Cicada Moving

Chapter 554: Open your mind

 Chapter 554: Brainstorming


The bell in the bell tower rang five times. Shen Dongxin at the fruit stall wiped the apples in his hands, glanced around with his peripheral vision, and hooked the box containing weapons to his side, raising his alertness.

It cannot be that so many suspicious people are in the hospital just to watch the excitement. The sky is starting to get dark, and the night will be the best cover for the underground party's actions. Maybe gunshots will ring out in the next second.

At this time, a man rode a bicycle full of mud and water and passed quickly on the road. There were several bamboo fishing rods tied to the crossbar of the car. He looked like a fisherman who had just returned from fishing in the suburbs.

Shen Dongxin looked at the other party's appearance and confirmed that he was not the person in the pamphlet, so he continued to work. There must be an underground party observation post nearby, and any flaws would lead to exposure.

 “Boss, buy apples.”

Not long after, Wu Chunyang walked to the fruit stall and said something, lowering his head to pick and choose, while whispering: "After the operation starts, the opponent is likely to evacuate through the back door, so we must keep an eye on it.

If there is no movement, you should leave at the usual time to close the stall. Don’t stay too long. After cleaning up, go to the surveillance point to wait for orders. You are not allowed to act without orders, let alone shoot. "

 “Okay, got it.”

Shen Dongxin understood what he meant, and replied without moving his mouth. He quickly put the apples into a mesh bag, weighed them on the steel scale, and said with a smile on his face: "It's three kilograms in total, and I charge you three cents."

 “Well, just a little bit.”

Without much communication, just like a normal customer, Wu Chunyang took out the banknotes and handed them over, turned around and left with the apple, and walked quickly in the opposite direction of Elizabeth Hospital.

The chief behind the wall of the bell tower looked at the scene in the telescope. He thought about it for a while and then stopped paying attention to it. Judging from the intelligence collected in advance and the on-site observation, the fruit stall should be fine.

However, he still kept a careful eye and wrote down the appearance of the two young men. If they met again around the mission location in the future, it would mean that there was something wrong with the identity of the other person and they were probably spies.

Moreover, they are elite personnel of the Fruit Party intelligence agency. Ordinary enemies will not behave so naturally. Even in the red team, only a few veteran team members can achieve this level of disguise.

Thinking of this, the chief shook off a piece of oilcloth and spread it on the ground. He grabbed the Arisaka 38 rifle leaning against the wall and lay on it. Then he kept twisting his body to adjust to the most comfortable shooting position.

This bell tower is entirely made of cement, and the ground is extremely rough. If there is no paving, lying down for a long time will easily leave marks on the clothes, which will be very conspicuous in the crowd.

Working in underground intelligence work in Shanghai, facing the triple encirclement and suppression by imperialism, the Cao Gang and the Kuomintang Party, details determine the safety and lives of many people. If you make a mistake, there is no chance of regret.


After handling this, he pulled the bolt and pushed it forward slightly, loaded the bullet, and unscrewed the safety at the rear of the bolt. The calibrated rifle was ready for firing.

The chief held the **** of the gun firmly between his chin and shoulder, and aimed towards the hospital through the drainage hole in the bell tower. Taking advantage of the terrain, the main entrance and the back entrance of the hospital were within the observation range.

  What is surprising is that there is no observation equipment installed on the gun. First, it is difficult to find military-grade sights on the market. Second, the mechanical sight has a better field of view, making it easier to observe the surroundings.

Furthermore, the shooting distance of this operation is less than 200 meters, which is not too difficult for a good shooter. There is no need for extra auxiliary equipment at all, and it can be easier to evacuate.

The crosshair of the Arisaka 38-type rifle turned from left to right, and finally stopped at the corner of the inpatient building of Elizabeth Hospital, where Gong Zizai's ward was. The curtains were drawn behind several windows.

This is a standard anti-assassination method. The drama played by the Guo Party is very real. If there were not those few pieces of urgent intelligence transferred from the southwest, Teko and the Red Team might really run into the trap.

The chief slowly moved his eyes away from the sight-type rear sight and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was ten minutes past five, and there were still ten minutes left before the action time. Those unrepentant traitors were about to take action.

Once they successfully eliminate Gong Zizai and are eliminated by the Secret Service Headquarters and the Secret Service, Xu Enzeng and Zuo Zhong are likely to appear. This is the burial place of these two great secret service leaders.

It is dinner time now, when the flow of people is the largest. If you create a little chaos at that time, the situation on the street will become complicated, and the assassination personnel can easily retreat.

The chief thought about the course of the action several times in his mind, took out a pistol from his pocket, loaded it and put it next to his hand, so that when danger requires close combat, he can shoot as quickly as possible.

 Everything starts from actual combat.

From a reactionary to a traitor who helped the emperor, he has carried out many assassination missions. If he wants to escape alive, there is only one secret, that is, the more prepared he is, the higher the success rate.

 How long does it take for patrols in the public concession patrol house to arrive at the scene from receiving the news? How many people are there in the first group on the scene? What weapons are equipped? What is the character and ability of the commanding personnel?

As well as how many roads leading to the city, the French Concession, and the suburbs are within one kilometer of the hospital, how many hidden places there are to hide people on the way, etc., all this information must be well known.

 It is easy to kill someone.

 It is difficult to escape after killing someone.

It is conceivable that Xu Enzeng and Zuo Zhong were shot and killed in full view of the public. The Shanghai Special Market would definitely go crazy to pursue them, and the concession authorities would be under pressure and might also be dispatched.

  Military police officers, Cao gang gangsters, foreign garrisons, patrol houses, and interrogators will be all over every corner of the city, like vicious dogs stalking their prey, identifying every suspicious person.

The chief's expression was very serious. This mission was the most dangerous since he joined the organization. Killing the two heads of the intelligence agency would be like poking two hornet's nests. But something must be done. Through these two days of understanding, combined with news from various places and internal information channels of the Kuomintang Party, the blood debts owed by Xu Enzeng and Zuo Zhong were gradually revealed.

Leaving aside the person surnamed Xu, the other party never concealed those criminal acts. How many people were killed and how many people were arrested. They wanted to have newspapers all over the world publish it in order to seek benefits from their master.

The cunning one is Zuo Zhong. This person's resume seems to have little connection with the underground party. In fact, his hands are full of blood. He is just good at hiding it and does not reveal his true face of crime.

For example, this guy once supervised the execution of two comrades in Laohuqiao Prison. For example, he killed and injured many rescue workers in Jiujiawu. All kinds of evil deeds are too numerous to list and are simply outrageous.

 Should such a person be killed?

 Must be killed.

The chief closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down. Only by keeping his mind steady can his hands be steady. He and another team member only had one chance. Today, they would sacrifice their lives as agents to honor the spirits of their comrades.

The only regret is that I couldn't get a recent photo of Zuo Zhong, but it's not a big problem. Together with Xu Enzeng, we are young and have a high status. If we grasp these three conditions, we will basically not kill the wrong person.

 Because the top management of the Secret Service Headquarters and the Secret Service are all middle-aged except for each other. This alone can help them lock in the right target. As for Xu Enzeng's photos, you can find them everywhere.

The chief has never seen an intelligence officer who loves taking photos and is so willing to be interviewed by reporters. He can easily find photos from various angles. His face is a familiar face from the Jinling newspaper.

 The time soon arrived at 5:18.

On the floor where Gong Zizai was, more than twenty insider cells pretending to be patients or family members pulled out long and short guns from their bodies or other places at the same time, and silently rushed to the ward.

This group of people all came from the Great Separation period, and have personally experienced the battle with the Beiyang warlord. To be able to climb out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​​​blood must be extraordinary, at least they are not incompetent.

 “What to do”


Police Annan at the door of the ward shouted something in half-baked Chinese. Before he finished speaking, his mind went wild. It was a real mind-opening. Blood and white objects splattered everywhere.

 “Spare your life and surrender.”

The white detective on one side threw down his weapon with a click, raised his hands and knelt down, begging for mercy, and put his head directly on the ground, for fear of seeing the face of the shooter. He was very skilled at his job.

 “Open the door.”

A masked man said something in a deep voice and waved the gun in his hand. This action was very convincing and impossible to refuse, especially when there were more than twenty guns raised.

The white detective did not stand up, but turned around in a circle with his knees as the center. If Zuo Zhong had been there, he would have exclaimed that he is a hip-hop master. After opening the door, this person rolled to the corner consciously and smoothly.

 “Hurry, hurry up.”

Perhaps the masked man didn’t want to make this matter a big deal, so he ignored the trembling fat mass, gave orders to the nearest people, and then kicked open the ward door.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Gong Zizai in the room knew that someone was coming to kill him, but he was lying on the bed like a rice dumpling. There was no thought of escape or resistance. He tried his best to say only three words.

"Do not kill me."

 “Bang bang bang”

The traitor was answered with more than a dozen merciless bullets. A large amount of blood instantly soaked the quilt, and the cotton wool inside exploded and was blown away by the wind. The masked man in the lead had a complicated look in his eyes.

He looked at Gong Zizai who was beaten into a sieve and thought for a few seconds. He turned around and made a gesture. The inside cells who implemented the elimination plan walked out of the ward without joy and ran to various exits separately.

 “Help, there’s a gun.”


 “Someone is coming quickly.”

At this time, the hospital was in a mess, and countless medical miracles were performed here. A party-state elite who was said to have been disabled on the job and had been paralyzed for several years suddenly jumped out of bed and ran away.

Doctors, nurses, patients and their family members ignored humility and grace. They pushed each other and ran out of the hospital. They stood on the busy street and shouted for help. The police whistle immediately sounded.


 (End of this chapter)

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