Cicada Moving

Chapter 574: That night...

 Chapter 574 That Night.

(The two chapters yesterday were revised. Press and hold the chapter name to re-download. There are many more words. Those who read it early in the morning should not be charged extra.)


On the night that Zuo Zhong and Gu Qi were discussing, several gunshots rang out in a remote area on the outskirts of Shanghai. People from the patrol room received the alarm and went to investigate, but only found a few wheel marks.

 An experienced inspector surveyed the scene and determined that this was a case of poaching of wintering migratory birds. He publicly stated that the public concession would not tolerate such a bad behavior of hunting precious animals.

This move aroused applause from the public opinion circles, and a wise man from the Republic of China even wrote about it and specially sent a mahogany plaque of "Natural Guardian" to praise the effective work of the patrol room.

 A few days later.

 Hase Ryosuke walked out of a splendid French villa, looked up at the sunny sky, and couldn't help but admire what a beautiful day it was. Such good weather was rare in Shanghai in winter.

 He ​​walked to the side of the road with a smile on his face. A black Buick Model 60 sedan was shining in the sun. It was the latest American technology and the first choice car for wealthy people in Shanghai to show off when going out.

With a price of up to NT$10,000, it brings ultimate enjoyment to drivers. The spacious interior space, Motorola car radio, and heater all highlight its uniqueness.


Hase Ryosuke walked to the car and found a piece of dust falling on the car. He quickly lowered his head and breathed a sigh of relief. He took out his handkerchief and wiped it again and again until the paint on the car became spotless. Then he got on the car with satisfaction.

  Skillfully put the ignition into gear, released the brake, and drove away from this high-end residential area. He kept nodding to the well-dressed neighbors on the road, looking like he was peacefully passing by.

The people who live here are either diplomats from various countries, or luxury figures such as business executives and bankers. They are not short of money and time, and they are always so polite in life.

Of course, politeness is only for people of the same class. If the Republic of China policemen of later generations had arrived here, they would have been beaten up by the patrolling red-headed Asan and thrown into the patrol room.

 Money is such a good thing.

 A commoner from the countryside can live such a superior life, what else is there to pursue? If the empire and the Locust cannot provide it, then he has to fight and fight for it on his own.

 Hase Ryosuke rolled down the car window halfway, feeling the wind blowing on his face, and drove along the road towards the Shanghai Consulate. When passing a traffic light, the car slowly stopped.

A telephone pole stands on a busy street, with an advertisement for alabaster plaster posted on it. Someone has torn off a large piece of it in the upper right corner, making it look a bit dilapidated.

  When he noticed this scene with his peripheral vision, the pupils in his eyes shrank for an instant, then he looked at the watch on his wrist, and immediately turned the steering wheel and turned into a small street full of breakfast stalls.

 Half an hour later.

Gucci, whose pseudonym is Lao Dou, held up his hat and quickly walked out of the door of a hotel. He lowered his head and walked around in the noisy crowd. He soon disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

Not long after, Hase Ryosuke got into the car carrying a tennis bag. He carefully observed the surrounding movement to make sure that no one was paying attention. He hid his right hand under his body and secretly opened a note.

 “Start the second step.”

Looking at the order and the heavy tennis bag, he thought for a moment, put the note into his mouth and chewed it, then returned to the consulate office without stopping and began to perfect the plan in his mind.


This thought came about when it was time to get off work in the evening. Hase Ryosuke carried a tennis bag, walked to an iron fence, and shouted loudly to the staff who were busy in the room.

 “Xiaoye, open the door quickly.”

 “Hai, Section Chief Changgu.”

The staff heard the sound and looked around, and found that the person who came was Hase Ryosuke. He hurried to the door and bent down to open it. He said respectfully: "I didn't know you were coming. I didn't clean the gun room. It's really rude."

“Haha, Mr. Ono, don’t be polite. We are both students from Tongwen School. During working hours, we are on the same level as subordinates. After work, we are just ordinary friends. We should get closer and closer in our free time.”

 Hase Ryosuke walked into the room, waved his hands grandly, glanced at the half-open gun cabinet and said: "Besides, I came here this time because I want to ask you, a famous firearms expert from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to help me with something."

 “Please tell me.”

The man who calls himself Ono doesn't dare to make excuses. Just listen to such polite words and don't take them seriously. There are not 10,000 but 8,000 graduates from the Tongwen Library. In the agency, official positions are still the priority.

“The Type 94 semi-automatic boxing gun just issued by the Special High School has a very low hit rate in action shooting, which is very unfriendly to those of us who perform duties on the front line.”

As he spoke, Ryousuke Hase pulled out a strange-looking pistol from his waist and explained with a dark face: "This thing can't aim at the enemy at all. It's completely up to luck if it's more than ten meters away. Please help me take a look."

Ono smiled bitterly when he heard this. He was a gunsmith who was not qualified to comment on the masterpiece of the southern master. He had no choice but to pick up the pistol and unload the chamber. He studied it for a while and then raised his head.

He said with a somewhat uncertain tone: "Chief Hase, this gun was originally planned to use phenolic plastic as the grip, but when it entered the production process, it was replaced by wood in order to reduce costs. The personnel's shooting concentration and arm holding ability are reduced, so it is difficult to aim at the target, and the only solution is to strengthen physical training. "


 Hase Ryosuke secretly cursed that old **** Nanbu Kijiro. For a weapon, other properties are secondary. If it cannot aim accurately, there is no need to exist.

Ever since the Taisho 14th-year-old fist gun, none of the firearms developed by the opponent has been reliable. No wonder the army horses would rather fight with samurai swords than go to the battlefield with pistols.

He suppressed his anger and took back the gun, deciding to buy a Browning when he went back. Then he changed the subject and said, "Ono-kun, to thank you for your help, how about we go to a nightclub together tonight."

"Is this ok?"

Ono swallowed his saliva and asked with a hint of expectation. He had long heard that Changgu was generous and the best place to go out for food, drink and fun. However, he was just a small employee and had never been there.

As a result, Hase Ryosuke laughed proudly and patted the other party on the shoulder: "I told you not to be so polite. Just wait. I'll call the store and ask them to prepare the beauty and wine.

There have been a few Izu dancers there recently. They have very good looks and figures. They will definitely not disappoint you. When a man walks in the world, he should dare to love and hate, and don't be timid, hahaha. "


  Ono stopped being polite, nodded with a blushing face, and humbly led the other person to the phone. He stood aside and fantasized about a life of extravagance and wealth, and raised his hand to wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

 Hase Ryosuke smiled slightly, knowing that someone was about to get into trouble again. The trick of using wine, sex, and wealth to win over people was a tried and tested method. The next second he had to call a number and exchange a few words with the other party.

“Moxi Moxi, this is Chang Gu, please book a private room for me in the restaurant and get the girls ready. I am going to entertain a good friend tonight, and I must do it according to the best standards.”

Then he didn’t know what the other party said, but his eyes lit up as he listened, and finally he said excitedly: “Nani, you said you discovered the underground party members, okay, I’ll write down the address.”

After speaking, Ryosuke Hase held the phone and took out the key and handed it to Ono, who was in a daze: "Ono-kun, please go to my office immediately and bring over the work notes on the desk. The one with the red cover is the one.

This matter involves an important case, and the relevant information can only be recorded in special documents. If anyone blocks it, just say it is my order and ask them to protect you. Please. "

Ono, who was eager to please him, did not hesitate, turned around and ran out. The gun room was not a file room, and guns and ammunition did not need to be kept confidential. Besides, how could a special senior section chief steal a gun?

 But the truth is exactly the opposite.

Lyosuke Hase listened to Ono running away, quickly walked to the gun cabinet, put on his gloves and took out a Type 38 rifle, quickly dismantled it into a pile of parts, and opened the tennis bag at his feet.

I saw a gun barrel lying sideways in the bag. He took out the gun barrel with a nervous look on his face, replaced the original barrel, restored the gun to its original shape as quickly as possible, and recovered the replaced barrel.

"Da da da"

At this moment, rapid footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and they were getting closer and closer. While judging the distance, Hase Ryosuke calmly closed the tennis bag and checked whether there were any traces left.

Everyone in the Shanghai Consulate has received more or less intelligence training. They must pay attention to the opening and closing angle of the gun cabinet door and the subtle order of placing items. A slight oversight will lead to the failure of the plan.

 “Chief Hase, work notes.”

Ten seconds later, Ono rushed into the firearms room with the special agents from the Special High School Division. The division chief stood calmly by the phone, waved to them, and said with a smile.

 “Yoshi, you go out first.”

 After giving the order, he took the notebook, held the microphone between his head and shoulder, and carefully recorded the information. Everyone present turned around and left, not realizing that there was anything wrong with this matter.

Everyone knows that Section Chief Hase is cautious and meticulous in his work. They secretly guess that this must be a major case, otherwise this imperial intelligence hero would not be so careful.

Only the one named Ono looked strange, not because he noticed something was wrong, but because he was worried that the other party had official business to deal with, and he would not be able to see the feasting and feasting of Shili Foreign Market tonight.

This was obviously too much to worry about. Hase Ryosuke never joked during the party, so he hung up the phone and took him, as well as the special agents he called, to the nightclub.

This night, I will never return unless I get drunk.

This night, there was an undercurrent.

①In 1930, the Galvin Company in the United States launched the car radio installation business for the first time. The radio brand was the famous Motorola, and the price was US$130. Compared with a Ford Model A sedan that only cost US$540 at the time, this price was astronomical.



 (End of this chapter)

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