Cicada Moving

Chapter 580: Be strict with oneself

Chapter 580: Be strict with yourself

 Hase Ryosuke watched Zuo Shige go away, put down the wine glass in his hand, and drunkenly said to Iwai: "Iwai-kun, I'm going to the toilet. If you need anything, please tell the waiter."

 “Yo Xi, Xi Xi.”

Iwai was currently lying in the arms of the woman accompanying him. He raised his head when he heard the sound, waved his hand with blood-red eyes, muttered a few words in reply, and then plunged into the unfathomable land of tenderness.

Other Japanese spies stood up and bowed down to greet Mr. Section Chief. Why should they, who are just eating and drinking, be more polite to the benefactor? This is not a shabby matter, and others are not qualified to follow him.

 Hase Ryosuke smiled and nodded to everyone, and walked towards the toilet with three unsteady steps. After entering the corridor, he stood vigilantly in the corner and checked whether there was any follower behind him.

 Zuo Zhong folded his arms and leaned against the wall, looking at him and shaking his head: "Okay, Chang Gu, don't be so sneaky. Isn't it normal for you to meet someone you know in a nightclub?

I came here just to say a few words to you. You can continue to enjoy yourself later. Remember to build a good relationship with Iwai. This person is serving as the intelligence minister of the consulate at such a young age. He must have connections with the higher-ups.

Your development will not be small if you follow him. The higher your position, the higher the level of intelligence you are exposed to, the more benefits you will get. If you need special funds, you can contact me. This small amount of money is worth spending. "

 “Thank you Okamoto-kun, the money will be unnecessary.”

 Hase Ryosuke tugged on his tie and said generously: "The business at the Intelligence Alliance is going very smoothly. The money earned is enough for me to make Iwai happy. Do you have anything to tell me when you come here?"

 “Well, the third step can be started.”

Zuo Zhong lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and said quietly: "You must find a good excuse. The British and the people in your consulate are not fools. After what happens, it is likely to affect you."

You know, in our line of work, you don’t need evidence to suspect a person. I don’t want to see news reports of your execution in the newspapers. Be careful and give up if you can’t do anything. "

He didn't want to put too much pressure on the other party. The Secret Service had placed a heavy bet on this guy. It would be a pity if something happened before the war. It would take a few more years to recoup the money spent.

"okay, I get it."

Hase Ryosuke didn’t know what Zuoshige was thinking, so he said something and walked out holding on to his waistband. Not long after, women’s screams and laughter came from outside. It seemed that Mr. Super High School Section Chief was very popular.

Standing there and thinking for a while, Zuo Zhong turned around and returned to his seat. He drank whiskey in the noisy nightclub and watched all kinds of guests coming and going. He got up and left before dawn.

 That afternoon.

 Hase Ryosuke yawned and entered the office of Intelligence Minister Iwai. He threw a cigar to his immediate boss, sat down on the stool in front of his desk, and said lazily.

“Iwai-kun, has there been no news from Tokyo yet? How can the appointment of a deputy intelligence minister be so difficult? Don’t those big shots have other things to do? It’s really ridiculous.

 The empire and its people support them, not for them to compete for power and profit. Seeing Ikuta Takaki's disgusting look of winning, I wanted to shoot that **** to death. "

 “Hahaha, you.”

Iwai, who had a pair of dark circles under his eyes, smiled, cut open the wrapper, lit the lighter, and advised: "Don't be impatient, the factional struggle will not be decided in a day or two, you have to be patient.

As for shooting, let’s not talk about it. The Matsumoto family is very influential in Tokyo. Even His Majesty Tian Locust has to consider the other party’s opinions. If this matter spreads, it will easily attract criticism. "

Of course, Iwai is willing to let Hase Gu serve as his deputy. Apart from the reason of being in the same faction, the boss will not like a subordinate who is generous in spending money, has good abilities and is not competitive.

Unlike that Ikuta Takaki, who relied on the Matsumoto family's backing, he didn't pay attention to anyone in the consulate except the consul, and he was not willing to pay even a yen when he went out to parties.

If this kind of person did not have a profound background, he would have been sent to Jinling long ago and dealt with by the Chinese. Anyway, there were many imperial spies who died in the capital of the Republic of China, and there was no shortage of this one.


Hase Ryosuke cursed in a low voice, then rolled his eyes and leaned forward and said: "Iwai-kun, you can't kill Ikuta Takaki, you can always teach him a lesson, otherwise I won't be able to swallow this breath.

People in the consulate are now saying that you and I will be driven away by each other sooner or later. If this continues, it doesn't matter that I am a small super high school section chief. I am afraid that it will affect your prestige.

Furthermore, I went to see John Kaiziwei some time ago, and Ikuta Takaki and his followers secretly followed me. If he knew about the intelligence alliance, the two of us would be in big trouble. "


Iwai, who was originally lying on the chair, sat up when he heard this and asked with a serious face: "Mr. Hase, you can't joke about this kind of thing. Do you have any conclusive evidence for saying this?

I know that you have great conflicts, but you must not frame them. The higher-ups will not allow it. Consul Shizhu Shetaro will not allow it, and I will not allow it either. Do you understand what I mean? "

"Of course I understand that once the cooperation with the Intelligence Alliance is exposed, I will not end well myself. How can I get burned? Iwai-kun, please believe me, what I tell is the truth." Hase Ryosuke pretended to smile bitterly, and pulled out of his pocket. He took out a piece of paper and handed it over: "This is the confession of Ikuta Takaki's follower. He didn't get any benefits from following the other party, so he took the initiative to confess to me.

 The good news is that the son-in-law has not gained anything yet. He just followed me to the nightclub and took some photos. It is said that he also spent a lot of money. Do you want to report to Mr. Consul? "

 “bridge beans sack.”

 Iwai waved his hands with a cold face and said nothing. He took the confession book and read it at a glance. Soon a stern look flashed in his eyes. The content recorded on it was exactly the same as what Hase said.

  Takaki Ikuta dared to investigate a colleague without permission from his superiors. This is a taboo of the intelligence agencies. Who doesn’t have some secrets? It’s better to find out them all.

Haven't he heard a Chinese saying that the county magistrate is not as good as the current person in charge? The Matsumoto family is powerful in the local area, but this is Shanghai, and you can give face to the other party or not.

After putting down the confession, Iwai's face softened a little, and he said in a gentle tone: "I'm sorry Hase-kun, this matter is really of great importance, I have to be more cautious, please forgive me.

You said you should teach Ikuta Takaki a lesson. Please explain it carefully. He really cannot be allowed to continue the investigation so unscrupulously. In the near future, you will temporarily stop contacting John Kaiziwei. "

He thought very clearly that if Changgu was framing him, he could not get involved in this matter. On the contrary, if Ikuta endangered his own interests and safety, it would be bad for anyone.

 Let alone a mere son-in-law, even if he is a real noble, there are many gunmen in Shanghai who work with money. Five hundred yuan can buy a hand, and one thousand yuan can buy someone who is willing to kill people.

Hase Ryosuke, who was opposite, was overjoyed when he heard this. He knew that the matter was done. If he wanted to complete Fat Tiger's plan, he must find a way to convince Iwai, otherwise the old spy would definitely see the problem.

The other party stayed in various places in the Republic of China for a long time after graduating from Tongwen Academy. He has been engaged in secret intelligence work and has a keen sense of conspiracy. It is unrealistic to completely hide this person.

Changgu’s mind was racing, and he lowered his voice and spoke of the plan: “The Public Concession Patrol Room has recently been investigating migratory bird poachers. This matter has caused a big fuss in Shanghai, and many newspapers are paying attention.

If Ikuta Takaki is caught by the British because of this matter, then this guy will be in great disgrace. The Matsumoto family has no reason to cause trouble. Who asked our husband-in-law to go poaching?

More importantly, after he has been in the concession cell and then tells me about my cooperation with the Intelligence Alliance, everyone will think that he is retaliating against John Kaiser. This is the best of both worlds. "


What a great idea.

Iwai's eyes lit up. Whether it was a big deal or a small matter, it could teach the other party a profound lesson without offending the Matsumoto family too much. It could also get rid of the hidden dangers in his heart.

But there is one problem that needs to be solved, he frowned: "How to let Ikuta Takaki go hunting? Although this person has a good relationship with the military, he calls himself a scholar and rarely uses weapons.

The other party has not even participated in the shooting training within the consulate. I think we can find an opportunity to throw the prey and guns into Ikuta Takaki's car, and then let Kai Ziwei lead his men to intercept him halfway. "

 “This is a way, just.”

 Hase Ryosuke put his head next to Iwai’s ear and whispered: “Going to the gun room to receive the gun requires a signature. Without the guy’s autograph, I’m afraid it’s hard to put the blame on the other person.

Besides, when it comes to catching thieves and dirty things, I cannot catch Takaki Ikuta in action. He will not plead guilty readily. If the higher-ups get involved, there is no guarantee that Takaki Ikuta will not reveal my meeting with the British. "

 “Xinxi, you are right.”

Iwai, who noticed the loopholes in the plan, fell into thinking. After a long time, he seemed to think of something, and said to himself: "It is the duck hunting season, so it is normal for the consulate to organize a shooting competition.

As for whether someone will take the opportunity to poach migratory birds during the competition, it will be difficult to control. We are all adults and everyone must be responsible for what they do. Am I right? "

 “Yes, that’s right, Minister.”

 Hase Ryosuke looked happy, slapped the table and said righteously: "Everyone works very hard, and in order to reward everyone, you gave us a chance to relax completely out of kindness.

Who knew that someone who ignored the law and the honor of the empire and went to poach rare migratory birds was only to blame for being captured by the British. He could not blame anyone but himself for doing something wrong. "

“Yoshi, that’s very good. Then Mr. Hase, please go and make arrangements. By the way, according to the "Regulations on Firearms Management in Embassy and Consulates" issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last year, no matter who borrows weapons, they must sign and stamp them."

Iwai smoked a cigar and said meaningfully in the smoke: "When organizing a shooting competition, we must strictly implement this document. It starts with you and me. We must be strict with ourselves."


 Hase Ryosuke lowered his head and replied loudly.

 (End of this chapter)

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