Cicada Moving

Chapter 55: evil deeds

Chapter 55 Criminal Acts


 After reacting, Toyama Nakaji immediately slapped Kosuke Takamura several times.

Not only did the rescue fail, but a small group of soldiers were also involved, which made the Japanese Empire lose a big face in front of Britain and other countries. Someone must bear this responsibility.

Brondo and Vicente wiped cold sweat. Fortunately, the Japanese had just arrived to act as scapegoats. Otherwise, the casualties of dozens of soldiers during peacetime would probably have alarmed even Downing Street and Buckingham Palace.

These robbers are so vicious that they even planted bombs in the parking lot. This is a death trap. As for whether there are any bombs nearby, no one can say for sure.

So the situation immediately came to a stalemate. No country was willing to send troops to rescue the hostages. These robbers were so brutal. Maybe the hostages were already dead, so why add to the casualties.

Bailondu thought for a while and announced to the consuls of various countries: "Listen to the other party's request first, but no matter what, they will not be able to leave here. I assure you."

Inside the hotel, the hostages heard a bang outside, and then the floor-to-ceiling windows and the crystal chandelier in the lobby shattered. Fortunately, the hostages were in the restaurant behind the lobby and were not hurt by the flying glass.

When the smoke cleared, the corpses and wounded on the ground made the hostages realize the seriousness of the problem again. Although the robbers were easy to talk to, they really knew how to kill.

What is even more frightening is that people in black carried the bodies of security guards out of the hotel and placed them on the road, densely packed in a row.

There was also a man in black who shouted to the people outside: "We are out washing the floor. Don't worry, we won't shoot."

Bailongdu suddenly squatted behind the sandbag and shouted in horror: "What's going on? Why are you washing the ground?"

Vicente took a look and said with an ugly expression: "The other party is carrying out the bodies in the hotel. They should be the hotel security guards they killed before. These people are really cruel."

Bai Longdu thought for a while with a dark face, and felt that he could not just leave the body on the road. He ordered the patrolmen to carry the body back, and at the same time told them not to provoke the robbers.

The patrols walked to the road cautiously and carried back the corpses, including those of the Japanese soldiers. The consuls discovered that the dead people in the hotel were all short yellow men and red-headed Asan.

 What is going on? Is it internal strife among Asians?

Only the Japanese consul Toyama Nakaharu, who knew the inside story, understood that those yellow people were probably spies of the Special High School Course from Jinmen. They were really a bunch of trash.

"Now no one will interrupt, we can continue the topic." The masked man in the hotel shrugged apologetically: "Do you know why we lost our family and loved ones?"

 No one said anything, those who knew did not dare to speak out, and those who did not know were confused as to why they should care about what happened in an East Asian country.

 The masked man pointed at Hase Ryosuke again: "Sir, as a cadre of Japan's Extraordinary Higher Education Courses, you should know the reasons very well. Come, please sit down, and let us discuss it carefully."

 Hase Ryosuke felt a huge wave of emotions in his heart. How did he know his identity? Is there a traitor around him? But looking at the men in black glaring around him, he could only sit down obediently.

Zhang Jingyao had already shrunk into the crowd. He only hoped that Mr. Hase was a real man and would never betray himself. He knew that in the eyes of these people, traitors must die just like the Japanese.

The masked man asked Hase Ryosuke to sit down and sat across from him. The masked man even poured two glasses of whiskey, just like two old friends chatting.

"For life." The masked man pushed a glass of wine to Hase Ryosuke and drank the wine in front of him in one gulp.

 “For life.” Ryosuke Hase swallowed the bitter wine, wondering why he hadn’t found whiskey so hard to swallow before.

 The masked man casually put the pistol on the table: "Can I ask your name? Don't be afraid. This is just a simple conversation between two people who met by chance."

Hase Ryosuke slowly put down his wine glass and closed his eyes: "You don't have to waste your time. I won't tell you. If you want to kill me, please shoot me."

 The masked man said in surprise: "Why should I kill you? Killing you will not do me any good. Or, if I kill you, will you give me the check?"

Hase Ryosuke sneered: "We are all in your hands. Aren't our things yours? Why do I give them to you? Please don't treat me as a fool."

The masked man scratched his head, turned to everyone and said: "Sorry, I just forgot to explain. Your property rights will not be harmed in any way. What you temporarily lose is your right to life. If we get what you want, we will Let you leave safely."

  The hostages were doubtful, but these men in black did not rob them except for searching for dangerous goods.

The masked man looked at Hase Ryosuke and smiled: "Look, you have misunderstood. Please don't regard us as robbers without pursuits. We are warriors with faith."

oh? So if you can survive, you won’t lose one million? Hase Ryosuke, who was originally full of thoughts, had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He is indeed a Japanese spy, but he used to do desk work in the intelligence department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has no Chinese blood on his hands. In fact, he has never even killed a single person.

For a one million check, Ryosuke Hase gritted his teeth: "My name is Ryosuke Hase, and I am the director of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course. I have just been transferred from China. I have never killed anyone." The masked man fell down two more times. Cup of Wine: "Then please tell us what the Japanese did in Northeast China, okay?"

Hase Ryosuke flatly refused: "Even if you kill me, I can't betray my country."

 The masked man applauded: "What a warrior. I respect warriors, so I won't force you, but I have something I want to show you. The content may be bloody, so please read it at your own discretion."

After the masked man finished speaking, several black people took out some leaflets and distributed them to all the hostages. Even if they encountered those who were unwilling to accept them, they were not angry and even avoided the children among the hostages.

 Hase Ryosuke also got one. When he saw the contents of the flyer, he almost sat down on the ground. Even he, the head of the special high school section, didn't know some of the things on it.

 The leaflets use the languages ​​​​of several countries to record the massacres committed by the Japanese army in Northeast China in 1932, and there are even some blurry photos.

On January 29, 1932, Japanese planes bombed Yiwulu Mountain in Jinxi County indiscriminately, killing more than a thousand people.

On April 30, the 61st Regiment of the Japanese Army invaded Tonghe County, killing and beheading everyone they encountered. More than a hundred Chinese soldiers and more than 300 innocent residents were all killed. Eight prisoners sank into the Songhua River and drowned.

On June 11, the 19th Regiment of the Japanese Army launched a surprise attack on Haibei Town, Hailun County. More than 100 villagers, including children and women, were pushed into the northern trench and shot to death inhumanely.

Between June and December, the Japanese army launched 13 raids in the Ji'an and Linjiang areas, killing more than 100 innocent civilians.

On September 16, the Japanese army gathered more than 3,000 villagers in Lijiagou, Pingdingshan and other villages near the Fushun coal mine, and then carried out a genocidal massacre. Afterwards, they hunted down more than 20 residents of Qianjinbao Village who fled after hearing the news.

  In late September, Japan carried out another brutal massacre in Qianjinbao, killing more than 400 villagers and burning more than 1,000 houses in one day.

The hostages were in an uproar. A White Russian woman stood up, walked up to Hase Ryosuke, and spat at him. This move was like the beginning. Many hostages with angry faces spat at Hase Ryosuke. Foaming.

Most of the hostages expressed anger at this inhumane behavior. They may have the intention to please the masked man, but this is exactly what the masked man wants to see.

 Create conflict and opposition, divide the hostages, and prevent them from uniting.

 Hase Ryosuke could only sit back and accept being spurned. Although he was not one of those hands-on Kwantung Army soldiers, what difference did it make? He also wore the same military uniform, stole information in China, and helped the Japanese army launch its invasion.

 The masked man said in a low voice: "The records here are only a small part. There may be more unrecorded massacres. We have a blood feud with the Japanese, which is why we are here today."

Perhaps the exchange just now emboldened the hostages. A white man stood up and said, "Sir, if you want to get help, you should not do it in a barbaric way."

 The masked man asked curiously: "Which country are you a citizen of?"

 The white man replied: "British."

 The masked man nodded: "Then do you know how your country's Times newspaper described the Japanese rule in Northeast China?"

The white man shook his head. He had not paid much attention to the wars in East Asian countries before, but he believed that the media in his country would definitely protest against this **** and brutal aggression.

“The Japanese fought against bandits who disrupted order, maintained local security, and restored social order in cities such as Fengtian. Japan’s move to separate Chinese territory was welcomed by the locals.

 For example, Japan quickly restored order and was welcomed by the locals. They forgot about the Chinese government. Surprisingly, they hated the National Government very much. Now some people are eager to establish a new country with a monarchy. "The masked man read out a report in a measured tone.

The white man sat down with a red face. He could not believe that a media like The Times would blatantly defend such an inhumane army that committed genocide.

“So today we are here to attract the attention of the world and let more people know what the Japanese have done.” The masked man explained the reason for the hostage.

He then said: "Now I am announcing something, because we are unable to provide corresponding medical services, so the injured people are asked to leave, except for Japanese nationals."

The hostages were stunned. This was the first time they saw a robber taking the initiative to release the hostages, especially the injured hostages. They originally thought they were going to suffer here, but they didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise.

The injured hostages stood up one by one. Those who could not move were also supported by the slightly injured hostages. Seeing that there was really no one to stop them, they slowly walked towards the door.

"Wait a moment."

Suddenly the masked man shouted, and the injured hostages were in a commotion. They thought to themselves that the robbers were regretful. They were really untrustworthy bastards.

“After you leave, whether you are disgusted or angry, I ask you to inform more news media, for the sake of those who were innocently killed.” The masked man unexpectedly bowed to the injured hostage.

 The leaving hostages nodded silently, regardless of whether it was true or false.

 (End of this chapter)

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