai, you must first destroy Special Branch. If you want to destroy Special Branch, you must first destroy the Third Branch. You can arrest important figures one by one and completely lose the combat effectiveness of the other party. "

"Well, very good. Sun Tzu has a saying in the art of war. Only by knowing oneself and the enemy can one be victorious in every battle. Knowing this, I feel confident." After hearing this, Xu Enzeng drew up an article and said with satisfaction: "Go on."


Luoma breathed a sigh of relief and said based on the memory in his mind: "Special Section 3, known as the Red Team within the underground party, the current captain Gong Hui'an, his real name is unknown, his age is unknown, and his experience is unknown.

I only know that the other person has used the aliases of Sheik, Fang Boquan, Lao Zhang, etc., and is good at disguising and changing accents. Some people say that this person is from the Northeast, while others say that he is from Guangdong, and he can shoot with both hands.

The vice-captain is nicknamed Lao Li, and all information is unknown. There are also dozens of other members, including Xiucai, Xiao Guangdong, and Lao Dong. Insiders are working hard to investigate their cover identities, but there is not much progress.

The Red Team implements a single line of communication within the team. The number of people in each operation will not be very large. Before the operation, it is kept strictly confidential. After the operation, they hibernate on the spot. They are called by pseudonyms during the operation. The personnel often change their residences.

I suspect that the Jiujiawei incident was caused by these people. Apart from them, the underground party should have no other elite action forces in Beijing and Shanghai. The freighter also set off from Shanghai. "


Xu Enzeng gritted his teeth quickly. They were right. Everything was right. That **** Meng Ting was also active in Shanghai before. He bullied people too much. The underground party was really unruly.

 Teke mainly operates in Shanghai. Why did he go to Jinling to perform tasks and even murder himself? Doesn't he have any organization and discipline? Isn't this what Red Head is most particular about?

He said gloomily: "Send someone to check the places where Meng Ting often hangs out in Shanghai. Investigate all suspicious persons, especially those who suddenly disappeared after going to Jinling. Take action as soon as possible."


Luoma looked at the webmaster of Shanghai Station bitterly, meaning it was your turn to come forward and explain. Shi Zhenmei secretly said something bad and stood up reluctantly to report some situations.

“Report, according to the instructions of Director Chen, on the day of the Jiujiawei incident, we conducted a survey of Meng Ting’s relationship network, including police stations, newspapers, restaurants, and dance halls, but found nothing.

Since the target served as the deputy captain of the detective brigade of the Shanghai Police Department, he was involved in many cases and interacted with people from all walks of life. There is really no way to verify them one by one. Please forgive me, Director Xu. "

  After saying that, he closed his eyes and said, "Just do whatever you want. One is a Shangguan, and the other is a Shangguan's Shangguan. I can't afford to offend anyone. This **** webmaster is not the right one. It's really frustrating."

Xu Enzeng's face was livid. He didn't know about this at all. Even if he was guilty at the time, Director Chen should have informed him afterwards. What if he directly skipped the command?

If the superiors behave like this, the people below will lose their prestige, and how will their daily work be carried out? Everyone will listen to the orders from the superiors, and what they, the division chiefs and section chiefs, are asked to do.

After a few minutes, Lao Xu struggled to put on a smile and spoke loudly in a hoarse voice: "Oh, yes, Director Chen told me about this, you should use your brains more.

Since this road is blocked, let's change the direction. Meng Ting used to patrol the French Concession. There must be something wrong here. Luoma, send more outside cells to investigate the French Concession. Okay, let's break up the meeting. "

 Either he was too lazy to act anymore, or he was so shocked that he completely forgot that there was a special correspondent from the bureau headquarters. He announced that the meeting was over and left the office in despair.

Zuo Zhong looked at this scene and smiled slightly. He stood up and walked to the station director Shi Zhenmei at a Shanghai station. He stretched out his right hand and said, "Goodbye station director Shi. Deputy Director Dai asked me to take care of you. See you later."

 “Well, bye.”

Shi Zhenmei looked around nervously and stammered in reply, as if she was afraid that others would hear the conversation just now. When she came back to her senses, she found that the commissioner and his men had already gone away.

 In the distance, the llama in the corner is watching here, with a smile on his lips. It turns out that he is not the only one who wants to change the door. It’s interesting. Shanghai Station is getting more and more interesting.

 (End of this chapter)

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