Cicada Moving

Chapter 544: I don't have to give it, but you can't give it to me

Chapter 544 I don’t have to give it, but you can’t give it to me

 Xu Enzeng left in a murderous manner. Should he die himself or someone else? This multiple-choice question is easy to answer. Moreover, for the elites of the party-state, such things as conscience and morality do not exist.

 The next few days were uneventful.

The CCP intends to shrink, while the underground party goes into hibernation. The two concessions continue to sing and dance, and everyone seems to have reached a tacit understanding to jointly maintain this rare peace.

 During this period, Zuo Zhong personally went to Elizabeth Hospital and confirmed that the traitor named Gong Zizai was not dead. Then he told Old K the relevant situation and asked him to pass it on to Shanghai.

Because they were reminded, the underground party was not in a hurry to silence them again. Last time they succeeded in confusing the secret service headquarters and catching the other party off guard, but this time it was not that simple.

It is unwise to act hastily in the face of a trap. Early intelligence investigation and various preparations for the operation are essential. This all takes time. Fortunately, the traitor is in a coma, so there is no need to worry too much.

After Zuo Zhong dealt with this matter, he took a vacation for himself. He took He Yijun through Shanghai every day to familiarize himself with the roads. If the war broke out, this East Asian spy city would be the main battlefield of the Secret Service.

If you don't even know the terrain, how can you fight the Japanese? Over the past decades, the Japanese have invested a lot of manpower and material resources here. Hongkou in the public concession is like a country within a country.

 Most of the first Japanese who came to Shanghai lived in the Wusong Road and Wuchang Road areas of Hongkou, and made a living by opening small businesses such as watch shops, clothing stores, and photo studios. There were also many who ran technical institutes.

 After the last war, the Japanese textile industry began to invest heavily in the Republic of China. Many yarn mills and textile factories were opened in Hongkou and Yangpu, and people related to them continued to set foot on this land.

 In the twelfth year of the Republic of China, the regular route from Shanghai to Nagasaki was opened. Two ships plied between the two places. The number of Japanese expatriates in Shanghai continued to increase, accounting for nearly half of the number of foreign expatriates in Shanghai.

In addition to Wusong Road and Wuchang Road, these people also expanded to Beichuan Province Road, Diswei Road and other places, and built many residences, schools, hospitals, markets, temples and other facilities in these areas.

To this day, Hongkou has a strong oriental style everywhere, and some good people even gave it the title of **** Little Tokyo. After 128, Japan gained the actual governance of this place.

When Zuo Zhong and He Yijun were wearing western clothes and walking slowly on the streets filled with kimonos, they felt as if they were in Japan thousands of miles away. All they saw were Japanese-style buildings and all they heard were conversations in Japanese.

Occasionally, pedestrians passing by who spoke in Chinese were hurried and looked hurried, and they did not dare to stay on the road at all because of the fierce-looking Japanese policemen at the intersection.

He Yijun looked at this scene with a normal expression and asked in a low voice in Japanese: "Did the Public Settlement Bureau of Industry and Commerce abandon Hongkou, or did it mean that the Japanese had transactions with the British and Americans."

From the time he first took charge of the Intelligence Department, Zuo Zhong required all personnel to master a foreign language, such as French, English, Japanese, etc., at least to be able to carry out simple conversations.

 After more than a year of study, except for those who are not smart, everyone else has met this requirement. He Yijun has learned Japanese and English, and can not only speak but even read and write.

The only drawback is that her accent is not very standard, and she sounds like a foreigner. This is fatal for lurking work. The only way to correct this is to listen more and speak more. There is no other way.

Zuo Zhong listened to her question and gave a reminder: "Listen to Japanese radio more often, remember the accent of the other person, don't learn the local accent, just learn the standard Japanese promoted by the Japanese government.

The largest number of Japanese speakers speak this language, and they come from various regions at the same time. The disguised identity is not easy to be revealed. Even if it is traced, it cannot be used as a valuable clue. Do you understand? "

 “I understand.”

He Yijun looked at the Japanese people coming and going, nodded seriously, and determined to change her accent from today on. As long as she could avenge her parents who died tragically, she would persevere no matter how difficult it was.

Seeing that the other party paid attention to this issue, Zuo Zhong replied in standard Japanese: "The specific reasons are more complicated to explain, but it can be summed up in one sentence, whoever has a bigger fist is justified.

 In the 128 Incident, the Japanese ceased war under pressure from the United Kingdom and the United States and withdrew most of their troops, but still left a Marine Corps of more than 1,800 people. Their armed forces were second to none in Shanghai.

 Public Settlement did not want to break their skin, so they had no choice but to accept this result. After all, the role of a colony is to harvest wealth, and development requires a stable environment. The Japanese kidnapped the city. "

At this point, he squatted down and straightened his shoelaces, quietly looked around with his peripheral vision, picked up a stone and drew a circle on the corner of the wall next to him, then stood up and kicked the stone far away.

He Yijun stood on the bustling street with a confused expression. With the Japanese preparing and planning so carefully, can the government really win? No matter how you look at it, there seems to be little hope.

 “Let’s go, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge.”

Zuo Zhong comforted him, and the two of them spent the whole day shopping in Hongkou, inspecting representative buildings such as the Hushang Villa of Benchu ​​Temple, Nishi Hongan Temple, Sanjiaodi Small Market, and Jinglin Cottage.

 Surprisingly, when he talked to Japanese people in these places, they didn't find anything wrong. They just treated him as an ordinary expat and a Chinese woman who could speak Japanese.

This does not mean that Zuo Chongduo has a talent for language, but hard work can make up for his weakness. He reads books every day to accumulate vocabulary, practices calligraphy with posters every day, and sleeps with Japanese radio recordings. God is fair after all.

 In the evening, he put He Yijun into a taxi, walked into an izakaya, ordered a few dishes, sat in the tatami box and sipped sake, waiting for an old friend to arrive.

The circle painted on the corner is the secret signal to meet. This meeting place has also been carefully selected. Neither the boss nor the waiter has an official background, so there is no need to worry about being eavesdropped when talking here.

 Half an hour later, footsteps sounded.     “唰~”

Then the partition was opened, and a gentleman in a suit and tie quickly walked in, and closed the door behind his back. When he saw the scene in the room, he immediately opened his eyes wide and said in surprise.

  (The following are all in Japanese)

 “Fat Tiger, why is it you?”

 “Hehe, please, Mr. Hase.”

Zuo Zhong smiled and raised his hand to signal the other party to take a seat, then poured him a glass of wine and said in a rather emotional tone: "It has been more than a year since we last parted, so in order to meet again, please drink this glass to the full."

 “Hai, sir, please.”

 Hase Ryosuke knelt down and sat opposite him upright. He raised the wine glass with both hands and drank the wine in one gulp. For those who can control their own destiny, human beings always seem to be so good-natured.

He spit out the breath of alcohol after drinking, and asked in a lowered voice: "I wonder if Mr. Fat Tiger has any tasks that require my cooperation when he comes to Shanghai this time. Don't worry, Chang Gu will do his best."

"Don't worry, we haven't seen each other for so long, so we should catch up on old times first. Besides, there is reliable news that there have been changes in the personnel of your consulate. I wonder if Mr. Hase has been affected."

Zuo Zhong took two sips of wine and looked up at the other party: "If you need any help, please just speak. Whether it's a competitor or an obstacle that blocks your progress, we can help you solve it."

Hase Ryosuke was overjoyed. Someone was indeed competing with him for a key position and had an advantage. Who was a relative of the cabinet? So he finally shook his head.

“Thank you Mr. Fat Tiger for your kindness. The personnel changes were personally presided over by His Excellency Mr. Taro Shishezhu, the Consul General in Shanghai. A death incident will definitely arouse the vigilance of the consulate and even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

 Stoneshot Pig Taro.

Even though Zuo Zhong often saw this name in intelligence reports, he still couldn't help but laugh. Pig Taro, considering Wu Dalang's height and weight of more than two hundred kilograms, seemed inexplicably appropriate.

He put a few pieces of seaweed into his mouth and said curiously: "I remember that the Consul General in Shanghai also graduated from the same library. Logically speaking, you are one of your own, and the other party will definitely help you operate."

Hase Ryosuke smiled bitterly: “Without the help of the Consul General and my old classmate, Iwai, the Consulate’s Intelligence Minister, I would not even be qualified to participate in this competition for Deputy Minister of Intelligence.

That man is the son-in-law of the Minister of Munitions. He has many connections in Tokyo. Perhaps the appointment from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be issued in a few days. For children from civilian families like us, it is more practical to earn more money. "

That said, in terms of qualifications, merit, and academic credentials, this deputy minister is his treasure. Unexpectedly, a second-generation ancestor jumped out halfway. This matter will not be easy for anyone.

To be honest, Changgu is addicted to making money every day. He has no interest in promotion. There is a saying that I can take it without giving it, but you have to give it, not to mention that this represents the recognition of the superior.

 “Damn related households.”

He cursed, raised his head and drank another drink, his face full of unwillingness and depression. Being an intelligence officer is not only about killing, but also about being humane. Reality taught him a good lesson.


Zuo Zhong always felt that this guy was pointing at the monk and calling him bald, so he coughed and said, "Give me this person's detailed information, and I will arrange it properly so that Ishishe Ino Taro and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not become suspicious.

 The position of Deputy Minister of Intelligence is very important, both to you and me. By the way, if there is any information worth noting in Shanghai in the past two days, the reward will be waiting for me to go back and send someone to the old place. "

  “No need.”

Hase Ryosuke waved his hand proudly: "You guys, Fat Tiger, are helping me like this. There is no charge this time. In fact, there is nothing important, but there are two pieces of news about your country's secret service headquarters.

First, they captured two important personnel from the Shanghai Central Bureau of the underground party, and these two people have surrendered. Second, the target of the murder at the Baoji Hotel a few days ago is not dead and is being treated. "

 “What? How did you know?”

Zuo Zhongzhen was shocked. The second piece of information was okay. The spies in the hospital worked in two shifts. There were a large number of people, and the information was easily leaked. The most important thing was the first one. Even he didn't know about it.

Hase Ryosuke did not hesitate and started to explain: "There is a secret organization in the Shanghai intelligence community that sells intelligence to the outside world. I, Kai Ziwei, Frenchman Joshua, and Shi Zhenmei have all joined."


Selling information?

Shi Zhenmei?

Zuo Zhong thought that the Secret Service Headquarters should simply be renamed the Secret Service Headquarters Intelligence Trading Center. All the dignified webmasters of Shanghai Station have become intelligence dealers. Xu Enzeng, Xu Enzeng, you should be more careful.

 (End of this chapter)

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