Cicada Moving

Chapter 568: witness

Chapter 568 Witnesses

As the saying goes, color is the steel knife that scrapes bones, and wine is the poison that penetrates the intestines. After following Hase Ryosuke for three days, Ikuta Takaki, who was holding his waist and looking pale, finally realized the profound meaning of this sentence.


He leaned back in his chair and cursed. In the past few days, he had just followed the other party and spent a lot of money drinking and drinking without finding any important clues. If he continued like this, his funds would be exhausted.

Damn it, Ryosuke Hase, doesn’t he know what tiredness is? Even the warriors of the empire can’t stand this kind of lavish life, but this man can come to the consulate the next day as if nothing happened.

 Ikuta Takaki seemed to think of the four characters "gifted", and his face became even more ugly. At this time, the last ray of sunset shone through the window on the wall clock, and the hour hand turned to the number 6 with a click.

 It’s time to get off work again.

He took a deep breath and stood up on the chair. For the empire and the locust, no matter how hard it was, it was worth it. Then he patted his trembling legs and walked out of the office resolutely.

But today’s situation is a little different. Hase Ryosuke did not act with the others. Instead, he left the Shanghai Consulate alone and drove quickly away from Hongkou.

Moreover, he changed routes, made U-turns, and stopped many times along the way. It was a standard anti-tracking action. It was not unusual for a super high school section chief to do this. Safety must be ensured when meeting off-line personnel.

Finding out that he was not going to a nightclub, Takaki Ikuta was a little bit indescribably disappointed, but at the same time he was overjoyed. Hase Ryosuke finally made a move, maybe it had something to do with the source of funds.

He carefully followed the other person to the entrance of a coffee shop, then parked the car on the side of the road, looked around to make sure there was nothing unusual, and took out a telescope to observe the movement on the other side.

 tens of meters away.

 Hase Ryosuke walked into the store, waved to John Kaiziwei, the head of the Public Concession Special Department, who had been waiting for a long time, strode to sit next to him, and greeted him warmly.

 “Hello, John.”

 “Hello, Changgu.”

John Kaiziwei said hello, looked up at him and said: "Why did you notify me of an urgent meeting? We should try to avoid meeting in public places. It is too dangerous to do so.

The situation in Shanghai has been very unstable recently. The underground party and the fruit party have killed many people. Shi was almost killed. Even the Indian patrolmen under me were killed by the Chinese, two, no, three.

I'm just afraid that these **** will go crazy and point the finger at the Intelligence Alliance. From now on, we should communicate by phone. At least within the public concession, our communications will not be monitored by anyone. "

 “Does it also include the Special Department?”

 Hase Ryosuke ordered a cup of coffee and asked a question after the waiter left. All members of the Intelligence Alliance understood that without the support of a big country, the Intelligence Alliance's business would not be possible.

The other party said that no one could monitor them, just take it as a joke. He was sure that the Concession Special Department must have a large room filled with recordings of everyone's intelligence transactions.

However, no one is a vegetarian. Joshua from France, Shi Zhenmei from the Secret Service Headquarters, including himself, also have recordings. If the British turn against each other, then everyone will go to **** together.

 After saying this, he did not wait for John Kaiziwei to explain, and said with a serious expression: "Just a little joke, I came to you just to patrol and kill people, and my subordinates found some clues.

The murderer who killed the patrol officer was probably not the agent from the Secret Service Headquarters as mentioned in the newspaper. The matter was related to one of my colleagues. I can’t say more details. I can let the witnesses introduce it to you. "

Having said this, Hase Ryosuke decisively closed his mouth, took the coffee handed by the waiter and took a sip. He glanced at a car under the streetlight outside the window, and the weak lens reflection flashed by.


Even those who have just joined the special higher education course know that when performing surveillance tasks in the dark, they cannot stay in a place with a brightness higher than the ambient light for a long time, as this can easily lead to personnel exposure.

 First, because the human eye will automatically focus on bright places, second, the light is bright and easy for the enemy to observe, and third, items on clothes or observation equipment will emit reflections, such as buttons, pens, etc.

This is the first time he has seen such a clumsy surveillance method. He really should let the fat-minded guys above take a look. This is the best candidate they selected for deputy minister of intelligence.

After thinking about it, Hase Ryosuke got up and went to the next table to get the candy box. When he sat down again, he leaned slightly towards the aisle to guide John Kaiserweiss across the table to look at him and prevent him from looking outside.

On the other side, when he heard that the person who killed the patrolman might be a Japanese, John Kaiziwei's expression did not change at all. Who the murderer was was not important in the first place. What was important was who the murderer was in the concession.

Compared with Japan, the national government is obviously weaker and easier to deal with. In addition, the firefight at Elizabeth Hospital involving Shi Zhenmei cannot be publicly investigated. It is most suitable for the Fruit Party to take the blame.

So he replied lightly: "Then please introduce Mr. Hase to the witnesses. If it is confirmed that the murderer is a member of the consulate, it will be fine for you and I to reach an agreement privately without making it public.

 Due to some unexplainable reasons, London needs us to give the Republic of China government a warning. The killing on this patrol is the best reason. This is a good thing for everyone, isn't it. "


Hase Ryosuke raised his coffee cup and nodded in agreement, saying: "The witness will be here soon, John. The other person is related to the important plan of the Special High School. Don't do it unless necessary. Once something happens to this person, I will not be able to contact the consulate." I told the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that you don’t want to lose a good business partner. You can communicate privately later and I will wait at the door.

 Don’t worry, I will let him keep his mouth shut. No one will ever know the truth. Maybe the British Empire and the Japanese Empire have a chance to cooperate and put pressure on the National Government. "

John Kaiziwei did not hesitate and replied happily: "My friend, thank you for the information you provided. I will never cause you any trouble. I swear on the name of the Kaiziwei family.

 After the meeting, you can leave directly with the witness, and the reward will be credited to your secret account in Citibank before tomorrow night. If you have such information in the future, please be sure to give priority to transactions with us. "

Hearing that there was money to be paid, Hase Ryosuke's stern face showed a smile: "It depends on the specific remuneration. You know, the money does not belong to me alone. I must satisfy everyone."

"no problem."

John Kai shrugged his shoulders. The Intelligence Alliance was gathering for money and had nothing to do with doctrine or belief. Since it was selling something, it was natural to sell it at a good price.

 The two chatted for a while and exchanged some basic information to prevent everyone from flooding the Dragon King Temple and causing unnecessary losses. This is a normal thing in the international intelligence community.

 “Ding bell~”

More than half an hour later, the door of the coffee shop was opened. The copper bell on the door made a clear sound, and a middle-aged man wearing a hat and scarf walked in from the door.

When Hase Ryosuke saw the person coming, he immediately raised his hand to wave, then turned to John Kaiziwei and warned: "The witness is here, I will go to the door to smoke a cigarette first, if you have anything to ask, please ask as soon as possible. "

He drank the coffee in one gulp, took out a few bills and put them under the cup. He stood up and walked outside. When they passed by the middle-aged man, the two of them secretly exchanged a wink.

John Kaiziwei noticed this scene and knew that the Japanese were not at ease with him. He raised the corner of his mouth and smiled softly. Then he carefully looked at the witnesses who had already sat down and asked.

 “Hello, what’s your name?”

 “Just call me Lao Dou.”

The middle-aged man wrapped his scarf and replied in a low voice. You could hear a foreign accent. This is very common in Shanghai. The broker does not necessarily need to be a local, as long as he is well-informed.

This man was slightly obese and was wearing a half-worn Chinese robe. The small eyes under the brim of the hat glanced around the store. His hands on the table were tightly clasped together, looking very nervous.

 “Relax, Mr. Bean.”

John Kai Ziwei comforted the other party after seeing the situation, ordered him a cup of coffee and then talked about business: "Mr. Hase said you know who the murderer was, do you have any evidence?

Since the incident occurred, countless people have called the police station, claiming to have absolutely reliable information to provide, but according to our investigation, none of this information is valid. "

Facing doubts, Lao Dou became anxious: "I'm not your patrol officer, so where can I get the evidence? That night I returned to my home in the French Concession from my apartment, and when I walked near the alley, I noticed someone fighting.

So I hid in the corner and watched, and saw one man kill the patrolman with just a few moves. There happened to be moonlight at that time, and I found that the man was Takaki Ikuta, an official from the Japanese consulate whom I had met once. "

 Takaki Ikuta?

John Kaiser frowned. Isn't this his opponent competing with Hase Ryosuke for the position of Deputy Minister of Intelligence? Could it be that that guy wants to use his own hands to eradicate political enemies? This is a bit too much.

His expression slowly turned cold, he crossed his arms and said sarcastically: "Mr. Dou, did someone ask you to tell me this? I advise you not to waste any more time. Please leave. You are not welcome here."

 “Let me put it this way?”

Lao Dou was stunned when he heard this, his eyes full of confusion: "Mr. Kai Ziwei, no one asked me to say this. I did see the other party with my own eyes. At that time, Ikuta Takaki was carrying a long suitcase.

 After killing the person, he quickly left the scene with the box. When I got home, I immediately reported it to Section Chief Hase. Section Chief Hase told me not to act rashly until he notified me to come here today. "

 Long suitcase.

John Kaiziwei's eyes lit up. The patrol room recovered two rifle bullets from the car outside Elizabeth Hospital. After identification, they were determined to be Japanese Arisaka-type rifle bullets.

This news is currently top secret and it is impossible for the outside world to know. From this point of view, Lao Dou’s words are very credible. The suitcase may contain a rifle. Is the murderer really Ikuta Takaki?

I’ve sorted it out and will be back to normal tomorrow and the day after tomorrow with 2 updates. There will be different spy stories in 1935 and 36. I can’t say they are exciting, but no one seems to have written them yet.



 (End of this chapter)

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