Cicada Moving

Chapter 540: a good show

 Chapter 540 A good show

 “Ah! Killed!”

Kou Zi and Hu joined the young men who were on guard in the hotel lobby and walked out of the door. They rushed into the night with guns, leaving only the two waitresses screaming because of the shooting.

at the same time.

Xu Enzeng, Shi Zhenmei, and Luo Ma all lay down by the window at the surveillance point of the secret service headquarters, staring at the three black figures getting closer and closer in the dark night with their eyes wide open, holding on to the window sill with six hands.

The big fish has finally taken the bait. It doesn't matter whether the person named Gong dies or not. As long as they can lock the location of the underground party's agency, everything will be worth it. Besides, they didn't pay anything.

The people who defected are all dead, and the promised conditions naturally do not have to be fulfilled. The secret service headquarters has saved a lot of money. Thinking of this, Xu Enzeng couldn't help but reveal a mysterious smile on his face.

How to reimburse accounts is a big question. I can definitely say that Gong Zizai has collected the money. The amount is just a few thousand dollars. Anyway, it is the money of the National Government and it is not used in vain.

“Reporting to the director, our people have followed. I have deployed operatives at all nearby intersections. Even if the underground party knows that this is a trap, it is useless. As long as the other party appears, they will not be able to escape.”

Luoma's eyes were shining, and he explained with excitement: "I have improved the three-on-one tracking method. I use ten people to track one person in sections, and cooperate with the peripheral surveillance, so that they can't escape."

Shi Zhenmei also smiled and nodded: "We have learned the lesson from the last time. The personnel this time have been strictly vetted, and their intelligence expertise is also good. They will definitely be able to wipe out all the underground parties."

 Xu Enzeng straightened up and put his hands on his hips, his eyes filled with water. It had been a long time since he had experienced such a smooth life, and the tragedies of the past flashed through his mind one by one.


  Be blamed.


 Being laughed at.

 Being shot.

He raised his head to hold back the tears and choked with sobs as he said: "Tell everyone, you will be rewarded heavily after the mission is completed. I will report your heroic actions to the leader based on your merits."


A sudden loud noise interrupted Xu Enzeng's painting. A car parked near the surveillance point turned into a pile of scrap metal in the light of the fire, and no bones of the secret service personnel in the car were left.

Before anyone else could react, seven or eight masked men jumped out of the darkness, and the weapons in their hands opened fire. The agents disguised as pedestrians and traders fell to the ground one by one.

 “Bang, bang.”

Kou Zihu, who was walking, heard the sound and moved. He lifted his robe with both hands and pulled out two pistols from his waist. He fired left and right at the street lights. The light bulbs shattered and the scene became pitch black.

Without lighting, he and the two teammates behind him didn't even look for a bunker. They walked in a triangular formation on the street as if there was no one around, using the bright light of the burning car to harvest lives with one shot.

On the side of the road, an agent who was knocked away by the blast wave staggered and struggled to get up. He shook his head and tried to find the enemy, but when he looked up, he saw a pair of cold eyes.


The bullet entered through the eye socket and exited from the back of the head. The huge impact caused the man's head to **** back, throwing out a line of blood that was five to six meters long and splashing onto the red brick wall not far away.

Looking at this rare scene, Kou Zihu kept his expression unchanged and continued to walk among the frightened crowd and panicked agents. Every time a shot was fired, someone was bound to fall to the ground, and his shooting skills were very accurate.

All this happened within a few seconds. The secret service headquarters was caught off guard. The surveillance personnel scattered everywhere died before they had time to resist. Bodies soon lay all over the streets.

Xu Enzeng opened his mouth wide and gasped several times but was speechless. How come in the blink of an eye, most of his men were killed or injured? What on earth is the underground party going to do?

This is a public concession. If there is such a big commotion, they are not afraid of Britain and the United States carrying out a large-scale sweep in the area. Or rather, this action is a warning to those foreign devils.

 “Come, help!”

Luoma was the first to wake up and ran toward the gate with an angry roar. The members of the Shanghai Station Action Team looked at each other. It was a capital crime to escape from the battlefield, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow behind.

Hearing the footsteps gradually receding, Shi Zhenmei, who looked dazed at the side, quietly exhaled and couldn't help but sigh: It's great to be young, but even if your brain is not very good, you can still get involved in this matter?

No matter who was responsible before, the person who takes command now will inevitably be blamed. The tradition of the party-state is that running is in vain, and dying is in vain. If you don’t do well, if you do more, you will make more mistakes. The llama still needs experience.

Then he glanced at Xu Enzeng out of the corner of his eye, and was surprised to find that the director's expression was also relaxed, and the sneaky eyes of the two happened to meet each other. This was a bit embarrassing.


Xu Enzeng coughed, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot: "The underground party moved very quickly, which shows that we still have problems internally, otherwise the other party would not have been able to obtain relevant information so quickly.

You should also take people down to provide support. The murderer of Gong Zizai must be caught. I want to see who dares to liaise with the underground party. The people from the patrol room should be here soon. Don't embarrass the secret service headquarters. ”     No good, this old boy wants to pass the blame.

Shi Zhenmei was startled, and immediately said without being humble or arrogant: "Director, the current situation is unknown, and I am afraid that the other party wants to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Your safety is the most important, and what happened in Jiujiawei cannot happen again.

Besides, Captain Luo is the number one operational expert at the Shanghai Station. With him, the underground party will not be able to overturn the situation. If you are really worried, I will go with you to check it out. There are many of us and we are not afraid of traps. "

As soon as these words came out, the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the ground. Xu Enzeng's expression was like a marquee, turning red and blue. He never mentioned letting Shi Zhenmei out again.

At this time, gunshots were ringing outside non-stop, and irrelevant pedestrians had already hid in the corners. Occasionally, a ball of gunfire flashed through the darkness, and it was unknown who was shooting.

 “Chief, it’s time to retreat.”

The young man who was in the hotel lobby earlier shouted at the mouth, and after speaking, he shot the agent behind the trash can across the street. The bullet passed through two thin layers of iron and hit the agent's chest.

 “You retreat, I will cover you.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   being fired by the chief, forcing the enemy in the corner to retreat.

Then he put the sleeves of the two guns facing each other, slid them left and right, and the rear sight and ejection port collided with each other. The pistol was loaded with a click, and the surrounding agents were stunned.

 (There is a video for the easter egg, and the review is very slow)

There is only one person in Shanghai who can master this unique skill, and that is the captain of the Teko Red Team of the underground party. No wonder the opponent's marksmanship is so accurate, he doesn't even need to aim when he puts out the street lights.

Thinking of the legend about this man, the people present swallowed their saliva, with a hint of fear in their eyes. This was a living king of hell, and at his hands, not one hundred but eighty members of the party and state died.

Once the other party pretended to be drinking water on the roadside and shot to death three underground party traitors wandering on the street in the blink of an eye. At that time, the police officer passing by watched helplessly and did not even dare to fart.

 It’s so scary.

So except for a few newcomers who didn't know the depth, most of the agents chose to squat in place. They joined the agent headquarters for prestige and to make money, not to fight for their lives.


The chief didn't know what they were thinking. He raised his gun at a 90-degree angle with both hands and stepped back. When he saw the stunned Qing who dared to show his head, he fired, suppressing dozens of frightened enemies by himself.

The people from the underground party took the opportunity to scatter. As long as they ran into the criss-crossing lanes, no one could find anyone again. The vicuña was so anxious that he flew into a rage and pointed his gun at his men and shouted loudly.

“Quick, go up. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he is still alone. Whoever catches the leader of the red team will be rewarded with a thousand oceans. If we let the opponent go like this, one of us will be punished by the top.”

The heads of the agents are lowered, MD. It is a bit cheap to pay a thousand oceans for their lives. As for punishment, just punish them. The chairman cannot kill them all. The law does not punish the public.


Luoma cursed bitterly, but did not move his feet. The two sides had been fighting for several years, and he knew the ability of that person very well. In terms of marksmanship alone, even ten of them stacked together could not compare to the other person.

At this time, the car that had been burning for a long time burst into flames again. He was so frightened that he jumped and rolled behind the bunker. After landing, he quickly touched his body and wisely closed his mouth after confirming that he had not been shot.


The sound of a police car from the patrol house in the distance floated in the night sky, but strangely, no car approached after the sound for a long time. It seemed that no one was a fool, and they all wanted to compete with the snipe and the clam to benefit the fisherman.

After all, there are not many forces who dare to engage in fighting in the concession. They are either strongmen who lick blood with their swords, or underground parties who are desperate for their lives. Only lunatics want to deal with each other, and their lives are important.

The chief knew that things would develop as he predicted, and he walked a little faster. It didn't take long for him to retreat to an alley, and before turning around and leaving, he threw a smoke bomb.

White smoke instantly enveloped the alley, blocking the scene in the alley. This made the people at the secret service headquarters fearful and unable to make a decision, let alone chase. God knows whether the murderer would ambush.

 “Beautiful, well done.”

On the roof of a small building near the scene of the firefight, a bald man looked at the chief's back, his eyes gleaming, as if he was gearing up, as if he wanted to jump down and fight the opponent for 300 rounds.

“Deputy Director, you guessed it right. These **** from the First Division actually said one thing and did another. They clearly agreed to act together with you, but they pounced on them when they saw the benefits. It’s true that dogs can’t change their minds and eat shit.”

Looking at the Shanghai Station agents who dared not move, Wu Chunyang looked disdainful. Standing next to him were Gui Youguang and Shen Dongxin. They watched a good show for free, and it was not in vain for them to wait all night.

 “Haha, close the team.”

 Zuo Zhong crossed his arms and said, a smile flashed across his face. There is no need to provoke Xu Enzeng now. The other party will take the initiative to come to ask for help tomorrow morning at the latest. Rushing is not a business.

 (End of this chapter)

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