Cicada Moving

Chapter 533: developments

Chapter 533 Developments

 Jinling, Bureau of Investigation and Statistics Building.

Phones were ringing one after another, and the staff with documents in their hands were walking in a hurry. Li Wei held the folder and trotted to the door of Dai Chunfeng's office, straightened his collar and knocked on the door.


"Come in."

When Li Wei heard the reply, he immediately opened the door, walked to the desk and handed the folder out: "Report, deputy director Zuo's telegram from Shanghai, the telecommunications office said they did not have the secret code."

 “Well, you go out first.”

Dai Chunfeng took it without raising his head and said calmly: "From now on, the news of Shen Zhong's arrival must be sent over as soon as possible, but do not inquire, let alone disclose it to the outside world, especially people in the bureau."

 “Yes, Deputy Director.”

Li Wei knew that Lao Dai was under a lot of pressure. Director Chen's influence was deeply rooted in the bureau headquarters. As outsiders, their every word and deed would be noticed. If they were not careful, they would be tricked.

Fortunately, after this period of hard work, some frustrated people from the old era gradually came forward, and my boss finally had available manpower in various departments, so that he would not be blinded.

While sighing, he filled the water glass on the table with hot water, then walked out gently and closed the door. Ignoring all kinds of prying eyes, he walked back to the small office and continued to wait for the call.

A few minutes later, Dai Chunfeng, who was in the room, finished signing the documents at hand, put down his gold pen and rubbed the bridge of his nose, then took out a thin booklet from the drawer, and then opened the folder.


He smiled after the secret code was translated. Xu Enzeng destroyed the White Blood Cell Project and caused the underground party library to escape. This person is indeed as unreliable as ever. This is good news.

Had it not been for Er Chen's personal guarantee, who would have gotten this sinner named Xu to preside over such an important operation? There are many suitable candidates in the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics, such as his own good student Shen Zhi.

It's okay if Xu Enzeng doesn't have any problems, but if something goes wrong, he won't be the only one to be unlucky. Minister Chen and Director Chen are also jointly and severally responsible. After all, they were the ones who recommended the person.

Moreover, this person knows his mistakes and refuses to correct them, but also tries to bribe the supervisors. If the chairman of the committee knew about it, he would definitely be furious. This telegram was well sent and used in a clever way to make Er Chen suffer a big loss.

As for whether Zuo Chong received gifts or how many gifts he received, it didn't matter. The emperor did not need hungry soldiers, and it was normal to receive some benefits for doing things for the party and the country. What mattered was this loyalty, which was nothing compared to money.

Besides, the time is indeed not ripe at the moment, so what if Xu Enzeng is allowed to be proud for another two days? Dai Chunfeng had an idea and wrote a reply in a confident manner, and asked Li Wei to go to the telecommunications room and send it to Shanghai.

 When Zuo Zhong received this message, he couldn't help but sigh at Lao Dai's magnanimity. Teacher Xianyuan made it clear that no matter how many things he accepted from Lao Xu, it was all to confuse this scum of the party and the country and a corrupt official.

 So to be precise, he is collecting money and accepting bribes for the country. If he had known this, he should have asked for more. Using other people's money to achieve his own merits, there is nothing more beautiful in the world than this.

If you don't call Xu Enzeng again, you can tell him that Jinling has heard the news and you have to rely on yourself to operate it. This saves the three of them from being killed. Zuo Zhong is quite moved.

Since those gold bars are left to those people, it is better to give them to them to stimulate consumption, which can be regarded as a contribution to the party-state. After all, the value of money can only be reflected in circulation.

"Deputy Director."

At this time, Wu Chunyang came over and presented the two file bags in his hands: "These are the files of Shi Zhenmei and Luoma. Section Chief Gu Qi had them delivered overnight. These two guys are not simple."


Zuo Zhong suddenly became interested. While looking at the information, he said leisurely: "In addition to the information above, the peripheral investigation must also start as soon as possible. There must be some omissions in the files.

These two people are the core of a Shanghai website. They will inevitably interact with each other in the future. The more detailed the information, the better, especially the relationship network. I want to know who they know and whether they have any special background. "

If there are many forces within the party, who knows if there are big figures standing behind Shi Zhenmei and Luo Ma. It's not that they are afraid. At most, they just need to be more careful when they attack. He is not afraid of them compared to the backstage.

After hearing this, Wu Chunyang showed a rare expression of embarrassment: "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. These two are professional intelligence officers. Unlike Xu Enzeng, who became a monk by the way, they attach great importance to keeping their own information confidential.

For example, the addresses of their family members are from many years ago, presumably to prevent outside investigation. External investigations will definitely contact relevant people, and it is likely that the other party will be aware of it. "

 “Well, that’s a problem.”

Zuo Zhong said noncommittally, and then asked: "What do you mean by saying that the two of them are not simple? Could it be that two golden phoenixes can fly out of the secret service headquarters? Please tell me carefully."

Wu Chunyang straightened his back: "Shi Zhenmei was the first police science student in Huangpu. She was the senior student of Chen Gongshu and Zhao Lijun. After graduation, she worked in the military intelligence department and lurked among the northern warlords for several years.

 Later, he made great achievements and was accepted by Director Chen as his secretary. Later, for some reason, he offended Er Chen and was transferred to the Shanghai Station as the station director. This is also the reason why the other party chose to keep in touch with Deputy Director Dai. "

Having said this, he secretly glanced at Zuo Zhong, and found that Zuo Zhong's expression was as usual and continued: "Luoma is a cadet in the police group of the first military police class of the Central Military Academy. He performed very well in school. Among them, police science and detective science , fingerprinting, and statistics, all of which received first-class academic results. After six months of study, he entered the secret service headquarters and joined the Gu's training class.

In this training class, this person was highly regarded by the surname Gu. He had repeatedly recommended him to Director Chen to take up important positions in Jinling. As a result, Xu Enzeng personally ordered Luoma to be assigned to Shanghai Station for training. "


I'm afraid I'm wearing small shoes.

Zuo Zhong put the information back into the file bag, tapped the brown paper bag with his fingers, then stood up and walked to the window to look at the slightly bright night sky. It was indeed a night in Shanghai, with neon lights dyeing half of the sky red.

Especially the Paramount store, which is famous all over the country, it generously bought several large searchlights, shining tens of thousands of lumens of light from the ground into the air, burning a lot of electricity bills every second.

His eyes followed those conspicuous lights, and he ordered decisively: "Shi Zhenmei and Luoma's investigation must be in-depth. You can find a few old brothers from the Jige Lane period to follow closely.

 Tell them to bring cameras and take pictures of all the suspicious people who met the two people, and try to find out their identities. If they are discovered, tell them that it was my order and not to follow the same person. "

 “Okay, Deputy Director.”

Wu Chunyang nodded and turned to leave. Peripheral investigation information is easy to leak, but tracking is different. With the tracking technology of the old man in the intelligence department, as long as you keep a good distance, the other party can't find it.

Zuo Zhong stood in front of the window with his arms folded and was in a daze until the clock rang nine times. He closed the door and took out his mobile phone and sent the news of the arrest of two comrades in the propaganda department to Old K.

Although I don’t know the specific names, they are a Propaganda Minister and a senior official of the Propaganda Department. They are not small figures. The underground party in Shanghai should know who they are.

The fact was what he thought. An hour later, the radio station affiliated to Teco at Gaolang Bridge, the junction of the French Concession and the Chinese border in Shanghai, once again received a coded early warning message from the southwest.

In the third floor pavilion of Shikumen, the radio operator and the shadow looked at each other. What happened recently? Something happened to the Shanghai Organization again. The Central Library was just transferred. Now even the Propaganda Minister was arrested.

“Chief, is there something wrong with us internally? The enemy sent out twice in a row, one time targeting several important institutions, and the other time targeting important cadres. There must be something wrong here.”

The middle-aged female operator in a cheongsam took off her earphones, with a confused and solemn expression. She whispered to a thin man with a moustache, and then added something uncertain.

“Also, the Shanghai Central Bureau has received early warning information. Why didn’t those two comrades retreat? The Propaganda Minister and Senior Official Wen have a lot of information, in case they can’t hold on.”

The man known as the chief shook his head: "You have to believe in your comrades. Besides, the address of the library is top secret. Only a few people know it. These people are all experienced veterans.

They not only have firm beliefs, but also have a blood feud with the Fruit Party, so they can never be traitors. If they had problems, we would have been discovered by special agents long ago, and there is no need to wait until today. "

 Speaking of this, he thought of the secret letter from last time, which said that the enemy was carrying out a white blood cell project, with the purpose of infiltrating tissues and slowly replacing red blood cells with white blood cells.

Therefore, it is impossible to determine whether there are so-called white blood cells among these people, and it is also unknown which layer of tissue the other party has penetrated into. The most important thing at the moment is to rescue the two arrested people.

 The only good thing is that after these two days of strict review, there were no problems with the members of the Red Team. Otherwise, the party's operational power in Shanghai would be in danger and the damage would be inestimable.

He lit a match to light the bottom of the telegram, raised his head and said to the telegraph operator: "Shanghai Central Bureau and Special Branch are relatively independent, and it takes a certain amount of time to transmit early warning information. This may be the problem.

Now that ordinary communication channels are no longer safe, you immediately contact the Central Bureau through the radio, inform the other party of the situation, and ask why the two people did not evacuate. Don't say anything else. "


The operator put on the earphones again, turned the **** on the radio skillfully, turned on the power and started pressing the buttons. The green transmit signal light kept flashing, sending radio waves to the outside world over and over again.

She turned back after a long time, with a bit of worry in her tone: "There is no response, should we adjust to ground wave contact? This way the communication quality will be better and clearer, and it should be safe within a short period of time."

There are two propagation paths for shortwave radio stations, one is ground wave and the other is sky wave. Sky wave is when the signal is reflected between the atmosphere and the ground. The advantage is that the distance is long, but the disadvantage is that it is not stable enough.

Ground waves are not affected by climate and their propagation is relatively stable and reliable. However, during the propagation process, the energy is continuously absorbed by the earth, so the propagation distance is not far and it is easy to be detected and locked by electrical detection equipment.

The chief stood behind her and said without thinking: "Use ground wave to communicate. Tomorrow you and the radio station will be moved. You can't stay in this place anymore. Move to my place first, and wait until the situation stabilizes before making other plans."


  The operator replied seriously.

 (End of this chapter)

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